Myers, Gustavus. History of the Great American Fortunes. New York: Modern Library, 1936.
Nelson, Edna Deu Pree. The California Dons. New York: Appleton-Century-Crofts, 1962.
Osborne, J. A. Williamsburg in Colonial Times. Richmond, Va.: Dietz Press, 1935.
Pearson, Edmund. “The Great Chowder Murder.” New Yorker 11 (April 6, 1935): 53–57.
Peck, David W. The Greer Case. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1955.
Pellew, George. John Jay. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1890.
Rand, Christopher. “The Iron, the Charcoal, the Woods.” New Yorker 39 (August 10, 1963): 31.
Ravenel, Mrs. St. Julien. Charleston: The Place and the People. New York: Macmillan, 1922.
Roosevelt, James. My Parents. Chicago: Playboy Press, 1976.
Stone, George Norton. “What’s Going On Here?” Hotchkiss School Alumni Magazine (Winter 1983): 9–10.
Tompkins, Walker A. Santa Barbara’s Royal Rancho. Berkeley, Calif.: Howell-North Press, 1960.
Townsend, Reginald T. Mother of Clubs. New York: Union Club, 1936.
Trager, James. The People’s Chronology. New York: Holt, Rinehart & Winston, 1979.
Van Rensselaer, Mrs. John King. The Social Ladder. New York: Henry Holt, 1924.
Waller, Kim, and Cullen, Bernice Pons. “California’s Land Grant Aristocracy.” Town & Country 139 (December 1985): 139–232.
Wertenbaker, Lael Tucker, and Basserman, Maude. The Hotchkiss School, A Portrait. Lakeville, Conn.: Hotchkiss, 1966.
Wright, Louis B. The First Gentlemen of Virginia. San Marino, Calif.: Henry E. Huntington Library and Art Gallery, 1940.
Adams, Henry, 248
Adams, James Truslow, 160–61
Adams, John, 22
Adams, John Quincy, 9
Adams, Nabby, 57–58
Addison, Mrs. Francis Girault, III, 166
Age of Innocence, The (Wharton), 217, 219
Aldrich, Richard Chanler, 278–79
Aldrich, Winthrop, 310
Alexander, William, 49
Alsop, John, 64, 65
Alsop, Joseph, III, 64
Alsop, Joseph Wright, I, 64
Alsop, Mary, 66
Alsop, Stewart Johonnot Oliver, 64–65
Alsop family, 64–68
American Colonization Society, 142
America’s 60 Families (Lundberg), 12–13
Amestoy, Mrs. Michel François, II, 180
Amory, Cleveland, 141
importance of, 10–11, 14, 161
invented, 256–62
Andrews, Charles, M., 157
Areman, Scott, 320
Aristocracy. See also individual cities
characteristics of, 112
criticism of, 227–28
eccentricities of, 131–32
expectations of, 264–65
perceived need for, 111–12
predicted demise of, 125
secret, 161
Armstrong, Margaret Rebecca, 119
Arno, Peter, 242
Ashdoor, Heinrich, 116
Assembly, The, 219–20
Astor, Helen, 133
Astor, John Jacob, 115–22
described, 60, 115–16, 118
marries, 116
real estate dealings, 117
Astor, John Jacob, Jr., 119
Astor, Sarah Todd, 116
Astor, Mrs. William, 12
Astor, William Backhouse, 119
Astor family, 13
Auchincloss, Annie Burr, 253–54
Auchincloss, Hugh D., 257
Auchincloss, Louis, 13, 242
Auchincloss family, 258
Bacon, Nathaniel, 91–92
Bacon’s Rebellion, 92
Ballooning, 55
Baltzell, E. Digby, 146, 305–06
Bank of New York, 78
Barrett, Dr. Jan de la Guerra y Noriega, 183
Battle of Bloody Run, 92
Bayard, Anna Maria, 38
Beard, Charles A., 145, 227–28
Beard, Timothy F., 11
Beebe, Lucius, 218
Beekman, Colonel Henry, 88
Beekman, Margaret, 88
Belmont, August, 216–20
Belmont, Frances, 286
Benson, Egbert, 19
