Battles Lost and Won

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Battles Lost and Won Page 12

by Beryl Matthews

  ‘It will come, darling, but it takes time, and education is a vital step to help the poor improve their lot. Young Bob knew that, and had the desire to do something about it by becoming a teacher himself.’

  Ben sighed. ‘If only he had stayed I would have helped him. Dear God, Emma, if I was still a drinking man I’d have a stiff brandy now.’ When he saw his wife’s expression he grimaced. ‘Don’t worry; I’m not going to. It’s obvious that we can’t change the world tonight, but we do have to put our own house in order. Do you know where Mother is?’

  ‘I haven’t seen her since we arrived back. I’ll send Green to find her.’

  ‘I’ve ordered tea,’ the captain’s mother announced as she entered the sitting room. ‘How did your trip to London go?’

  ‘Upsetting,’ Emma said.

  ‘I don’t know why you went. We made an honest mistake and letters would have been enough.’

  The tea trolley arrived and Ben waited until they were on their own before speaking. ‘Mother, I will not have you interfering in the running of this household. All this unpleasantness could have been avoided if you had let Emma wait for me to return.’

  ‘Benjamin, I have been used to doing things my way. It is kind of you and Emma to have me here, but I am going out of my mind with nothing to do. My body may be creaking, but my mind is still sharp.’

  ‘There is no denying that, and we need to find a solution. What do you think about setting up your own small household in the Gatehouse? You could have your own servants to look after you, and you would have your independence to live as you please. But you would still be close enough for us to keep an eye on you.’

  His mother looked startled for a moment, and then broke into a huge smile. ‘That is a splendid idea, but is it habitable, Benjamin, because it hasn’t been used for some time?’

  ‘I will have it put into good order for you.’ Ben was relieved his mother seemed so pleased with the idea. ‘You may choose the wallpaper and furniture.’

  ‘That is wonderful, and very generous of you both. I shall enjoy overseeing the refurbishment.’

  Ben doubted that the workers would, but he said nothing, and wondered why he hadn’t thought of this before. He loved his mother, but the two of them under one roof would never work.

  Emma joined in the enthusiasm, also relieved that this was going so well. ‘Mother, there are some good pieces of furniture in the attic storage rooms. There might be something there you would like.’

  ‘Splendid. We shall sort through them tomorrow.’ She looked intently at her son. ‘You will employ the workers quickly, Benjamin?’

  ‘It will be my first task tomorrow, and you should be able to move in within a couple of weeks.’

  ‘The sooner I’m out of your way the better for all of us.’ She patted her daughter-in-law’s hand and stood up. ‘May I ask Green to accompany me to the Gatehouse before dinner? I should like to have a look at it before it’s too dark.’

  ‘Of course.’ Ben rang for the butler, and when they had left he sat back and closed his eyes for a moment.

  ‘Are you all right, darling?’

  He turned his head to look at his wife. ‘I’m suddenly tired, and feeling unsettled. This has not been a pleasant day, Emma.’

  ‘I agree, but we have put things right with Ruth, and Mother is happy about moving to the Gatehouse. Not a pleasant day, as you say, but not a wasted one either.’

  Three days later Ben opened a letter from Ruth. It was short, thanking them for the money, and saying that she thought it was kind of them to come in person to see her.

  He replied at once, but his letter was long and chatty, telling her about the horses, his children and what was happening on the estate. He also asked questions about her brothers and sister, hoping this would prompt her to write again. He really wanted to stay in touch with the Coopers and Bob’s father, but after the way Ruth had been treated by them, he knew they would be reluctant to keep in contact. If Ruth wrote again, then he would try to keep the correspondence going, but if she didn’t reply then he would have to leave it at that.

  Ever since Bob had arrived here and urged him to stop drinking, he had felt a strong connection to all of them. That was why he had taken the trouble to find Alfred Hunter, and offered Ruth a position with them. His good intentions had ended in disaster and he hoped to be able to make amends one day.


  ‘I’m going to a birthday party!’

  Ruth put down the mending she was doing and smiled at her little sister. ‘That’s very exciting. Where is it?’

