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Infatuations Page 18

by Barbara Winkes

  She was wearing a bracelet that had belonged to Meredith Harding, given to her by her mother, Ellie’s grandmother, a long time ago. Her earrings were borrowed from Kate, and Pauline had paid for the brand-new shoes that would put her on eye-level with her bride. Regarding something blue, Kate had to take her word for it, because this item was for Jordan’s eyes only.

  Everything was arranged so that the first look would truly be a surprise for both of them. Jordan had only mentioned that the latest fitting had been successful. Their friends and family who had come shopping with them would make sure that style and color didn’t clash. The music started, and Ellie felt herself trembling. Of all the achievements in her life, she considered this one of the biggest. She knew that Jordan would go first, with her parents, Derek as the best man, Kate, and finally Ellie. Even though they had discussed it beforehand, Ellie felt a pang of regret, even the small stretch from the hallway through the aisle to the desk seemed incredibly long.

  “Ellie. It’s time.”

  Pauline, appearing out of nowhere, startled her.

  “Slight change of plans, if you’re all right with it. We thought Jack and Jordan would go first, and I’d walk you down the aisle? We should welcome you into the family properly.” When Ellie was unable to react right away, she said, “I know, sweetie. We can’t replace your parents, and I know you wish they could be here now, but we’ll be here for you. We’re so happy Jordan found you.”

  Kate gave her a gentle push, and Ellie finally found the words.

  “Thank you so much. I am happy too—and this is perfect.”

  “That’s settled then. Let’s go.”

  Ellie had been fairly afraid that she wouldn’t be able to get out a word, let alone vows, but finally, when she stepped into the room, her attention wasn’t on any of the smiling guests. Pauline gently steered her forward. Ellie forgot about everyone but Jordan, and the promise they were going to make. And there was no way she could hurry anything in those heels. Finally, she had made it all the way, and they took each other’s hands.

  “You look amazing,” she whispered, already anticipating that all of the pictures would show her staring in awe.

  Jordan smiled, self-conscious, as if she wanted to argue. Instead, she just whispered back, “Thank you. How many inches?”

  Ellie held her gaze, amused. “Just enough so I could make it from the car, and back. Your Mom bought them for me. She has faith in me.”

  “I have every faith in you. In us.”

  Just like that, the conversation wasn’t about shoes any longer, and Ellie didn’t think it was necessary to mention that she’d be wearing a different pair for the reception.

  The music stopped, and the officiant began the ceremony.

  Ellie held on tighter, and she found that when it was her turn, she said all the right words at the right time, including the most important ones.

  “I do.”

  She would never forget that moment.

  * * * *

  For the most part of the day, Jordan would hold on to Ellie with one hand, and to a champagne glass with the other, or so it seemed. She couldn’t let go of her. She couldn’t stop smiling, and eventually, she managed to relax, the stress of many months, for many reasons, falling away. The champagne might have played a role in that as well, but it wasn’t the main reason.

  She’d never imagined this would feel so much like a major piece of her life falling into place, a game changer. Most of the people in the room with them had been confronted with some of the worst of humanity, still, they kept believing in something good, had put aside all their own issues and problems to be here with her and Ellie today.

  Ellie—she had finally been able to let go for a second—stood with Becca Crane and Ariel, both of them looking happy and excited. Pauline was talking to Madeline, Ellie’s mother’s friend. Darla held her toddler on her knees, and in another corner, Derek and Kate were having a quiet immersed conversation. She could have sworn he had shed a tear or two during the ceremony. Not that Jordan could blame him.

  She walked over to Ellie and their guests—apparently there was only so long she could bear to be apart in a crowded room. “Could I borrow my wife for a moment?”

  She noticed Ellie’s face light up at Jordan’s use of the term. “I think people are going to want to dance, so we should give them a good example.”

  She knew Ellie had been a tad worried about this part, because they hadn’t had time to practice much, but it was for exactly that reason that they’d chosen a slow song. As soon as Ellie was in her arms, Jordan knew they weren’t going to embarrass themselves.

  “Do you think we could steal away for a bit after this?”

  “Already?” Ellie gave her a knowing smile. “Everyone will know…not that I’m not interested, I definitely am. But once I get out of this dress I don’t think I can put it on ag—”

  “It’s not that,” Jordan confessed. “I mean, of course it’s that, and I want to, but…I’m so hungry. I couldn’t eat much earlier, and every other minute someone put a glass in front of me.”

  “Oh God, I know what you mean.” Ellie laughed. “It’s an amazing day, but it’s our day. Come on. I don’t care what they think, let’s get some of that cake, and maybe someone will make us a coffee.”

  “I love you,” Jordan said, and even though it might be self-evident on a day like this, at this moment, she blushed, feeling utterly naked.

  “I love you too,” Ellie said, leaning in to kiss her. “Forever. It’s official now.”

  * * * *

  She put the last piece on her wall, another important piece of the puzzle. She had to know all of them inside out, anticipate what they’d think, say or do in every situation. And she was damn good at it too, so good that no one had suspected her so far. Five years, and she was just getting started.

  First contact was only a few days away, and already she had perfectly adopted her new life. She had studied the people and relationships that came with it. A much bigger challenge than the others, that much was for sure. There’d be a barrage of questions, suspicion, but she was well-prepared as usual.

  She reached out to trace a finger over the photograph.

  “Such an amazing coincidence,” she whispered. “I’m so happy I found you.”

  On her way out of the apartment, she stopped at the mirror in the hallway, smiling at her reflection, practicing the perfect expression for what she was about to say:

  “Hi. My name is Natalie. I’m your sister.”

  Books by Barbara Winkes


  The Amnesia Project


  The Carpenter/Harding thrillers:

  1. Indiscretions

  2. Insinuations

  3. Incisions

  4. Intrusions

  5. Initiations

  6. Intentions

  7. Infatuations

  Jayce & Emma (romantic suspense)

  1. Halfway Home

  2. Familiar Places

  3. New Rooms

  4. Close Quarters




  The Interpretation of Love and the Truth

  The Design of Everything Perfect

  Open Spaces

  Callie & Rebecca:

  1. Autumn Leaves

  2. Winter Storm

  3. Spring Fever

  4. Summer Wine


  The Exodus Strategy

  All of these titles are available for Kindle Unlimited.

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