Love Bites

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Love Bites Page 13

by Aleera Anaya Ceres

  His kiss was steady and firm. Not at all demanding, yet at the same time possessive. It was all giving, satisfying, and she took without thought. His fingers moved up the bare skin of her back.

  She pulled away, breaking the kiss and breathing hard.

  Ignacio pressed his forehead to hers. “I truly am sorry, Katheryn.” He laced their fingers together. “I never meant to hurt you, and I swear on my life, I will never do anything to hurt you ever again.”

  Katheryn’s breath hitched at his promise.

  “I want to be with you, Katheryn. Forever. I know it’s so soon and we may not know every aspect of each other, but our souls recognize each other. I may not be as rich or as proper as your ex-fiancé, but I swear I will never cheat on you. I cannot promise you the world, but I can promise you my heart and my soul, which is all I have to give.”

  Katheryn placed her hand over his heart, feeling the rough pounding of it. Her own heart thumped a crazy rhythm in her chest.

  “I accept your heart and your soul,” she whispered to him. And she did. She couldn’t explain it, but she wanted all of him, and neither time or anything else mattered but them and the promise of their future.

  A promise they sealed with a kiss.


  “So, are you two, like, in love now?” Antonio asked as they sat around a table at the family bar where Katheryn had met Rosa. She leaned over her menu, trying to decide what to order when Antonio had asked the question.

  Ignacio’s arm was thrown over her shoulders and he leaned close to her. He would occasionally press kisses to her temple or whisper something in her ear that would make her burst out laughing.

  The table was surrounded by Ignacio’s friends—all of them guys, and all of them vampires—whom Ignacio had eventually introduced her to. A week had passed since their “incident”, and it was completely behind them both. Ignacio was comfortable enough with her to introduce her to his friends and teammates, and Katheryn was comfortable enough to joke around with them.

  The occasional flash of their red eyes and fangs no longer sent chills down her spine. She’d quickly gotten used to the sight of Ignacio’s fangs. Especially considering he had to feed. The idea of him feeding from another woman upset Katheryn enough that she’d bravely volunteered herself as his own personal snack.

  The second time he’d sunk his fangs into her neck hadn’t been at all like the first time. It wasn’t fast or rough or painful. He had laid her on the bed and aroused her to the point where she felt she would explode. Then he’d made love to her and sent waves of wonderfully delicious emotions through her mind. It was so pleasurable, so distracting, she’d barely felt the tiny needlelike pricks on her skin.

  She had tensed for a moment, but Ignacio soon had her relaxed again. His pleasure and need for her thrummed through her, and she no longer felt the pain. Instead, she cried out, scratching her nails across his back.

  “Don’t stop, don’t stop,” she ordered. It was as if all other sensations were heightened when he took her blood. She found it an incredible feeling.

  She did love Ignacio, though neither of them had said the words to the other, and having all his friends staring at her made her uncomfortable.

  She shot Antonio a glare. “Shouldn’t you be at home watching cartoons or coloring or something?”

  His friends laughed and poked fun at him. At sixteen, Antonio was the youngest of all of them. Katheryn didn’t approve of anyone so young being in a bar with older males, but she supposed Spain, and vampires, had different rules in general.

  The place served special drinks for vampires. Ignacio had explained the drinks were made from blood extracted from humans, who were under the influence at the time. That’s what he and his friends drank in the bars, as plain alcohol would make them sick. The others made sure Antonio didn’t drink anything other than blood during their gatherings.

  Now, Antonio threw his head back and laughed. “No need to get defensive, Katheryn. I’m just asking.”

  He reached across the table and ruffled her hair. She pushed his hand and attempted to smooth her hair back in place. When it didn’t work, she gave up and shot the boy another glare.

  “It’s okay,” he said with a cocky grin. ”You can tell us the truth.”

  “Yeah, tell us,” another friend piped up.

  Pretty soon they were all catcalling and bantering, but instead of feeling embarrassed, Katheryn felt annoyed and gave them an icy look. Ignacio laughed at her reaction then pulled her closer to his side until she practically sat on his lap.