  ‘At Mr Hunter’s new house. Mrs Selby’s giving it for Alice. She’ll be five. Eddie and John are coming as well.’

  ‘Oh, Alice must be Mrs Selby’s youngest girl then.’

  ‘My best frock doesn’t fit me any more,’ Sally sighed. ‘I’ve grown a lot while you’ve been away. Could you make it bigger for me?’

  ‘I’ve already let it out twice, and there isn’t enough material to do it again.’

  ‘Oh.’ She looked down at the one she was wearing and pulled a face. ‘I’ll have to go in this one, I suppose.’

  ‘I tell you what, Sally, let’s go to the market and get some material to make you a new frock.’

  ‘Will you?’ Sally threw herself at Ruth, hugging her fiercely. ‘You’re the best sister I could have. We’re so glad you’re back. Don’t go away again, please.’

  ‘I never will.’

  ‘Can we come as well?’ John asked, and Eddie jumped up in anticipation too.

  ‘Of course, let’s go right now.’

  Daisy was upstairs making the beds, so Ruth called out, ‘Mum, we’re all going to the market, do you want anything?’

  ‘You can bring me back a loaf and some potatoes,’ she answered, looking down the narrow stairs at her excited children.

  They went straight to the haberdashery stall. It was always piled high with materials of all colours, ribbons and all things needed for sewing. Ruth loved the stall and knew the owner well.

  Mrs Law smiled. ‘Hello, Ruth, what can I do for you today?’

  Sally didn’t give her sister a chance to answer. ‘Ruth’s going to make me a party frock in pink.’

  Mrs Law winked at Ruth, then said to the little girl, ‘I’m sure we can find you just the colour. What about this? It’s a nice bright pink and will go with your dark hair very well.’

  ‘Ooh, that’s pretty.’ She glanced up at her sister and whispered, ‘Will that cost too much?’

  Ruth examined the deep pink material, liking the small self-coloured roses all over it. The cloth was light and would hang well, she decided. ‘This would make a nice frock, but have a look at everything, Sally, and see if there is anything else you like.’

  ‘All right.’ Sally walked round and round looking at every bale of material, then came back to the first one Ruth was still holding. ‘I like this the best, but if we can’t afford it I’ll find a cheaper one.’

  ‘We can afford it, sweetie.’ Ruth bought enough to make the frock and found some ribbon of almost the same shade.

  The boys were getting fidgety, not at all interested in girls’ things, so with the purchases made, they set off to have a good look round the market. Taking hold of Sally’s hand to keep her safe in the crowds, they examined the goods on every stall. She had just bought the things her mum wanted when the boys raced over to another stall, shouting with pleasure.

  Still holding on to Sally’s hand, Ruth followed to find her brothers looking at some wooden toys. They were very well made. The seller was about the same age as her dad, so he had probably fought in the war as well. She had great sympathy for all the men, as work was hard to find, and many were struggling to make a living.

  She smiled. ‘Did you make these yourself?’

  ‘Yes, Miss.’

  ‘Look at this, Ruthie.’ Eddie held up a bright red tram.

  ‘Well, I’ve bought Sally something so you can have that. John, you choose something as wel

  He pounced on a blue train. ‘Can I have this one?’

  ‘Of course.’ She paid for the toys, and they continued their walk. While they were going from stall to stall an idea began to form in her mind. ‘I want to go back to the material stall, boys,’ she called, ‘and then we must go home.’

  Still clutching their precious toys they followed their sister obediently.

  ‘We’re back again, Mrs Law. I was wondering if you have any odd pieces and end of the rolls you can sell me?’

  ‘I get plenty of those. See if there’s anything you can use in the box under the stall.’

  Ruth was delighted to see the box overflowing with all kinds of materials, some very small and others of a decent size. ‘How much do you want for the lot?’

  ‘Sixpence and they’re yours, Ruth.’

  ‘Thank you, Mrs Law.’ Ruth paid her.

  ‘What you going to do with all that?’ Eddie asked as they made their way home.

  ‘I’m going to make things with it.’

  ‘What things?’ John wanted to know.

  ‘Not sure yet; I’ll decide when I’ve had a good look at the materials.’

