Leader Of The Pack

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Leader Of The Pack Page 2

by Renny Abbas

  “That sounds like a lot of hiking!” grinned Bobby.

  “Are you okay with that?” asked Butch, wondering if he was pushing Bobby too hard.

  “Only one way to find out.” smiled Bobby, hoisting his backpack higher up onto his shoulders and increasing his walking pace.

  Chapter 4

  Butch was an expert hike leader, confidently leading the way along the trail, but also stopping to point out anything of interest that they came across on the path. Bobby had never felt so immersed in the natural world, the wilderness of this mountain region – it was spectacularly beautiful.

  It was a warm day, and after several hours of solid hiking, Bobby could feel the sweat pouring down his back.

  “You’re steaming up!” laughed Butch, noticing that Bobby was beginning to become drenched in sweat.

  “Yeah,” grinned Bobby. “I guess I’m not used to this kind of outdoor activity.”

  “Let’s keep going a bit more.” encouraged Butch. “Not far up this trail there’s a good spot for us to take a break.”

  True to his word, as they rounded the next bend of the trail, Butch called a halt.

  “Fancy a swim?” suggested Butch, indicating towards the mountain stream and the naturally formed swimming hold that they’d stopped beside.

  “That’s exactly what I need!” nodded Bobby enthusiastically. “Only one problem though. I didn’t bring any swimming trunks with me.”

  “You know what? Neither did I.” winked Butch. “I’m pretty sure we can get away with some quick skinny dipping before anyone comes along to arrest us, don’t you?”

  “Um, sure. I guess so,” shrugged Bobby uncertainly, feeling strangely apprehensive about getting naked in front of Butch. “It’s just that I’ve never…”

  “Never what?” asked Butch, a little amused at the younger man's shyness.

  “Um… I guess I’ve never really been skinny dipping before.” admitted Bobby.

  “Well, no one’s forcing you to go swimming if you don’t want to,” smiled Butch, dropping his rucksack to the ground, “but I am definitely stripping off and going for a swim.”

  Butch began pulling off his clothes, he could feel Bobby watching him closely as he did so. Soon he was standing naked before the young man, his muscular, hairy body glistening with sweat in the bright heat of the day.

  “How about it?” asked Butch. “Are you coming in?” Butch didn’t wait for a response, he turned and began wading into the cold water of the swimming hole, knowing that Bobby was closely watching his every move.

  Butch dove beneath the surface of the water. When he emerged, he looked back to the bank of the swimming hole and saw that Bobby had quickly started to undress – pulling off his t-shirt, kicking off his hiking boots, and stepping out of his shorts. Bobby paused when he realized that Butch was watching him, but Butch didn’t look away. Bobby seemed to hesitate a moment, but eventually hooked his thumbs into the waistband of his tight, white briefs and pushed them down to his ankles so that he could step out of them. Standing there naked, on the bank of the swimming hole, as Butch watched him intently, Bobby felt a buzz of pleasure and excitement coursing through his body. There was an extra intensity to all of his sensations as he began to slowly wade into the cool mountain water of the swimming pond. Eventually it became deep enough for him to dive in and swim out to where Butch was patiently floating, waiting for him.

  It felt good to be swimming and floating in the cool water, washing the sweat, the dirt, and the heat of the hiking trail off their bodies. Bobby quickly began to relax, enjoying splashing and horsing around with Butch.

  Butch swam across to the other side of the swimming pond and pulled himself up out of the water to sit on the smooth rocks at the edge of the pond, stretching out to enjoy the sun. Bobby closely observed every move that Butch made. Bobby couldn’t help but admire the strength and power of Butch’s body – strong, muscular shoulders and arms, a broad, hair covered chest, legs as thick as tree trunks, and an impressively pendulous cock – the cock-head comfortably covered by a thick and juicy foreskin. Apart from seeing kids at school in the gym locker room, the only other guy that Bobby had ever seen naked was his father, Doug. Doug Cranston was a fit man with a lean and muscular body, but the power and strength that seemed to ooze from every inch of Butch’s body made him seem like some sort of god.

