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Beta Page 1

by Edugardo Gilbert X

  I tapped my finger on the flimsy wood desk as my professor droned on about something regarding physics. I swear physics was created by the devil. I had been a straight A student through my high school and college careers and physics was the first class I received a B in. Needless to say, I was mortified. I couldn't believe I had received a B but there it was, clear as day, a permanent mark on my once perfect record. I couldn't figure out why physics had ruined me because really, in the scheme of things, it wasn't that hard. I think it's having to derive my own equations and make shit up that got me. I can follow an equation that's given to me but once I'm asked to create my own, I'm lost. How the hell does one just magically come up with their own equation and it's just magically right?

  Finally, he ended lecture and I packed my things up, heading for the door without ever looking over my shoulder.

  "Elizabeth?" My professor called.

  I cringed, just wanting to leave, "Yes?"

  "Do you have a minute? I just wanted to discuss your last test."


  "Of course. Was it bad?"

  "Oh, no. Quite the opposite, actually. You were the only one to receive an A."

  THANK GOD. I had stayed locked in my apartment with almost no contact, werewolf or human, and studied for weeks.

  "Really?" I asked with a light smile.

  He nodded, "Keep turning in work like this and your A is guaranteed."

  My smile widened a bit as I nodded in acceptance, "Thanks."

  He started to walk away, silently dismissing me so I hurried off home.


  I didn't necessarily mind living in pack territory but I hated being around all the unmated men. They were constantly trying to date any available female which, I was unfortunate enough to be part of. Finding a true mate these days was rare because of the sheer size of the world population so most had resorted to finding someone they love enough to marry. Once every five years the royals held a gathering of all packs to make it easier to find one's mate but it was really meant for older weres that were holding out for their mate to come along. I was only twenty two so I wasn't really eligible to go to the gatherings. I mean, I could have gone if I wanted but I wasn't ranked and I wasn't older so I really had no business there. Alphas and Betas often went because it was frowned upon if they didn't find their true mate. I didn't have any sort of valuable bloodline, thank God.

  I tossed my backpack on the small microfiber couch in my living room and headed back to my room to change. I loved running every day after school and before I started my homework; it was a release from the monotony of my day.

  Grabbing my phone, I shoved in my earbuds and went out the front door. I couldn't have asked for more beautiful weather to jog in; the air was crisp and slightly overcast, I could feel the moisture from an impending rain. I loved the rain and the cold. I loved curling up on the couch with a Disney movie and a mug of hot tea. However, as long as I was in school, I would never have a day like that to myself. I really shouldn't even allow for the few miles I jog but I needed something.

  I decided I would need Starbucks to stay awake for my long night of studying so I changed my usual route to head towards the only coffee shop in a ten mile radius.

  As I jogged along the quiet streets, I noticed the trees and their scarcity of leaves. I couldn't wait for winter to be here so this semester would finally be over.

  "Lizzy!" I heard my name yelled from across the street.

  I stopped to smile at my ridiculous best friend as he waved his arms repeatedly to get my attention. Adrian and I had been friends since we were little. Hell, I had been there when he found his mate, Liam. I was the first one he came out to and he was the first man I lived with. Adrian moved in with me when his family couldn't accept his lifestyle choice though I thought it was ridiculous. Clearly, he couldn't help who his mate was and he had been gay long before Liam ever came around despite the fact his family accused Liam of turning him gay.

  "Hey," I said as I crossed the street to him.

  "Where are you going," he asked, knowing I wasn't on my usual path.

  "Coffee. I have a lot of studying."

  He nodded in acceptance then instantly perked up, "Did you see the delicious Alpha that's in town?!"

  I laughed, "No. I didn't know there was one visiting."

  He nodded eagerly, "Mhm. YUM. And his Beta is to die for," he said dramatically.

  I laughed, "I'll keep that in mind."

  "Hey, Liam," I greeted.

  He partially waved at me before putting his hand on Adrian's shoulder, "Come on. We're gonna be late."

  "Sorry, Lizzy, we're seeing a movie. I'll see you at home."

  I walked down a couple more shops to God's gift to humanity, Starbucks.

  I simply ordered a tall black coffee and sat at a small table facing outside. I simply enjoyed people watching when I could- which wasn't often. I shouldn't even be doing it now but I felt like being lazy.

  Were-children walked by with their parents, occasionally stopping in for hot chocolate or a quick treat, couples walked hand in hand smiling and laughing. My interest was instantly peaked when I noticed an unfamiliar yet obscenely attractive man coming towards the building. I tried not to stare but I couldn't help myself. This must have been either the Alpha or Beta Adrian was talking about. I couldn't deny, Adrian was understating the magnificence of this man. His hair was short and dirty blonde, his perfect cheekbones led to a strong jaw lightly covered in sexy stubble, his eyes a deep hazel, and his body was typical of a high ranked wolf- over six feet with enough muscle to make me feel insignificant in the best way. I could only imagine what was under that gray shirt and black leather jacket.