  “You are all just jealous,” he told his friends. “Because I have the most amazing Soul Mate, and you do not.”

  At the words 'Soul Mate' the others hushed, except Antonio, who rolled his eyes. He’d been the only one in the group to know Katheryn was Ignacio’s Soul Mate.

  “Soul Mate?” his friend, Jorge, asked, in an awed voice. He sent a respecting glance at Katheryn. “Wow. That is incredible.”

  Katheryn felt self-conscious with all the eyes on her. She didn’t like them staring at her and Ignacio, didn’t like all the attention.

  “You can stop staring now,” she demanded. “It’s not that big of a deal.”

  “Yes it is,” Antonio insisted, his gaze narrowing. “It is the most important thing.”

  Katheryn rolled her eyes. She wasn’t a vampire, so she supposed she didn’t understand just how important the whole concept was. Of course, Ignacio was important to her. She loved him despite only knowing him for a short while. But it was so weird how he and his friends acted about Soul Mates. She wondered if all supernaturals did that.

  “Are you ready to order, love?” Ignacio whispered in her ear. She smiled, appreciating the distraction.

  “Can you just get me a beer and a cheeseburger first?” He nodded and left the table to place her order at the bar.

  “Get me a Blood Beer!” Jorge called after him.

  “I want a Blood Whiskey!” another friend shouted.

  “O Negative!” Antonio added his order.

  Ignacio shot his friends the finger. “You have legs. Get your own damn drinks.”

  They hooted and followed him to the bar. “If we were Katheryn, you would have gotten us our drinks!”

  “Yes, but you’re not Katheryn, so get them yourselves.”

  They laughed and disappeared into the crowd of people surrounding the bar. Only Antonio remained at the table with her.

  “So, how’s your mom doing?” Katheryn asked, making an attempt at small talk. She recalled his mother was pregnant.

  He shrugged. “She’s getting weaker. The baby is taking a toll on her.”

  “Is it difficult to carry a vampire baby?”

  Antonio shrugged his shoulders. The chains on his black, leather jingling as he moved.

  “It can be. It depends. Either the baby gives strength or it drains you.” His eyes looked a little distant and sad. “This baby is draining her. My brothers and I never did. I bet she’s having a girl. They’re real soul suckers.”

  She rolled her eyes when he laughed. Suddenly his expression warped into one of panic as he stared over Katheryn’s shoulder. Giving him a puzzled look, she turned to see what he was staring at.

  Nothing seemed out of the ordinary. The bar was packed, probably due to the soccer game on the big screen TV. Groups of people huddled together at tables or sat at the bar, ordering drinks, cheering, chatting. There was nothing unusual happening

  But then, Katheryn’s gaze found the front door and saw Rosa standing there. She wore a tight soccer jersey tied beneath the swell of her breasts to show off her flat stomach. Tiny black shorts highlighted her long legs and tall frame. Light sugar-brown hair was tied in a simple ponytail, showing off her perfect heart-shaped face.

  Rosa caught sight of her and sauntered over. Katheryn rose to greet the woman with a hug, like a long-lost friend.

  “Bella, look at you!” Rosa exclaimed in her sweet and sexy voice. “You grow more beautiful by the hou
r, Katheryn!”

  Katheryn laughed and swatted playfully at Rosa’s arm. Of course, there was no real comparison. Katheryn’s jeans and plain T-shirt made it obvious who was the sexier of them.

  “What’s up? I haven’t seen you around town for weeks, Rosa. Where have you been?” Not that she’d really been looking, but it seemed polite to say.

  Rosa shrugged her delicate shoulders. “I’ve been working. I had a photoshoot audition. Maybe I will get my face in the magazines.”

  Katheryn nodded as Rosa rambled on about stylists and makeup. Suddenly, she noticed Antonio was staring at Rosa with a horrified look on his face. She wondered what was wrong with him then remembered she hadn’t introduced her friend.

  “Rosa de Leon, I lost all my manners. This is Antonio Santiago, a friend of mine,” Katheryn said and gestured in Antonio’s direction.