  “You want to lie in the sun for a while?” asked Butch, breaking into Bobby’s quiet study. Bobby nodded and swam across to the rocks where Butch helped to pull him up next to him. They lay next to each other, side-by-side. Butch closed his eyes, enjoying the warmth of the sun on his skin, enjoying the sensation of lying beside Bobby. Bobby’s eyes remained open, watching Butch, taking in every inch of him. Bobby marveled at how different his body was from the big man next to him. Bobby was blond, pale, slim, whereas Butch was dark, hairy, and big in every respect.

  Bobby was so lost in his daydreaming that he didn’t realize that Butch had opened his eyes and was watching him.

  “You like what you see?” asked Butch, startling Bobby.

  “Oh, sorry,” Bobby said sheepishly, his cheeks flushing red with embarrassment.

  “What are you apologizing for?” asked Butch.

  “I was staring,” explained Bobby, “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to. It’s just that, well, I’ve never seen anyone as muscular as you.”

  “No need to apologize.” smiled Butch. “I’ve been staring at you too.”

  “You have?” asked Bobby uncertainly.

  “Sure.” smiled Butch. “It’s totally natural for guys to check each other out. Its human nature I guess. We like to get a sense of the competition, to size up people’s strengths and weaknesses.”

  “Well, I can’t imagine that you’ve got any weaknesses.” observed Bobby.

  “Then you’d better not start a fight,” winked Butch, “or I might have to wrestle you, pin you down until you submit and agree to do whatever I tell you.” Bobby laughed nervously, he knew that Butch was joking around, but he couldn’t shake the thought of being wrestled to the ground and pinned down by the big man. “Come on hiker boy,” announced Butch eventually, “time for us to hit the trail again. We’ve got a couple more hours of hiking ahead of us and we’d better make a start if we want to reach the hut before the sun sets.”

  Chapter 5

  The sun was just beginning to disappear from view when Butch and Bobby finally reached the hut that would be their camp for the night. It was a small and basic wooden hut, but seemed to be well maintained, and was well stocked with freshly cut wood and provisions.

  “Who cuts the wood and puts the food here?” asked Bobby, looking around the hut as Butch got them settled in.

  “I sent my boys up ahead of us,” replied Butch, “to make sure it was going to be comfortable for us to spend the night here, and to avoid us having to carry too much gear and equipment up the trail.”

  “Cool,” nodded Bobby, impressed by the way that Butch had planned ahead.

  Butch soon had the small stove fired up and he cooked up a big stew of pork and beans for their evening meal. It was a warm, clear night, so they sat outside to eat their food and relax at the end of their strenuous day.

  “I’ve never seen so many stars,” mused Bobby, looking up into the night’s sky that seemed infinitely endless. Butch pointed out some of the bigger constellations that could be easily identified, impressing Bobby with his knowledge of the natural world. High on the mountain, a long way from home with no one else around, Bobby felt incredibly safe in the company of Butch. The big man’s warm, easygoing presence, and confident mastery of the outdoor way of life let Bobby relax, certain that no harm would come to him.

  “Looks like you’re ready for bed?” suggested Butch, noticing that Bobby was struggling to stifle a yawn.

  “I am a bit tired,” admitted Bobby, “but it’s so nice sitting out here and studying the stars that I don’t want to go to bed yet.”

  “Well, we’ve got to make a
fairly early start in the morning” countered Butch, “so it probably makes sense for us to hit the sack." Butch led the way into the hut and began getting ready for bed, shutting down the wood-burning stove, and securing the door.

  “So, we just share the bed?” asked Bobby. He’d noticed earlier that the hut only had one bed, it was big enough for the two of them, but he hadn’t wanted to make some sort of faux pas by just jumping in without asking first.

  “Yeah, we’ll share,” confirmed Butch, “Unless you snore? If you snore then you’re going to have to sleep outside.”

  “I don’t snore!” laughed Bobby.

  Butch began stripping off his clothes, and Bobby slowly followed suit. Bobby was intrigued to watch Butch taking his clothes off, but was trying not to stare. Once naked, Butch pulled back the blankets on the bed and climbed in.

