Master of My Heart

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Master of My Heart Page 29

by Marissa Honeycutt

  The room started to spin, but not from lack of oxygen. Neil had pulled back so she could breathe. Her heart pounded in her ears as she felt Terric throbbing inside her, pumping her full of himself. Filling her with his Immortalness, which her body absorbed. Her body took over her mind at that moment and she started sucking hard on Neil’s cock, tasting him and desiring him. He grabbed her hair and thrust down her throat as he came.

  She no longer needed oxygen. She only needed their cum. Her body burned with the transformation going on inside her. Dizzy . . . so dizzy . . . She tasted the gold of the Immortalness forcing its way into her being.

  She saw gold . . .

  She closed her eyes and saw the universe . . .


  “Where the hell is she?” Chase yelled, hurling a book across the room and knocking the wooden clock off the mantel above the fireplace. He interlaced his fingers on top of his head and stared out the window, his mind circling wildly around the precious little information he had about Sabrina’s disappearance. It was after midnight, yet he had no more information than he had just after Sabrina vanished.

  Ethan had hunted down the cab driver to talk to him in person. The man confirmed what dispatch had told him. He’d dropped a crying Sabrina off in front of her building approximately ten minutes after picking her up. She’d asked to be dropped off a block away, but the cabbie had refused, saying he had promised to make sure she got home safely. He’d even watched to make sure she got into the building.

  “Maybe she went for a walk?” Ethan said slowly, but his frown told Chase he didn’t believe it, either.

  Chase placed his fists on his desk and hung his head. “If only I hadn’t said . . .” He sighed and looked up. “That’s the problem. I don’t know what I said. I don’t know what I did. I have no idea why I upset her.”

  “It may not have been you. Abuse victims have all sorts of demons in their heads. You may just have triggered something in her mind.”

  Chase slumped into his chair. “I wish she’d talked to me instead of running away. I shouldn’t have let her go.”

  “You were respecting her wishes. She would have resented it if you’d forced her to stay.”

  Ethan was right. Chase couldn’t have foreseen her not making it home. She wanted to be away from him and he wasn’t about to force her to do anything she didn’t want to do.

  When the doorbell rang downstairs, Ethan hopped up to answer it. Earlier, Chase had called his whole team to help out. Matt and Lance taught classes at Fort Devens and had already arrived, been briefed, and were out looking for clues. Corey, who lived in New York, was expected any minute. Casey had brought Chase’s mom over as soon as he’d called, then went out with Matt and Lance. Jayson and Liz had called everyone they knew, but no one had heard from Sabrina. They stayed home, just in case she showed up.

  When Chase found out where Sabrina was, he was prepared to launch a full assault on the place and whoever had her. No mercy.

  But they had to find out where she was first.

  Ethan returned a few minutes later, followed by Richard, who had a sympathetic look on his face. The two men embraced briefly, then Richard sat down in the chair across from Chase’s desk. “What’ve you found out?” Chase asked eagerly.

  Richard shook his head. “Not a thing, unfortunately. There aren’t any cameras on her street, so there’s no way to find out who took her that way. You’ve looked over her phone, right?”

  Chase nodded. “Nothing. She barely uses it.” Though the texts from Aiden had increased his blood pressure while reading them. The man was lucky he was on the other side of the country or Chase might have gone to visit him.

  “I could sense her up until shortly before you called. But now . . .” Richard sighed. “Nothing.”

  “You could sense her?” Chase repeated.

  Richard shrugged. “It’s part of being an Elder. I can sense it when anyone with Immortal blood comes into my city.”

  Chase knew Elders had special abilities, but he hadn’t realized they could sense Immortals. “Did you know when she arrived?” Chase leaned forward in his chair. “Did you know she was here?”

  “No. Jayson said she got here the night before the auditions, but I didn’t feel her until almost two weeks later.”

  “How is that possible?”

  “I don’t know, Chase. Maybe she knows what she is and was somehow hiding it.”