  In all my gawking, I forgot I was seated at a window and that he could see me practically drooling over him. My fears were confirmed when he raised a perfect eyebrow and a smug grin played on his beautiful, full lips. I instantly dropped my blue eyes to my coffee and prayed he kept walking. I couldn't have been any more disrespectful! I had openly examined every visible inch of this man when I knew he held one of the two highest ranks possible. I should have instantly bowed my head in submission but I was careless enough to let my mind get carried away. If he was cruel enough, he could demand my Alpha punish me or even have me excommunicated. How could I have been so stupid? I was around attractive men constantly and I never gave them the time of day so why did he hold my attention? Whatever the reason, I faced consequences for my actions. I only prayed that he kept walking and brushed me off. But, as my luck would have it, he appeared to be heading inside. Fear of the unknown coursed through my body, causing me to tap on the lid of my coffee in anticipation.

  I was so done. My Alpha already thought I was strange because I refused to be with anyone. I was practically a spinster being twenty two and not promised to anyone or dating anyone. This would just be the push needed to kick me out of the pack.

  I felt him walk up behind me but I wouldn't make the same mistake twice. I kept my eyes glued to the brown table and laced my fingers together in my lap. Hopefully he would just go away and forget my disrespectful gawking.

  "Excuse me," he said.

  Jesus, his voice was even attractive, rich, deep, full of power and authority and he had only said two words! I knew he wasn't an Alpha because I hadn't seen the mark on his neck but I damn sure knew he was the Beta.

  "Yes, Beta?" I mumbled, awaiting some form of punishment for the disrespect.

  "What's your name," he asked curiously.

  "Elizabeth Bishop," I said calmly.

  "Like the writer?"

  I bit my lip, "I was named after her."

  "It's a nice name," he commented.

>   Was he just being nice before delivering my punishment?

  "Thank you," I said a little confused.

  "You're welcome."

  I sat awkwardly for a moment still unsure of why he was meticulously examining me.

  "May I sit here?"

  I was completely caught off guard by his request but nodded regardless. I wasn't sure why he would want to sit next to me but I wasn't about to disrespect him again.

  "Give me your hand."

  I hesitated but did as he requested and placed my ivory hand in his large, sun kissed hand. I couldn't deny the instant connection I felt with him and judging by his light smile, he felt it too.

  "Just as I thought," he said, "Are you seeing anyone?"

  I shook my head, still too shocked to verbally respond.

  "Keep it that way. You are mine. No other man is allowed to touch you unless he wants to lose his hands."

  I instantly pulled my hand away and slipped it back under the table. I knew mates were rare but I also knew Alphas and Betas were supposed to find their true mates. I had no choice in this; once a Beta found his mate, they were supposed to be together. I didn't necessarily mind but I would have to leave my pack, my life, school, and Adrian to go to his pack. I was expected to marry and pop out kids and give up any personal dreams to raise a family.

  "I don't know your name," I said quietly, still not meeting his eyes.

  "Titus Collins, Beta of the Thunder Pack."

  Everything about his name and title sounded strong just like him. I wondered if he was like my Beta, a power-starved wolf always jealous of the Alpha. I didn't get that feel from Titus though. The way he said his name and position was with pride; he seemed perfectly content with his title as he should be.

  "You will need to meet my Alpha," he prompted.

  "You don't know anything about me," I retorted.

  "I intend to change that when you come back with me next week."

  I laughed out of shock, "I have a life here. You can't just uproot me without a little consultation."

  He frowned, "Yes I can."

  I shook my head a little and got up to leave. As I left the coffee shop, I heard him follow me out but I kept walking. I wasn't going to live a life under a man's control even if he was my true mate.

  "Elizabeth," he said firmly but I kept moving.

  "Elizabeth," my Alpha greeted, stopping me dead in my tracks.


  "You wouldn't happen to be disrespecting a visiting Beta, would you?"

  My words caught in my throat because that's exactly what I was doing but if I admitted that, he would turn me rouge.

  "No, Alex, I was being rude," Titus responded, "But, she is my mate."

  Titus reached around me and placed my coffee in my hand. I took it without thinking.

  "This girl?" Alpha asked as if he didn't believe it.

  "Yes," Titus confirmed.

  "Are you sure?"

  "Positive. She will eventually come back to my territory," he said, emphasizing the eventually part.

  So I had gotten my way. Apparently all I had to do was give him the cold shoulder and he let me do what I want. Perhaps this could be better than I thought.

  "Good luck with that," Alex said as he patted Titus on his muscular shoulder.


  Titus followed me back to my apartment though I hadn't said a single word to him the entire time. I think he found my stubborn silence amusing even if I wasn't aiming for amusement.

  "Do you not understand what is going on?" He asked.

  I turned to him and scoffed. Did he think I was an idiot? Granted, I hadn't exactly portrayed intelligence in his presence but he didn't have to assume I was below average.

  "I have a pretty good idea. We are mates so you assume I'm going to fall hopelessly in love and be barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen for the rest of my life," I said bitterly.

  He laughed, a melodic, wonderful sound I could listen to forever.

  "That would be ideal but something tells me you don't agree."

  "Clearly," I dead panned.

  "Why are you so opposed?" He asked curiously.

