Highland Revenge

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Highland Revenge Page 4

by Brandy Golden

  Eileen was stunned. She had been outmaneuvered before there had been anything to outmaneuver! Curse Jamie and Dungally for not telling her this and damn them for their well-meaning machinations!

  "Nay! I won't do it,” She yelled abruptly, furiously! Despair filled her heart as she saw her well-ordered world crumbling about her. “They can't make me marry you, they have no right!"

  He moved in closer to her to stare down into her incensed face. “If ye refuse to wed me, then ye leave me no choice but to come against ye in war. I'll win, but it will cost many lives, some of which will be our friends. They will have no choice but to support ye, even if they don't approve of your position, and some will die for that loyalty. Do ye want that on your conscience?"

  His smoky gray eyes pinned hers in his harsh stare. “I have no wish to do that, but ye leave me little choice. Dungally and Jamie will not back me up if I declare the child an illegal heir, and besides, I have no desire to shame Morgan McAlester's sister. So war would be my only recourse. I was born to rule Brincairn, and rule it I will!

  "I can't believe your own conscious would allow ye to wage war,” she whispered painfully, her face going pale at his callous declaration.

  "I'll do what I have to do,” he replied grimly, “and what's more ... when I defeat ye, I'll turn ye out with a mere pittance, and no inheritance for the child either.” He wouldn't really, but he didn't intend to tell her that. He wanted his inheritance back, and Dungally had paved the way. He now had to use whatever means he could come up with to coerce her cooperation.

  "Ye are a bastard, just like your father,” she hissed, her arm swinging in reaction to land a vicious slap across his face once again. She put all her pent-up frustration and fury into that slap and felt immense satisfaction at the immediate red handprint that blazed across his lean jaw. Her satisfaction was short-lived!

  She saw his eyes taper to slits just seconds before he grabbed her arm and whirled her around, his long arm a steel band around her middle as he pulled her against him and quickly divested her of her sword and belt, despite her startled protest. Then he dragged her, angry and kicking at his thick calves, across to a stone bench inside the shaded arbor.

  "I said, don't touch me,” she yelled fearfully. What was he going to do to her? Would he attack her? She had been caught off guard, not expecting any real reaction, and that had cost her. It was a shock of a different kind when she unexpectedly found herself face down over his hard muscled thighs. She began to fight desperately; suddenly aware of where this was going. “What are ye doing? Let me up!"

  "I warned ye never to hit me again,” he said harshly, holding her easily, “ye have brought this on yourself.” He quickly lifted her skirts and slid the thin pantaloons down in one deft swipe. It was probably improper, but they were going to be married!

  His heart jumped into his throat at the site of the pale globes he had uncovered, but he persevered in his task. His hand trembled slightly as it passed over the silky contours of those globes, but he lifted his right arm high in the air.

  "Ye are not going to spank me like a child! I won't let ye...” Her words were cut off as a hard slap exploded against her bare backside, sounding like a pistol shot in the enclosed garden walls.


  "Ye bastard,” she yelped as she tried to tuck her bottom in, expecting another one. It came, just as merciless as the first, and then another and another.


  "Let me UP,” she demanded, the sharp chastisement resounding in her ears and searing into her unwilling flesh.

  "And this is for calling me a bastard. I had a father, however lacking he might have been.” He landed several more painful slaps on the wiggling cheeks he held over his lap and then hauled her upright, his mind's eye memorizing the site of those milky buttocks with his red handprints. He was far from unaffected by the sight, and a certain part of his anatomy was becoming painfully rigid.

  Eileen scrambled away from him, her eyes spitting sparks of resentment and fury. “I'll have your head for this,” she snapped hoarsely as if holding tears at bay. Her chest was heaving with the exertion of fighting, and she shook her small fist impotently at him.

  "I think not,” he replied, watching her very carefully. “And if ye hit me again, I'll blister that pretty arse until ye can't sit for a week. Is that clear?"

  She stared scornfully at him, refusing to answer and ignoring the desire to clutch her bottom and rub the sting away. No one had ever dared to treat her this way! Morg had spanked her once, a long time ago. But she had only been ten then. She was not a child, now, and she resented being treated like one.

