SJWs Always Lie

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SJWs Always Lie Page 15

by Vox Day

  Also, SJWs are lazy. They're not used to being questioned and they rely heavily upon whatever their fellow SJWs tell them, so it's usually pretty easy to catch them out in basic errors of fact as well as logic. Even when their errors are trivial or irrelevant, you can use those mistakes to cast doubt upon their reliability and undermine their credibility.

  Operation Dig Dig Dig is not one of the better-known #GamerGate ops, but the fact that any GamerGater could rapidly draw upon a wide selection of contacts, references, citations, draft emails and the results of research by other GamerGaters from the various repositories set up around the Internet was a major factor in #GamerGate's success. DeepFreeze, a journalism reference source, with seven different sections devoted to Censorship, Dishonesty, Intimidation, Collusion, Corruption, Cronyism, Sensationalism, and Trivia, is one that I have found particularly useful.

  Strategic Principle #5: Build strategic alliances

  You are not unique. You are not alone. You are not the first person to be targeted by SJWs and you will not be the last. The problem is that so few people possess a) the courage to withstand repeated SJW attacks, b) the ability to take the offensive, and c) the willingness to help others who are being attacked. After surviving an attack, most people feel drained and have absolutely no desire to go through the experience again. It can be stressful, particularly if you are a conflict-avoidant person, and it is often unpleasant to have your name besmirched, your character befouled, your motivations questioned, your intentions declared to be false, and your friends and family declared to be evil collaborators.

  This means that you should not reach out to everyone who is inclined to be sympathetic or anti-SJW, but only to those on whom you can rely to be staunch under fire and willing to show up when you call. This is much more important than mere friendship or general agreement about life, the universe, and everything because the SJWs will inevitably attempt to apply the Alinsky tactic of isolating you. Ironically, at the very time the SJWs in science fiction were attempting to separate Larry Correia and Brad Torgersen from me, other SJWs were attempting to separate me from someone they fear and hate even more, the neomasculinist Bane of Canada, RooshV.

  They were unsuccessful in both cases; the two Sad Puppies leaders resolutely refused to either disassociate from me or disavow me (while quite rightly refusing to accept any responsibility for my actions), while I promptly, and publicly, swore blood brotherhood with Roosh despite the fact that he is a hedonistic pagan playboy and I am an evangelical Christian with hermitic inclinations. We may not agree on many things, but I'd rather have Roosh, an experience-hardened veteran of many a public relations battle, at my back than a company of evangelical Christians who will burst into tears and flee as soon as the first barrage of “racist sexist homophobia” begins to land.

  It's one thing to reach out. To cement a strong strategic alliance that will be effective over time, you have to be a good ally yourself. Be quick to come running when your allies call. Retweet their tweets. If you're on Facebook, like their posts. If you've got a blog, provide an excerpt to their posts along with a link to help build their traffic. Pay closer attention to them than usual if you know they're under attack, and provide them with tactical advice if you've got any and moral support if you don't. If you're in the media, look for an excuse to talk about your allies and build them up wherever possible. If you know of a job opening or some other opportunity, see if any of your allies are a fit for it before you advertise it to the public.

  Or, you know, write a foreword to their book for them....

  The Left has historically done an excellent job of this, so much so that their strategic alliances often looked more incestuous than strategic. The Four Horsemen of the New Atheism, Richard Dawkins, Daniel Dennett, Sam Harris, and the late Christopher Hitchens were one particularly effective such alliance; as I noted in The Irrational Atheist, “here Dawkins is lionizing Harris’s “wonderful little book,” there he is favorably quoting Dennett favorably quoting himself, while the works of Dawkins and Dennett top Harris’s list of recommended reading.”

  To beat the Left, you have to be reliably better than the Left. That means forging stronger alliances and always looking out for the interests of your allies as assiduously as you look out for your own.

  Strategic Principle #6: Select your targets and stick to them.

  Perhaps because they are so sensitive to social status, SJWs are extraordinarily hierarchical. They tend to form little rabbit warrens around higher-status SJWs and psychologically identify with them. These “chief rabbits” tend to make the ideal targets for several reasons. First, they are always terrified of losing their status and have little choice but to respond to direct attacks lest they look cowardly and risk losing the support of their followers. Second, they tend to be extreme SJWs, and their lies and misrepresentations tend to be more outrageous and more easily exploited than those of the average SJW. Third, because they have public platforms, exposing them and taking them down has a natural tendency to elevate the critic's profile. Fourth, taking down a “chief rabbit” SJW tends to have the knock-on effect of demoralizing the lesser SJWs who look up to him.

  The Laws of SJW can be very useful in identifying a target. Because SJWs always project, focus on the areas they tend to complain about or criticize most. Those who go on about sexual harassment are probably prone to creeping and stalking. Those who bang on about homophobia likely have some orientational issues. And those who make a particular point to strike a pose about anti-Semitism are the most likely to have a Nazi armband somewhere in a drawer.

  Institutions seldom make good targets because the individuals who run them are so easily replaced. Even when it is necessary to target an institution for practical reasons, it is always more effective to target specific individuals within the institution rather than the institution itself.

