Love Bites

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Love Bites Page 7

by Aleera Anaya Ceres

  “I’m twenty-four.”

  Same as me.

  “And I hang out with him because our families are old friends. We were both born in Mexico, but we migrated to Spain when we were both children. He’s like the younger sibling I never had.”

  Katheryn nodded. She didn’t have siblings either, but she had never taken anyone under her wing. She wondered, briefly, what it would feel like to have a sister to confide in.

  “So, you were going to tell me what was wrong,” Ignacio prompted after they’d spent a few minutes in silence. They had walked down a busy street to a nearby park. Ignacio led her toward a bench where they sat and observed their surroundings.

  Trees of all sizes, cobblestone streets and sidewalks. It was all so beautiful. Katheryn turned to Ignacio and took a deep breath.

  “I guess you deserve an explanation, since you’ve come to my rescue three times now.”

  He chuckled softly. “If you don’t want to tell me, you don’t have to. I won’t push.”

  His statement only made her want to tell him even more. All of the signs said he was to be trusted. She took a deep breath.

  “Remember when I told you that my mom was a secretary?”

  He nodded.

  “The family she worked for was the Francis family. Their son and heir is a man named Hunter Francis.”

  There was a pause as she searched for the words to continue. As promised, Ignacio, didn’t push or urge her on. He sat silently, waiting for her to continue her story.

  “Hunter is—was—my fiancé.”

  Ignacio tensed beside her. His face went pale. “You have a fiancé?”

  “No,” she assured him. “Not anymore.”

  When he relaxed she continued. “We were engaged for a year, but I broke it off. That’s the reason I came to Spain.” She cringed at the memory, feeling her throat tighten. Tears threatened, but she kept them at bay. It wouldn’t do good to become a blubbering mess again. She squared her shoulders, but her voice shook despite her wanting to be strong. “A few days before I came here, I’d caught our bed...with another woman. He cheated on me, and the worst thing is, I don’t even know how many times or with how many women.”

  The silence that followed roared. White noise thundered in her ears. She silently begged Ignacio to say something, to respond. She twisted her hands, fiddling with them in her lap. What if she looked into his eyes and saw pity? Or something worse?

  “Is that why you were crying in the alleyway?”

  She sighed. “Yes and no. I was upset because I called my mother, and she’d told me it didn’t matter how many times I got cheated on. I had to stay with him.”

  “What a load of bullshit.”

  The cold anger in his voice made her snap her head up. He would have appeared calm were it not for the slight flare of his nostrils as well as the hard glint in his eyes.

  Ignacio reached for her, grasping her hands in his. His touch sizzled as he stared at her with fierce determination. Katheryn looked at their joined hands then at his face. His jaw was set, and there was an expression on his face—anger, a pinch of jealousy and something else Katheryn couldn’t quite read.

  “What a fool this Hunter is.” Ignacio gripped Katheryn’s hands firmly. His touch was comforting...reassuring. And the tone of his voice had Katheryn staring at him with a startled expression. His eyes found hers and held them. “Only a fool would not realize what a magnificent woman you are. I see the passion in you, the intelligence and the ferocity, Katheryn Meyers. You are perfect in every way. If I were your fiancé, I would never have gone astray. With you by my side, I wouldn’t need anyone else.”

  Katheryn’s breath caught. What was he saying? How could he even say it? They barely knew each other. But he spoke with such sizzling passion and she clung to every word and found herself believing he told the truth. Her heart thundered at his nearness, nearly beating itself to death against her ribcage when he trailed one long finger down her cheek.

  “I’m sorry you were wronged and cheated, though I hope it won’t cause you to see love any differently or allow it to cloud your judgment or cause you to mistrust.”

  He seemed to echo her thoughts. She hadn’t wanted the situation to turn her bitter or make her think everyone was the same. They obviously weren’t.