  "I hate ye,” she hissed sullenly, her bottom lip trembling. “How dare ye treat me like a child?"

  "You'll find I dare quite a lot,” he replied mockingly. “Now are ye going to marry me or not?” He got up and walked within a few feet of her, but not touching her. He could see her shrink away from him, although she hadn't moved. Again, he silently cursed Donald Brincairn for whatever he done to her to engender this reaction.

  "Ye don't leave me any choice, do ye?” she asked cynically. Once again, men were ordering about her life. God! How she resented it! But she couldn't allow Soren to suffer on her account. “Aye, I'll marry ye, but we keep to the agreement we set. Ye have no husbandly rights.” Her eyes were bright with unshed tears, but she lifted her head proudly and looked him contemptuously in the eye.

  "Agreed,” he replied mockingly. “However, if ye do change your mind, I'll be willing to oblige.” He smiled then, a lazy sensuous smile that did flipping things to her stomach, and she backed away as if he had touched her.

  "That'll be a cold day in hell,” she snapped. She turned and walked stiffly out, leaving him to watch her go. At least she had gotten in the last word!

  Gallagher grinned. He imagined those swaying buttocks bare, with his handprints all over them. She was a sassy wench, but she had a beautiful arse. He shifted his pants slightly, trying to ease the pressure of his swollen manhood.

  He didn't really intend this marriage to be the farce he had outlined. There were sparks between them; he had felt it the first time he laid eyes on the proud beauty. He would help her overcome her fear from her bad experience, and they would learn to enjoy each other during this year. Where it might lead from there, who knew? He was willing to fall in love.

  He clasped his hands behind his head as he sat back on the stone bench, enjoying the warm Scottish sunshine. He was on his way to getting his inheritance back, he was marrying a comely lass ... what more could a man ask for? His natural good humor was restored and he chuckled to himself.

  "What do you think about that, Mother? I'm going to be Laird of Castle McCrae and I'm getting married. Do you think she might fall in love with me?” He knew he was being facetious, but that was Gallagher's nature. He didn't seem to have the normal dour Scottish nature that Mother Scotland imbued in so many of her sons.

  There was no answer to his airborne question, of course, but Gallagher could have sworn he felt the soft touch of his mother's fingertips on his hair. He knew it was the gentle breeze, though, and he shook his head at his own foolish imaginings. He closed his eyes to relax for a bit in the warm sun. Things hadn't turned out too badly after all! She had agreed to marry him!

  * * * *

  "So, is there going to be a wedding?” asked Morg curiously, as his sister strode inside.

  "Yes,” replied Eileen, her lips tightening in disgust. She thought of telling Morg about Gallagher's ultimatum, but then decided against it. She would take care of herself. It was too late to come running to her brother when the world seemed against her.

  Besides, Jamie and Dungally had been pressing her to get married again, but none of their offerings thus far had held any appeal for her. At least Gallagher had agreed not to exercise his husbandly rights. She didn't think she would get a better offer than that! Plus, it would give her a year to plan her next move. She fully intended to enjoy a life with
out the dictates of a male to bow to, no matter how handsome and arrogant!

  "Have you set a date for the wedding?” asked Kat, her green eyes studying Eileen closely. She was aware that Gallagher had just spanked the young girl, and her sympathies were in full arousal. She hated it when Morg spanked her; it went against her fiery independent spirit.

  "I don't care, tomorrow is fine. I just want to get it over with, so I can get back to Soren,” she replied carelessly.

  Kat looked shocked. “Tomorrow? Isn't that pushing it a bit? I'm aware you two are not in love with each other, but this is pretty quick."

  Eileen laughed cynically. “Why? All it will be is a ceremony in front of Father McDougal. I have no intention of turning it into anything romantic, because its not. Gallagher will have his rightful place back, and my son will be assured the same place when the time comes. Besides, love is overrated. Marriage's of convenience are the only way to go these days.” Her eyes glittered, and Kat was worried for her.