  Once you've identified your target, stay focused on it. You'll know your shots are striking home if other SJWs rush to the targeted SJW's defense, but don't permit yourself to be distracted and drawn off to engage with these secondary targets, just ignore them for the time being and stay focused on the original target. Be patient. You can always get around to them later.

  Strategic Principle #7: Keep the moderates in check.

  Moderates are the people who are nominally on your side who don't have the courage to take on the enemy directly, but never hesitate to offer advice and criticism to those who do. They generally mean well, but they have a tendency to believe that goodwill, hand-holding, and being open-minded will inspire even the most lunatic, hate-filled SJW to see sweet reason. Even worse, this belief often causes them to attack their putative allies in order to prevent their allies from attacking the enemy, since attacking the enemy would get in the way of the rapprochement that the moderate is certain will happen with the very next concession.

  Moderates are usually nice people who want to think well of everyone, and they make for very good ambassadors and diplomats. Unfortunately, they usually prefer appeasement to offense and they are far more inclined to shoot at their own side than they are at the other side. One of the readers at Vox Popoli, Civis Silas, described their tendencies in an amusing little dialogue describing a fictional duel of honor being refereed by a moderate.

  Moderate: Okay, gentlemen, or rather, gentle cisgendered humans, you will take five paces, then turn and shoot. SJW has won the coin toss and he will shoot first. Understood?

  SJW: Xir.

  Moderate: What?

  SJW: Xir is my pronoun of choice. Also, I identify as Otherkin. Specifically, a llama.

  Moderate: Right. I do apologize, I certainly didn't mean to offend you. Xir will shoot first.

  Anti-SJW: Wait, how did he win the coin toss? He called heads AND tails!

  Moderate: Xir!

  SJW: smirks

  Anti-SJW: Fine, whatever. It's not like he could hit the broad side of a football stadium.

  Moderate: Xir!

  Anti-SJW: Seriously?

bsp; Moderate: It's only polite. Very well. Are you both ready?

  Anti-SJW: Sure.

  SJW: Time to meet social justice, hatelord!

  Moderate: One...

  SJW: immediately turns and aims pistol at Anti-SJW's back.

  Moderate: looks at SJW disapprovingly. Two...

  SJW: CHECK YOUR PRIVILEGE! Fires and completely misses.

  Anti-SJW: What the hell? turns around. You bastard!

  SJW: How dare you turn around! That's against the rules! Hey, he's turning around!

  Moderate: Anti! You must take three more paces before you may turn around and return fire!

  Anti-SJW: incredulous. He shot at me after two!

  SJW: Xir!

  Moderate: Do not lower yourself to xir's level! Winning the wrong way is worse than losing!

  Anti-SJW: Are you out of your freaking mind? aims at SJW

  SJW: cowers in fear and wets himself. Sorry, xirself.

  Moderate: How dare you! draws pistol and aims it at Anti-SJW. If you do not turn around this very instant, I shall shoot you myself, you dishonorable cur!

  How can you identify a moderate? He is the man who only shoots at his own side and never at the enemy. Moderates merit friendly civility, but no respect. They are often useful, if irritating allies, but do not permit them any input into strategy and tactics or decision-making. And do not accept them as leaders except of their own moderate faction. They are considerably worse than useless in that regard, because they are constantly trying to find a middle ground that quite often does not exist.

  This isn't to say that moderates can't learn. I have known a few who have done so, gradually and over time, mostly by virtue of having their “friends” on the other side repay their steadfast good will with repeated betrayals and regular stabs in the back. But they still need to be regarded with an amount of suspicion and kept out of any leadership position.

  Strategic Principle #8: Be antifragile.

  One cannot too highly recommend Nassim Nicholas Taleb's 2012 book, Antifragile: Things That Gain from Disorder, or applying the principles he explains in it to your life if you are going to take a stand against the SJWs and their Narrative. It should be your goal to become a thing that gains from disorder because disorder is the natural state of the world, especially now that SJWs have become so influential within it. Antifragility in this context that means you have a maximal degree of flexibility, a high level of freedom of movement, sufficient psychological strength to withstand collective social pressure, and a lack of vulnerability to the usual SJW tactics of disqualification, discrediting, and disemployment.

  For example, James Watson was not antifragile despite his sky-high scientific status because, even as Chancellor Emeritus, he did not have effective control over the Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, which fired him after he challenged the SJW Narrative on race. Sir Tim Hunt was not antifragile for multiple reasons, but the particular fragility that proved fatal was that his wife was susceptible to manipulation by the unknown administrator at University College London who lied to her and told her that her husband could resign quietly. (In fairness to Hunt's wife, absolutely nothing about Sir Tim's subsequent behavior indicates that he would have been strong enough to withstand the social pressure that resulted from Connie St. Louis's ambush on his own.)

  SJWs will always seek out your weak points and direct the greater part of their efforts there. Recall how in response to the Sad Puppies 2 campaign, the science fiction SJWs went after Larry Correia's wife because they knew the International Lord of Hate could not have cared less what they thought of him personally. It can be very useful, therefore, to make a habit of regularly feeding them false information in order to encourage them to focus their vicious energies on nonexistent weaknesses. And it is even more useful to not have any weaknesses for them to exploit.

