Something New

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Something New Page 12

by Sean Ashcroft

  That was all Declan needed to know, really. Ash was his best friend. They’d gotten through everything life had thrown at them so far and come out the other side just fine.

  He’d known Ash might say no to this whole big adventure, but he was glad he’d said yes. The future felt full of possibilities right now.

  Declan hadn’t felt this alive in years.

  Which was why the chance to really be with Ash was so exciting.

  “Yeah, Lexi’s… he was one of the first people to be kind to me when I moved here, and I guess I sort’ve imprinted. Love at first sight. But I was scared to say anything for years.”

  “I get that, too,” Declan said. “I met Ash in college and it took me a while to figure out what I really wanted.”

  He didn’t need to mention that he’d only just figured it out.

  Marcus was making him feel less ridiculous right now. Maybe he didn’t have to beat himself up for not having figured everything out earlier. Maybe that was normal.

  Ash had said as much, but Ash had been trying to comfort him then. It had been harder to believe when he’d said it.

  Now that he was starting to see it, though, it wasn’t so hard to believe. Maybe he wasn’t too late.

  Declan had no idea whether he and Ash would even work together romantically, but he wanted to give it a shot. That was a surprise, but now that he’d finally managed to have the thought, everything seemed a whole lot clearer.

  Marcus clapping from beside him startled Declan out of his train of thought, making him look up to see that Lexi had gotten yet another strike.

  He and Marcus both seemed to have the coordination of a newborn giraffe, but Ash and Lexi were on fire.

  That made it a good matchup. He was glad now that they hadn’t gone with the suggestion of putting Ash and Lexi on one team and Marcus and Declan on the other. They would have been obliterated to the point where it wasn’t even fun anymore.

  “You should hang onto him,” Declan said after a moment. “He’s got talent.”

  “I want to,” Marcus looked down at his knees, blushing. “Thanks, man. For reassuring me.”

  “No need to thank me. Just invite me to the wedding.” Declan beamed. He wanted Marcus to be happy. Marcus was the first friend he’d made in a long time.

  Marcus chuckled. “Deal.”

  Declan grinned at him and then stood, stretching his arms high above his head as his name came up on the screen.

  Ash brushed past him, setting off a wave of tingles over Declan’s skin that radiated out from where they’d made contact. It took him by surprise, but he didn’t hate it at all.

  He hoped Marcus felt like that when he touched Lexi. He wanted this for everyone, now that he had it for himself. It was really, really nice to be excited by another person.

  Declan had never really had that before.

  He definitely wanted more of it.

  “I told you I’d win this for you,” Ash said, nodding at the scoreboard. “You only need to hit five pins to win it.”

  Declan looked up again, seeing that Ash was right. “Five pins at once?” Declan raised an eyebrow. “You’ve got a lot of faith in me.”

  “You’ve got two shots.” Ash shrugged. “And I guess I do have a lot of faith in you.”

  To Declan’s surprise, Ash leaned in and brushed his lips against Declan’s cheek. It was the briefest moment of contact, but it made Declan tingle all over again.

  Yeah, this was nice. This was a great feeling.

  “For luck,” Ash said.

  Declan grabbed his ball, fitted his fingers into the holes, and then moved to the end of the lane, lining up his shot. He took a deep breath, sending a little wish out into the universe that he’d make this, and then stepped forward, swinging his arm back and releasing the ball better than he ever had.

  … straight into the gutter.

  Well, not straight into the gutter. He’d managed to throw a pretty great curveball, but that wasn’t really the idea in bowling.

  He swallowed.

  Two shots. He had two shots to impress Ash, here. He could still salvage this. Still reach out and claim all the promise that was hanging between them right now if he could just focus and not suck for once in his life.

  He stood staring at the ball return chute, waiting for his ball to come back so he could take the second one.

  Within seconds, he felt someone beside him. He turned to see Ash, smiling a soft, warm smile at him.

  “You know it’s okay if we don’t win, right?” Ash said.

  Declan didn’t respond immediately. He didn’t know it was okay if they didn’t win, especially after he’d encouraged it.

  He didn’t mind losing to Marcus and Lexi. They were cool, and they were his friends, and he wouldn’t have gotten far in life if he was a sore loser.

  He did care about not living up to Ash’s standards. This might have been a game, but…

  He just wanted to impress Ash. Just once.

  “It is okay,” Ash said, his tone turning more serious.

  Apparently, he could still read Declan’s face like a book.

  “Listen, I’m happy you came out tonight. I’m happy to have friends, and I’m happy that you’re helping me have a life here. A real life. Not just work and sleep. I really, genuinely don’t care whether we win or not. You’ve given me so much, and this is trivial at best.”

  Declan shrugged. He didn’t really think he’d given Ash anything. Ash had been holding his hand through everything from day one. He usually felt helpless.

  But all he wanted was for Ash to be happy, and Ash had just said he was.

