Pride and the Stranger: Book 2 in the Pride Trilogy

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Pride and the Stranger: Book 2 in the Pride Trilogy Page 14

by TJ Dallas

  Later that night, after Zoe had recovered from her intense orgasm and dried herself off, I lathered moisturiser on her legs and rubbed her feet. She sighed contentedly.

  “That bath was amazing,” she said, closing her eyes and leaning back against the pillows. “And how did you pack that vibrator without me knowing about it? That was a nice surprise.”

  I frowned. “Harry said you knew that I’d packed it? You told her you wanted a bath, and …” I trailed off.

  Zoe opened her eyes, looking at me with a puzzled expression. “I didn’t talk to Harry …? Well, I did, but I didn’t tell her that.”

  Don’t believe everything you hear, pet, Harry thought, chuckling. Even five conversations is a bit much for us, but I’d give it a try. When I quested towards you, I wanted to know what you wanted. Good things don’t come to those who wait, but to those who go for it. Confidence is the key, my dear.

  The next day, Harry wore a sleek black bikini top with a matching waistband peeking over the top of a pair of grey knee-length shorts. I caught myself staring at her. Water droplets glistened on her cleavage, the swell of her breasts barely contained in the Lycra fabric.

  She barrelled past me, leapt high into the air, and cannonballed into the water. A large wave washed over Althea, soaking her hair that she’d tried so hard not to ruin, and her mouth opened in shock. I raised a hand to my mouth, trying to withhold my laughter.

  Harry wasn’t anywhere to be seen, and Althea spun around, treading water and trying to determine where she’d gone.

  Within seconds, Harry appeared again, right in front of her, and sprayed a mouthful of water into her face before darting away. The shock on Althea’s face was unmistakable, water dripping from her hair.

  “Harriet, you get back here right—”

  Emilia appeared behind her and jumped up, leaning down on Althea’s shoulders so that she disappeared under, mid-speech.

  She came back up with a gasp. “You’re both as bad as each other.”

  Emilia laughed as Harry circled back around, giving her a loud high-five. I chuckled, and Zoe struggled to contain her fit of giggles next to me.

  Zoe wore a pink and white bikini which barely covered her modesty, and I took a slow breath, just admiring her. I watched her lie back, closing her eyes against the blaring heat of the sun.

  “Fancy an ice cream?” Bella asked, and I shook my head.

  “I’m OK, thanks.”

  She nodded, slipping her sandals on and standing up. “Zoe?”

  Zoe shook her head as well.

  I couldn’t help my eyes as they drifted down Bella’s athletic body. Her dreadlocks were pulled back in a thick ponytail, a selection of thin gold necklaces nestled in her cleavage. Her waist was petite and feminine, and her breasts were comfortably supported by a yellow polka-dot bikini. Why were they all so damn sexy? It should be illegal.

  I watched the sway of her hips as she sauntered towards the wooden hut on the far side of the pool that served as the bar. She held up two fingers, politely requested a couple of different things, and held up her all-inclusive wristband. I giggled. She wouldn’t have offered an ice cream if she’d had to pay for it.

  The bartender nodded, clearly trying to remove his eyes from her cleavage. Whether Bella knew the bartender was ogling her or not, I don’t know, but it didn’t seem to bother her.

  She finally came back with two beers, a glass of water, and a strawberry yoghurt ice lolly. I was still staring at her when Harry shook her hair, sending ice cold droplets over me. I gasped.

  “Easy, pet. I’ve gotten you wet before,” she said, and I saw Zoe smiling out of the corner of my eye.

  Harry turned away, picking up a towel and patting her hair dry. She rested the towel over her shoulders as she sat down, taking a beer from Bella’s outstretched hand.

  “Cheers. How was your workshop, by the way?”

  “It was OK,” Bella muttered, dropping her gaze. “More importantly, how are you after …?”

  I’d heard about what happened with Harry, Bella, and the Old Smokies. Harry hadn’t been able to hide the cut across her eyebrow, nor the bruises across her jaw and cheekbone. I’d asked her outright at the end of one of my shifts, and she’d nonchalantly advised me not to fuck anyone even remotely related to an organised crime gang.