  "But, Eileen...” Kat frowned and attempted to speak.

  Eileen cut her off. “Don't worry about me, Kat, I'll be fine. I've been surviving on my own for a long time now.” She glanced derisively at Morg, who frowned back at her.

  Morg stepped forward. “Leeni, are ye being coerced? Because if ye are, I'll put a stop to it. No one, not even Gallagher, can make ye marry him.” His face was full of concern as he looked down at her. “I'm here this time, Leeni—is this marriage what ye want?” He waited patiently for her reply, watching her beautiful dark eyes. He longed to pull her into his embrace, but he didn't want to set her off.

  Eileen trembled, her sore heart finally taking comfort from Morg's words, even if they were four years too late. She opened her mouth to speak, but she was shaking so badly she couldn't make any words come. Between the humiliating spanking she had just received, and Morg's kindness, her wretched emotions were threatening to give way, and tears were about to spill over. Mutely she stared at him, refusing to allow those embarrassing tears to fall.

  Morg couldn't help himself. The silent plea touched his heart, and he reached out and pulled her into his arms, holding her head against his broad chest as he gently rubbed her back. He felt her stiffen immediately, but then she finally relaxed against him and allowed him to hold her. It did his own heart good, and he held her tightly until she gently pushed him back, extricating herself from his arms.

  "Yes, Morg, it's agreeable to me,” she bravely lied. For whatever reason, she would not give Gallagher away. She didn't try to examine it too closely, but turned away, intent on a bed for the night and a place to cry privately. Mayhap, her old room was still intact.

  Morg and Kat watched her go, Morg's arm stealing around his lovely wife. “I feel so helpless, Kat. I let her down, didn't I?” His voice was gruff and filled with uncustomary emotion, and Kat's own heart was touched.

  She turned towards him and laid her palm against his cheek, her eyes filled with love for the big brute. “No, mon cherie, she will be fine ... you will see,” she said softly. “There is something between those two, I can feel it, just as there was between you and I. They will find their way, and Gallagher will take good care of her."

  Morg kissed her palm and buried his face in her sweetly scented hair, taking comfort from his redheaded sprite. He held her close and whispered in her delicate ear, “Welcome home, Lady McAlester."

  Kat slid her soft arms up and around her husband's broad neck, lifting her lips for his kiss. “Home is where ever you are, mon cherie."

  * * * *

  Eileen and Gallagher stood before Father McDougal the next morning, each repeating the ancient vows that made them husband and wife. Once more, Eileen was married to the Laird of Brincairn, and she thought how ironic life could be at times.

  She went through the brief ceremony with a stiff smile on her lips and flinched away when Gallagher pressed his firm lips to hers for the salutary wedding kiss. Even so, the brief touch seemed to impact her with a jolt that she felt all the way to her toes.

  As they were getting ready to depart Castle McKenna, one of the castle guards came running up to Morg and whispered something in his ear. Nodding grimly, Morg turned to Gallagher and Eileen. “Be careful! Canton has escaped the dungeon, which means he must have more friends than I gave him credit for."

  Gallagher nodded and took Eileen's arm, refusing to let her go in spite of her attempts to pull away. “Aye, I'll look after her."

  "I can take care of myself,” Eileen said frostily. His fingers on her arm seemed to burn into the skin, and she surreptitiously kept trying to pull from his grasp.

  Morg looked down at her. “But ye don't have to, Leeni, not any more. That's what your husband is for."


  Gallagher leaned down to whisper in her ear. “Careful, wife, I might have to take ye over my knee again if ye keep up this attitude."

  Eileen threw him a killing look, but she stopped trying to pull away and stood stiffly in his hold.

  Morg clasped Gallagher's arm and gave him a hearty slap on the shoulder, then embraced Eileen and placed a gentle kiss on her cheek. “Good luck to ye both. Kat and I will come visit soon, when we have put things in order around here."

  Kat stepped up beside Morg and gave Eileen a gentle hug. “Oui, I want to meet my little nephew,” she said, smiling at her new sister-n-law. “And I know Frankie and Jacques will want to as well."