Berkeley, Sir William, 91, 92–93
Bermuda Hundred, 91, 93
Billings, C. K. G., 233, 234
Boarding schools. See Prep schools
Boarding-school stammer, 6
Bohemian Club, 213–14
Boston aristocracy, 9, 139–44, 147
Brahmins, 139–43, 292
Boston Tea Party, 20
Bouncers, 114
Bouvier, John V., 257
Bradford, Governor William, 155
Bradley-Martin, Mr. and Mrs., 235
Brady, George T., Jr., 200–02
Breasted, Martha Ferguson, 316–18
Breeding. See also Class
defined, 14, 78–79
importance of, 315–16
Breeze, James L., 128
Bridlespur Hunt Club, 173–77
British class system, 6–12
Brook Club, 209
Brown, Anne Kinsolving, 292–96
Brown, Chad, 292
Brown, J. Carter, III, 91, 211, 292, 294, 295–97, 302
Brown, John, 292
Brown, John Carter, 293, 297
Brown, John Nicholas, 292–95, 297
Brown, Moses, 292
Brown, Nannie, 49–51
Brown, Nicholas, 292
Brown, Nicholas, II, 293
Brown family, 292–94
Brown University, 292, 293, 294
Burr, Aaron, 22, 56, 96, 117
Busch, August Anheuser, Jr., 169, 172
Busch family, 169
Byrd family, 159–60
Cabot family, 139
Cabrillo, Juan Rodriguez, 182
Cafe Society, 16
California aristocracy, 178–202
Californios, 180
Camarillo de Jones, Doña Carmen, 198
Camarillo family, 197–98
Cannibalism, 161
Carnegie, Andrew, 231, 263
Carrillo, José Roberto, 181
Carrillo, Maria Antonia Victoria, 181
Carrillo, Pedro, 191
Cassatt, A. J., 107, 108
Cavalieri, Lina, 281
Cave Dwellers, 162–66
Century Association, 213
Chanler, Elizabeth, 274–77
Chanler, John Armstrong, 278, 280–81
Chanler, Robert Winthrop, 281
Chanler, William Astor, 274, 277, 278
Chapin, Schuyler G., 211
Chapman, Chanler, 279–80, 281–82
Chapman, Eleanor Jay, 265, 267
Chapman, Elizabeth Chanler, 274–77
Chapman, Henry, 265
Chapman, John Jay, 265–77
Chapman, John Jay, II, 279–80
Chapman, Minna Timmins, 269–74
Chapman, Olivia James, 279
Charles II, king of England, 34
Charleston aristocracy, 146–54
Charleston: The Place and the People (Ravenel), 152
Chicago aristocracies, 168
Chilton Club, 141
Choate–Rosemary Hall School, 5
Chouteau, Auguste, 170
Chouteau, Pierre, 170
Chrylser, Walter, 242
Cinicnnati aristocracy, 168, 169
Claggett, Bishop Thomas John, 164
Class, 3–5, 315–16. See also Breeding
Clermont, 86
Clermont State Historic Site, 308–09
Cleveland aristocracy, 168
Clinton, Sir Henry, 70, 71
Coit, Rev. Dr. Henry Augustus, 268
Cole, Corinne Douglas Robinson Alsop, 67
Colleges, designations for, 5
Coming-out parties, 234–35
Lode, 179
Conger, Clement E., 166
Congress of Charros, 196
Conspicuous consumption, 227, 233
Cooper, Dr. Myles, 42
Cortlandt Manor, 31
Crocker, Charles, 179
Cruger, Mrs. Douglas, 113
Dale, Harriet Livingston Fulton, 26–27
Dallas aristocracies, 16
Deer hunting, 8–9
de la Guerra, Don José, 183
Delano, Laura, 128, 133–34
Delano, Sara, 128, 132
Den, Don Nicholas, 183–89, 194
Den, Doña Rosa de, 183–89, 192
De Young family, 199
Dogs, popularity of, 8
Dominguez, Don Juan José, 183, 197
Dominguez, Manuel, 197
Douglas, Justice William O., 162
Douglas, Mrs. William, 113
Duane, James, 19
Eckenrode, H. J., 93
Economic Interpretation of the Constitution (Beard), 227, 228
Ellet, Elizabeth, 123–25, 283
Ethel Walker School, The, 5
Etiquette, 112
Fair, James Graham, 178–79
Family, 13. See also Marriage colonial, 82
networks through marriage, 24