  Rosa laughed. “We know each other.”

  She walked around the table and gave Antonio a peck on the cheek. He barely acknowledged her with a nod and continued to stare at them both.

  “Tell me, bella, how did you two meet?” Rosa asked.

  But when she settled in the seat next to Antonio, he scooted as far from her as possible. Katheryn frowned at his rudeness but settled in her own seat across the table.

  “He’s friend’s with my—” Katheryn caught herself. She’d almost said 'Soul Mate', but she wasn’t sure if Rosa knew their origins. She probably did, considering the familiar way with which she had greeted Antonio. Katheryn suspected she should use the term in acknowledgement of being a big part of Ignacio’s life, but it still felt weird to her.

  “He’s friends with my boyfriend,” Katheryn said. It was the simplest explanation.

  Rosa’s eyes widened and twinkled mischievously. “Boyfriend? Oh, you’ve been busy, hermosa. Tell me, is it the American hunter you told me about? Or have you found a Spanish man to warm your heart?”

  Katheryn laughed. “Well, I’m not with Hunter anymore. He’s out of my life for good.”

  “So a Spaniard then?” Rosa asked, leaning forward expectantly.

  Katheryn blushed but was spared from having to answer when everyone came back to their table. She smiled in relief at Ignacio as he slid into the chair next to her, handing her the plate of food and her drink.

  “Here you are, love,” Ignacio said cheerfully, then stopped when he caught sight of Rosa. In fact, the whole table had grown quiet. Katheryn noticed everyone staring at Rosa as if her friend were a ticking bomb.

  But, if Rosa noticed their reactions, she said nothing. She smiled at Ignacio, her brown eyes shining. “Ignacio.”

  “So you two already know each other?” Katheryn asked. “Well, that saves the introductions I guess. This is my boyfriend.”

  Rosa’s smile faltered. “Boyfriend? Ignacio Ortiz is your boyfriend?”

  Katheryn raised an eyebrow at the woman’s disbelieving tone. “Yes,” she replied, slipping her hand into Ignacio’s. “Yes, he is.”


  Rosa kept her expression blank as she watched the couple. Everyone at the table conversed casually, but she barely registered their words. Shock froze her in place. Ignacio’s friends had been shooting her uncomfortable looks from the moment they’d seen her at their table, but she paid them little mind.

  All she cared about was Ignacio.

  But all he seemed to care about was Katheryn.

  Rosa watched with envy as Ignacio wrapped his arm around Katheryn’s shoulder, pulling her closer to him. Occasionally, he’d press a kiss to her temple, to her cheek or to her lips. Then they’d look into each other’s eyes, communicating silently. They acted as if they’d known each other for years, as if they were a married couple.

  Rosa felt her heart shatter.

  Ignacio had never looked at her that way. He’d never wrapped his arms protectively around her, had never kissed her among his friends. Then again, he’d always been distant with her. The only romantic thing they’d shared was that night in her bed.

  She’d known, when she’d taken him home, what he had been after. He’d told her he’d wanted a one-night stand and nothing more. She’d lied when she said that’s all that she’d wanted, too. But she’d been so sure she could change his mind once he had gotten to know her. Once he’d realized how passionate she was, how honest and determined, he would never let her go.

  So she had tried. She’d done everything to please him, to meet up with him afterwards, to get him to love her.

  But he hadn’t budged.

  And now, Ignacio was giving loving looks to another, sharing sweet words. Words that should have been hers. Looks that should have been for her. It hurt to see her efforts had been in vain, that he really didn’t care about her.

  Yes, he’d never promised her anything, but she had hoped with all of her heart he would see the error of his ways and would want her. But now, it was too late. Katheryn had sunk her claws into him.

  The bitch.

  The thought filled Rosa with guilt.

  She liked Katheryn, admired her, had considered her a friend. Now Rosa was forced to watch the foreigner steal away her happiness, her future. The worst part about it was Katheryn didn’t know she was doing it.