  It didn’t take Ruth long to make Sally’s frock, and she was very pleased with it. Her little sister would look a picture wearing it. She had decorated the sleeves and neck with the ribbon, and put small frills in layers all down the skirt. ‘There, that’s finished,’ she told Sally, ‘now try it on for me, sweetie.’

  Sally twirled and preened in front of the mirror, beaming with delight at the pretty creation. She put her arms around her big sister’s neck and sniffed on her shoulder, quite overcome at having such a beautiful frock. ‘Thank you, Ruthie.’

  Lifting her down, Ruth laughed. ‘Let’s see you smile then.’

  ‘Girls are daft,’ Eddie said, disgusted. ‘All this fuss just because she’s got a new frock.’

  ‘You two can’t go to the party looking like tramps either.’ Ruth had been back to the market without them knowing and now produced her purchases. ‘You’ve both got new trousers and shirts. Go and put them on so I can see if they fit.’

  She was so used to making and mending clothes for all the kids that she didn’t have any trouble getting the right sizes for them. The boys were obviously pleased to have new clothes instead of hand-me-downs, but of course, they wouldn’t show it like their sister. John did give her a quick peck on the cheek though. Eddie just stuck his hands in his pockets and said they fitted all right. Ruth took their reactions to mean they were happy with the new clothes.

  ‘Ruth, what did we tell you?’ Her mum was standing in the doorway shaking her head. ‘We told you not to spend your money on us.’

  ‘I wanted the kids to look nice for the party, and I’ve got plenty left. And there’s just one more thing.’ She hurried out of the room and returned holding her hands behind her back. ‘You can’t go to a birthday party without taking a present.’

  She held out a doll she had made from scraps of material. The face was neatly embroidered on and she was dressed in pretty lemon-coloured clothes.

  ‘Oh, it’s beautiful!’ Sally cried, reaching out to take hold of the doll. ‘Alice will love it.’

  ‘Here’s some paper for you to wrap it nicely.’ Ruth still had one arm behind her back, and the boys were trying to see what she was holding. She laughed and held out another doll to her sister. ‘And this one is for you.’

  The little girl gasped in delight, took the doll and examined it in wonder. ‘Look, look, Mum, it’s got my frock on.’

  ‘I had some material left over.’ Ruth smiled at Sally’s happy face. ‘I’m glad you like it.’

  ‘Oh, I do.’ Her little sister hugged her. ‘I’m so lucky to have a clever sister.’

  ‘Yes, you are clever, Ruth.’ Daisy picked up one of the dolls. ‘These are lovely and beautifully made.’

  ‘They have turned out well.’ Ruth was pleased with their reaction, and this strengthened her determination to go ahead with her plans, but she said nothing. She wanted to talk to her dad first.

  The next afternoon Daisy had taken the kids off to the party and Ruth had the place to herself. She had spread the pieces of material over the floor in the front room and was busy with the scissors when her dad walked in.

  ‘What are you up to, Ruth? Didn’t you want to go to the party?’

  ‘I’m too busy.’ She smiled up at him. During the war he had been away so long that he had seemed like a stranger when he’d arrived home, but since then they had become close, and she went to him with any problems. She loved him dearly. ‘How’s the Imperial War Museum coming along?’

  ‘Fine. They’ve got a huge amount of material now.’ He sat on the floor next to her. ‘Are you going to tell me what you’re up to?’

  ‘I’ve got an idea, Dad, but I want to know what you think.’ She took some small garments out of a bag and handed them to him. ‘You’ve seen the dolls I made, but what do you think of these?’

  ‘Baby clothes?’ He frowned and she laughed at his expression.

  ‘They’re not for me – or mum.’

  ‘That’s a relief.’ He made a show of mopping his brow, and she hit him on the arm, still laughing.

  ‘Stop messing about. This is serious.’

  He grinned and began to examine the garments. ‘They’re beautifully made, Ruth, so what do you intend to do with them?’

  ‘I thought I’d make quite a few things, and see if I could sell them at the market.’

  ‘Hmm. The dolls could be popular, especially near Christmas. Do you want to set up a stall?’