  “What’s the matter?” asked Butch, noticing that Bobby had stopped undressing and suddenly seemed apprehensive.

  “Um, it’s nothing really.” mumbled Bobby.

  “Spit it out kid.” encouraged Butch.

  “It’s… it’s just that you’re going to sleep naked.” Bobby said quietly.

  “Yeah, I always sleep naked.” shrugged Butch. “Don’t you?”

  “Um, no,” replied Bobby, “I usually wear a pair of shorts or something.”

  “Well, that’s cool.” shrugged Butch. “You wear whatever you want to wear.”

  “I… um… I think that I want to sleep naked too.” mumbled Bobby. “Would that be okay?”

  “Sure kid,” smiled Butch, “You wear whatever you want to wear.”

  Butch tried not to smile too much as he watched Bobby finish undressing. Bobby took his clothes off slowly, deliberately, knowing that Butch was watching him. Having finally pushed down his briefs and stepped out of them, he stood naked beside the bed. The moonlight streaming through the window was almost like a spotlight, highlighting the boy’s smooth whiteness as Butch admired every inch of him. Butch pulled back the blankets and Bobby climbed in next to him.

  “Your body feels so warm,” said Bobby quietly, as they lay next to each other in the bed.

  “Are you cold?” asked Butch.

  “No, it’s just that I can almost feel the heat coming off you.” replied Bobby. They lay there silently, Bobby felt as if every hair on his body was standing on end, he was strangely electrified by his closeness to Butch with both of them naked in the bed. It was almost as if Bobby’s body was aching for something that he’d never felt before, that he couldn’t describe.

  “Are you okay kid?” asked Butch, sensing the tension in the boy. Butch turned on his side, facing Bobby.

  “Uh huh,” nodded Bobby, also turning on his side so that they were facing each other. “In this moonlight, you almost look good enough to eat,” said Butch quietly, reaching out and gently running the back of his hand down Bobby’s smooth cheek. Bobby didn’t flinch, or withdraw. Butch ran his hand across Bobby’s chest, feeling his smoothness. They were so close now that Bobby could feel Butch’s hot breath on his neck. Butch could feel the younger man’s heart racing; racing with excitement, with anticipation. Butch reached out and began gently caressing the back of Bobby’s neck. Bobby moaned gently with pleasure, every inch of his body responding to the big man’s touch.

  Butch pulled Bobby closer, firmly guiding the boy’s mouth on to one of his hairy nipples. Bobby automatically opened his mouth and began to suck and chew on Butch’s chest.

  “Yeah, that’s it kid,” encouraged Butch, his hands beginning to explore Bobby’s body, pulling him closer, holding him tight. Bobby began to grind against Butch’s hardness, losing himself in the pleasure of being enveloped by this mountain of a man. As Bobby continued to suck and chew on his nipples, Butch let out a low growl of satisfaction. He knew that he had Bobby exactly where he wanted him, he knew that the boy was his for the taking.

  Chapter 6

  Butch was woken by the bright morning sunshine, streaming into the cabin. He looked at the young boy asleep in his arms and smiled to himself. Bobby stirred in his sleep, Butch kissed him gently on his forehead. Butch wondered if he was perhaps moving too fast with the boy – Bobby was clearly young and inexperienced, but he certainly seemed eager enough, and with a bit of guidance had demonstrated himself to be a fast learner.

  “Ready for some coffee?” asked Butch, as Bobby slowly opened his eyes.

  “Uh huh,” nodded Bobby, yawning and stretching as his body slowly woke to the new day.

  Butch rolled out of bed and concentrated on lighting the wood-burning stove. He soon had a fire crackling in the grate and the coffee pot simmering away.

  “So, have I converted you to sleeping naked?” asked Butch with a grin.

  “Definitely,” smiled Bobby, still curled up in bed beneath the blankets. “Although everything feels a bit… tender.”

  “Everything?” asked Butch.

  “Well, mainly my ass.” admitted Bobby. “My ass feels pretty tender.”

  “First time you’ve taken anything up your ass?” asked Butch, pouring them both a mug of coffee and bringing it over to Bobby.

