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Beta Page 7

by Edugardo Gilbert X

  Those words hit too close for comfort. Titus had told me he would do anything for Christian and that Christian would always come first, even over me. I was fine with that as long as it was in Christian's best interest but Claire was not in his best interest.

  "You abandoned him the second you gave birth," I replied coldly, "You don't deserve either of them and you will never have them in your life. You had your chance and you blew it so leave us alone."

  The door flew open and children came running out of the classroom. Christian ran up and wrapped himself around my legs. I hugged him as usual, not wanting to alarm him.

  "Hi, Christian," Claire said sweetly.

  I couldn't contain the growl that chipped away at my carefully composed mask. Claire ignored me and smiled at Christian. He waved sheepishly at her before turning back to me. Thank God he clearly didn't have any interest in her.

  "Come on, we're going to see Dad," I said to Christian.

  "I'll see you around," Claire said with a wave as she pulled her daughter along.

  I knew this wasn't my last encounter with her but hopefully she would come to her senses and leave us alone. If she cared about Christian at all she would back off and just enjoy Brittany. I understood why she would want Titus back. He was an amazing man and the perfect father and there was no way I would let her interfere with my family.


  I partially smiled at Titus's secretary as she waved at me and Christian. I would have stopped to talk to her but Titus needed to know what Claire's plan was and that she had been to Christian's school.

  Titus looked up in time to see Christian running at him and picked him up with a smile.

  "How was school?"

  "Awesome! Tomorrow we get to draw dinosaurs!"

  "Cool," Titus said with a laugh, "I thought you were taking him to Sarah's."

  "I was going to until I met Claire."

  He frowned, "How?"

  "Christian, why don't you see if Amy can grab you a snack," I said.

  He climbed down Titus and and ran out the office doors. I took a seat with Titus on the couch under the huge window overlooking the forest.

  "She put her daughter in the same class as Christian. The little girl that told Christian I wasn't his mother? That's her daughter."

  He shook his head, "I don't even know what to say about this. Short of pulling him out of school, I don't know how to handle this."

  For Titus to admit he didn't have a plan of action, the situation had to be worse than I initially thought. He always, and I mean always, had a plan.

  "Ban her," I urged.

  "I can't," he said, frustrated.

  "Why the fuck not, Titus," I demanded.

  "Do you even really understand what that would mean? No wolf could ever come into contact with her. Everyone in her family would be shunned and besides, I can only ban her if she commits treason."

  "She said you will want to be with her because it would be best for Christian. I need to know right now if that is at all a possibility. Don't worry about my feelings. Just tell me if there is any part of you that still wants to be with her even if only for Christian's sake."

  I couldn't stop myself from letting a few tears roll down my cheek. Titus wasn't just my mate; he was my best friend, my husband, he was everything to me. I could safely say I loved him unconditionally but I needed to know he was in this for the long haul.

  "Elizabeth," he said as he gently cupped my cheek to wipe my tears away.

  He pulled me in for a loving, passionate kiss that ended far too quickly for my likings.

  "I will always love you, Lizzy. You know that and don't ever doubt it again. You are the only woman for me and you are the only mother Christian has ever had and will ever have. Claire will never take either of us from you. I promise."

  I nodded, trying to get my emotions under control but it was proving more difficult every day.

  "There's something else I wanted to talk to you about," he said as he played with my fingers.

  "What's that?" I asked. My voice was thick with controlled emotion.

  "The full moon is coming up," he said.

  "Yeah. And?"

  "And I think we should have a baby."

  For the second time today, I was left speechless. I hadn't put much thought into having a baby yet but I guess I was in a good spot so why not? Why should I put it off any longer? I may age slowly but that didn't mean I was getting any younger and neither was Titus.

  "Um, I guess we could."

  He laughed, "Don't sound so enthusiastic."

  "It's just that you haven't wanted to so this is kind of a surprise."

  "I've wanted to since I met you but I was being patient."

  "Oh," was all I could say.

  "But what about everything going on right now?"

  He shrugged, "We're only giving her more power by letting her dictate our lives. If she wants to go through the human system then so can we. If she threatened to take your family away, we will get a restraining order against her."

  "I seriously doubt a piece of paper will stop her," I said skeptically.

  "Probably not but it will be another thing we can take to court to support our case against her. If she violates the order, we can have her thrown in jail for a couple days and her case will weaken drastically."

  I ran my fingers through my hair as I thought about being pregnant in the next few weeks. Actually, the thought of it didn't stress me out the way it used to. It was comforting to know he wanted to take our relationship even further.

  "Ok. I think we should have a baby," I agreed.

  "Yeah?" He asked, his entire face lit up at my agreeable response which made me smile as well.

  I nodded and he kissed me once more.

  "You know, practice makes perfect," he suggested coyly.

  I laughed and pushed his chest away lightly, "I have to go back to work."

  "I'll keep Christian for the afternoon," he suggested.

  "You're not going anywhere?"

  "No. I don't have much to do today."

  "Okay. If something comes up, just bring him by my office."