  Targeting employment is one of their standard routines, which is why it was so amusing when Daniel Vavra, a pro-GamerGate developer and the designer of Mafia, told an SJW that he had received the complaint about him that she sent to Warhorse Studios, which he co-founded; that is a beautiful example of antifragile employment.

  No one is entirely bulletproof, but it is very helpful to not be fragile when the SJWs come after you.

  In summary, the thought police can be beaten, though seldom without risk and never without effort. But even the most fragile and vulnerable man can resist them, because your thoughts are always free.

  Und sperrt man mich ein im finsteren Kerker,

  das alles sind rein vergebliche Werke.

  Denn meine Gedanken zerreißen die Schranken

  und Mauern entzwei: Die Gedanken sind frei!

  And if I am thrown into the darkest dungeon,

  All these are futile works,

  Because my thoughts tear all gates

  And walls apart: The thoughts are free!


  I believe that 'social justice' will ultimately be recognized as a will-o'-the-wisp which has lured men to abandon many of the values which in the past have inspired the development of civilization- an attempt to satisfy a craving inherited from the traditions of the small group but which is meaningless in the Great Society of free men. Unfortunately, this vague desire which has become one of the strongest bonds spurring people of good will to action, not only is bound to be disappointed. This would be sad enough. But, like most attempts to pursue an unattainable goal, the striving for it will also produce highly undesirable consequences, and in particular lead to the destruction of the indispensable environment in which the traditional moral values alone can flourish, namely personal freedom.

  —F.A. Hayek, Law, Legislation and Liberty, Volume 2: The Mirage of Social Justice, 1976

  It may seem difficult to imagine a time when social justice has been swept from the scene and SJWs are as irrelevant as Whigs, Girondists, or Mensheviks, but every ideology fades in time, and those founded on falsehood tend to fade faster than most. The fact that most SJWs would genuinely deny that they are socialists or that they seek to destroy Western civilization means that sooner or later, they will be forced to confront the fact that the goals they seek, equality, diversity, and tolerance, are utterly incompatible with personal freedom, societal wealth, and advanced technological civilization.

  There are very few SJWs who would be willing to give up indoor plumbing or their iPhones for their ideals. The fact that they cannot see the contradiction now does not mean they will always be unable to do so, particularly given the way in which their corrupted institutions are falling into rapid decline, one after the other, and being replaced by radical new institutions. The public schools can no longer educate, so people are turning to homeschooling. The universities can no longer provide liberal arts educations, so people are becoming technology-assisted autodidacts. The banks no longer loan, the state and local governments no longer provide basic public services, the military does not defend the borders, the newspapers no longer provide news, the television networks no longer entertain, and the corporations are increasingly unable to provide employment.

  Even as the institutions have been invaded and coopted in the interests of social justice, they have been rendered unable to fulfill their primary functions. This is the great internal contradiction that the SJWs will never be able to positively resolve, just as the Soviet communists were never able to resolve the contradiction of socialist calculation that brought down their economy and their empire 69 years after Ludwig von Mises first pointed it out. One might call it the Impossibility of Social Justice Convergence; no man can serve two masters and no institution can effectively serve two different functions. The more an institution converges towards the highest abstract standard of social and distributive justice, the less it is able to perform its primary function.

  It is possible, indeed, it is likely that the SJWs will not recognize the utter impossibility of the task they have made a societal imperative any sooner than the Soviets did. On the other han
d, the SJWs are in considerably less control in the West than the Communists were in the Soviet Union, and Western society is already approaching a serious crisis, if not a complete collapse of its systemic infrastructure.

  As a sane member of the citizenry who values the various benefits of Western civilization, it falls to you to try to turn back the tide of SJW insanity before everyone learns about the impossibility of social justice convergence the hard way. While it might be satisfying to imagine the face of the SJW of your acquaintance when he learns what his ideal society actually looks like, the fact that you would have to live in that post-apocalyptic environment too should be enough to motivate you to deny yourself the potential pleasure.

  It would be much better to defeat the SJWs, roll back their gains, negate their influence in the culture, and destroy their poisonous and destructive ideology. The following is a seven-point strategy for going about accomplishing that, based on a basic tactical principle. Once the enemy sets a precedent by utilizing a certain tactic, you are not only free to utilize that tactic against him, but you must do so if you wish to prevent him from continuing to use it successfully against you.

  This is a principle that makes many anti-SJWs uncomfortable, but it is important to understand that what distinguishes us from the SJWs is not the type of air we breathe or the sort of tactics upon which we rely, but our ultimate objectives. Those ends do not justify the means, nor do they need to do so, as the means are fully justified by our enemy's use of them. The ends simply serve to make it perfectly clear that we are not them and they are not us. The reason the Germans did not use gas in World War II after introducing it in World War I was not because they had become more civilized, but because the French and British responded in kind. It is the ultimate purposes for which the tactics are used that matter, not the tactics themselves.


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