Line of Duty

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Line of Duty Page 21

by V. K. Powell


  “But he—”

  “It’s over, Fin.”

  Finley leaned close to Jeremy’s face and whispered, “You’re a very lucky man.” She stood and gave him a quick kick in the ribs before handing him over to the patrol officers who’d secured the floor.

  “Take them to Fairview Station,” Bennett said. “The detective working the case will want to interview them both.”

  The adrenaline drained from Finley, and her knees wobbled as she grabbed Dylan and hugged her close. “Are you okay? Please tell me he didn’t hurt you.”

  “I’m fine, and I’m very glad to see you.”

  Finley stroked Dylan’s face. “I was afraid I’d never—”

  “Shush, you’re not getting rid of me that easily. You said you loved me, and I’m pretty sure that means you’ll be seeing a lot of me.” Dylan kissed her, and Finley felt the familiar heat flood her body and build between them.

  “What are you saying?” Finley looked down to meet Dylan’s eyes.

  “I’m saying we need to talk as soon as this mess is cleared up.” She stepped back and glanced around. “Has anyone seen Holly?”

  Bennett hugged Dylan next and handed her a mobile. “Not recently. She loaned me her phone so we could hear what was going on in the room. I think she’s still in the ER with the injured officer. I can find her if you’d like.”

  Dylan shook her head. “I should get back down there. I’m on duty.”

  Finley checked her watch. “Your shift ended an hour ago while you were negotiating with criminals. I can’t believe you did that. We need to have a serious discussion about your job description. Can we get out of here now, please?”

  “Not yet,” Bennett said. “Dylan needs to give a statement at the station.”

  “Can’t that wait? She’s been through enough for one day. I’ll make sure she’s there first thing in the morning, boss.”

  “Both of you stop trying to manage me,” Dylan said. “I’m going to the ER to check on the officer and Holly.” She kissed Bennett on the cheek. “I’ll be at Fairview Station in the morning…or sometime before noon.” She grabbed Finley’s hand and tugged. “And you’re coming with me.”

  “Aye aye, ma’am,” Finley said, grinning at Bennett over her shoulder and following Dylan onto the elevator. When the doors closed, she mashed the emergency stop button, pulled Dylan against her, and poured all her emotions into their kiss. When they finally broke, she said, “I love you more than my life, Dylan, so please don’t ever scare me like that again.”

  Dylan hugged Finley tighter and met her gaze. “I’m so in love with you, Fin, but I was afraid to admit it.”

  “And now?”

  “I’ve been too focused on losing you like I did my father, but after what I’ve just put you through by doing my job, I realize there are no guarantees in life. I want to enjoy whatever time we have together. It won’t be easy for either of us because I’ll nag you all the time about being safe, and you’ll have to constantly reassure me that you’re being careful.” She rested her cheek against Finley’s chest. “Want to give it a try?”

  “More than anything,” Finley answered.

  “Good, because while I was a hostage in that room, I thought about all the things I wanted to do with you.”

  “Funny, I was doing the same thing next door. What do you want, Dylan?”

  “I want a real date like our Hamilton night, complete with dinner and a movie, followed by sex, lots of it. I’d like to spend more time in your home, if that’s not too difficult for you. It’s cozy, intimate, and just large enough not to be claustrophobic and still gives us each some personal space.”

  “You really have thought about this, haven’t you?”

  Dylan nodded.

  “Does that mean you’ll actually be in bed with me when I wake up for once?”

  “Definitely. I feel very comfortable there. It would make a great family home…eventually.”

  Finley kissed her lightly. “Family home, huh? What about Carlyleville in Fisher Park?”

  “I’ve broken from family tradition before. Your place is perfect, less than ten minutes from the family but far enough for some separation. What do you think?”

  “I think I better call my Realtor and turn down the offer she has.” Finley kissed Dylan again, pressing her against the wall and fitting into the curves of her body to seal their agreement. When they started sinking to the floor, she finally stopped. “We better turn this elevator back on before the fire department comes to check it out.”

  Dylan’s breathing was ragged and her eyes glassy. She licked her lips and reached for Finley again, tucking her leg between Finley’s. “Can I have another one of those first?”

  “One more like that and we’ll be on the floor.”

  “That’s the idea.” She captured Finley’s hand and slid it inside the elastic of her scrubs. “I’m not sure I can wait much longer. You know what adrenaline does to the body, Officer.”

