Born to Rule: Five Reigning Consorts, Granddaughters of Queen Victoria

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Born to Rule: Five Reigning Consorts, Granddaughters of Queen Victoria Page 54

by Julia P. Gelardi

  Queen Victoria to Empress Frederick, 14 June 1892, in Ramm, ed., Beloved and Darling Child, p. 142.

  Queen Marie, My Life, p. 226.

  Pope-Hennessy, Queen Mary, p. 242.

  Pakula, Last Romantic, p. 60.

  Queen Victoria to Victoria of Hesse, 2 June 1892, in Hough, ed., Advice to My Grand-Daughter, p. 117.

  Pope-Hennessy, Queen Mary, p. 242.

  Lee, ed., Empress Frederick Writes to Sophie, p. 119.

  Letter of Lord Rosebery on the Romanian Marriage Treaty, 11 September 1892, P.R.O., F.O. 104/110/No. 5, The National Archives.

  Foreign Office Memorandum of 20 September 1892 on the Roumanian Marriage Treaty, P.R.O., F.O. 104/110/No. 7, The National Archives.

  Memorandum of Lord Rosebery on the Roumanian Marriage Treaty, 27 September 1892, P.R.O., F.O. 104/110/No. 18, The National Archives.

  Sir Henry Ponsonby to Lord Rosebery, 7 November 1892, P.R.O., F.O. 104/110/No. 43, The National Archives.

  P.R.O., F.O. 104/110/No. 47, The National Archives.

  Foreign Office to Charles Hardinge, 11 December 1892, P.R.O., F.O. 104/110/No. 152, The National Archives.


  The Times, 11 January 1893.

  Lord Edward Malet to the Earl of Rosebery, 13 January 1893, P.R.O., F.O. 184, No. 2, The National Archives.

  The Times, 12 January 1893.

  Lee, ed., Empress Frederick Writes to Sophie, p. 135.

  Queen Marie, My Life, p. 288.

  Pope-Hennessy, Queen Mary, p. 241.

  Queen Victoria to the Empress Frederick, 11 January 1893, in Ramm, ed., Beloved and Darling Child, pp. 153–54.

  Queen Victoria to Princess Frederick William of Prussia, 16 May 1860, in Christopher Hibbert, ed., Queen Victoria in Her Letters and Journals (Stroud, Glos.: Sutton Publishing, 2000), p. 104.


  Diary entry of Tsarevitch Nicholas, 21 December 1891, in Maylunas and Mironenko, eds., Lifelong Passion, p. 20.

  Marie, Duchess of Edinburgh, to Countess Alexandrine Tolstoy, 13 January 1885, MB 1/24, Hartley Library, University of Southampton.

  Queen Victoria to Princess Victoria of Hesse, 31 March 1889, in Hough, ed., Advice to My Grand-Daughter, p. 100.

  Pope-Hennessy, Queen Mary, p. 183.

  Queen Victoria to Princess Victoria of Hesse, 21 October 1883, in Hough, ed., Advice to My Grand-Daughter, p. 56.

  Queen Victoria to Princess Victoria of Hesse, 29 December 1890, in ibid., p. 110.

  E. M. Almedingen, The Empress Alexandra, 1872–1918 (London: Hutchinson & Co., 1961), p. 21.

  Lamar Cecil, “William II and His Russian ‘Colleagues,’” in Carole Fink, Isabel V Hull, and MacGregor Knox, eds., German Nationalism and the European Response, 1890–1945 (Norman, OK: University of Oklahoma Press, 1985), p. 26.

  Almedingen, Empress Alexandra, p. 20.

  Ibid., p. 22.

  E.P.P. Tisdall, Marie Feodorovna: Empress of Russia (New York: John Day Co., 1957), p. 178

  Lee, ed., Empress Frederick Writes to Sophie, p. 163.

  Diary entry of Tsarevitch Nicholas, 1 April 1892, in Maylunas and Mironenko, eds., Lifelong Passion, p. 22.

  Almedingen, Empress Alexandra, p. 20.

  Princess Alix to Grand Duchess Xenia, 8 November 1893, in Maylunas and Mironenko, eds., Lifelong Passion, p. 32.

  Princess Alix to Tsarevitch Nicholas, 8 November 1893, in ibid., p. 32.

  Ibid., pp. 32–33.

  Diary entry of Tsarevitch Nicholas, 18 November 1893, in ibid., p. 33.