Farr, Mrs. William S., 163, 164
Fashion, 7, 112, 140–41
Fathers of New England, The (Andrews), 157
Fauchet, Joseph, 95
Fay School, 290–91
Field, Marshall, 168
First Gentlemen of Virginia, The (Wright), 160
Fish, Mrs. Hamilton, 226
Fish, Mrs. Stuyvesant, 233
Fish House, 209, 211–12
Flood, James C. (“Big Jim”), 178–79
Flood family, 178, 199
Florsheim family, 169
Forgan, Russell, 176
Forkingham, Lord, of Duncington, 176
Fortune, 239–40
Four Hundred, The, 12
Foxcroft School, The, 5
Fox hunting, 8, 172–73
Frankenheimer, John, 242
Fulton, Robert, 26, 120–22
Gage, General Thomas, 42
Gallatin, Albert, 117
Gallatin, Albert Eugene, 118
Gardiner, Henry, 242
Gardiner, Robert David Lion, 8–9, 13
Gardner, Isabella Stewart, 141, 158–59
Gardner, William Armory, 246
General Society of Mayflower Descendants, 155–59
Goelet, Robert G., 210–11
Golf, 173
Gospel of wealth, 231
Gould, George Jay, 234
Grant’s Farm, 174
Green Book, The, 162
Greer, Louis Morris, 259
Greer, Mabel Seymour, 259–62
Groton, 243–48
Guillotin, Joseph Ignace, 60
Hagner, Helen Ray, 162
Hall, Anna, 128, 129–31
Hall, Gordon (Dawn Pepita) Langley, 148–51
Hall, Valentine, Jr., 127–28
Hall, Valentine, III, 128
Hamilton, Alexander, 10, 21, 56, 78
Hamilton, Mrs. Alexander, 51
Hamilton Grange, 76
Hammons, Katherine Den Cheney, 187
Harbour Court, 296, 301
Harriman, Edward H., 236, 302
Harriman, Kathleen, 302
Harriman, Mary, 236–38
Harvard College, 9, 140
Hays, Jacob, 121–22
Heckscher, August, 211
Henderson, Natalie, 236–38
Hereditary societies, 198–99n
Hill, Rosa Antonia, 184
Hoban, James, 112
Homans, Abigail Adams, 142
Hone, Philip, 125
Hopkins, Mark, 179
Horses, popularity of, 8
Hotchkiss, Benjamin Berkeley, 249
Hotchkiss, Maria Bissell, 249
Hotchkiss School, The, 5, 248–53
Howardon, Mary, 86
Howe, Lord Richard, 73
Howland, Rebecca, 132
Hull, John, 33
Hunting, 8–9, 172–74
Huntington, Collis P., 179
Hutton, William, 242
Hyde, James Hazen, 235–36
Ijams, Mrs. J. Horton, 264
Ijams family, 264
Ingersoll, Anna Warren, 145, 146
Ingersoll, Jared, Jr., 145
Ingersoll family, 145–46
Irvine, James, 195
Iselin, Arthur, 306–07
Iselin, C. Oliver, 307
Iselin, Eleanor Jay, 305–08, 312–13
Iselin, John Jay, 91, 211, 214–15, 311
Iselin, William Jay, 304, 306
Isham, Henry Royall, 91, 92
Jackson, Andrew, 9
Jacobo, 184–85
James, Olivia, 279
Jamestown (Virginia), 91–92, 159–60
Jay, Augustus, 37–38
Jay, John, 10, 37–45, 265
career, 41–43, 44, 52–55
described, 21–22
education, 39–40
marriage, 18–24, 43, 58–59
named Chief Justice, 61
politics, 40–41, 43–44
Robert R. Livingston, Jr., and, 19–20, 22
Jay, Mary, 39
Jay, Peter, 38–39, 41
Jay, Pierre, 37
Jay, Sarah Livingston, 38, 44–45, 265–66
described, 22
entertaining by, 56–58, 64–65
in Europe, 52–57
marriage to John Jay, 18–24, 43
Jay family
Livingston family and, 311–12
political philosophy of, 40–41
slavery and, 41
Jay Farm, 265–66, 304, 306–08
Jay Homestead, 304–05
Jay’s Treaty, 75
Jefferson, Martha, 101
Jefferson, Thomas, 10, 62, 100–01, 112
Junior League, 236–38
Kahn, Otto, 235
Kennedy, Jacqueline Bouvier, 256–58
Kennedy, John F., 240, 241
Kennedy, Moorhead, 10–11
Kidd, Captain William, 84–85
King, Mary Alsop, 66–67, 68
King, Rufus, 66
Kissam, Benjamin, 43
Knickerbocker Club, 209
Knowles, Gorham, 178
