SJWs Always Lie

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SJWs Always Lie Page 13

by Vox Day

  No matter how deeply the deck is stacked against you, the outcome will always be in doubt unless you resign. You always have a chance to defeat them as long as you don't quit, and perhaps more importantly, refusing to quit buys you an amount of time that you can use to find another job before they manage to disemploy you. Considering how long you can reasonably expect to draw out the process, which will usually take not weeks, but months, you will considerably enhance your chances of finding alternative employment if you do not resign. While some people are under the impression that an inexplicable resignation will look better on their resume than being fired for cause, the fact is that it is much easier to find a job if you already have one. Not only that, but in many cases, the end result of the process is the choice between a forced resignation and an outright firing, so forcing the SJWs to go through the entire process is going to leave the average individual targeted by them materially better off than if he takes the bait and voluntarily retires when first pressured to do so.

  There are no hard statistics available on this, but I would estimate that about one-half to two-thirds of the individuals who resign under pressure from SJWs would not have actually been forced to leave the corporation, institution, or organization if they had simply stood their ground, refused to apologize, and refused to resign. One of the main reasons they put so much pressure on people so early in their attack process is because they know they have a better chance of winning through psychological intimidation than they do through any legally valid process. The legal requirements of due process tend to stand directly in the way of the SJW desire for secrecy, their need to avoid documentation, and their preference for rapid purges that are completed before anyone else even realizes they are taking place.

  That is why SJW-infested institutions often try to set up alternative pseudo-legal systems of the sort one sees at universities, systems that permit them to play prosecutor, judge, jury, and executioner while leaving neutral observers with the general impression that the accused has been given a fair trial. The growing number of codes of conduct being established by SJWs in various organizations are best understood as the larval stage of these faux-legal systems.

  But regardless, the essential point remains. Do not resign! There is no advantage to you in doing so. As with apologizing, resigning is only going to make matters worse, not better, despite what the SJWs will promise you. They'll assure you that it will be best for everyone if you just quietly resign and go away, that it will be better for the organization to which your past contributions are greatly appreciated, and that the one last thing you can do for it now is to avoid making an uncomfortable scene. They'll promise that if you resign, you'll be able to quickly and quietly put the controversy behind you—and the moment you resign, they will alert the media, send out a statement to the entire organization, and begin waving your scalp like a bloody flag. This is because one of their primary goals is to maintain the illusion of their irresistible power and inevitable victory, so they need to advertise their victories in order to intimidate other potential crimethinkers into falling into line.

  So don't believe them when they tell you that a resignation will make all the pain and humiliation go away, because SJWs always lie! And whatever you do, don't resign!

  7. Make the rubble bounce.

  Whether you survive the attempted purge or whether you don't, it's very important to observe who has defined himself as an ally, an enemy, or a neutral party during the process. The choices people make will pleasantly surprise you about as often as they disappoint you. Once everyone's choices have been made clear, your task is simple. Target the enemy at every opportunity. Hit them wherever they show themselves vulnerable. Play as dirty as your conscience will permit. Undermine them, sabotage them, and discredit them. Be ruthless and show them absolutely no mercy. This is not the time for Christian forgiveness because these are people who have not repented, these are people who are trying to destroy you and are quite willing to harm your family and your children in the process. Take them down and take them out without hesitation.

  If you have any SJWs working under you, fire them. If you have an SJW relying upon you for something, play dumb and assure him that he'll get it on time, then fail to deliver, all the while promising that it's going to be done next week. Above all, understand that the normal rules of live and let live are no longer in effect. The more you disrupt their activities and their daily routine, the more difficult they will find it to purge you. Assume that you are on your way out—if you've followed the previous advice given, you should already have your landing zone prepared and are only waiting for the right moment to exit—and salt the earth. Leave devastation in your wake so that it will take weeks or even months for them to try to recover from the damage of your purging.