  Tsarevitch Nicholas to Princess Alix, 17 December 1893, in ibid., p. 34.

  Tsarevitch Nicholas to Empress Marie, 10 April 1894, in ibid., pp. 48–49.

  Cecil, “William II and His Russian ‘Colleagues,’ “ in Fink, Hull, and Knox, eds., German Nationalism and the European Response, pp. 105, 104.

  Wolfgang J. Mommsen, “Kaiser Wilhelm II and German Politics,” Journal of Contemporary History 25 (1990), p. 297.

  Lee, ed., Empress Frederick Writes to Sophie, p. 170.

  Christine Sutherland, Enchantress: Marthe Bibesco and Her World (New York: Farrar, Straus & Giroux, 1996), p. x.

  Queen Marie of Romania, The Story of My Life. Vol. II (London: Cassell & Co., 1934), pp. 14–15.

  Charles Hardinge, Old Diplomacy (London: Jonathan Cape, 1947), p. 51.

  Queen Marie, My Life, vol. II, p. 16.

  Princess Marie of Edinburgh to Queen Victoria, 21 November 1891, RA Z84/107, Royal Archives, Windsor Castle, copy deposited at the Hoover Institution, Stanford University.

  Queen Marie, My Life, vol. II, p. 25.

  Pakula, Last Romantic, p. 96.

  Queen Victoria to the Empress Frederick, 14 October 1894, in Ramm, ed., Beloved and Darling Child, p. 170.

  Tsarevitch Nicholas to Empress Marie, 10 April 1894, in Maylunas and Mironenko, eds., Lifelong Passion, p. 49.

  Diary entry of Tsarevitch Nicholas, 8 April 1894, in ibid., p. 47.

  Princess Marie Louise of Schleswig-Holstein, My Memories of Six Reigns (London: Evans Brothers, 1956), p. 50.

  Baroness Sophie Buxhoeveden, The Life and Tragedy of Alexandra Feodorovna: Empress of Russia (London: Longmans, Green & Co., 1928), p. 34.

  Mathilde Kschessinska, Dancing in St. Petersburg: The Memoirs of Kschessinska (Garden City, NY: Doubleday & Co., 1961), p. 51.

  Theodore H. Von Laue, Sergei Witte and the Industrialization of Russia (New York: Columbia University Press, 1963), pp. 122–23.

  Almedingen, Empress Alexandra, p. 24.

  Lee, ed., Empress Frederick Writes to Sophie, p. 170.

  Queen Victoria’s journal, 20 April 1894, in Buckle, ed., Letters of Queen Victoria, vol. II, pp. 394–95.

  Tsarevitch Nicholas to Princess Alix, 23 April 1894, in Maylunas and Mironenko, eds., Lifelong Passion, p. 60.

  Charles Lowe, Alexander III of Russia (New York: Macmillan and Co., 1895), p. 353.

  Princess Alix to Tsarevitch Nicholas, 22 April 1894, in Maylunas and Mironenko, ed., Lifelong Passion, p. 60.

  Princess Alix to Tsarevitch Nicholas, 26 April 1894, in ibid., p. 63.

  Princess Alix to Tsarevitch Nicholas, 22 April 1894, in ibid., p. 59.

  Tsarevitch Nicholas to Princess Alix, 22 July 1894, in ibid., p. 86.

  Princess Alix to Tsarevitch Nicholas, 22 April 1894, in ibid., p. 60.

  Princess Alix to Queen Victoria, 28 May 1894, in ibid., p. 71.

  Diary of Tsarevitch Nicholas, 15 October 1894, in ibid., p. 98.

  Almedingen, Empress Alexandra, p. 39.

  Vladimir Poliakoff, The Tragic Bride: The Story of the Empress Alexandra of Russia (New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1928), p. 62.

  Grand Duke Alexander, Once a Grand Duke (Garden City, NY: Garden City Publishing Co., 1932), p. 168.

  Tsar Nicholas II to Queen Victoria, 30 October 1894, in Maylunas and Mironenko, eds., Lifelong Passion, p. 102.

  Bomann-Larsen, Kongstangken, p. 352.

  Grand Duchess Elizabeth to Queen Victoria, 24 October/ 5 November 1894, in Lubov Millar, Grand Duchess Elizabeth of Russia (Redding, CA: Nikodemos Orthodox Publication Society, 1991), p. 81.

