Love Bites

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by Aleera Anaya Ceres

  Love Bites

  A Blood Novel

  Aleera Anaya Ceres

  Love bites.

  At least, it does for Katheryn Meyers.

  After being cheated on by her fiancé, she decides to run away to a place where no one knows her name. Spain seemed like the perfect destination to clear her head, let loose, and to never think about love again. But when she meets Ignacio Ortiz, she finds herself being pulled towards this sexy, mysterious musician.

  She shouldn’t want to fall in bed with him but one touch, and her whole body ignites with a passion she’s never felt before. What’s meant to be a vacation fling becomes so much more as Katheryn quickly finds herself addicted to him. But she knows he’s hiding something, something big. She just can't figure out what it is. Hopefully it has nothing to do with her blood-sucking nightmares.

  Ignacio doesn’t want to be tied down with a relationship, and no matter how many women his meddling mother throws at him, he won’t change his mind. That is, until he meets Katheryn. He’s never wanted someone as much as he wants the sexy tourist.

  But then one little lie changes everything.

  He can’t bring himself to tell the truth... He’s a vampire—the very creature she’s most afraid of. If she knew what he really was, he’d lose her forever.

  *This novel is a prequel that takes place years before the events in Blood Drug. It is a paranormal romance and recommended for ages 18 and up due to steamy scenes. *

  **This book was previously published in 2018 and has since been revised**

  Copyright © 2020, Aleera Anaya Ceres

  Love Bites

  Cover Art by MoorBooks Design

  Warning: All rights reserved. The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal. Criminal copyright infringement, including infringement without monetary gain, is investigated by the FBI and is punishable by up to 5 years in federal prison and a fine of $250,000.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and occurrences are a product of the author’s imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, places or occurrences, is purely coincidental.

  To all the hopeless romantics


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  Chapter 29

  Chapter 30

  Chapter 31

  Chapter 32

  Chapter 33

  Chapter 34

  Chapter 35


  About the Author

  Also by Aleera Anaya Ceres





  “Who in the hell are you?” Katheryn felt stupid as the words escaped her lips. What was she expecting? An introduction? No, it was pretty obvious who this skank was: her fiancé’s mistress, and there was no use denying it. Not when Katheryn stared truth straight in the face.

  The bitch was naked, her body entwined with Hunter’s in the bed Katheryn and Hunter had shared. The sight that had greeted her when she came home early from work, of Hunter thrusting his naked pelvis into his mistress, made Katheryn see red. It gave her the sudden, vicious urge to claw the bitch’s eyes out. The primal urge to do so was there, but Katheryn managed to control herself. The skank might not have known that Hunter was an engaged man, after all, a thought that Katheryn easily discarded.

  How could the bitch have not known. There was a picture of them on them on the nightstand for God’s sake.

  It didn’t matter, though. All that mattered was his culpability. Even as he jolted at the sound of her name and pulled out of his whore, turning with a panicked look on his face as he took in Katheryn’s angry expression.

  His excuses didn’t help with the feeling of betrayal gnawing its way up her spine and into her head. They just made the feeling worse. The heat of her anger rose to her face, staining her cheeks crimson. Her rage exploded into impulsive fragments inside her and before she knew it, she’d grabbed the expensive lamp on the stand and thrown it, hard, in Hunter’s direction.

  He let out a high pitched screech and the two of them jumped out of bed, naked, dodging the lamp as it hit the wooden headboard. Broken bits fell into the cotton sheets where he and his mistress had fucked.

  Katheryn bit back the rabid words that burned like acid against her tongue. She wanted nothing more than to spit in his face. A burning sensation prickled behind her eyelids but she forced the sensation away. She’d hide her heartbreak behind her rage easily, but she wouldn’t let him see her cry. Instead of giving in to the sadness, she tilted up her chin and squared her shoulders. Glancing from Hunter to the blonde skank, Katheryn snorted in disgust.

  The woman wasn’t even that pretty! Her eyes were too far apart, her lips fat, and her large nose was crooked. Damn, Katheryn thought bitterly, you could land an airplane on that thing.

  Choking back a laugh at her own pathetic joke, she turned and walked away while she still had some of her dignity and eased the door closed behind her. Her whole body shook; she was surprised she even managed to walk away with how badly her legs were shaking.

  Katheryn rushed out of the expensive, luxury apartment building they had shared, away from that neighborhood with the fancy cars and wealthy people. Sobs clogged her throat and she felt an ache in her chest that spread through her whole body.

  Blinking several times, she wandered until her feet hurt. Until her tears dried and she realized it was nearly nightfall. Her cell buzzed in her pocket. Reluctantly, she pulled it out and stared at the caller ID. Hunter Francis, she read with disgust and ignored the call, only to realize there were dozens of missed calls and texts from Hunter.