  He pulled me as close as possible without actually sitting on him but didn't kiss me. He simply wrapped his arms around me, engulfing me in a hug that I needed more than even I knew.

  "I love you so much, Elizabeth. Please don't ever doubt that," he whispered.

  I nodded to the best of my ability, feeling my throat constrict with how deeply he meant that.

  "I love you too, Titus."

  He gently pressed his lips to my forehead as I heard Christian walking in the office.

  "Gross," Christian said.

  I couldn't help but laugh at his comment, knowing someday he would have to find his true mate and how he would act with her. I hoped Titus and I were setting a good example for him. I thought we were doing okay since we never fought except for the previous night. We respected each other deeply and weren't afraid to show affection.

  "You're going to stay with Dad this afternoon, okay?" I asked Christian.

  He always loved staying with Titus at work because it rarely happened. If there was ever alone time, it was with me and Christian. Titus was on site too often and that was dangerous for Christian to be around so they didn't have much alone time.


  "Yep. It's you and me today, buddy," Titus said as he sat back on the couch.

  "Can we go see your building," Christian asked excitedly.

  "Maybe but you can't walk around out there."

  "Why not? I'm big enough."

  "Mom would kill me if she knew I let you walk around there."

  "It's not safe, Christian," I said.

  "But, Mom," he whined.

  "Mom's right," Titus backed me up, "Accidents happen out there.

  "Fine," Christian mumbled.

  "I'm going back to work," I said.

  Christian hugged me and kissed my cheek before running behind Titus
's desk and climbing on his black leather chair.

  "I'll see you tonight, Lizzy."

  I kissed him one last time and made my way out of the office, passing Amy with a polite wave and smile since she was on the phone.

  I drove back to my office, thankful that I would have the afternoon to study for Macy.

  The full moon was closing in and I needed to work fast but now that I knew I was to be pregnant, I started second guessing myself. What if I couldn't get pregnant? I mean, I had never thought about it but it was possible. How disappointed would Titus be if I couldn't have a baby? Would that be enough to make him leave me? Especially with Claire in the picture that was clearly able to have his children, to say I was paranoid is an understatement.

  I had to find out. I had to run the tests on myself because I couldn't trust someone else to do it. I made my way to the lab in the back of my practice. I broke open a new syringe and tied off my arm. I had never taken my own blood but it couldn't be much more difficult than taken someone else's. I slid the needle into my arm, only feeling the prick of steel for a moment.

  I put my blood in a tube, sealed it, and put it through for processing. I wouldn't have the results for a couple days, unfortunately. I hated that I didn't have the most state-of-the-art lab equipment to process this quicker. We were dealing with hundreds of werewolves since we were the only two pack doctors. We either needed a separate lab or more doctors. Maybe it was something I could talk to Titus about.

  "Elizabeth!" A receptionist named Darla yelled from the front of the office.

  I quickly pulled my sleeve down and rushed out of the lab to the front of the building in time to see Zac and another pack member carrying a young woman in the building.

  "What happened," I asked Zac as I felt for a pulse.

  "We found her on patrol on the eastern boarder. She's not pack but I don't see any rogue marks either," Zac said.

  I couldn't help but notice how he looked at her with deep concern but that was the least of my interests.

  I found a faint pulse but it was definitely there. She was dirty and badly beaten but I think she would make it. Hopefully, for Zac's sake, she would heal fine.

  "Bring her to one of the exam rooms," I said as I took the gloves Darla handed to me.

  Zac picked up the petite girl and carried her back to the first exam room. He set her on the bed and moved the thick, fire red curls from her face. He must have felt my eyes on him because he turned to me with a sheepish smile an stepped aside.

  I examined every cut, every bruise, and cleaned every wound. I couldn't find anything that would have constituted hospitalization which was a relief but she had clearly been through a horrible beating. I saw what I assumed to be whipping marks on her back and thighs but they were old scars. To scar a werewolf was difficult. We healed so quickly that scars had to be nearly life threatening. My heart went out to the poor girl but I wasn't nearly as affected as Zac was. I could practically feel the anger coming from him in waves at the discovery of every scar. He knew as well as I did it meant she was probably the runt, the weakest member of the pack. She was smaller than I was which was odd for a werewolf female but not unheard of. If she was the runt and her pack was primitive, they would have used her as a slave. Thankfully, my old pack and the one I belonged to now were civilized but I couldn't say the same for some backwater, middle of nowhere pack.

  "So is she going to live?" He asked.

  I nodded absently, "She has been through a lot, Zac. What are you going to do with her?"

  He shrugged but never took his eyes off of her, "Find out why she was on our territory."

  "Then what?"

  "I don't know. There's something different about her," he commented.

  "You managed to get that from an unconscious girl?" I teased.

  He tossed me a pointed look but laughed, "You know what I mean. She said her name is Rachel right before she passed out."

  "Interesting," I said.

  Something about her looked familiar and the name rang a bell but I could just be imagining it. All we could do now was wait.


