Redemption is Here (An FBI/Romance Thriller Book 9)

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Redemption is Here (An FBI/Romance Thriller Book 9) Page 8

by Morgan Kelley

  In fact, both men would.

  They already had a plan.

  “Promise me that you’ll be safe?” he asked one more time. “I won’t be able to focus if you’re in danger. Oh, and Ethan will kill me if anything happens to you,” he added, laughing.

  She didn't doubt that for a second.

  “I love how you two think I can’t take care of myself,” she stated, leading him back to the team. “You two tend to be in more trouble than I ever am.”

  “You get abducted one time, and your woman never lets you forget it,” he replied, teasing her.

  She whistled. Everyone came to a complete stop, including the new anthropologist.

  It looked like she was learning.

  “I’m heading into town. I’ve got to procure us a place to call base. I’m taking Agents Seaton and Madden with me. In my absence, Director Whitefox is in charge. If you haven’t noticed, it’s getting dark out. I want to clear these bodies and all sweeps by nightfall. I’m also going to get you places to crash for our stay in Devil’s Lake.”

  There were mumbled words, and she didn't miss them.

  “If you make Director Whitefox angry, you will be in the crappiest roach coach FBI money can buy. If you do your job, you will still be in the crappiest roach coach, but you’ll feel good about yourself.”

  There was a chorus of moans and some snickers.

  “Behave, do your damn jobs, and for Christ sake, no one wander into the woods. I don’t want to have to search for anyone when I get back. Am I clear?”

  They all looked around.

  She waited for it.

  When they saluted, she started laughing. “See you in a little while,” she stated, blowing Callen a kiss before heading through the team to the tree line.

  He watched her go before checking his watch. Now, he had to trust the relatively new agents at her side. If something happened to her, he and Ethan were screwed. As it was, their family was barely patched back together.

  “Director,” Zane called.


  “Can you suit up and help me bag up the victims?” he asked, as the two anthropologists were already working on the other two bodies.

  “Yeah, I can do that,” he stated, grabbing a clean suit from one of the techs.

  Once he was dressed, he climbed down into the shallow grave.

  “Are you ready, boss?”

  Yeah, he most definitely was. For now, he needed something to keep his mind on the mummies and not his woman.

  Maybe it would all be okay.

  How much trouble could she get into in town?

  Holy shit! This was going to be a disaster...

  ~ Chapter Three ~

  Devil’s Lake

  Elizabeth let one of her agents do the driving. For now, she needed to check in with Ethan to make sure he’d gotten confirmation on their lodging. Ginny had probably already submitted the details to him, and Elizabeth knew that he wouldn’t tolerate their team staying in a roach coach.

  On the second ring, he answered the call.

  “Hey, baby! I miss you,” he said, typing furiously on his tablet. Knowing his wife, Ethan was well aware why she was calling. As a matter of fact, he was just about there.

  “I miss you too, Ethan. I hope Gabe’s not bugging the hell out of you, or I’m heading up there to hurt him.”

  It made him laugh. Before he left, they had both discussed the upcoming tests that Gabe was likely to toss out. “I’m good, Lyzee. I’m finalizing the hotel accommodations right now. You’re going to be staying with Callen on the Rez, and since it’s the tourist off season, there’s only one motel open in town. The team is staying there.” He paused, trying to figure out their one problem.

  “But? I feel like you’re waiting to drop the bomb,” she admitted.

  “We have one extra person that Ginny didn't account for in the set up.”

  She hoped Ethan had a solution.

  “Who isn't staying at the hotel?”

  “Well, we were good until Gabe mentioned that you needed Tony to remain and work. So, he’s either got to bunk with you and Callen, or…”

  She started laughing. “If you put him with us, your brother is going to be disappointed. You know how he is,” she offered, trying to keep it as detail free as possible. After all, she wasn’t alone.

  “You have company?”

  “I’m on my way into town to mess with the local law. I need to procure a morgue for the mummies.”

  His blood pressure shot up. “That’s not what I asked you, baby. Are you alone?”