  Queen Victoria’s journal, 1 November 1894, in Buckle, ed., Letters of Queen Victoria, vol. II, p. 438.

  Queen Victoria to the Empress Frederick, 5 November 1894, in Ramm, ed., Beloved and Darling Child, p. 172.

  Queen Victoria to the Empress Frederick, 2 November 1894, in ibid., p. 173.

  Charlotte Knollys to Mrs. Archibald Knollys, 25 November 1894, MSS 21/M69/25/2, Knollys Papers, Hampshire Record Office.

  Lee, ed., The Empress Frederick Writes to Sophie, p. 181.

  Queen Victoria to Princess Victoria of Hesse, 7 November 1894, in Hough, ed., Advice to My Grand-Daughter, p. 128.

  Queen Victoria’s journal, 26 November 1894, in Buckle, ed., Letters of Queen Victoria, vol. II, p. 454.


  Bomann-Larsen, Kongstangken, pp. 356-57.

  Queen Victoria’s journal, 26 November 1894, in Buck
le, ed., Letters of Queen Victoria, vol. II, p. 454.

  Charlotte Knollys to Mrs. Archibald Knollys, 25 November 1894, MSS 21M69/25/2, Knollys Papers, Hampshire Record Office.

  Tsar Nicholas II to Grand Duke George, 19 November 1894, in Maylunas and Mironenko, eds., Lifelong Passion, p. 114.

  Grand Duchess Elizabeth to Queen Victoria, 19 November/1 December 1894, in Millar, Grand Duchess Elizabeth, p. 85.

  Poliakoff, Tragic Bride, p. 82.

  Tsarina Alexandra to Queen Victoria, 24 November 1894, in Maylunas and Mironenko, eds., Lifelong Passion, p. 115.

  Princess Catherine Radziwill, Nicholas II: The Last of the Tsars (London: Cassell & Co. Ltd., 1931), p. 89.

  Diary entry of Tsar Nicholas II, 31 December 1894, in Maylunas and Mironenko, eds., Lifelong Passion, p. 118.

  Tsarina Alexandra to the Rev. William Boyd Carpenter, Bishop of Ripon, 15 February 1895, Add. MSS 46721/231, The British Library.

  Tsarina Alexandra to Prince Louis of Battenberg, 10 January 1895, in MSS MB1/T95, Broadlands Archives, Hartley Library, University of Southampton.

  Bomann-Larsen, Kongstanken, p. 336.


  The Duchess of Edinburgh from this point will be referred to as the Duchess of Coburg since she had become the reigning Duchess of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha.

  Pakula, Last Romantic, p. 103.

  Queen Marie, My Life, vol. II, p. 85.

  Ibid., p. 86.

  Hardinge, Old Diplomacy, p. 51.

  Queen Marie, My Life, vol. II, p. 47.

  Pakula, Last Romantic, p. 103.

  Buxhoeveden, Alexandra Feodorovna, p. 56.

  Queen Victoria to Princess Victoria of Hesse, 8 December 1895, in Hough, ed., Advice to My Grand-Daughter, p. 133.

  Bomann-Larsen, Kongstangken, p. 400.

  Ibid., p. 374.

  Pope-Hennessy, Queen Mary, p. 315 (“Poor little one, she loved him a lot.” “His conduct towards this little one was cruel; he did not respond to her letters, and you know one should not ever play with a woman’s heart”).

  Sir Sidney Lee, King Edward VII Vol. I: From Birth to Accession, 1841–1901 (London: Macmillan & Co., 1925), p. 607.

  Pope-Hennessy, Queen Mary, p. 316.

  Bomann-Larsen, Kongstangken, pp. 378, 380.

  Ibid., p. 381.

  Ibid., p. 381.

  Ibid., p. 389.

  John Van der Kiste, Edward VII’s Children (Stroud, Glos.: Alan Sutton Publishing, 1989), pp. 81–82.

  Queen Victoria’s journal, 28 October 1895, in Buckle, ed., Letters of Queen Victoria, vol. II, p. 569.

  Møller, Dronning Maud, p. 39.

  Ian Vorres, The Last Grand Duchess: Her Imperial Highness Grand Duchess Olga Alexan-drovna (New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1965), p. 60.

  Patricia Phenix, Olga Romanov: Russia’s Last Grand Duchess (Toronto: Viking, 1999), p. 6.

  Grand Duchess George, Romanov Diary, p. 81.