  "Does it matter? It's my future now, isn't it?" I asked though I'll admit, I sounded more bitter than I intended.

  He shrugged lightly, "What do you want?"

  "I want to not waste my degree and finish my phd."

  "How old are you?"

  "Twenty-two. Why?"

  "Just making sure you're legal. What did you major in?"

  "Double major," I corrected, "Biology and chemistry."

  He looked slightly surprised, "What do you want to do with that?"

  "I wanted to finish med school but apparently that's not happening."


  "Lizzy," Adrian sang as he walked through the door.

  I knew how possessive normal wolves were but Titus being a Beta as well as me being his mate, well, he would kill Adrian and ask questions later. I stepped between Titus and the door Adrian was walking through to avoid any sort of death in the apartment.

  Adrian's jaw just about hit the floor when he realized someone else was here.

  "Beta, I'm sorry, I didn't realize you were here," Adrian quickly apologized.

  "Who is this," Titus demanded of me. I could tell he did not understand the situation; he didn't know Adrian was gay.

  "He's my roommate," I said fast.

  "The hell he is! You will not live with another man," he responded in outrage.

  "You really don't understand. Adrian is gay and has a mate. There is zero competition," I assured.

  "No, there is not," Titus agreed, "because he no longer lives here."

  "What?! You can't do that!" I complained.

  "I can and will. You are my mate and you will not live with another man."

  "You found your mate," Adrian asked excitedly.

  I scowled at his horrible timing, "Not really an appropriate conversation right now," I said.

  "Beta, if I may, Lizzy and I living together has really cut down on the amount of men asking her out. It might be good for me to stay," Adrian tried.

  I finally met Titus's warm, hazel eyes, silently pleading him to reconsider. I noticed him completely melt at my expression though he looked irritated.

  "Ten damn minutes and you already know," he mumbled, "Fine. But if anything happens, I will kill you," Titus said.

  Adrian nodded and tossed me an excited look. I rolled my eyes in response. Leave it to Adrian to still think Titus is a breathing Adonis.

  "I have homework," I trailed. I really just needed to be alone to process this new information.

  Adrian took the moment to squeeze past us and head to his room. Titus looked disappointed that I wasn't just falling at his feet the way I'm sure every other female did.

  "So you plan on rejecting me then?" He asked. He may have covered the hurt well but I knew it was there.

  "That would be stupid of me."

  "Then what's your plan?"

  "I am accepting you as my mate but I want you to understand I'm not leaving school. I graduate in a month and-"

  "I wouldn't ask that of you. For now, we'll make it work."

  I half smiled, "Thanks, Titus."

  "I do have something you should know," he said cautiously.

  I cocked my head to the side at his tone. Whatever he was about to say wasn't good.

  "I have a son."

  I cringed at the thought of him being with anyone else, showing another woman intimate affection when he was supposed to be mine, it hurt. I didn't even know him and it hurt.

  "He's two months old... it was a drunken mistake and as soon as he was born, his mother took off and I haven't heard from her since. I know this isn't something you were hoping for but it is the situation I am in."

  "Um- I..." I didn't know what to say. I was too young to deal with a kid. How would I even begin to know what to do?

  "I'll let you do your homework," he said as he turned to leave.
/>   "Wait."

  He turned back, setting his eyes on me, waiting for me to go on.

  "May I meet him?"

  "Just tell me when you're ready," he said with a megawatt smile.

  I exhaled roughly as I pushed loose bangs back behind my ear.

  "Well, I seriously doubt I'm going to get anything accomplished," I glanced down at my watch, "Come on, I'll make us dinner."

  Adrian tried sneaking past us as we made our way to the kitchen but I stopped him.

  "Where are you going?"

  "Liam's...figured you might want some privacy," he said coyly.

  I rolled my eyes and continued into the kitchen with Titus. Suddenly, I was very nervous about cooking for him. What if he didn't like it or I wasn't as good as I thought?

  "What do you want to eat?" I asked over my shoulder.

  "Whatever you're making is fine. What do you need help with?"

  "Nothing. You can sit there and start talking," I said.


  "What's your son's name?"


  "Christian Collins, huh?"

  "Christian Andrew Collins," he amended.

  I nodded as I started cutting up raw chicken, "I like it. Is he the future Beta?"

  "He is unless my Alpha doesn't have a son then Christian will be Alpha."

  "Really?" I asked as I turned to him.

  "Yes. My Alpha, Zachary, his mate died before they had children and he never got over it."

  "When did she die?"

  "A few years ago. Our fathers were still in power when it happened."


  I thought it was strange the Alpha was still allowed to take over even though he didn't have an heir. Usually the power would just transfer to the Beta.

  "I was offered the position because of Christian but declined," he explained.


  I guess I was a little jaded regarding Betas since mine was so cruel.

  "It's Zac's position. It shouldn't be taken from him because he is unmated."

  I nodded in acceptance as I seasoned the chicken and put it in a skillet and started cutting up vegetables to toss in with the meat. I felt his eyes on me, watching my every move but I never felt uncomfortable. I found myself wanting him to watch me, I wanted him to be as attracted to me as I was to him.

  "How old are you?" I asked curiously.


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