  I’d returned her gentle smile, but my stomach had knotted at the thought of her getting hurt, and she’d done it all for Bella. The perks of being the boss, she’d advised. She was their protector, and she needed to step up when such situations arose. I prayed it wouldn’t arise again, at least not in my lifetime.

  “I’m fine, thanks,” Harry said, as she ran a finger over her eyebrow, a faint white scar splitting the delicate hairs.

  The next few hours were spent sunbathing, going for a dip in the pool when the heat became unbearable, eating at the all-inclusive buffet (Georgia’s absolute favourite time of day) and drinking, playing cards, or reading books.

  I’d fallen asleep for a short time, waking up at the feel of Zoe’s soft hands rubbing suncream into my back. I caught her gaze, and she smiled.

  “Everyone’s going for a walk. Are you coming?”

  As we walked down the road towards the shops, we caught sight of two topless women sunbathing on the veranda of one of the apartments lining the street. A petite blonde was resting back on a sun lounger, while the other, with darker hair, rested against the edge of a paddling pool, her eyes to the sky and her nipples out and proud. The blonde took a long draw on a large tobacco pipe, blowing out a large cloud of smoke. Harry smirked, unashamedly checking them out.

  “Good afternoon, ladies.” She winked, turning around to keep their gaze as she continued to walk backward.

  The women blushed, giggling as they waved, and even I cringed at how infatuated they became. Oh jeez, had I been that bad when I’d first met her?

  “Nos gustan los hombres,” the blonde shouted.

  “A mi novia también, hasta que está gritando mi nombre,” Harry shouted back, and my eyes widened.

  Althea nudged her playfully, and Harry finally turned to look in the direction she was walking.

  “You speak Spanish?” I asked, the shock evident in my voice.

  “Sí,” she replied, laughing. “When you’ve been on the earth for twenty-six hundred years, you pick up a phrase or two.”

  “What did she say?”

  “She said they like men, and I said so does my girlfriend until she’s screaming my name.”

  I snorted, stealing a quick glance back. The women were still eyeing Harry up, their cheeks flushed and their lips swollen. They would roll over for her, and they both knew it.

  Zoe squeezed my hand as we continued our walk towards the beach. Every now and again, someone would stop to take a look in one of the shops along the coast, and our group would slow to a gentle stroll. Sometimes, others would follow into the shop for a browse, while the rest hovered outside, taking a drink of water or, in Harry’s case, lighting a cigarette. The sun was blaring down, and I felt the heat across my shoulders. I tightened my ponytail.

  “Look at these plant seeds,” Zoe squealed, pointing to a rack outside the latest shop. “Melon tits. Oh my God, penis peppers.” She laughed hysterically. There was a large array of seeds on offer, offering home-grown vegetables in all sorts of naughty shapes.

  I swirled the rack. “Maybe we should take some home for your parents. Can you imagine their faces?”

  “That would be hilarious, but we should get them a souvenir without a heart-attack risk.” She scanned the various fridge magnets, postcards, and bracelets.

  Harry came out of the shop to our right, pulling down her baseball cap to cover her eyes. “Anyone for some fake Louis Vuitton?” She smirked. “Bella’s having a field day. She likes the brands, but she’s loathe to part with more than ten euros.”

She lifted a bottle of water to her lips. Her strong shoulders tightened in her sleek white tank top, her skin already turning a more delicious golden brown. Her tattooed bicep caught my eye.

  “Sorry, is it blocking the sunlight?” she asked, grinning and purposefully flexing again. I shook my head, my cheeks flushing pink. “Why do you still blush?” she added, sounding genuinely curious.

  I shrugged. “I don’t know.”

  I wasn’t about to tell her that my pussy was also starting to soak through my underwear, or that my clit was starting to pulse. Her arms were in a league of their own, and they made me a quivering mess at the best of times. My insides clenched as a shot of adrenaline fired through my chest. Those arms were currently glistening in a thin layer of sweat, a delightful light brown, which contrasted nicely against the stark white of her top. I swallowed hard.

  Harry was motionless, watching me carefully, and she caught my gaze with a wink. “I’ll let you touch them later.”