  “Hell no, Cowboy! You think I’m wonky? I have Agents Seaton and Madden with me. In fact, I’m letting one of them drive. It looks like I’ve turned over a new leaf. Apparently, when you’re not around, I’m not a control freak.”

  At her reassuring words, he was able to breathe again. “Good. I might actually get to sleep tonight, instead of worrying.”

  “Now, back to our situation,” she stated, knowing they didn't have much time.

  “Our only other option is one of the cabins on the Rez. Do you think Tony will be okay by himself?”

  She thought about it. “Yeah, he’ll be good. Besides, he can get to know Doctor Armstrong a little better.”

  That sentence alone spoke volumes to him. “Uh oh. Are you donning your Cupid wings again?”

  There was nothing funnier than that vision in her head. “Yeah, as a matter of fact, I am.”

  “I’m just glad I’m here. One day, someone’s going to get hurt, and I want to stay out of your line of fire.”

  She didn't buy it at all. “Liar, liar, your expensive britches are on fire,” she chanted.

  He loved his wife. She knew him too well. “I’ll be there in a day or two. We have something big on the horizon, and Gabe is dumping it in our lap.”

  “Uh oh. What’s coming?”

  “I can’t tell you over the phone. In fact, I can’t tell Callen either. It’s classified. You and I barely meet the clearance level on this one.”

  “Oh boy,” she muttered. They were pretty high up on the security clearance scale. If they barely met it, then it was going to be epic. “Okay, Ethan. We’re almost there, so I have to go. Please be careful, think about me, and stay out of trouble.”

  “I should say the same to you. Call me later, baby. I love you.”

  “I love you too, Ethan.”

  Glancing over, she noticed that her one Fed was grinning. “Yes, Agent Madden? Is there a joke I missed?”

  Johanna Madden had never had any other bosses but the Blackhawks. While she was wary of the director, she wasn’t afraid of her. “I think it’s sweet, that’s all.”

  From the back seat, her partner, Broderick Seaton, cleared his throat. “Ma’am, don’t mind my partner. She’s a little loopy. I think it’s the jet lag.”

  Elizabeth appreciated humor, especially in her team. “Yeah, but then again aren’t we all? Okay, here’s the game plan. We head in, we take no prisoners, and we get us a morgue. If we don’t, we’re screwed.”

  Both agents had some FBI experience under their belts. They understood the importance of setting up a base. In the field, they needed to think on their feet to procure anything they could at this point.

  “While I’m working my magic on the police, I need one of you to start a search. I know that where the bodies were found is Native land, but I’m curious about the church. Since the other side is a cemetery, get me all you can on it. While one of you is doing that, the other needs to be ready to run a search for any missing people. If this goes right, we’ll have any reports and a place to call temporary home.”

  Both agents laughed. They’d heard about Elizabeth’s methods of procurement. It was going to be interesting.

  Pulling up to the building, they all got ready.

  “Shall we?” Elizabeth asked, as she jumped down from their vehicle.

  Her team was set.

  Together, they made the trek across the parking lot. At the door, they cou
ld hear laughter emanating from inside. Yeah, that alone told the tale. Devil’s Lake was going to be a low crime area. It was late in the day, and the law enforcement was just hanging out.

  Then again, it could mean their boss was a jackwagon.

  Well shit!

  It wasn’t looking good either way.

  Once they entered the building, all the revelry stopped. Elizabeth was very accustomed to that response, but it was still irritating when it happened.

  “Hello, ma’am, what can I do for you?” asked a deputy, approaching the counter. “You’re definitely not from around here,” he added.

  “I need your help, Deputy Turner,” she replied, reading his name tag. Once she heard the southern in their voices, she opted to go back to her roots too. It might just work to their advantage if the men before her believed she was one of them.

  Southern ran deep.

  “My name is Director Elizabeth Blackhawk, and I work for the FBI.”

  That had everyone’s attention.

  “I hate to bother y’all, but I need to speak to the person in charge,” she stated.

  One of the men went scurrying off to find the boss.