  “I can’t believe it fit,” replied Bobby, looking pointedly at Butch’s big cock, practically swinging from side to side as he carried the mugs of coffee across the room.

  “You took it like a champ,” winked Butch, setting the coffee down and climbing back into bed with Bobby, taking the boy in his arms.

  “How did you know?” asked Bobby quietly.

  “Know what?” replied Butch.

  “How did you know what I wanted,” explained Bobby, “Because I don’t think I really knew what I wanted, but you did and you were right.”

  “I knew what I wanted,” replied Butch. “I guess I was just hoping that you wanted the same thing. I’m glad that you did.”

  “Can we do it again?” asked Bobby.

  “Do what again?” teased Butch, smiling.

  “Everything. All of it.” grinned Bobby. “Whatever you want to do to me, I’m ready.”

  “Easy tiger,” laughed Butch, “We’ve got plenty of time for all of that. I’ve got a lot to show you, a lot to teach you. But we’d better get up and moving if we’re going to get you home to your father in time for dinner – there’s a fair few hours of hiking ahead of us, and we don’t want him to be putting out a search party for you.”

  “Do we have to go back?” pleaded Bobby. “Can’t we just stay up here a bit longer?”

  “We could stay here forever,” replied Butch quietly, “If that’s what you really want, but for now I think we’d better get you home.”

  Reluctantly, Butch and Bobby dragged themselves out of bed. Butch fried up some bacon and eggs for their breakfast, while Bobby packed their rucksacks.

  “Do we need to pack the bedding away or anything?” asked Bobby.

  “No, don’t worry about any of that,” instructed Butch, “My boys will be up later today to tidy up.”

  “Your boys.” giggled Bobby. “When you say it like that it sounds like they’re your sons or something. How come they always do what you say? Are you their boss or something?”

  “I am totally their boss.” replied Butch. “They’re my boys, I’ve recruited them.”

  “I don’t really get it,” said Bobby, looking puzzled. “Do you run a business of some kind or something?”

  “No, nothing like that.” smiled Butch. “We’re not really like everyone else. But don’t sweat it, now’s probably not the time for me to try and explain.”

  “You’re criminals? Some kind of outlaws? Is it a gang of some kind?” asked Bobby, trying to guess at what Butch might be hinting out, determined to solve the puzzle.

  “Sort of like a gang I guess,” shrugged Butch, enjoying Bobby’s inquisitive questioning. “I like to think of us as more like a pack. A pack of wolves.”

  “A pack of wolves,” repeated Bobby, turning the phrase over in his mind, “I like that, it’s really masculine, kind of sexy.”

��Is it?” grinned Butch. “You don’t think it might be a bit dangerous? To be hanging out with a pack of wolves?”

  “Maybe,” shrugged Bobby, “But maybe that’s what makes it exciting, what makes it sexy. I mean, it’s not like you’re actually werewolves or something.”

  “What if we were?” asked Butch.

  “What?” replied Bobby, confused. “What if you were what?”

  “Werewolves… or something…” repeated Butch.

  “Now you’re just being weird,” said Bobby, starting to feel a bit awkward. "There’s no such things as werewolves, you’re just trying to scare me. I’m not that young and naive.”

  “Sorry,” apologized Butch, “I didn’t mean to freak you out or anything. Let’s just drop it and get moving. We’ve got a lot of hiking ahead of us today.” Butch cleared away their breakfast dishes, finished packing up their rucksacks, closed the door of the cabin behind them, and led the way off along the hiking trail heading back down the mountain.

  As he followed Butch along the hiking trail, Bobby’s mind was all over the place. After spending the night with Butch, and having such an intense sexual experience, he felt a deep sense of connection with the big man. However, the conversation about Butch and his pack had raised some questions for Bobby, unsettled him. He realized how little he knew about the man he had spent the night with. Bobby was struggling to process everything he was feeling, all of his emotions, all of the thoughts and fears that were running through his head. As he watched Butch striding along in front of him, there was one thing that he knew – he couldn’t wait for them to be together again, naked. He couldn’t wait for Butch to take control.

  Chapter 7


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