  “No fair.” Finley moaned and jerked her hand from Dylan’s pants as the elevator door swished open. “Check in with Holly and meet me at the exit. Stat.”

  Dylan kissed her forefinger and touched it to the scar on Finley’s chin. “Roger that.”


  A year later

  Dylan brushed the front of her cream-colored wedding dress and glanced at Emory in the mirror as she swept an escaped sprig of hair back into place. “I really appreciate this, Em. Without you and Kerstin, I’d be a nervous wreck. You survived G-ma and Mama playing wedding planners, so there’s hope for me.”

  “They just want everything to be perfect.”

  “I know and I love them for it, but I thought a ceremony at home would be easy, quiet, and quick, just the way Finley and I wanted it.” Dylan nodded toward G-ma, Mama, Stephanie, and Kerstin staring at them lovingly. “They’re looking at me like I’m something to eat. Please tell me they’re not planning another surprise like that mortifying bridal shower last week.”

  “I think you’re clear.” Emory grinned. “Finley survived the bachelor party night before last, and no one got arrested.”

  “After I threatened Ben’s life if she hired a stripper.”

  “Yeah,” Emory said, “Kerstin and I supported your decision. Ben tried to pull the same trick for Jazz’s party last year, but I put my foot down. Hell hath no fury like a redhead pissed.”

  “You fit into our enmeshed and dysfunctional family perfectly, Emory. I’m so glad Jazz found you and had the good sense to marry you.”

  “Amen,” Mama said, moving her quartet closer. “And very soon, all my children will be happily married at last.”

  “Bring on the babies,” G-ma added with a sweeping hand gesture that resembled a lasso move.

  Dylan gave each of them a hug. “Thank you all for everything you’ve done to make this day possible. I love you and I’m going to miss you and the cottage.” She looked around the almost empty space, most of her belongings now at Finley’s. She pulled open a dresser drawer, removed a tissue wrapped item, and handed it to Mama. “I wanted Papa to be with us today, so I didn’t pack this.”

  Mama unwrapped the Lucite encased badge and clutched it to her chest. “Oh, Dylan, this is precious. He’d be so proud and happy.”

  “Just make sure I get it back before we leave. It’s going on our mantel.” She kissed her mother and started toward the door. “And now I have to see Fin.” She heard a chorus of objections but ignored them and cut across the backyard toward the big house holding the tail of her dress to keep it from dragging on the ground. A ring of flowers surrounded the seating area of cushioned chairs for fifty hand-chosen guests, and a small platform of pavers with an arched canopy marked the spot where she’d make Finley hers in less than an hour. Her heartbeat trebled.

  “Where’s Fin?” Dylan asked as she burst through the sunroom door. Simon, Bennett, Jazz, and a couple of police officers and firefighters were huddled together at the kitchen c
ounter near several bottles of chilling champagne. The ring bearers, Riley and Ryan, gorgeous in matching white suits, were on the settee tossing the ring pillows back and forth like footballs.

  “You can’t see her before the ceremony. It’s bad luck,” Jazz said.

  Dylan shook her head. “Seriously? That’s old heterosexual bullshit. Where is she?”

  Bennett pointed to the ceiling. “She and Hank, her best man, are in your old bedroom upstairs dealing with a case of nerves, I think.”

  Dylan scrunched her face. “It better just be nerves and not an escape attempt.”

  “She wouldn’t dare,” Bennett said, reaching for the weapon that usually rested at her side.

  Dylan started up the stairs and called back. “Don’t open that champagne until after the ceremony.” She stopped at the bedroom door, listened to the quiet mumbling from inside, and then knocked. “Bride, incoming.”

  Hank opened the door. “She’s all yours. If you ever need any tips on how to handle her, let me know. I’ve had a few years of experience.”

  “No fair ganging up on me,” Finley said.

  Hank kissed Dylan on the cheek and met her gaze for several seconds. “You two are great together. All the best.”

  She waited until Hank’s steps sounded at the bottom of the stairs before going to the woman she loved. Finley stood at one of the windows overlooking the backyard in tuxedo pants and a white shirt with a cummerbund that matched Dylan’s dress. Every time she saw Finley, her breath hitched and her temperature spiked. A few short months ago, marriage, especially to a cop, had seemed impossible, but love proved more powerful than she’d imagined. Now, life without Finley didn’t make sense.