  I sat in my office, listening to Rachel's steady breathing from the exam room. I wasn't sure why Zac insisted on staying in there with her while I continued to read but I wasn't in any position to question him. After all, I was only a pack doctor and the Beta's wife and he was the Alpha of one of the most elite packs in the world, next to the royals of course. Zac wasn't really close to anyone except Titus. I mean, he was friendly with me and I was probably one of the only people he allowed to tease him but that didn't mean I could question him. There was just a line of respect I never planned on crossing with him. He was Alpha and I deeply respected him for that.

  "Liz," Zac called.

  I welcomed the interruption so I made my way down the hall to the sterile exam room. Rachel was awake but barely. She looked like she was in immense pain and I didn't doubt it.

  I checked her vitals while she watched me carefully but said nothing. She only flinched from time to time if I brushed against a cut.

  "Where are you from, Rachel?" I asked quietly.

  Her amber eyes examined me as if deciding whether or not to trust me and Zac. I couldn't blame her, especially knowing what kind of life she must have come from.

  "I'm not from a pack," she said in her little, light, voice.

  "You don't have rogue markings," I pointed out.

  She shook her head a little as she sat up, "I'm not a rogue. I've never belonged to a pack. I was raised somewhere else."

  "Where's that?" I asked gently.

  "I can't," she started but cut herself off as she looked down at her hands.

  "Where did you get these?" I asked as I pointed to her thin thigh.

  She shook her head in response.

  I sighed and looked to Zac for some help but he clearly wanted to stay out of it for now.

  "How old are you?"


  "Do you know where you are?"

  She nodded, "Thunder Pack."

  I nodded, "My name is Elizabeth. I'm the pack doctor and the Beta's mate. Zac," I motioned behind her, "is the Alpha. He found you on our eastern boarder and brought you here. Can you tell me what you're doing here?"

  "My former sister-in-law took my little sister and I tracked her here."

  "Did she do this to you?"

  She shook her head, "No. I just want my sister," she whispered.

  "Do you know what could have happened if he found you in wolf form?" I asked.

  I couldn't keep the irritation out of my voice because this girl had no idea what she had walked into. Zac was fair but if she went on the defensive, he would have killed her on sight.

  Her amber eyes watered and tears rolled down her alabaster cheeks. I instantly felt bad for taking that tone with her but how couldn't she have known?

  "Please, I just want my sister back. I'm supposed to be raising her and this happened," her voice shook with emotion.

  "What is your sister's name?" I asked.

  "Brittany," she mumbled.

  My stomach dropped, "And your sister-in-law?"

  "Her name is Claire," she whispered.

  My eyes shot to Zac. He looked surprised but angry at once. I knew there was something weird going on! I should have guessed she would be crazy enough to kidnap a girl just to weasel her way back into Titus's life.

  "How old is your sister?"

  "She'll be six next week. Do you know where she is?"

  "We know Claire," I said bitterly, "My husband will find her."

  I sighed in frustration, "I need you to fill out some paperwork."

  Her pale cheeks flamed with color at the mention of filling out paperwork.

  "I, um, I can't."

  "You can't?" I asked confused.

  "No. I don't know how," she whispered.

  "Can you read?" I asked softly.

  She shook her head, "I wasn't allowed."

  I started but stopped myself, "Whe
re were you raised?" I asked again.

  She shook her head, "I can't talk about it."

  "Order of the Mystics?" I asked though I already knew the answer.

  Her head shot up as she searched my face. No one, except for members, knew the name or meeting locations. Only the families involved knew of the group. I had never even spoken the name to Titus and he didn't press me for information. I was lucky; I was intellectually gifted but most people weren't. The only reason I stood a chance at leaving the Order was because I stole books from my niece. I was smart enough to know that when my parents sent me to my brother's I was never going back to the Order.

  "My parents were members," I told her in hopes she would open up.

  "How are you here?" She asked.

  "My parents died and I stayed with my brother in the pack he was born into. Five years ago, I met my husband and joined this pack."

  "They killed my parents," she said. Even though there was no anger in her voice, I could tell it still hurt.

  I nodded, "Mine too."

  This was the first person I could really relate to with my hatred for the Order. Sure, Adrian hated them but he still had his parents, regardless of whether or not they accepted him, they were alive for him to one day mend that broken bridge. I would never be able to try to help my parents but at the same time, if they hadn't died, I might never have left. It really was a double edge sword.

  "You should get some rest," I suggested.

  "I'll take her to my house," Zac finally spoke up.

  I raised an eyebrow in skepticism but didn't say anything in opposition.

  "Okay. I'll check up tonight," I said.

  Zac nodded and was already scooping her into his arms. Her blush gave away exactly how innocent she was. I could relate; when I met Titus I was a virgin and very innocent to the ways of men. Hell, I was still fairly innocent since Titus was the only man I had ever been with and I just recently started exploring more sexual behavior with him. Feminine innocence was something the Order demanded. We were to stay pure until the Master said otherwise. Usually, the Master took the virginity of the young girls as a type of coming of age ritual. Thankfully, I was spared long enough for my parents to send me away but I couldn't say the same for the majority of the other girls my age. It was a twisted community and I had no idea how anyone would willing join it but my parents had been sucked in wholeheartedly, same as Adrian's parents.


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