  Sitting here, with Ignacio by her side, had her believing in true love again. It pushed all bitterness and negative thoughts aside. She believed with certainty she would surely fall in love again. Maybe it would be disastrous, and maybe the ending would be tragic, but she didn’t care. She wanted to know Ignacio, wanted him to occupy her full heart, as he had unexpectedly smoothed his way into it already. She wanted him as if every fiber in her body pulled her to him, and she wondered if he felt the same.

  “I think,” Katheryn said after a breathless moment, “that you shouldn’t talk to me in that accent. It makes me want to kiss you.”

  Ignacio’s amber eyes burned brightly. If a look could scorch, she would’ve been burned to the ground.

  “I would very much like to kiss you again,” he said huskily.

  “Then do it.” She didn’t know where it came from or why she was being so bold. She just wanted him. She wanted his hands on her, while he whispered sweet words in her ear.

  “I will not kiss you,” he startled her by saying. “Not yet. Not until I’m sure your scars are healed.”

  Katheryn let out a breath. A twinge of frustration shot through her gut. She wanted him to kiss her, dammit! She wanted to join bodies until Hunter was wiped from her mind. Patience had never been her strongest suit, and she didn’t want to have to wait until they happened upon each other by chance again.

  Ignacio rose from his seat slowly, pulling her up beside him. “Do you feel tired? Would you like me to walk you back to your hotel?”

  Katheryn shook her head. She didn’t want the night to end, didn’t want to leave his side. If night could last forever, she’d gladly take it, as long as she had Ignacio by her side. “I’m all right.”

  His lips quirked in a half smile. “Then, may we continue our journey through the streets of Spain, love?”

  The endearment sent her heart fluttering. She nodded.

  “May I?” he gestured at her hand. When she nodded again, he laced his fingers through hers, a perfect fit, and led her away.

  They arrived on a busy street. Lights were on in every locale, and people bustled in and out. Restaurants, shops, internet cafes... Everything was full of life.

  On another sidewalk, they passed by a restaurant that had its seating outside. Each table had a lit candle on top, although few were occupied. At one table sat a large group of people, and beside them, standing, was a group of men dressed in strange attire.

  Tight black pants with silk, lace and gold trimming down the sides in floral designs; black, pointed shoes; and cropped jackets in black and gold. Each one wore a red bandana tied in a bow and ribbons around their necks as if it were a tie. Their hair was loose and curling in the breeze.

  Katheryn stopped to stare. Each man had a different instrument. One had a guitar, another a violin, a trumpet, guitar, and an accordion. One man had nothing but his voice. Together they played lively music for the table.

  Their fingers moved expertly along their instruments. Some closed their eyes in passion of the rhythm; others smiled widely and move in place as they played. Their song was vibrant, loud and fun.

  Ignacio began tugging her along toward the men. Katheryn dug her heels in.

  “What are you doing?” she demanded.

  He threw her a smile. “You’ll see.”

  Ignacio let go of her hand and rushed over to the singing men, who had just finished belting out their last note. He whispered something to the group, gestured at their instruments; they all smiled and sauntered toward Katheryn.

  “Bella peliroja!” the singer called out to her. She blushed, although she had no idea what he had said to her. “Este hombre enamorado desea tocarle a usted la canci�
�n del amor. Y nosotros le ayudaremos.”

  Katheryn blinked at them.

  Ignacio smiled. “I am going to play you the song of love...with their help, of course.”

  One of the men handed his guitar to Ignacio, who took it with a smile. He hooked the strap around himself, adjusted a few knobs and smiled at her. Katheryn fidgeted uncomfortably as everyone stared at her.

  Ignacio struck the first cords.

  He played a nice, soft rhythm. It wasn’t too fast or too slow. His fingers glided along the strings of the guitar in almost sensual movements. The rest of the gang joined in on their instruments.

  Then Ignacio began to sing. A note escaped his lips. “Aaahh, ahh, ahhh.”

  His voice was the most beautiful Katheryn had ever heard. Deep, sensual and smooth. It lulled her, made her smile from ear to ear. He began moving around with the other men, singing lyrics in Spanish she didn’t understand, but it was beautiful just the same.