  I’m sorry.

  I can explain.

  Come back so we can talk.

  You’re overreacting.

  Where are you? I’m worried…

  What the hell? WHERE ARE YOU?!

  And many, many more. Katheryn blew out an agitated breath, her finger hovering over the delete button. Of course he’d think she was overreacting. She’d just caught her fiancé with some ugly ho. Was she supposed to underreact? Rich people, she thought bitterly, pressing the button to delete all of his messages and calls. Then, she pocketed her mobile phone after turning it off. All she wanted was to be left alone with her thoughts.

  If only this hadn’t happened.

  If only her parents hadn’t wanted to climb to the top of the social ladder and pull her with them.

  If only she had declined Hunter Francis that one dance that had eventually led to heartbreak.

  If only.

  She didn’t know what to do. She could always go to her parents’, but if she did, she’d be assaulted with questions, and she wanted to avoid those.

  If only, she could go somewhere to recharge her batteries.

  That’s when the thought hit her. She pulled out her mobile, turned it on, and dialed the number of a travel agent she knew. They answered on the fourth ring, and she didn’t hesitate to ask.

  “How soon can you get me a ticket to Spain?”


  The bar was in full-swing tonight, the familiar sounds of raucous laughter and cries pounding over the steady rock music. It was around one a.m., a time when humans and Supernaturals crossed paths and shared drinks.

  Though, it wasn’t odd to see Supernaturals and humans coexist. They’d been doing so openly for decades now. Humans weren’t in the dark to their existence and had even learned to live peacefully together.

  Flashes of red eyes and fangs, yellow eyes and canines, and even the shadowy flashes of demonic ire was a norm here. Ignacio usually loved the diversity that milled about in his favorite bar in Madrid.

  Tonight, he couldn’t bring himself to muster even a smile.

  Ignacio blew out a cold breath and downed a drink, then another, and another, until his face was flushed and burning and perspiration showed on his temples. It probably wasn’t such a good idea to drink so many shots back to back, but he couldn’t bring himself to give a fuck.

  “Okay, what’s going on?” His best friend seated next to him eyed the various glasses with curiosity and worry.

  Ignacio shrugged and poured himself another, already feeling the huge rush through his brain. If he spoke, his words would more than likely slur together. He furiously downed it.

  “Whoa, ¿Qué pasa?” Antonio reached to the bottle of Blood Whiskey and pulled it out of Ignacio’s reach, trying to catch his attention. Ignacio regarded him with narrowed eyes.

  “What?” Ignacio snapped.

  “What’s your problem? You’re acting strange today…”

  Ignacio sighed. If he knew his friend—which he did—Antonio wouldn’t stop bugging him until he knew all the details.

  “My mom wants me to ‘settle down.’” He used air quotes around the words, showing his distaste for them.


  “So,” Ignacio began. “She wants me to find a wife and have kids…and stuff.”

  At this, Antonio cringed, his cup paused halfway to his lips. Ignacio nodded.

  “And when I refused, she said she’d not only anticipated that but she’d already set me up on a date.”

  Antonio’s eyes widened a fraction before he slammed his cup on the bar. “With who?” he demanded, almost angrily.

  “With Rosa…”

  Ignacio shuddered. As soon as he’d walked through the door the previous night, his mother had confronted him with that nonsense about finding a wife and having children. A wife? At his age? It was ridiculous! Though the thought appealed to him a little, there was still a long way to go. First, he had to meet the right girl, a girl he wouldn’t mind spending time with—being with—for a long time. Marriage and kids would come later.

  But when his mom had told him he was to go on a date with Rosa—Rosa of all people—he’d wanted to scream.

  It wasn’t as if he didn’t like her. She was nice, sure, but she was insane. The whole, “climb up a tree and wait by your bedroom window as she watches you sleep all night” type of girl that he wanted to avoid. Not that she’d ever done that, but she stalked him enough and he feared it would come to that level of insanity.

  His mother, bless her soul, didn’t know what Rosa was capable of and Ignacio would rather not dive into the why’s of it all. His mother didn’t need to know he’d slept with her. The chorus of wedding bells wound ring in her ears if she knew.

  While Ignacio felt annoyed with his mother’s meddling, he could understand why she wanted him to settle so badly. She was a human, and he was a vampire. The future was looming before her, promising death. Ignacio would live forever, and he knew she wanted to meet his children before old age took her.

  “It seems like you need to take your anger out on something…or someone…” Antonio’s smile was lopsided and revealed his protruding fangs.

  Ignacio didn’t have to ask him what he meant. His best friend was a trouble maker of epic proportions and Ignacio was feeling the same mischief deep in his bones. He downed the last of his drink and let his fangs slide out.