  I rolled over, pulling the duvet tighter to my chin. I swallowed, noticing my wet mouth. I tried to hold onto my dream. I was sitting around a campfire, surrounded by everyone from the Cardinal. I was roasting marshmallows, focusing on the flames and laughing at some joke or another. I felt my mouth moistening again. The dream was fading fast.

  I heard the whisper of someone trying to get my attention. A few of the hairs stood up on the back of my neck, and I realised my mind was trying to wake me up. I opened my eyes, squinting against the darkness. The shadow of a person stood at the end of the bed.

  I screamed, and Harry moved quickly to throw her hand over my mouth. “Shh, pet, you don’t want to wake the whole complex.”

  She slowly released her hand once I’d stopped panicking, and I gulped in air, trying to calm my pulse which had skyrocketed at the thought that someone had broken into our hotel room. I looked around to see if I’d woken Zoe. My eyes were still adjusting to the dark, but my hand didn’t lie. It found nothing but empty sheets, and I bolted upright.

  “Calm down, it’s just me. Zoe’s already dressed ... per se …” Harry smirked. “And you need to hurry up.”

  “Why, where are we going?” I asked, shaking my head and trying to rouse myself awake. I rubbed my eyes.

  “A midnight swim.”

  “Seriously, a swim? Now? It’s the middle of the night.”

  “That was implied, considering it’s a midnight swim.” She rolled her eyes. “Come on, everyone else will already be there.” She threw my bikini at me.


  “Yes, everyone. Come on, or they’ll get started without us.”


  “Too many questions,” she said, shaking her head. “If you don’t dress yourself in the next thirty seconds, I’ll chuck you in the pool in your pyjamas.”

  I quickly sat up straighter and removed the duvet from my legs. Swinging around, my feet touched the cold marble of the hotel room, and Harry nodded, gathering a few more items. She returned as I slipped on my bikini bottoms, dropping sandals at my feet and throwing a towel next to me.

  “Finally,” she muttered.

  I grabbed my key card and closed the door quietly, following Harry downstairs. The receptionist briefly looked up but lost interest, peering back down at his crossword puzzle.

  The night was cool when Harry opened the front door and held it open for me to follow. Crickets chattered in the air as she motioned for me to follow her along the dimly lit path at the side of the hotel, overhung with low branches. I knew where Harry was headed; it was the secluded adults-only pool at the far side of the hotel, and it looked stunning as I rounded the corner.

  Underwater lights around the edge of the pool sent up pale blue light, illuminating the water. Fairy lights in the trees around us caused a faint glow, but it still took a moment for my eyes to adjust and allow me to see what was going on.

  A breath caught in my chest as I got nearer. I inadvertently slowed, but Harry entwined her fingers in my own and pulled me forward.

  “Don’t be shy,” she whispered.

  Bella’s soft moans hit my ears when I saw her lying back on the cool stone, her feet on the very edge of the pool, her legs spread wide by another. Emilia stood chest deep in the water, her hands holding the front of Bella’s thighs as she pulled her pussy closer to her mouth. Bella let out another moan, and I averted my gaze.

  Looking around, I spotted Althea in the pool, topless, with her arms wrapped around the neck of another, kissing her passionately. I instantly recognised Zoe’s pink and white bikini, and my jaw dropped.

  “I did tell you to hurry up,” Harry murmured. “It took me a while to wake you; Althea got impatient.”

  My stomach tightened, and I felt the inevitable flood of arousal, coupled with a bout of nerves. Is this an orgy?

  Something like that, Harry teased, pulling me forward.

  Riley sat at the edge of the pool, dangling her feet into the water with a cocktail in her hand. Her neck flushed red as she watched Emilia and Bella, her lips swollen around her straw. Georgia sat next to Riley, gently kissing her shoulder and caressing her body through a thin white swimsuit.

  I felt Harry take hold of my towel, but my nerves caused my hand to tighten around it. She never let go as she grinned, bending her neck forward to kiss me slowly. Within seconds, I’d forgotten about the towel completely.

  She dropped it behind her and pulled away, stripping down and pulling her T-shirt over her head. Soon she was completely naked, and she took my hand again.