  The melody had her swaying on the balls of her feet, smiling and laughing. Ignacio handed the guitar back to its owner, but the group kept the song going, the words and melody filling the night air.

  Ignacio danced over to Katheryn, gripped her hand then pulled her to his chest. His hand found her waist, and he twirled her around and between the tables. She laughed and moved with him, relishing the feel of their bodies pressed together, the way he spun her in circles and held her protectively. Throughout it all, he never stopped singing, never stopped smiling down at her.

  She held her breath as the words rose to a crescendo, as he whirled her one last time. Then, just as it ended, he pulled her to his chest, both hands resting on her waist. Her arms were around his neck. She felt breathless and, for the first time in forever, joyous.

  Katheryn couldn’t help herself, not when the tips of his brown hair teased her fingers invitingly. Not when he looked down at her with joy, wonder and amusement. She stood on her tiptoes and pressed a kiss firmly against his lips.

  That’s all she had meant for it to be, anyway. But the moment their lips touched, sparks struck between them, and their mouths melded together, hot and heavy. The only sound able to break them apart was the whistles and cat calls of the band behind them.

  “Sorry,” Katheryn whispered. “I couldn’t help myself. No one’s ever done anything like that for me.”

  Ignacio smiled before touching the tip of his nose to hers. Then, he turned to the band, flashing them the biggest of smiles.

  “Gracias por la ayuda,” he said to them as he pulled his wallet from his back pocket. He tossed the singer a few bills before leading Katheryn away. The laughter of the band followed them.

  “That was fun,” Katheryn said a little breathlessly. “It’s the most fun I’ve had since I last saw you.”

  Ignacio stared at her a little guiltily. “You haven’t had a good time here?”

  Katheryn shrugged. “When I’m with you I have a good time. But when I’m wandering by myself, I just feel nervous and lonely. I guess that’s what I get for going to a country where I don’t know the language.”

  Ignacio stared at her for a moment.

  “Oh, by the way!” Katheryn remembered, slapping her forehead. “I forgot to apologize to you about the other day.”

  Ignacio raised an eyebrow. “Apologize for what?”

  Katheryn blushed. “If I had known the food would have made you sick the other day, I never would have made you eat it. I was so embarrassed about it. I even thought about finding you and bring some soup to ease the pain.”

  She saw him flinch but disregarded it when he waved off her concern with a flick of his hand. “It’s okay. It was just a minor setback.”

  They spent the rest of the way walking in happy step. Occasionally, their shoulders touched. The simple graze of them would ignite her skin, but as soon as he’d move away, it would set back to normal. Their fingers brushed a time or two, almost as if they were instinctively reaching for each other’s hands but thinking better of it.

  The hours rolled by, and Katheryn finally had to stifle a yawn. Ignacio threw her a look.

  “I saw that,” he said. “Come on, let me walk you back to your hotel.”

  She nodded in agreement. In a few short moments, they were at the door of her hotel, and she turned to say goodbye. “Thanks for the lovely night. I enjoyed it.”

  Ignacio was close to her, so close she felt the heat of his body. He trailed his fingertips down her bare arm, causing her to shiver. Then, he tucked a lock of frizzy red hair behind her ear, cupping her face with one hand. He leaned down and pressed a gentle kiss to her lips. Just a brush of the lips, it was barely enough to start that familiar fire, but Katheryn still felt the heat deep in her bones.

  “I don’t think I can continue meeting you by chance, Katheryn,” he said, his eyes catching hers. “I want to know you, to see you every night for the remainder of your stay. May I come for you tomorrow night at nine?”

  Her breath caught. “I wouldn’t have it any other way.” She had to gasp to get the words out. His nearness was enough to make her dizzy, to make her forget anything and everything else. For a moment, she even forgot where she was and what they were doing.

  Ignacio let out a slow, deliberate breath, as if relieved. “I will see you tomorrow, then.”

  And then he was gone.