  Surely, if she’d known Rosa was in love with Ignacio, she would have backed off like a good friend. After all, it was the respectable thing to do. But she didn’t know Rosa was in love with Ignacio. Maybe if she did, she’d apologize and break up with him. It made sense. Rosa had been there first, while Katheryn and Ignacio barely knew each other.

  Rosa wondered if she had the courage to tell Katheryn to back off.

  She watched them, her eyes narrowing. They laughed, joked, and nudged each other! Katheryn poked Ignacio in the ribs then shot him a look that caused him to throw his head back and laugh.

  When Katheryn wasn’t stuffing her face with calories, Ignacio would lace his fingers through hers for a moment, only to let them go and caress some other part of her body. Affectionately, he’d swipe her hair from her cheek, and tuck it behind her ear.

  Rosa glared. It had to stop immediately.

  “So tell me, Katheryn,” Rosa began, interrupting another tender moment. She made her voice as sweet as she could, hoping it didn’t sound as poisonous as she felt. “Have you talked to your parents and to the hunter man?”

  She’d hoped her words hit a sore spot. From the sudden flush on Katheryn’s cheeks, she could tell they did.

  Good, she thought venomously. Katheryn deserved to be rattled, to be humiliated.

  “No, not at all,” Katheryn replied and then shoved more greasy food in her mouth.

  Ignacio glared at Rosa, a look she chose to ignore. He wouldn’t make her feel guilty. She wouldn’t let him. If anything, he was the one who should feel guilty. Rosa had given him her heart, her bed, her blood, and afterward, he had treated her with cold indifference.

  It wasn’t fair.

  “They must be worried about you,” Rosa continued. “Did you not take my advice and call them?”

  Katheryn’s pale face reddened more profusely. “I called them.”


  “And I think we should change the subject,” Ignacio interrupted, sending Rosa a death glare.

  Beside her, Antonio lifted his beer. “Let’s make a toast,” he proposed cheerfully. When everyone lifted their own drinks in the air, he said, “To friends!”

  Everyone all laughed and merrily echoed the cheer, clinking their bottles or glasses together.

  Everyone except Rosa.

  She didn’t have a drink to raise, and she was sure no one except Katheryn considered her a friend. At best, the others tolerated her, and she knew they didn’t like her. But it didn’t stop her from smiling and cheering with them.

  She decided to remain there a while longer, unless the sight of Katheryn and Ignacio became too painful. It proved harder than she thought. The couple was completely engrossed in each other, touching, kissing, flaunting their love. Rosa clenched her hands
to her stomach to fight a wave of nausea.

  And when she couldn’t take the sight of them anymore, Rosa stood and she ran away.

  Because she knew, with a certain sort of clarity, that Ignacio would never be hers.


  “Rosa acted weirdly tonight,” Katheryn said to Ignacio hours later as they snuggled together in her bed at the hotel.

  It was nearly sunrise, and they’d turned in for the night, or rather day, since Katheryn had grown accustomed to Ignacio’s hours.

  Ignacio rolled his eyes. “Rosa’s always weird.”

  “I guess I don’t know her that well.”

  “I don’t think you want to know her, love,” he replied.

  “You guys really don’t like her, do you? I could tell from the way all of you tried ignoring her as soon as you saw her. That was rude.”

  “Did you think there was a reason for that?”

  She shifted on the bed, pushing herself up by the palms to stare down at him. Her hair curtained her freckled face, the ends tickling along Ignacio’s cheeks. “What do you mean?” she asked.

  Ignacio’s jaw worked. She could see the gears of his mind churning. He wanted to say something, but the silence was long and drawn out. Katheryn felt her nerves rising the longer he took to speak. He was going to say something important, she could feel it.

  “I have something to tell you…”


  “Rosa and I… we have… history.”

  “What kind of history?” She didn’t know why she bothered asking. What other kind of history could a gorgeous woman and hot as hell vampire have other than of the sexual variety?

  “I’ve slept with her.”

  She tried to appear careless and aloof, but she couldn’t help the wince she gave as he threw the words out. Way to rip a band-aid off, she thought, a moment before self-consciousness overtook her.


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