  I previously mentioned Voltaire's response to the aftermath of the Battle of Minorca. His famous quote, which is often misattributed to Napoleon, is appropriate here. “Il est bon de tuer de temps en temps un amiral pour encourager les autres.” Which is to say, “it is wise to kill an admiral from time to time to encourage the others.” Make the cost of purging you sufficiently painful that their amenable authorities will not be so amenable to SJW pressure in the future.

  Of course, if you're in IT, you should probably check to see what the relevant laws are before you nuke the company's entire customer database or do anything too catastrophic. On the other hand, mistakenly deleting files that just happen to belong to the SJWs in Human Resources is an unfortunate accident that could happen to anyone, especially if you are able to make it look like malware or as if they did it themselves. Keep in mind that the object is to target your SJW enemies, not the entire organization, so it is best to keep the collateral damage to a minimum if you can.

  Do you think that sounds too harsh? That's probably because you haven't had the experience of SJWs intentionally trying to end your career yet. It's remarkable of how your perception of what is fair and what is not will change once you've seen what the SJWs are willing to do.

  Perhaps the best example of making the rubble bounce was what happened to Mozilla following Brandon Eich's resignation under pressure from the Mozilla board. Eich's supporters reacted to news of his being forced out with fury, and in addition to lodging a record amount of negative feedback with Mozilla, they began uninstalling Mozilla Firefox from their machines and replacing it with everything from Chrome to Pale Moon. Despite abject public pleas from a number of Mozilla contributors, 18 months after Eich's purge, Firefox usage remains significantly down.

  To be clear, the browser's market share has been declining for five years. However, in reverse-engineering the figures listed above, one finds that the plunge in the past 12 months has been from 17.6 percent to the 11.6 percent Computerworld writer Greg Keizer cited (11.6 percent divided by 66 percent — 1 minus 34 percent — is 17.6 percent). So in just one year, Firefox lost about 44 percent (6 points) of its five-year share loss of 13.5 points (25.1 percent minus 11.6 percent). In other words, the decline has seriously accelerated in the past year.

  —“Is User Pushback Against Eich's Year-Ago Ouster Taking Down Mozilla?”, NewsBusters, Tom Blumer, 8 March 2015

  According to NetMarketShare, as of July 2014, Firefox usage is down to only 9.7 percent. And as further evidence of the effectiveness of the #uninstallfirefox campaign, before the Eich purge Mozilla Firefox represented 34 percent of the total pageviews at my blog, Vox Popoli. The percentage of Firefox users there is currently down to 20 percent, which means that Mozilla has lost at least 5,017,260 pageviews from my readers alone.

  That's a considerable amount of bouncing rubble!

  And while Eich did not call for a Mozilla boycott and may not have had anything to do with it directly, his silence in response to the #uninstallfirefox campaign spoke volumes. Had he spoken out against it, his doing so would have taken a considerable amount of wind out of the campaign's sails. Instead, he simply stepped back and let events take their course at the expense of his enemies. Revenge
is most effective when you don't even have to lift a finger to obtain it.

  As you look for opportunities to make the rubble bounce, it is important that you also do your best to help out your allies whenever you can, even if they are the lukest of lukewarm friends. If you've got profitable accounts that you can hand over to those who have stood by you, hand them over before you go. (And if you've got problem accounts that are more trouble than they're worth, hand them over to your enemies.) Put in a good word with various managers and executives for your allies. Take them out to lunch and let them know that you've appreciated their support, particularly if they are people with whom you don't have much in common or with whom you don't get along. Often, your most useful and important allies will not be your friends, but people whose personalities and interests are very different from your own. Accept and embrace those differences; in a time of war, anyone shooting at your enemy is an ally who is more important than a friend.