  “Can I ask what about, ma’am?” Deputy Turner inquired. It wasn’t like the Feds to roll into their town like this. In fact, as long as he had worked there, it never happened.

  “I can only discuss that with your boss. I hope you understand,” she offered. Pulling off her sunglasses, she stared into his eyes. “I hate to be difficult with you fine deputies, but procedure is procedure.”

  “What can I do for you?” came a voice, as an older man sauntered toward her.

  Elizabeth shifted her focus. Before her stood a man who looked more like a grandfather than a cop. Hey, when in Devil’s Lake…

  Holding out her hand, she opted to play nice. “My name is Director Elizabeth Blackhawk, and these are Special Agents Madden and Seaton,” she stated. “We’re here working on the Reservation regarding a murder, and we desperately need your help.”

  Every deputy in the place looked excited at that prospect. She didn't miss the expressions on their faces.

  Yep. Hook, line, and sinker.

  “With what, exactly?” he asked suspiciously, even as he shook her outstretched hand.

  Yeah, it was obvious this man had a run in with the Feds at least once in his life. He was watching her warily.

  “I’m sorry, but I didn't get your name,” she stated.

  His southern charm kicked in. “I beg your pardon, ma’am,” he said. “I’m the sheriff in Devil’s Lake. My name’s Bob Silversmith.”

  “Well, it’s my pleasure, Sheriff,” she offered. “You have a fine town here.”

  Both agents couldn’t believe what they were seeing. Elizabeth Blackhawk was being cordial. Now, they were confused. From what they heard in the field, this didn't match up.

  “Now, little lady. What is it that you need from us? As you can see, we’re a small office. I doubt that you need our sleuthing capabilities. After all, you’re the FBI.”

  “Well, Sheriff, I’ve learned not to underestimate the law when they love their town and jobs. We may not need your assistance solving this assignment, but we do need your help. I have four bodies on the Rez and no place to have my team work on them. I know this is going to seem pushy, but do you have a morgue we could borrow?”

  He laughed at that. “Sweetheart, we do, but we haven’t had an ME in town for about twenty years. There’s barely a budget for us, let alone a doctor who cuts into the dead.”

  She let the ‘sweetheart’ go. In the back of her mind, she was just glad Ethan and Callen weren’t here. “Oh, I have my own ME. We never leave home without one,” she joked. “I really just need the facility to put the victims. You really can’t do an autopsy in the woods. Well, you can, but then my boss will get mad.”

  He started laughing. “You’re the sweetest Fed I’ve ever met. I think we may be able to help you out,” Bob Silversmith offered.

  Both agents were barely contained. No one ever used Elizabeth Blackhawk and the word sweet in a sentence together.

  Yeah, this was a weird town.

  Apparently, bodies in the woods weren’t their only problem.

  “I can’t tell you how much I appreciate that, sir,” she drawled. “Here I was worried that I wouldn’t be able to get your help. I got myself worked up into a tizzy for nothing. Silly old me.”

  The one deputy grinned wickedly. “I’ll help you do whatever you need,” he offered, winking at her.

  “I appreciate it, Deputy. Today is my lucky day.”

  Yeah, it was his too. The man was fortunate that her partners weren’t riding shotgun, or he’d be helping himself to the nearest emergency room.

  “Anything for you, sugar,” he flirted back.

  “I do declare, Deputy Turner, that’s awful kind of you. There is something else I really need,” she said, leaning on the counter to play along. Once she batted her eyelashes, Elizabeth knew the man wouldn’t put up a fight.

  “What can I get you? I have a spare kidney.”

  Oh brother.

  She was appalled but went for it. If these men expected her to be a ditz, well then hell, she’d give them that. It would make them underestimate her later.

  “About those four victims. I have no clue who they are, and little ol’ me has no idea where to begin looking. You wouldn’t happen to have any missing person reports, would you?”

  He hesitated, knowing it wasn’t procedure to just hand them out.

  The sheriff spoke up, “We do, missy, but I just can’t give them out like that. I need more information.”