  Ignacio turned to the vampire next to him, a stranger, who smiled a dull greeting. Ignacio was usually calm and collected, but tonight he was itching to fight out his frustration. The simple act of sitting next to him meant this vampire was in for a rough night.

  “What are you looking at, asshole?” Ignacio snapped.

  A brief flash of clarity settled over the other vampire’s face, followed by anger. “Fuck off,” he snapped.

  And, well, that was all the invitation Ignacio needed to wipe the look off his face.


  “Katheryn Meyers, pick up your phone! Where the hell are you? What happened between you and Hunter? He won’t tell us anything until he finds you. Call me back, bye.”

  Katheryn deleted the voicemail and laid back on the hotel bed, trying to drown out her mother’s voice from her mind. She shouldn’t have listened to that message, but what was done was done. She turned off her phone and pocketed it, letting her mind go to more pleasant thoughts.

  Like the fact that she was actually in Spain! Madrid, of all places! It was beautiful, and she loved every minute of it. Even the hotel room was nice with its plush carpeted floors, soft bedding, and the jeweled walls of the bathroom. She’d taken advantage of the jacuzzi tub the moment she’d stepped inside that morning. By early afternoon, she’d gotten out and dressed, ready to prowl the streets.

  Yet curiosity had gotten the best of her, her sadness an ache in her chest that she couldn’t bring herself to ignore. So she’d turned on her phone, listened to her voice messages, and regretted that decision immediately.

  Sighing, Katheryn stood and grabbed her purse, which held a travel guide, her money, and all of the basic necessities she’d need while spending her day walking around the beautiful town. She’d be damned if she was going to sit in her room all day, depressed over an asshole who couldn’t stay faithful to her.

  With a grumble, she walked out the hotel door, closing it behind her.

  Katheryn looked down at her map in confusion, turning it over and over in her hands. Where the hell am I?

  The moon was high in the sky, stars twinkling brightly. Darkness enveloped her, filling her with unease. The night had never really frightened her before, but for the first time she felt… unsettled. There was something dangerous in the air, she could feel it in her bones. Goosebumps rose over her arms, and she cursed herself for getting lost. She looked around. There were plenty of people she could ask for help, but what were the chances any of them spoke English? She would figure it out on her own—she would figure it out.

  Exasperated, she stood back and looked around at the buildings then down at her map once again. Tears stung at the back of her eyelids, but she forced them away.

  Maybe coming here was a bad idea, she thought bitterly. The whole day had been a complete disaster! She had been lost most of it, had almost gotten bit by some crazy woman’s dog, then she had almost been mugged by some guy in a dark alleyway. A swift kick to the groin and sprinting the hell away from him had worked in her favor.

  She just wanted to get into her hotel room, take a nice hot bath and sleep the rest of the night away. She walked down the streets with no idea where she was going, looking from the map to all of the stores and complicated names. She swallowed the lump in her throat. Maybe her mom had been right. Maybe she should just go home and face all the questions—just get it over with.

  “Excuse me, miss. Are you lost?” a heavily accented voice asked in perfect English. She looked up and realized she’d stopped walking. The boy who had spoken had dark caramel skin and black curls matted with sweat across his face. His eyes were fathomless black and almond shaped. He was tall and thin, with a round, young face; Katheryn thought he could have been at least eighteen.

  He was a handsome kid, she decided. Then her eyes strayed to the man who appeared next to him and her heart banged hard against her chest at the sight of him. Holy hot balls, she thought as her eyes raked over his figure.

  The man was shorter than the teen, with a wide
—and incredibly naked—chest that gleamed with perspiration. His hair was straight and light brown, his honey colored eyes fixated intently on her with an expression she couldn’t quite decipher.

  The moment their gazes connected, a jolt zapped straight through her bones, heightening every sensitive nerve in her body, causing tingles to rise from her toes all the way to her face, making her blush a deep crimson. She wondered why he was shirtless—not that she was complaining, holy fucking hell, he was hot—but noticed the soccer ball he had tucked under the crook of his arm.

  He was incredibly built, with hard muscles she wanted to run her fingers down and trace designs with the tips of her nails. His physique was nothing like Hunter’s—

  She screeched her thoughts to a halt and immediately felt a surge of anger that she tamped down. She scowled up at the curly haired kid then forced the expression away.

  “I’m not lost.” She tilted her chin up, daring him to question the lie. After nearly being mugged, she wasn’t sure she wanted to take the chance with two strangers helping her. “If you’ll excuse me…” When he didn’t move, she glared. “Excuse me. You’re in my way.”

  The curly haired boy smiled widely, and she noticed he had two pointed incisors. “Technically, you’re in our way since we were just walking along the road, and you were hogging the whole lane.”


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