  With regards to neutrals, the main thing to keep in mind is that you're probably not going to be able to convince them of anything or talk them into taking a side. And that's all right. Accept their neutrality, because if you put too much pressure on them to take the risk of trying to defend you, they will naturally gravitate towards the protective cover of the SJW camp who have probably been putting pressure on them a lot longer than you have. Your primary objective should not be to win them over, but to prevent them from simply accepting the SJW's assertions at face value. To do so, keep your temper and calmly point out the observable pattern of inconsistencies, incoherencies, and lies. Always cast doubt about the SJW's opinion being credible concerning even the simplest and most straightforward of things. None of this will be sufficient to bring neutral parties over to your side, but it will make them much more reticent about accepting the SJW version of events. No one likes to get caught with their pants down and look like a credulous fool, after all.

  So treat neutrals fairly, assume nothing of them either way, ask nothing of them, and refrain from judging them. Don't try to convince them to take a side. Never forget that it is better to be respected than loved by your allies, and it is better to be feared than respected by your enemies. Your enemies will never love you, so don't spare a moment's thought about trying to appease them or win them over.

  8. Start nothing, finish everything.

  This was a doctrine I learned in a martial arts dojo that was locally notorious for its brutality. The sensei drilled into us how important it was that we never throw the first punch, that we never act as the aggressor, and that we always resist any temptation to use our training as an excuse to throw our weight around. He taught us how to control our violent instincts and our reactions, to the point that all of us could take a cheap or dangerous shot without losing our tempers or responding in anger. He did this through a simple, but very effective method; if you lost your temper at any time, but especially when sparring, you got to spend the next two-minute round fighting a black belt under orders to repeatedly knock you down.

  I lost my temper once in my third year when a gold belt lashed out with a wild kick and nearly took out my knee. Furious, I doubled him over with a roundhouse kick, which was fine, but then put him down with a hook to the head when he was helpless, which was not. The sensei noticed this and said to one of the black belts, “Warren, why don't you explain to Mr. Day here why we control our tempers.” Warren bowed, smiled, and promptly spent the next two minutes literally beating me down. I fought back as best I could, but ended up on my back five times, and on my belly once thanks to a particularly evil hook kick that caught me in the back of the head. I didn't require a second lesson in self-control; very few of us did.

  In light of this history, it was interesting to see the Worldcon committee at Sasquan, which gave out the 2015 Hugo Awards, observe while in the course of a disciplinary proceeding concerning one of its attending members that, “The puppies have a strong tendency to _retaliatory_ action.” This committee is nominally impartial, but their natural sympathies tend to lean pretty heavily towards the SJWs in science fiction. However, by resolutely refraining from attacking individuals who have not attacked us, even though we know perfectly well they are not on our side, the Puppies have been able to avoid widening the conflict in science fiction beyond our war on the SJW cabal attempting to impose its diversity doctrine on the entire literary genre.

  Another principle my sensei taught was, “be slow to go, but when you go, you go 100 percent and you don't stop until the opponent is incapacitated.” This is a difficult lesson for most people to apply, especially in the context of an SJW attack, because there is a real sense of relief once the attack is over and the pressure is off. It is stressful to bear the brunt of daily personal attacks on social media, to be called names, to be subject to death wishes and death threats, and this stress is compounded by the fact that it is usually felt by your friends and family as well. During the Sad Puppies 2 campaign of 2014, Larry Correia was subjected to such a vicious storm of lies by SJWs that family acquaintances were contacting his wife, concerned about her safety after reading assertions by SJWs who claimed that he was a wife beater.

  Yes, that really happened. Even though you know the First Law of SJW, even though you are aware that they always lie, it's still hard to believe they would sink that low, isn't it? And yet, that's not even the nadir of their observed behavior!

  Considering the level of stress you endure over the course of such an attack, it's completely understandable that the natural reaction is to want to put the whole thing behind you, regardless of the outcome. Whether they manage to purge you or whether they simply returned to the dark places where they lurk, it's finally over and now you've got your life back again, right? Well, the bad news is that it is the rare SJW who is able to leave you alone after a run-in, especially if you managed to get in a few licks or publicly embarrass him in the process. They'll keep taking shots at you, talking about you behind your back, and in general looking for a way to run you down or otherwise harm you if they can.