Knox, Seymour H., 242
Kortright, Elizabeth, 51
Language, aristocratic, 3–4, 6
Lawrence, Ann, 70–71
Lawrence, Effingham, 75
Lawrence, Hannah, 71–72
Lawrence, John, 70–71
Lawrence, John B., 75
Lawrence, Sir Robert, 70
Lawrence, William, 70–71
Lee, Ivy Ledbetter, 228–32, 263, 315
Lee, James, 229
Lee, Janet, 257
Lee family, 159
Legal profession, 41–42
Legaré, Mrs. Sidney Kent, 164–65
Lehman, Robert, 242
Leland, Jack, 149, 150
Lenox, James, 218
Levy, Uriah Phillips, 101
Lewis, Annie Burr, 253–54
Lewis, Wilmarth S., 253–55
Liberty Hall, 23–24
Lindley, Denver, 242
Lindsay, John V., 241–12
Links Club, 209–10
Livingston, Alida Schuyler Van Rensselaer, 35–36, 81
Livingston, Edward, 97, 121
Liningston, Gilbert, 81, 82
Livingston, Goodhue, 10–11, 16, 91
Livingston, Harriet, 26
Livingston, Henry H., 28–30, 309–10
Livingston, Johannes (John), 81
Livingston, John, 28
Livingston, Maria, 28
Livingston, Peter Van Brugh, 87
Livingston, Mrs. Peter Van Brugh, 29–30
Livingston, Philip, 81–87
Livingston, Philip, Jr., 87–88
Livingston, Robert, 31, 32–36, 80–81, 91
Captain Kidd scandal, 84–85
Livingston, Robert, Jr. (Robert of Clermont), 81–89
Livingston, Robert Linlithgow, Jr., 91
Livingston, Robert R., Jr., 86–88
John Jay and, 19–20, 22
Robert Fulton and, 26, 120–21
Louisiana Purchase caper, 120n
Livingston, Sarah, 25–26
Livingston, Sarah Van Brugh. See Jay, Sarah Livingston
Livingston, William, 19, 87, 88
Livingston Code, 97
Livingston family, 15, 40, 103
accomplishments of, 90–91
family disputes, 80–89
Jay family and, 311
reunion, 308–11
Livingston Manor, 28–30, 36, 80–81
Lodge, Henry Cabot, 248
Longworth, Alice Roosevelt, 134–36
Lord, J. Couper, 224
Lowell, Percival, 270–71
Lundberg, Ferdinand, 12–13
McAllister, Ward, 12
McCormick, Cyrus, 168
McCormick, Edith Rockefeller, 284
McCosh, James, 230
Mackay, John William, 178–79
McVitty, Honoria Livingston, 29
Mallon, Isabel A., 112
Manigault, Peter, 150
Manigault family, 153–54
Manners, 4–5. See also Etiquette
Manorial system, 30–31
Marie Antoinette, 54, 55, 60
Marriage. See also Family
family networks and, 24–25
obedient role of wife in, 58–59
partners of different status, 50
Marshall, Louis, 231
Martin, Frederick Townsend, 235
Mayflower Descendants, 155–59
Mellon, Henry, 224
Men’s clubs, 208–10. See also individual clubs
Metropolitan Club, 208
Miss Porter’s School, 5, 254
Mitchell, Charles E., 288
Mitchell, Craig K. J., 288–91
Money trust, 228
Monroe, James, 50, 51
Montgomery aristocracy, 166
Monticello, 101
Moot, The, 19
Morgan, J. Pierpoint, 206–10, 228
Groton and, 243–44, 248
Morgan, Junius Spencer, 207
Morris, Anthony, 106–07
Morris, Benjamin P., Jr., 105, 108
Morris, Bingham, 257
Morris, Gouverneur, 99, 104–05, 106
Morris, Jacob Wolcott, 105, 109
Morris, Lewis (first), 31, 103
Morris, Lewis (grandson of Morris the Signer), 224
Morris, Lewis (Morris the Signer), 104
Morris, Lewis (nephew of first), 103
Morris, Robert, 105–06
Morrisania, 31, 103, 104, 110
Morris families
New York, 103–05, 107, 108–10
Philadelphia, 106–09
three families, 105–09
Mortimer, Stanley G., 302–03
Morton, Quincey, 49
Moustier, Count de, 57
Murray, Buela, 73
Murray, Jean Shaw, 162
Murray family, 73
Nesbit, Evelyn, 285
America's Secret Aristocracy Page 39