  “They can do that?”

  Richard frowned. “Normally, no, but she’s . . . different than the other Elder-Mistresses I’ve met.”

  “She’s not an Elder-Mistress,” Chase growled. Elder-Mistresses were possessions of the Elders. Demi-Immortals were not under the control of anyone but themselves. Richard had mentioned a few times that if things didn’t work out between her and Chase, the United States Elders would gladly take her under their protection. It was a point of contention between the two men. “How can she hide herself?” Was that what was going on? Had Sabrina hidden herself and run away from him? But why would she run away from Jayson and Liz, too?

  Richard put his hands up. “It’s possible, but not certain. We know precious little about her.”

  Chase huffed. “I’m trying to get to know her.”

  “I know you are.” Richard sighed. “We’ll keep looking. We’ll find her. I talked with Theo earlier and he’s searching, too.”

  Chase’s heart turned to stone and he swallowed hard. “But what if we can’t find her?” That was his deepest fear. That he’d lose Sabrina all over again and not be able to find her. “I’ve failed her again,” he whispered, hanging his head. “I swore I’d protect her, and I failed.”

  Richard gave him a sympathetic look. “Chase, as good as you are, you cannot keep everyone you love from harm. You’re only human.”

  “I hate being human sometimes,” Chase muttered.

  “I know.”

  He closed his eyes. His head was starting to ache.

  “We’ve had all the roads in and out of Boston and surrounding areas being watched almost since she was taken,” Ethan said, coming over to lean on the edge of the desk. “The guys are looking for her. We’ll find her.”

  Ethan wasn’t out with the others because Chase needed someone around to help keep his head on straight. He normally kept his mind pretty firm, but this time . . . Several times, he’d felt like he was on the brink of losing it. Ethan knew him better than almost anyone and knew what to do to bring him back from the edge.

  He smiled gratefully at Ethan, then turned back to Richard. “When did you last sense her?”

  He looked thoughtful. “About eight, I think.”

  Chase nodded. That would be just a little while after she was supposed to arrive home. “What could possibly block you from sensing her?”

  “Several things. Being out of Boston would be the main one. But there are beings who can shield Immortality from being sensed. Other Immortals, for one. Elders can do it, too, but I’ve called the others. They don’t know anything about her, aside from what I’ve told them.”

  Chase thought back to his conversation with Sabrina. “We were talking about her kidnapping at dinner. I told her how we’d searched and couldn’t find her. She said that maybe she was somewhere she couldn’t be found.” He looked at Richard. “Is it possible that someone was shielding her all that time?”

  “It’s definitely possible. I just don’t understand why someone would be blocking her. Maybe her father . . . to protect her from us.”

  “Her father was killed.”

  Richard shook his head. “Her biological father. The Immortal.”

  “Why would her biological father put her into a situation where she was abused?”

  “There are good Immortals and bad Immortals, Chase,” Richard reminded him. “They sometimes have peculiar tastes. Maybe he wanted her for himself.”

Chase recoiled at the thought. “He’d do that to his own daughter?”

  “Immortal fatherhood . . . Their reproduction process isn’t like humans. They don’t have DNA or anything like that. Even if they did, fatherhood isn’t a concept most of them embrace. They reproduce for a purpose, not to have a daughter to love.”

  “Not all the time,” Chase protested. “What about Anna?” Alex’s wife had been born out of love.

  Richard nodded. “True. But that’s not normal for them.”

  “So you’re saying they’ll have a daughter just so they can use them?”


  Chase growled.

  “Chase, don’t judge what you don’t understand. Sabrina was somehow adopted by human parents. Either they just happened to find her or someone brought her to them. Being raised in that environment allows the human side to develop in a manner that doesn’t naturally occur. There was a purpose in her birth. We just have to figure out what it is.”

  Chase stood and walked to the French doors that looked out onto the city.