  They do this because they are driven, in large part, by fear of being out-grouped, and the mere awareness of someone they perceive to be an enemy inside the in-group puts them under constant stress. One could write a book about it; indeed, Anonymous Conservative has. In The Evolutionary Psychology Behind Politics, he writes about how the SJW's have been observed to possess smaller amygdalas and less developed brain structures that are easily overwhelmed by “an intrusion of a reality they might not want to face, and cannot ignore.”

  In other words, even when the initial conflict is over, the SJWs are not going to leave you alone so long as they believe you to be a potentially vulnerable threat to them. This is why you have to be prepared to continue to up the ante until they finally reach the conclusion that they cannot possibly beat you and they are better off keeping their distance. Fortunately, SJWs are highly emotional, cowardly, and prone to depression, so demoralizing them tends to be considerably easier than you might imagine. They will still hate you, but after repeatedly meeting with staunch and confident opposition, they will usually decide to leave you alone and go in search of less difficult prey.

  It may also be helpful to keep in mind that even in the age of social media, all press is still pretty much good press. For example, I was largely ignored by SJWs until I announced my candidacy for SFWA president. The month before that, November 2012, my total blog traffic was 745,857 Google pageviews. By the end of August 2013, during which the affair came to a head and the SFWA Board voted to expel me, my monthly traffic had risen to 1,308,334. It did drop down to an average of about a million per month as interest declined following the conclusion of the affair, but since then it has steadly risen again to the point that my monthly traffic is now averaging 1,805,636 pageviews per month.

  Clearly being vilified on a daily basis by SJWs around the world hasn't hurt me in the slightest. It's a little ironic, and more than a little amusing, that I now regularly see the volume of traffic that one of my lead
ing SJW critics used to lie about having. And I tend to doubt that media outlets like Newsweek and The Wall Street Journal would be contacting me and requesting my opinion on various events were it not for SJW-run outlets like The Guardian, Entertainment Weekly, National Public Radio, Popular Science, Wired and New Statesman publicly attacking me.

  Reward enemies who leave you alone by leaving them in peace. Reward enemies who insist on continuing hostilities with disincentivizing responses that are disproportionate to their provocations. And never forget, no matter what they do, they cannot touch your mind, they cannot touch your heart, and they cannot touch your soul.


  To the left, civil rights are like a subway: When you reach your stop, you get off. Meanwhile, I’ll just repeat what I said yesterday: For the New Yorker’s target audience, the equivalence of free speech advocates to “gun nuts” is a clear signal of where they’re supposed to fall on the argument. But all I can say is that if the “speech nuts” do as well as the “gun nuts” have done over the past couple of decades, we’ll be in pretty good shape. And the lesson from the “gun nuts” is: Don’t compromise, don’t admit that there’s such a thing as a “reasonable restriction,” don’t back down, and keep pointing out that your opponents are liars and hypocrites. And punish the hell out of politicians who vote with the other side.

  —Glenn Reynolds, Instapundit, 11 August 2015

  The reason SJWs have been so successful since the 1990s is that for more than two decades, they simply did not meet with any serious or organized resistance. #GamerGate represented the first serious organized resistance to them, and in only one year, the intrepid warriors of the gamer community have inspired similar resistance movements to surface in science fiction, in comics, and in romance. Echoes of #GamerGate have begun to appear in the popular culture, as Donald Trump not only refused to kowtow before Fox News's Megyn Kelly flashing of the SJWs' Woman card during the U.S. presidential debate, but afterwards declared political correctness to be a big problem in the U.S.A. Trump's unexpected popularity in the polls is, to a large extent, a consequence of his willingness to confront the SJW Narrative and speak the truth as he sees it.


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