  She shook her head. ‘Not until I know if the things will sell. I’m hoping to persuade Mrs Law to let me have a corner of her stall, for a fee, of course.’

  ‘That’s a sensible way to start, and these are so good I don’t think you will have trouble selling them.’

  ‘Oh, good. Now all I want is for you to price them for me. You are officially my partner now.’

  ‘If we’re going into business together then I’d better draw up a contract,’ he joked. ‘How much are you going to pay me?’

  They were both laughing like a couple of fools now, and Ruth struggled to be serious again. ‘I appoint you the boss, and I’m the fingers. Honestly, Dad, I really want to do this, but I need your help. I’m never going into service again so I’ve got to find some way to earn a living. I can’t rely on you forever.’

  ‘I know how you feel, sweetheart, and of course I’ll help you. Let’s take everything you’ve made into the scullery, and we’ll work out how much you should charge.’

  By the time another week had passed, Ruth had used every scrap of material she had. As soon as she had enough things to sell she went with her dad to see Mrs Law at the market. If she didn’t agree to let her put them on her stall, then they would have to think again.

  ‘Hello, Mrs Law,’ she said, feeling very nervous. ‘This is my dad.’

  ‘Pleased to meet you, Mr Cooper.’ They shook hands. ‘I’ve got another box of scraps, if you want them, Ruth?’

  ‘Er . . .’ She glanced imploringly at her dad.

  ‘My daughter has a proposition for you, Mrs Law.’ He handed over a bag of garments and stuffed toys. ‘What do you think of these?’

  The stallholder took each item out and looked at it carefully. ‘Did you make these, Ruth?’

  ‘Yes, I’m quite good with a needle.’

  ‘You’re more than good, young lady. What is your proposal?’ She looked at Steve for the answer.

  ‘We would like to put these on your stall to see if they would sell. ‘We’ll give you a penny from every sale to pay for the use of your stall.’

  When she didn’t answer, Steve said, ‘I think that’s fair, don’t you?’

  Mrs Law nodded. ‘But for that you will need to do the selling yourself, Ruth. I have my own business to take care of.’

  ‘I’ll do that.’ Ruth’s insides were churning with excitement.

  ‘Do w
e have a deal?’ Steve asked.

  ‘We do.’ Mrs Law shook hands with both of them. ‘Let’s clear a part of the stall right now and set these out.’

  Steve stayed as well, and within an hour every toy had been sold, and four items of baby clothing. Ruth couldn’t stop smiling, and the stallholder was also very pleased. It had brought more customers to her stall and also increased her own sales.

  ‘I’ll take that box of pieces you have,’ Ruth said, ‘and a couple of longer lengths.’

  ‘Choose what you want.’ Mrs Law smiled at Ruth and Steve. ‘Looks like you two are going to be busy.’

  Steve took the bag of materials with him, leaving his daughter working happily on the stall. He had been very worried about her, and was relieved she had found something to become involved in. With her talent this was probably the best thing she could do. She could work from home and still earn some money.

  ‘How did it go?’ Daisy asked anxiously when he walked in.

  ‘Things are selling well.’ He smiled and put the bag on the table. ‘So she’s had to buy more material.’

  ‘Oh, that’s wonderful!’

  He nodded. ‘We’ve both been worried about her after that nasty incident with the Russells, but she’s used her head, and her talent for sewing. I think she will be able to put the past behind her now. She’s positively brimming with enthusiasm.’

  ‘It tore me apart to see her in such a state, but let’s hope it has made her stronger.’

  There was a knock on the back door and Alf looked in. ‘Ah, good, you’re back. Want to have a look around the museum to see how they are getting on?’

  ‘Come in, Alf. I’ve been sorting out some things they might like. Your book should be ready by now, shouldn’t it?’

  ‘That’s what I’m hoping. Can’t wait to see it.’

  In only a few minutes they were on their way, and Steve told Alf all about Ruth’s little business venture.

  ‘You don’t need to worry about your clever girl,’ Alf told him. ‘She’ll do all right for herself, you just wait and see. I only wish I could feel as confident about my boy. He’s out there alone, and goodness knows what he’s up to. I only hope he doesn’t fall in with the wrong people.’


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