  Diary entry of 7 May 1884 in Norman Rich and M. H. Fisher, eds., The Holstein Papers: The Memoirs, Diaries and Correspondence of Friedrich von Holstein, 1837–1909. Vol. II: Diaries (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1957), p. 139.

  Mabel Potter Daggett, Queen Marie of Romania: The Intimate Story of the Radiant Queen (New York: George H. Doran Co., 1926), p. 113.

  When Queen Victoria was asked by the Marquis of Salisbury in 1887 whether men who had been divorced because of their adultery should not be given “social recognition of any kind,” the queen instructed her private secretary to reply that she “entirely agrees about the gentlemen. It would have the best effect. Society is too bad now; some stop should be put to it.” Letter of March 1887 from Queen Victoria to Henry Ponsonby in George Earle Buckle, ed., The Letters of Queen Victoria: Third Series, A Selection from Her Majesty’s Correspondence and Journal Between the Years 1886 and 1901. Vol. I (London: John Murray, 1930), p. 288.

  Almedingen, Empress Alexandra, p. 44.

  Lili Dehn, The Real Tsaritsa (London: Thornton Butterworth, 1922), p. 59.

  Ibid., p. 61.

  Dominic Lieven, Nicholas II: Twilight of the Empire (New York: St. Martin’s Press, 1993), p. 57.

  Vorres, Last Grand Duchess, p. 55.

  Robert K. Massie, Nicholas and Alexandra (New York: Atheneum, 1967), p. 117.

  Lord Frederic Hamilton, The Vanished World of Yesterday (London: Hodder & Stoughton, 1950), p. 475.

  Massie, Nicholas and Alexandra, p. 117.

  Greg King, The Last Empress: The Life and Times of Alexandra Feodorovna, Tsarina of Russia (New York: Birch Lane Press, 1994), p. 105.

  W. Bruce Lincoln, Sunlight at Midnight: St. Petersburg and the Rise of Modern Russia (New York: Basic Books, 2000), p. 29.

  The Times, 27 May 1896.

  Queen Marie, My Life, vol. II, pp. 67-68.

  The Widow of an American Diplomat, Intimacies of Court and Society: An Unconventional Narrative of Unofficial Days (New York: Dodd, Mead & Co., 1912), p. 122.

  Queen Marie, My Life, vol. II, p. 73.

  Massie, Nicholas and Alexandra, p. 59.

  Queen Marie, My Life, vol. II, p. 72.

  Statement of Colonel Sir Henry Knollys, undated, MSS 21M69/33/92, Knollys Papers, Hampshire Record Office.

  Anne Kjellberg, Dronning Maud: Et Liv—en Motehistorie (Oslo: Grøndahl og Dreyers, 1995), pp. 20–21.

  Pope-Hennessy, Queen Mary, p. 270.

  Van der Kiste, Edward VII’s Children, p. 84.

  E. C.F. Collier, ed., A Victorian Diarist: Later Extracts from the Journals of Mary, Lady Monkswell, 1895–1909 (London: John Murray, 1946), p. 16.

  Queen Victoria to the Empress Frederick, 26 September 1896, in Ramm, ed., Beloved and Darling Child, p. 195.

  Tsar Nicholas II to Empress Marie, 2 October 1896, in Bing, ed., Tsar Nicholas and Empress Marie, p. 120.

  Queen Victoria’s journal, 3 October 1896, in George Earle Buckle, ed., The Letters of Queen Victoria: Third Series, A Selection from Her Majesty’s Correspondence and Journal Between the Years 1886 and 1901. Vol. III (London: John Murray, 1932), p. 88.

  Tsarina Alexandra to Madge Jackson, 3 October 1896, in Buxhoeveden, Alexandra Feodorovna, p. 73.

  Marie, Duchess of Edinburgh, to Countess Alexandrine Tolstoy, 20 November (2 December) 1896, MB 1/U24, Hartley Library, University of Southampton.


  William Le Quex, Things I Know About Kings, Celebrities, and Crooks (London: Eveleigh Nash & Grayson, 1923), p. 96.

  Queen Elisabeth, letter of 13 December 1901, in Queen Elisabeth (and Henry Howard Harper), Letters and Poems of Queen Elisabeth (Carmen Sylva) (Boston: Bibliophile Society, 1920), p. 127.

  Queen Marie, My Life, vol. II, p. 82.

  Kjellberg, Dronning Maud, p. 27.

