Love Bites

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Love Bites Page 19

by Aleera Anaya Ceres

  Katheryn recognized her immediately. Even though she’d only seen her briefly before. The girl had a large nose—big enough to land an airplane on, Katheryn had thought at the time– and her eyes were too far apart. All in all, Katheryn had considered her rather ugly to be Hunter’s slut.

  But that was before. Now, when Katheryn looked into the face of Hunter’s mistress, those same hateful thoughts didn’t flutter through her head.

  “You’re Hunter’s mistress,” Katheryn stated, matter-of-factly.

  The girl flinched as if she’d been slapped.

  “Do you work for him?” Katheryn asked. No reply was necessary since the woman wore a uniform Katheryn recognized as one of the ones housekeeping wore at the Francis family hotels.

  “Yes, ma’am,” the girl answered quietly, bowing her head again.

  Katheryn crinkled her nose.

  “Also, if I may apologize, ma’am.”

  The comment surprised Katheryn. “First of all,” she told the maid, “stop calling me ma’am. I’m not that much older than you. And second, apologize for what? For fucking my fiancé?”

  The girl flinched again but nodded, sadly.

  Katheryn laughed. “I should probably be thanking you.”

  “Thanking me?”

  “Yes.” Katheryn nodded. “Thanks to you, after catching you sleeping with another woman’s fiancé—my fiancé—my eyes opened to reality. You made me see what a selfish, narcissistic little prick Hunter truly is. Thanks to catching you two in my bed, I made the best decision of my life and went to Spain, where I met my Soul Mate.”

  Katheryn threw back her head and laughed again. Then laughed harder when the other woman stared incredulously, as if Katheryn had blown a gasket or something. And maybe she had, but Katheryn didn’t care.

  “So, what’s your name?” Katheryn asked her.


  “So, Monica, are you in love with Hunter?”

  Monica flushed and didn’t reply, but Katheryn could read the answer in her eyes. Maybe, the girl was actually in love with Hunter, or maybe she was in love with the idea of his wealth. Either way, Monica was doomed. Hunter would string her along until he got sick and tired of her. Then, he’d get rid of her in the harshest way imaginable.

  “Here’s a piece of advice,” Katheryn offered, leaning forward. “Next time you fall in love, make sure you don’t do it with an engaged man or a man who’s in any sort of a relationship. You don’t need to act like a slut, Monica, to get a man.”

  Monica flushed a deep shade of crimson, and started to stammer a reply, but Katheryn waved a hand to dismiss her.

  “Just get the fuck out of my sight.”

  Katheryn sighed when the door clicked shut behind the woman then turned her attention to the food Monica had brought her. It was a simple meal, pasta and bread, a glass of cranberry juice and a bottle of champagne. Katheryn looked it over, but none of it appealed to her except the alcohol.

  I just want to numb the pain.

  With tears in her eyes, she reached for the bottle, uncorked it then lifted it to her lips. Getting drunk on champagne probably wasn’t the wisest decision, but with her Soul Mate dead, she had nothing to live for. There was no escaping her prison, no way to convince anyone to help her, so she’d just accept her fate. She would drown her sorrows in that bottle, drown away the hopelessness of her love for Ignacio.

  The champagne pleasantly burned down her throat. She guzzled more until her tears stopped and her brain stopped wondering what would happen to her now, without her Soul Mate. She knew, deep inside, she had yet again relied on a male, depended on him, felt complete with him. At the same time, she knew it was different with Ignacio.

  With Hunter, she’d given up everything to be with him. She’d changed everything about herself, all because he’d demanded it. He’d said “jump”, and she’d reply “how high?”

  But with Ignacio, there had been no controlling. He’d let her be herself, let her move at her own pace. He’d encouraged her passions, admired her intelligence and had never once tried to change her.

  Katheryn hadn’t understood the importance of the term Soul Mate, hadn’t comprehended why vampires put it on such a high pedestal. But now she knew what it was like to be without Ignacio, to have a part of herself missing. Not just mind or heart, but a piece of her soul as well. To know he’d died, well, it if she’d been physically injured as well.