  Elizabeth was going to get herself the Academy Award on this one. “Well crap! I’m not allowed to tell you much more. I guess my boss is going to be so damn mad at me. I hope he doesn’t yell and scream like last time, right Agent Madden?”

  The woman could barely get the words out. “I hope not, boss. I’d hate to see you cry again. It was horrible.”

  As if on cue, Agent Seaton pulled a tissue from his pocket. “Here, I brought it just in case, ma’am. See? Chivalry isn't dead.”

  Elizabeth was struggling. She didn't expect her team to play it this well. Usually agents who were new to working with her, didn't get it right out the gate.

  She could see the sheriff cracking.

  “It’s okay,” she reassured. “I had to ask. I’ll have to deal with his yelling. It’s not like I’m not used to it. I just hope he doesn’t fire me like he swore he was going to do.”

  Elizabeth reached for the tissue, preparing to go even further if need be.

  Yeah, maybe this girl thing worked better than being a bitch. This little gimmick was going in her bag of tricks for future use. Hey! Maybe it would even work on her men too.

  “How far back do you need them for?” he finally asked.

  “Can I say a year? If I need to go back further, I’ll personally come back and get more.”

  Sheriff Silversmith pointed at one of his men. “You heard the little lady. You can give her the last twelve months’ worth of reports.”

  The deputy hustled off.

  “I can’t thank you enough, Sheriff. You’ve been so kind. Here’s my card. If you need anything, feel free to give me a call.”

  “Well, I’ve got bad news for you, Director. You’re not going to escape us that easily. The morgue is downstairs in the basement. It’s not huge, but my men will help you set it up if you want.”

  That didn't make her happy. She’d rather be off site and away from the cops, especially since her sweet demeanor wasn’t going to stick around for long. Eventually, the jig would be up.

  “That’s okay, Sheriff. I’ll call my team in and have them arrive. Just please tell me that the morgue has coolers and power.” At this point, all Elizabeth could do was pray.

  “Yes, ma’am,” he offered. There is also a back door entrance and a way to get there through here,” he admitted, pointing to the hallway. “You can bring the bodi
es in from the outside if you want.”

  “That’s fine, Sheriff. We Feds are actually easy to get along with. You won’t even know we’re here.”

  He smiled. “I don’t mind, sweetheart. You brighten the place up. If you need some office space, you can come hang out with me,” he offered, winking.

  Elizabeth couldn’t believe a man, who was old enough to be her father, was hitting on her. Wait until she told the men this one. They were going to laugh themselves silly.

  “I appreciate it, but I have a whole team. Do you have a conference room? Once we start investigating, there’s always the chance that it involves your town.”

  He would give her whatever she wanted. “I’ll have Deputy Turner clean it out for you right now.”

  Elizabeth took the reports from the one man and a key from the other. “Y’all have been so helpful. I can’t thank you enough.”

  She motioned to her team, and they headed out. At the door, she turned to wave like some silly girl. Once outside, she started laughing, as did the two Feds beside her.

  “They are in for one hell of a shock,” stated Johanna Madden. “It’s only a matter of time before you turn mean again,” she stated.

  Elizabeth was grinning like the cat who swallowed the canary. “Yeah, but more importantly, you’re both my witnesses. I didn't have to hurt anyone or raise my voice. I may use this sweet as pie act a little more often. It took so much less energy.”

  Yeah, they barely believed it themselves.

  “Nice one with the crying and tissue,” she added, offering them both a fist bump. “That was priceless.”

  Both agents were glad their boss enjoyed it. A happy Blackhawk was a calm Blackhawk.

  “Now, let’s go call Callen and give them the location. We have bodies to get stored. Our team did really good for today. I almost feel like dancing.”

  “I hope I get to be there when you tell Directors Blackhawk and Whitefox about this,” stated Agent Madden. There was no doubt that someone was going to lose their mind.

  Elizabeth didn't doubt they would be there. After all, she planned on calling them as material witnesses. This was the first time it had ever happened in her life.


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