  Eileen smiled then, her face lighting up, and Gallagher felt a jolt run through him. It was the first time he had seen her smile. God ... she was beautiful! Apparently, thoughts of her son were one thing that brought her happiness.

  "I'll look forward to meeting them too! I want Soren to know his family.” Eileen herself was curious to know these sisters better. She returned Kat's hug and stepped back, smiling at her brother and his wife. She felt curiously lighthearted for the first time in years.

  Morg was relieved when he saw Leeni smile eagerly like that. It had been such a long time, and she seemed so bitter about many things! He shook his head ruefully, if only he had come home earlier, perhaps some of her sorrow could have been prevented. But the past was done. They could only go forward from here.

  He watched them go to the head of the Brincairn clan procession, Gallagher taking his place as if he had always been there. He and Kat waved them off, then turned back to the task at hand. It was time to take his place as well.

  * * * *

  From his hidden place on the knoll, Canton watched his half brother. He brooded with a terrible resentment, coupled with fury. He had been defeated by Eileen, his castle and clan taken over by Morgan. “Enjoy yourself while ye can,” he sneered softly. “Ye won't retain control of the McAlester."

  His maddened eyes drifted to Eileen at the head of the Brincairn clan. “And I'll get even with ye, my dear sister. In spite of your new husband, ye won't be safe as long as I am around ... and I intend to stay around.” He chuckled gleefully. “Aye, I intend to stay around ... and I'll be back."

  He returned the spyglass to his saddlebag and whirled the chestnut stallion around. Nodding to one of the burly men waiting for him, he snapped, “Get back, before ye are missed. Ye know where I'll be, and I'll wait for word from ye whilst I make plans."

  "Aye, my Lord,” responded the young Scott, whipping his mount around and disappearing into the trees.

  Canton watched Saracen's young nephew as he galloped away from them. He was a fool, easily led ... but had been a great help in keeping Canton in Saracen's good graces. William was already disgruntled because his own father had been looked over and Saracen put in his place as the immediate clan leader. It was a position that young William aspired to, and it usually went by succession.

  Canton had promised to reward him when the time was right, and in return, William kept his ear to the ground for Canton. If anything were to happen in the clan that Saracen might try to keep from Canton, then William would know about it.

  Fury raged inside him as he watched Morgan put
his arm around the red headed woman and lead her inside the castle. It was HIS home, his castle ... they had no right to be there!

  "Soon,” he muttered. “Soon, I'll be rid of ye once again, Morgan McAlester ... and your sister as well. Ye will be sorry ye ever returned to Scotland by the time I'm finished with ye.

  Feeling a shiver between her shoulder blades, Kat looked up into the hillsides, unconsciously searching for ... something. Her years at sea, fighting battles and searching for her mother, had honed her sense of danger. He was out there ... she could feel him ... feel his evil intent. Canton McAlester was not finished with them yet; he would be back.

  She wished Frankie and Jacques had come with them, but Jacques had his own demons to face in France. Like Morg, he too had been cheated of his home, and he had taken her sister to France with him. He intended to figure out who was responsible for that treachery and to clear his name.

  For an instant, she thought she saw the sun glint off something polished, and then she turned away. It was time to start practicing her knife skills once again; she would probably need them before full peace finally reigned in the McAlester stronghold.

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  Chapter Four

  Eileen was angry beneath her seemingly placid exterior. Gallagher had assigned two of her own men to stay with her at all times, and she resented the intrusion on her privacy. The stalwart clansman had backed off to a horse's pace behind her when she glared furiously at them, but they hadn't gone any further.

  She could see Gallagher's imposing figure at the front of the clan, exchanging a word with some of the men as he rode in and out, and slapping a shoulder here and there. She fumed at the way the men laughed jovially at his comments, making him welcome.

  In twenty-four hours, a man had turned her life upside down once again, and it galled her that Dungally had been thinking traitorous thoughts about her all along. He and Jamie had accepted Gallagher as the natural head of the clan ... as if he had never left!


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