  True to his word, Ignacio took her out the next night, and every night for the days that followed.

  For the first time in what felt like months, Katheryn no longer felt a suffocating weight on her shoulders. She knew it was irresponsible to drop everything, not call in to work, or let her parents know she was okay. Truthfully, Hunter was her boss, and because she didn’t want to talk to him, it also meant she didn’t care. They were done and she was never going back to any of those shitty jobs ever again.

  She was happy right where she was. In Spain, with Ignacio.

  They always went to a new place every night. Sometimes, they’d walk around the park; other times he’d take her to see sights like their grand churches and museums. He showed her the stadiums used to hold the bull runs—where Spanish matadors would slaughter a bull for fun.

  On a few occasions, they went on “double dates” with Antonio and whatever girl he chose to drag along, and there was a new one each time. Though, it felt more like they were chaperoning the children when they did that.

  Katheryn wasn’t Antonio’s biggest fan, but she had to admit he did change the environment around them with his humor and wit. But that same humor and wit had them bickering constantly.

  Katheryn wondered why Ignacio only picked her up at night to hang out for a few hours before she had to go back to bed, instead of just picking her up in the daytime. When she had asked him, he shrugged and stammered out an answer about being a night owl. So she had decided not to press the issue.

  Their nights had been fun thus far, and Katheryn liked it that way.

  So when he arrived at her hotel room door one night, telling her to pack a bag, she was quite surprised.

  “What for?” she asked, watching with embarrassment as he started rummaging through her drawers, pulling out clothes and tossing them on the bed.

  “I’m taking you to the beach,” he stated matter-of-factly as he took out more clothes. T-shirts and jeans littered the bed along with a pair of running shorts or two.

  “But why do we need to take all that stuff?”

  “Because we’re staying the night at the beach.” He flashed her an enormous smile.

  Katheryn’s stomach churned. Ever since the night when he’d sung to her by the restaurant then taken her back to the hotel, they hadn’t kissed again. They’d held hands and hugged and pressed their bodies close to each other on occasion, but no more kisses had transpired between them.

  She’d wanted to kiss him. Plenty of times, they almost had, but Ignacio always seemed to realize what he was doing and pulled away to cough or pretend to yawn or he’d change the subject. She supposed it shouldn’t
be surprising. He had said he wanted to wait to make sure her scars had healed.

  And they had.

  It had been a quick fix, and no one was more surprised about it than Katheryn. She found she hadn’t thought about Hunter Francis at all during her time here. All he felt was now was a distant memory of something that had been.

  There were no more tears, no more nights of tossing and turning or wondering who else he’d cheated with, or how many times he’d done it. Now, all that occupied her mind was Ignacio and the great times they shared together.

  And now, he was telling her they were going to spend the night at the beach and Katheryn didn’t know what to make of it.

  “Are we leaving right now?” Katheryn asked, a little surprised.

  Ignacio chuckled. “Always so impatient, love,” he teased.

  She shot him the finger and he bellowed with laughter. Over the weeks, they had developed an easygoing relationship. He would tease her and she would joke right back then they would laugh for a while before catching each other’s gaze. Silent communication would pass between them, and the urge to reach out to each other and kiss would be strong, but they’d ignore it.

  “So, when are we going?”

  “Tomorrow. Tonight, we’re going shopping.”

  She raised her eyebrows. “Shopping?” she repeated, not believing it for a second. “Shopping for what, exactly?”

  “A swimsuit, of course!”

  She felt silly for a moment then recovered quickly to help him pack her items into a duffel bag. “I guess it’s best to do this now, so I’m not rushing tomorrow night, then.”

  She placed each item in the bag, all too aware of Ignacio’s presence. In all their time together, he’d never been into her room, so close to a bed, much less handling her undergarments.

  She found her gaze traveling to the comfortable bed more than once, wondering what it would be like to have him lying there with her, his body covering hers. She wondered what it would feel like to be skin-against-skin with him, to have his mouth on hers.


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