  “It’ll be f-freezing,” I stuttered, resisting her attempts to pull me into the water. It was a shallow ramp, slowly getting deeper, and it barely came up to her ankles before I held her back, hovering nervously at the edge.

  “Says who?” Her eyebrow raised, and she tugged on my hand.

  I stood my ground, eyeing up the water. It was always freezing during the day, and it was torturous to slowly edge my way in. Everyone kept telling me to jump in, and they’d bring out the age-old British cliché, “It’s nice once you’re in.”

  Harry stood watching me patiently, but she eventually walked back towards me. She craned her neck to whisper seductively in my ear, “Can I tempt you in Spanish?”

  “Probably, but that’s using your powers for evil.” I grinned, but coils started tightening inside me. I really wanted to hear that sexy foreign language rolling off her tongue again, and judging by tonight’s agenda, I might be coming hard under that tongue as well.

  “El agua está tibia, confía en mí,” she whispered, goosebumps rising on my skin. She smiled, taking my hand again as her lips grazed my ear. “Ven conmigo. Me aseguraré de que valga la pena, te lo prometo.”

  She tugged my hand again, and I found myself moving forward. I held my breath as I put a tentative foot into the water and was surprised to find it was warm. It wasn’t roasting hot, but it was pleasant. I relaxed as I walked in, letting Harry guide me.

  “What are you saying to me?” I giggled.

  “I’ll tell you later,” she replied, smirking. “For now ...” She pulled me closer to her, wrapping her smooth hands around me to caress my back. “Quiero que mis dedos están dentro de ti, empujando cada vez más hasta que te corras. Te quiero escuchar gritar.”

  She grinned wickedly, and I swooned. Whatever she was saying, it sounded good.

  “The pool is heated,” she told me, switching back to English, her Scottish accent filling the cool night air once again. “And it’s fully booked for tonight. There’s a reason we picked this hotel.”

  I smiled as she led me farther into the pool, the water coming up to my chest just as it reached her belly button. She pulled me near, closing the gap between us, and lowered her mouth towards me but stopped short.

  She just breathed, the barest millimetre from my lips, and I shakily release
d the breath I was holding. I whispered a quiet moan as she finally pressed her lips against mine and slicked her tongue inside.

  My heart started pounding in my chest as her tongue explored my mouth, and her hands caressed my back, sending shivers down my spine. I felt her naked body pressing against me, her nipples hardening.

  She kissed me more forcefully, and my pussy flooded, my clit swelling as her hand snaked its way down between my legs. When she pressed her fingertips against me through the thin fabric of my bikini, I wished I’d had the good sense to get naked before coming in.

  A loud cry came from my right, and I instinctively broke the kiss to look. Bella’s head was thrown back, her back arched, Emilia’s tongue buried deep between the wet lips of her centre. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Riley’s mouth open in amazement, her nipples hard inside her tight white swimsuit, her chest heaving.

  Harry brought my attention back when she licked a trail down my neck, pushing my bikini bottoms to one side. Without hesitating, she pushed two fingers deep inside me, and I groaned. While Harry was the only thing that mattered to me at that moment, I inadvertently became very conscious of everyone else around us. I felt my cheeks blush.

  “Don’t be shy, pet. This is something we do every year, only it’s usually just us managers. You and Zoe make a nice variation.”

  She slipped another finger inside me, and I felt my inner walls stretching, my pulse racing. I groaned again, and Harry wrapped a hand around the back of my neck and fisted a handful of my hair to pull me in for another deep kiss.

  I forgot where I was, and I forgot how many people were watching as Harry fucked me, tangling her fist tighter in my hair as I started coming. I moaned loudly against her mouth, my thighs spreading and my pussy clenching around her fingers, every muscle contracting as I rode out an earth-shattering orgasm.

  Eventually, I opened my eyes as the kiss softened. She grinned, slowly removing her fingers, and I breathed deeply as she wrapped her arms around my waist and kissed my shoulder.

  “While I’m loathe to let you go, someone else has been wanting you for a while,” she said, and I pulled back to look at her. She gestured to one side, and Riley smiled shyly from the edge of the pool.


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