  There was a painful hole in her being, torn from her when Ignacio died.

  Katheryn swiped her eyes then downed another swallow of the champagne. If getting drunk numbed her heartache, then she’d drink up a storm. Ignacio had been her Soul Mate, but he was gone, and she was stuck as Hunter’s captive, for however long he decided to keep her.


  Ignacio had a hole in his heart, where one of the bullets had nicked him. He lay on the hotel room floor in a pool of his own blood, but he hadn’t gone down alone. The bodies of the men, who’d been foolish enough to shoot at a vampire, were scattered around him.

  Never before had he run as fast as he had when they’d pulled their triggers. He’d been a blur, running around the room, snapping the neck of each man. They were dead before their bodies even hit the floor. He hadn’t expected to survive the attack.

  But he hadn’t come through completely unscathed. He’d taken several bullets in his arms and legs, and the near fatal one near his heart. He could feel the hole, feel the way the vampire virus attempted to repair the damage done. But it couldn’t do that without blood. And lots of it.

  It was daytime now, he knew it for sure. His pain had kept him from his death sleep. However, as hard as he tried to move, his body wouldn’t budge. He felt the blood escape his heart like a liquid fire that burned whenever he sucked in a breath. If night didn’t fall soon, he’d die. He needed to get blood in his system, and he needed it quickly.

  Determination alone had kept him alive so far. He needed to get to Katheryn and save her from the murderous bastard who’d taken her. Ignacio knew in his heart, that she’d lied to save him. But, he let it go. Hunter had threatened her life, and she’d needed Ignacio to let her go with him.

  But Ignacio had heard her thoughts loud and clear. I love you, Ignacio.

  Hunter had taken Katheryn, but Ignacio would get her back. He needed to get back on his feet, and find where they’d gone. He needed to get to Katheryn, to save his Soul Mate from the clutches of that devil. He lay on the floor, helpless, and willed the sun to set, willed the moon to rise soon. Ignacio didn’t know how much longer he had, how much longer Katheryn had.

  He only hoped it wasn’t too late.


  “Starving yourself won’t do any good, you know.”

  Her guard returned an hour later with Monica, who cleared away the dishes and empty champagne bottle. He looked at Katheryn, sprawled on the couch, and frowned. “You should’ve eaten.”

  Katheryn shrugged and giggled, drunkenly. “What do you care if I eat or not? You just want to shoot me anyway.”

  The man eyed her, thoughtfully. “I don’t want to shoot you. I’ve been given orders to do so only if you try to escape.”

  “Just kill me now, then,” Katheryn hiccupped. “Just kill me so I can be with Ignacio.” Feeling her tears start again, she cursed. She’d thought she was all cried out. Between the champagne buzz and the tears, she was a terrible mess.

  “He killed him, you know,” she whispered. “Hunter killed Ignacio after he promised me he wouldn’t.”

  “Killing you wouldn’t be the answer.”

  “Yes it would! I’d be with Ignacio. He’s my Soul Mate, and without him, I’m incomplete. There’s a hole in my heart. Right here,” she said, pounding her chest.

  “I’m sure you feel like there’s a hole in your heart. But that’s because you’re upset.”

  “You just don’t understand, do you?” Katheryn asked with exasperation. “Ignacio is a vampire. Vampires have Soul Mates. I feel what he feels; he f
eels what I feel. We hear each other’s thoughts, feel each other’s emotions, we share a soul. When he died and his soul left this world, it ripped mine in half.”

  The guard didn’t comment. He ushered Monica from the room, locking the door behind them.

  Alone again, Katheryn buried her face into the couch pillows and cried herself to sleep.


  Nighttime finally arrived.

  Ignacio opened his eyes and glanced at his surroundings. Bodies littered the floors around him. The smell of blood overpowered his senses.

  It hurt to stand, but he had to do so even though he felt the hole in his heart tear open wider. He grimaced and fought to steady himself, getting his feet. It hurt to move, to walk. But he desperately needed blood. Fresh blood would help his body expel the bullets, help his wounds to heal.