  “Tom will be here in a few hours,” Richard continued. “He’s hoping we can locate her together.”

  “If she’s still in Boston.”

  “She couldn’t have gotten out of Boston so quickly. I’m pretty certain some sort of shield is keeping us from finding her. Together, maybe we can sense something.”

  Ethan’s phone beeped. “Corey’s almost here,” Ethan said, looking at the message. “He can start working his computer magic, if he hasn’t already.”

  Knowing Corey, he already had everything up on his computer and was searching for any anomalies that might lead them to Sabrina. If there was any sort of computer presence, he’d find it. But Chase didn’t think technology would help. If what Richard said was true, this was a supernatural issue, not a human one. And Chase had no idea how to battle in the supernatural realm.

  Chapter Thirty-Nine

  Sabrina woke up screaming, feeling like acid ran through her veins. She lay on her stomach on a relatively soft surface, everything hurting inside her. She had the taste of cum in her mouth. She swallowed several times, trying to rid her tongue of the taste. Gradually, the burn died away and she opened her eyes to the same dimly lit room as before. She sat up slowly, wincing at the pain in her joints.

  She sighed in relief when she didn’t sense anyone else in the room and swung her legs around to the edge of the bed and stood. Her legs gave out and she fell heavily to the floor.

  The door across the room opened, giving Sabrina a tiny glimpse of sunlit nature beyond it before Neil walked inside and slammed the door shut behind him. He looked amused as he watched her struggle to her feet. When he reached her, he grabbed a fistful of hair and dragged her back onto the bed.

  “Good. You’re awake. You were sleeping so long, I was about to start without you waking up.”

  “How long was I asleep?” she asked, her voice hoarse.

  “Over ten hours. Terric said it would be a while, but shit. That sucked.” His face lit up with a wicked smile. “It didn’t look like very restful sleep.”

  “I don’t feel rested.” She was exhausted and hurting. But there was no sympathy in his face.

  Neil shrugged and pulled her into the center of the bed. He began to tie her wrists together and attach them to the top of the bed. “Master is watching,” he said, motioning to the corners of the room. Sabrina squinted and saw black things hanging from the ceiling. “Cameras. He will guide my hand so you are punished exactly as he wants.”

  Sabrina looked across the room at the door, wondering if she could get away from him. But she couldn’t even get out of bed, let alone across the room. She tried to yank her hand away from Neil as he wrapped rope around her wrists, but he slapped her across the cheek and glared at her. She didn’t have the strength to fight, and he knew it.

  Instead, she stared up at the cameras, pleading with her eyes to be let go. A ding came from the kitchen area, and after her arms were secured, Neil walked over to a small round wooden table in the corner. Sabrina saw a closed laptop sitting there. He lifted the top and looked at the screen, then laughed. “Master said pleading with him won’t work. He’s immune to your natural talents.”

  “Natural talents?”

  Another ding. “‘Don’t you know that you have the power to persuade men to do anything you want them to do?’” the man read, then looked at her.

  Yes, she knew that. Ramon used it with his special guests at the compound.

  Ding. “‘You are a very special girl. You can make men obey your every desire.’”

  She didn’t respond and look away, tensing for another ding, but nothing came.

  “I guess he’s done with the conversation for now.” The man shrugged and walked over to her. “Master says you can take quite a lot of pain. I’m looking forward to finding out exactly how much.”

  “Who is your Master?” Sabrina asked. Every time Neil used the term, something inside her lurched nervously, but she had no idea why. It was if she knew she was supposed to remember, but couldn’t.

  Neil paused at her ankle, mid-knot. “You really don’t remember him?”

  She shook her head. Neil looked up at the camera in the corner. The computer dinged a few seconds later. He walked over to it and read. “‘I will see you soon and you will remember everything.’” Neil looked at her, eyebrows raised. “Poor, stupid girl. How could you forget someone like Master?” He looked at her with such disgust, it made her wince. He looked away and finished tying her ankles to the corners of the bed. Then he walked across the room and returned with wicked-looking nipple clamps.