  Maud, Princess Carl of Denmark, to Lady Charles Scott, 6 December 1898, Add. MSS 52307/153, The British Library.

  Battiscombe, Queen Alexandra, p. 200.

  Maud, Princess Carl of Denmark, to Lady Charles Scott, 27 January 1897, Add. MSS 52307/145, The British Library.

  Maud, Princess Carl of Denmark, to Lady Charles Scott, 1 May 1898, Add. MSS 52307/147, The British Library.

  Van der Kiste, Edward VII’s Children, p. 85.

  Queen Marie, My Life, vol. II, p. 125.

  Crown Princess Sophie to Empress Frederick, 16 January 1897, in Buckle, ed., Letters of Queen Victoria, vol. III, p. 121.


  Marquis of Salisbury to Queen Victoria, 12 February 1897, in ibid., pp. 130–31.

  Queen Victoria to Marquis of Salisbury, 15 February 1897, in ibid., p. 133.

  Extract of letter from Crown Princess Sophie to Empress Frederick, 18 February 1897, in ibid., p. 136.

  Empress Frederick to Queen Victoria, 19 February 1897, in ibid., p. 135.

  Queen Victoria to Marquess of Salisbury, 21 February 1897, in ibid., p. 138.

  Queen Victoria to Empress Frederick, 31 March 1897, in Ramm, ed., Beloved and Darling Child, p. 201.

nbsp; Collier, ed., Victorian Diarist, p. 25.

  The Times, 2 April 1897.

  The Times, 8 April 1897.

  Empress Frederick to Queen Victoria, 18 April 1897, in ed., Buckle, Letters of Queen Victoria, vol. III, p. 150.

  Stephen Gwynne, ed., The Letters and Friendships of Sir Cecil Spring Rice: A Record. Vol. I (London: Constable & Co., 1929), p. 221.

  Lee, ed., Empress Frederick Writes to Sophie, p. 245.

  Prince Nicholas, My Fifty Years, p. 159.

  Theodore George Tatsios, The Megali Idea and the Greek-Turkish War of 1897: The Impact of the Cretan Problem on Greek Irredentism, 1866–1897 (New York: Columbia University Press, 1984), p. 115.

  Ibid., p. 215, note 56.

  Lee, ed., Empress Frederick Writes to Sophie, p. 250.

  Queen Victoria to Empress Frederick, 24 April 1897, in Ramm, ed., Beloved and Darling Child, p. 203.

  Edward Egerton to Queen Victoria, 25 April 1897, in Buckle, ed., Letters of Queen Victoria, vol. III, p. 154.

  Lee, ed., Empress Frederick Writes to Sophie, pp. 251–52.

  Queen Victoria’s journal, 9 May 1897, in Buckle, ed., Letters of Queen Victoria, vol. III, p. 160.

  Queen Victoria to Sir Edward Egerton, 9 May 1897, in ibid., p. 161.

  Emperor Wilhelm II to Queen Victoria, 13 May 1897, in ibid., pp. 162–63.

  John Van der Kiste, Kings of the Hellenes: The Greek Kings, 1863–1914 (Stroud, Glos.: Sutton Publishing, 1994), p. 59.

  Interview with Lady Katherine Brandram, 2 May 2001, Marlow, Bucks.

  Van der Kiste, Kings of the Hellenes, p. 82.

  Mary Allsebrook, Born to Rebel: The Life of Harriet Boyd Harris (Oxford: Oxbow Books, 1992), p. 34.

  Grand Duchess George, Romanov Diary, p. 57.

  Allsebrook, Born to Rebel, p. 70.

  Ibid., p. 74.

  Queen Victoria to Empress Frederick, 5 August 1897, in Ramm, ed., Beloved and Darling Child, p. 206.

  Queen Victoria to Empress Frederick, 9 October 1897, in ibid., pp. 207–08.

  Sir Arthur Bigge to the Marquis of Lansdowne, 29 October 1897, P.R.O., W.O. 32/6276, The National Archives.

  Sir Arthur Bigge to the Marquis of Lansdowne, 7 November 1897, P.R.O., W.O. 32/6276, The National Archives.

  Empress Frederick to the Reverend William Boyd Carpenter, Bishop of Ripon, 28 December 1897, Add. MSS. 46721/99, The British Library.

  Queen Olga to Harriet Boyd Hawes, 22 December/2 January 1898/99 in Allsebrook, Born to Rebel, p. 79.


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