  Wobbly on his feet, he glanced down at his naked body. If he was going to go out in the night, he’d have to put on some clothing. He made his way to the bathroom where his discarded clothes lay on the floor. He tugged them on, wincing as he did so.

  A knock on the door distracted his hazy thoughts. "Housekeeping!" A muffled voice called from the other side. His brain fought to remember. Right. He was supposed to check out to check out of the hotel. He was supposed to have left with Katheryn on the plane and back to Spain.

  The door opened and a maid stepped through. Her gasp was stifled behind her palms. She looked at Ignacio, and the bodies on the floor. He swayed where he stood.

  "Help me!" he demanded.

  The woman took a cautious step back.

  "Please!" He dug deep inside himself and willed the hypnotism to work. The maid seemed to freeze for a brief second, and Ignacio wobbled before her. "I need you," he commanded. Silently, she held out her wrist and he took it. Already, his fangs lengthened and throbbed and without preamble, he sunk them into her flesh.

  He felt his energy start to peak. But he was still weak, and he couldn't drink a lot from her, lest he kill her. He pulled away, sealing the wound closed, and looked into her eyes.

  "You won't remember this," he ordered. "You'll tell them we are staying another day."

  She nodded and left. He followed behind, closing the hotel room door behind him. He put the 'Do Not Disturb' sign on the handle and ventured out into the night.

  Harsh wind slapped his body, but he ignored it. He needed to find another donor. He needed to feed then make his way to Katheryn. Just as he thought this, a man passed by his side.

  “Wait,” Ignacio called out. “I need help,” he said, as he drew closer.

  Instinctively, the man assumed a defensive stance.

  “What’s wrong? Should I call an ambulance?” he asked, eying Ignacio’s limp.

  Ignacio shook his head.

  “I just need you,” he said and lunged for the man’s throat.

  He screamed but Ignacio calmed his fears by sending him pleasurable thoughts. He hated to attack like a madman, but he needed the blood. He drank as much as he dared then sent him away without any memory of being attacked.

  The blood made him a little stronger, but he still needed more.

  He found more donors as he walked along the street. He drank a little from each one he encountered, so as not to harm them. Doing so made the healing process take longer than he would have liked. However, his body got stronger after each person. Ignacio’s muscles knit back together. His body expelled the bullets that had hit him. It was a painful process, but the worst was the agonizing repair of hole near his heart. He groaned and fell to his knees, as the last of the healing took place.

  When it finished, and Ignacio felt rejuvenated. He stood then stilled himself, listening for the connection that would lead him to Katheryn. He heard the familiar strumming of the cord, pulling him in the direction of his Soul Mate.

  “I’m coming for you, love,” he whispered in the night and headed toward Katheryn, with a new, deadly gleam in his eyes.


  Nighttime came, and Katheryn woke.

  She dreaded the moment Hunter would return. She knew what was in store for her, and she wished she could get drunk enough to not feel what Hunter would do to her. But her bodyguard had forbid any more champagne or alcohol. The only beverages she was allowed were water or orange juice.

  Nervously, Katheryn watched the clock that hung above the TV, counting the seconds as they passed. When the front door opened, Katheryn bolted up like lightning and turned to face whatever, or whoever, awaited her.

  Hunter walked in, carefully closing the door behind him. He eyed Katheryn, from head to toe, then gave a slight smile and pulled off his jacket.

  Katheryn took a step back, even though the whole couch was between them.

  “What a day!” Hunter exclaimed. “Quite stressful.”

  He tossed his coat on the rack by the door then made his way toward Katheryn, stepping around the couch. She felt her stomach twist as he smiled. “Aren’t you going to welcome me home?”

  Katheryn tried not to cringe away. She’d face the situation bravely. She’d pretend to be his dutiful wife if that would save her.

  “Welcome home, darling.” She forced a smile, though the words burned like acid on her tongue and made her want to vomit.

  Hunter opened his arms, inviting her for a hug. It was the last thing Katheryn wanted, but she forced herself to play along. She walked into his embrace and wrapped her arms around his waist, though there was no affection whatsoever in her gesture. His arms tightened around her, and he rested his chin on top her head for a moment.