  She shook her head. “Please, don’t do this,” she begged. “I’ll do anything.”

  “You’ll scream. That’s what you’ll do.” He pinched the ends of the clamps together to open them, revealing sharp teeth inside. “Now, let’s start with something easy, shall we?”

  He attached one to each nipple and gave a tug, allowing them to dig into the skin. Sabrina gasped at the pain. After so many years of abuse, she would have thought having them on her again would be easy, but it felt like the first time all over again.

  He attached chains to the end of the clamps and attached them to a bar above her head that she hadn’t noticed before. He pulled at a rope, making the bar rise into the air, stretching her nipples to their limits. She arched her back, trying to relieve some of the tension, but he just raised the bar higher.

  A sob escaped her lips and she struggled to breathe, both against the pain and the uncomfortable ache in her back. And this was just the beginning. How would she endure the rest?

  His footsteps echoed in the room as he walked away and returned with a cane a few agonizing minutes later. He inhaled, then slashed the cane through the air, the thin wooden stick whistling just before the sting reverberated from her breasts out to her entire body as she jerked with the pain. Over and over again, the stick whistled its taunting agony as he brought it down onto her vulnerable breasts. She screamed in pain and struggled in vain to escape its harsh punishment. Welts formed over her breasts and chest. He avoided her nipples, but it did little to mitigate the pain coursing through her body.

  She bit her tongue in an effort to keep from screaming. The metallic taste of blood filled her mouth, but the pain built upon itself endlessly.

  Once her breasts were covered in angry pink welts and she was sobbing, he changed out the cane for a riding crop, hitting all the sore spots repeatedly. His eyes gleamed with insanity as her body jerked with each movement. Her nipples were white with the strain of the weight of her body and movements. Blood trickled down her chest. She finally leaned her head back and screamed in fear and pain.

  “Oh, darlin’, we’ve only just begun.” He pulled the chain higher and higher. She wailed as the skin pulled tighter, then finally gave way to the clamps’ sharp teeth. Sabrina�
�s body fell to the bed and she stared, unthinking, at her shredded nipples as the blood trickled down her breasts, leaving trails of dark red on her skin.

  She began to tremble, making her breasts jiggle and increasing the pain with her own uncontrollable movements. She closed her eyes and tried to imagine she was somewhere else, anywhere but here.

  A blow between her legs made her open her eyes again. Neil grinned as he slammed his hand against her pussy.

  A ding sounded from the computer and he walked over to read it. He laughed and strolled back over to her. “Oh, this will be fun.” He untied her legs and flipped her onto her stomach, ass in the air and legs spread. “You keep your back arched or I’ll do it for you. He wants to see your cunt.” He retrieved the laptop and set it down next to her face. “You are to read what he types and I’ll do it.”

  Sabrina stared at him, mustering every ounce of internal strength she had. “No.”

  He slapped her between the legs. “Yes. Otherwise, I will go and get your friends . . . Jayson and Liz? Are those their names? And I will dismember them in front of you. Master said you were familiar with the process.”

  Her will withered and she buried her face in the pillow. Neil grabbed her hair and yanked her head up. “Who did you see dismembered?” She tried and shake her head, but he pulled it back more. “Who?”

  “M-my mother,” she whispered, her heart aching at the memory of her birth mother’s torture and death. It wasn’t the only person she’d seen dismembered, but it was the most horrible one she could remember. She squeezed her eyes shut, trying to forget, but she couldn’t. The memory played out until a sharp pain came from her pussy. She moaned at the shock. Electricity. She knew the sensation well. He hit her thigh with the shock and she jumped, making him laugh.

  A ding sounded from the computer. When she didn’t move, Neil buried the probe, she assumed that was what he was using, into her pussy. She screeched in pain. “Read it, bitch!” he growled. “That’s your only warning.”


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