  “Second thoughts, Detective?”

  Finley turned toward her and froze. “My God, you get more beautiful every time I see you.” She stepped closer, smiled her brilliant smile, and lightly kissed Dylan. “No second thoughts. You?”

  “Not a single one. Are you sure about this, Fin?”

  “Totally. I was thinking about my dad,” Finley said. She reached inside the collar of her shirt and pulled out the thick silver chain with the dog-tag medallion. “He would’ve loved you.”

  Dylan cupped the locket in her palm and traced the intricate carving of a tree on the front with her finger. “Tree of life? Family tree?” When Finley shrugged, Dylan flipped it open to the laser photo of a man and woman staring tenderly at each other. “I think they loved each other very much.”

  “At one time.” Finley broke eye contact and stared out the window again.

  “That’s not going to be us, Finley Masters. If I thought what I felt for you was temporary, I wouldn’t be in this costume heading down the aisle in front of family and friends to pledge my undying love. This is for keeps. And if you don’t feel the same, now is the time to bounce, not when I’m standing at the altar with a bouquet in my hands like a schmuck.”

  Finley turned suddenly and grabbed Dylan around the waist. “I’ve never been more certain of anything in my life. When Spencer was holding you hostage and I thought I could lose you forever, I finally understood the devastation my father felt. Even knowing how painful losing you could be, I still choose to love you. And I promise I’ll always come back to you…or die trying.”

  Dylan stroked Finley’s face. “The dying part doesn’t work for me. Always coming back, totally. Agreed?”

  “Agreed.” Finley finally smiled again. “Can I kiss you now?”

  “Yes, please.” Dylan stretched on her toes, met Finley’s lips, and immediately lost herself in the moment. She automatically guided them backward toward the bed.

  “Oh, no, you don’t,” Finley said, pulling away. “We have a wedding to attend.”

  “There’s no rule that says we can’t have sex again before we’re married.” Dylan slid her hand down Finley’s chest and cupped her crotch. “I really want you right now, Finley.”


  “Please,” Dylan crooned. “Couldn’t we just rub one out to take the edge off? It could be hours before we’re alone again.”

  Finley pushed her hand away. “Dylan Carlyle, you’re incorrigible.”

  “One of the many reasons you love me?”

  “Absolutely. Now, let’s get married.” Finley threaded her fingers through Dylan’s and led her toward the stairs. “We have two weeks off, and I plan for us to be naked the entire time.”

  Dylan clenched Finley’s arm and stopped halfway down the staircase. “The house?”

  “Officially transferred into both our names. I hope you’ll like College Hills as much as I do now, and your family isn’t too disappointed we won’t be in Fisher Park.”

  “They’re good with it, and I’m thrilled for a bit of distance since we’ll probably be naked for the rest of our lives. Did you pick up provisions? Food? Wine? Beer?”

  “Fully stocked. Relax. I’ve taken care of everything we need for our hibernation, but I promise you a proper honeymoon after the Spencer trial, somewhere exotic.”

  “Anywhere with you is exotic enough for me,” Dylan said. She grabbed Finley’s ass, squeezed, and continued down the stairs.

  “Bride, front and center,” Bennett called. “Let’s get this show on the road.”

  When Dylan and Finley reached the bottom of the stairs, the Carlyle family gathered in a horseshoe formation, the other guests already seated in the garden. “Family.” Dylan pulled Finley with her into the center, and everyone closed around them in a group hug.

  “I like being part of your family,” Finley said.

  “Good thing.” G-ma laughed. “Because you’re about to be stuck with us for the rest of your life.”

  “Perfect,” Finley said.

  As Dylan was whisked into the living room by Mama, Stephanie, and Kerstin, she called back to Finley. “See you at the altar.”

  “Don’t keep me waiting. I might have a heart attack.”

  Dylan blew her a kiss. “Fortunately, I’m a doctor.”

  About the Author

  A thirty-year veteran of a midsized police department, VK Powell was a police officer by necessity and a writer by desire. Her career spanned numerous positions including beat officer, homicide detective, vice/narcotics lieutenant, captain, and assistant chief of police. Now retired, she devotes her time to writing, traveling, and volunteering.

  VK can be reached on Facebook at @vk.powell.12 and Twitter @VKPowell.

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