  “Have you been crying?” he asked after pushing her gently away. He took her chin in his fingers and examined her like one might examine fruit at the market.

  Katheryn bit her lip. She was sure her eyes were bloodshot, but she shook her head. “No,” she lied, though she knew he wouldn’t believe her.

  “Is it because of that foreigner?” he asked softly. His voice would have sounded almost sympathetic if she didn’t know what a sadistic bastard he truly was. “You need to forget him, Kathy. He’s in your past now.” Hunter framed her face in his hands and kissed her lightly on the lips.

  “I’m sorry,” Katheryn apologized, trying not to feel disgusted by his touch. “He’s my past. I’ll forget him. I promise.” It felt like a betrayal to say the words.

  Hunter, seeming satisfied with her answer, nodded and smiled.

  “Would you like some dinner?” she asked, attempting to delay his other needs with whatever came to mind.

  He shook his head. “I ate at the office.”


  She forced a smile. “Why don’t we watch some TV, to relax your mind?”

  She grabbed the remote and plopped down on the couch, turning on the TV. Hunter moved in front of her, blocking her view of the screen, and plucked the remote from her hands.

  “You’re missing the show,” she protested.

  “Forget the television, Katheryn,” he said huskily. In a tone she recognized all too well.

  Katheryn looked up at him, a lump lodged in her throat. She knew what Hunter wanted, what he would force her to do. The thought made her want to vomit. Instead, she bit her lip. “What about a massage? That always helps you relax.”

  “No, Katheryn.” He reached down and gripped her upper arms, pulling her to her feet.

  She pressed her palms against his chest to steady herself. She shook like an earthquake. Her mind raced a mile a minute, trying to decide the best way to distract him, to keep him from forcing himself on her. She figured her only option was to play along, pretend to be the dutiful fiancée so he wouldn’t turn violent. Yes, she decided, she could play along if it meant her survival.

  “Then we should go to the bedroom,” she said shakily.

  She took his hand in hers and led him back to the bedroom while her mind formed a plan. She’d delay for as long as she could. If that didn’t work, she’d defend herself with whatever she could find. A shoe, a lamp, even the bottle of shampoo if she need be. But she h
ad to do something.

  Once they reached the bedroom, Katheryn, in her best seductive manner, sat Hunter at the end of the bed. He stared at her questioningly, one light blond eyebrow raised.

  “Wait where you are, I’ll be right back,” Katheryn promised.

  She made her way to the walk in closet, went inside, and closed the door behind her. As soon as it was secure, she let out a sigh then looked through everything in a rush. After a minute of searching, she saw there was nothing useful for defending herself. She remembered the hairbrush in the bathroom.

  Damn it, she swore, savagely. Why didn’t I bring it in here this afternoon?

  What could she do now? She supposed she could seduce him then say she had to use the bathroom and grab the hairbrush. Maybe, she could knock him out with it. But that required a lot of strength, much more than Katheryn had. All she had were her wits, and this time, she didn’t think they’d be enough.

  “Katheryn?” Hunter called in a sing-song voice. “Don’t keep me waiting.”

  His tone aggravated her, but she knew she had to get going. It would piss him off, if he had to come in after her, and he wouldn’t be gentle with his torture..

  “Coming!” she called back. “I’m just changing into something more suitable.”

  She looked at the lingerie he’d purchased for her. Everything was made of either silk or lace. She chose one at random, a silk nightgown the color of champagne with black trimming. She slipped it on, irritated that one of the thin straps kept falling off her shoulder. She saw there were matching sleep shorts, and Katheryn slid them on, glad to put another layer between her and Hunter.

  She turned and glanced in the closet mirror. Her face was pale as milk with dark purple shadows under her eyes. As she’d suspected, her eyes were bloodshot, proof she’d been bawling all day. Her hair was in tangles over her shoulders and looked a mess.

  Running her fingers through her hair, she exited the closet, planning how she could get past Hunter to get the hairbrush then hide it until she could knock him out with it. But one look at his face told her he wasn’t going to fall for any further delays.


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