  “I was hoping to impress you a little,” Declan said.

  “You impress me all the time,” Ash murmured, reaching out to take Declan’s hand.

  “I was also hoping to get into your pants again,” Declan said softly, his voice barely above a whisper. Just loud enough for Ash to hear.

  Saying it out loud was terrifying, but his stomach was already doing cartwheels over the thought. He wanted Ash. He could hardly remember wanting anyone more. It had been different this time, taken him longer to figure out, but…

  Now that he was there, he couldn’t think of a whole lot else.

  Ash laughed, squeezing his hand. “You don’t have to win for that, either. Throw the damned ball so we can go home.”

  Blood rushed to Declan’s head, his pulse pounding in his ears. All he could do in response to that was nod, his face hot from blushing and his tongue too heavy to say anything intelligible.

  “Quit exchanging sweet nothings and bowl your set,” Lexi called from where he was sitting next to Marcus.

  No, on Marcus.

  Declan had a flash of him and Ash doing the same thing, and smiled. It probably wasn’t their style, but then again, he didn’t know that. He didn’t know anything about what they’d be like together.

  He knew he wanted to try, though. He was surer than ever.

  He squeezed Ash’s hand before he let go, grabbing the ball and heading to the end of the lane.

  This wasn’t impossible. Hell, Ash made it look effortless. He could do this.

  But also, he didn’t have to. Knowing that Ash wouldn’t be disappointed—at least, not too disappointed—if he didn’t manage it took a load off his mind.

  It didn’t matter what happened here. They’d all had fun.

  Declan rolled his shoulders back, lining up his shot, and then taking a step forward. He tried not to think too much about it, letting his body take over.

  The moment he let go of the ball, Declan closed his eyes. He didn’t want to see it roll into the gutter again.

  The sound of pins falling made him look up. His heart pounded as he realized he’d knocked over four already, with one rocking back and forth, halfway between falling over and staying up.

  He bit down on his lip, his teeth digging in hard enough to hurt.

  The pin rocked one last time, and just as it looked like it was going to right itself, one of t
he other ones he’d knocked over spun far enough to nudge it.

  Declan watched it fall as if everything was happening in slow motion, blood rushing in his ears as it hit the floor.

  Before he’d finished processing what had just happened, someone wrapped their arms around him from behind.

  Ash. Ash had his arms wrapped around Declan, and he was laughing.

  Declan’s heart soared. It wasn’t a big deal. Not really. But he wanted Ash to be happy, and he’d just managed to give him something to be happy about.

  He turned to see Marcus and Lexi grinning at him, but his eyes went straight to Ash after a quick glance in their direction.

  “I’m not gonna pretend that wasn’t kind of a turn-on,” Ash said quietly, his voice just a little rough.

  Declan swallowed, heat pooling in the pit of his stomach. He really liked the idea of being able to turn Ash on.

  They couldn’t get home fast enough.

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Blood rushed in Ash’s ears as he finally felt Declan’s hard cock pressed up against him, the head thick and hot, just a fraction of an inch away from where he really wanted it. One little rock of Declan’s hips and he’d be inside him, filling him up, stretching him tight.

  “You sure?” Declan asked, his voice rough. That was so hot. Ash had wanted Declan like this for so long, turned on and enjoying himself, eager to be with Ash.

  He’d been easier to convince than expected. In fact, he hadn’t been convinced at all. He’d started this. He’d pounced on Ash the moment they’d gotten through the door, and everything had been a blur since.

  Now Ash was pressed up against the wall, his thighs wrapped around Declan’s waist, and Declan holding him up, his cock teasing Ash’s hole mercilessly.

  He was so much more than sure. He was ready to beg if that was what Declan wanted.

  “I’m sure,” Ash choked out, closing his eyes in an attempt to ground himself. He hadn’t been surer about a whole lot in his life.

  He wanted Declan so much that he could barely contain himself. Declan was lucky he hadn’t been knocked to the floor and ridden like a prize stallion.

  Ash wasn’t ready to make any guarantees that he wouldn’t be, either.

  Not if he didn’t move soon. Ash had promised to be patient, but he was only human, and Declan’s cock was brushing against his ass.

  The time for patience was over.

  “You seem really into this,” Declan said, pausing completely, the head of his cock still pressed against Ash.

  Was he teasing? He wasn’t allowed to do that. Ash was close to crying with need, and Declan was teasing him.

  That only made it worse, arousal flaring in the pit of Ash’s stomach. He could feel his cock leaking against Declan’s skin, slipping easily as he rocked his hips, trying to force Declan to fuck him like he wanted.

  Declan wasn’t supposed to tease. He was supposed to be a nervous virgin about this.

  “I’m gay,” Ash gritted out. “Kinda comes with the territory.”

  Declan chuckled. Ash could see how turned on he was, too, but apparently making him wait was more fun than fucking him immediately.

  Ash hated to admit it, but that was kind of hot.

  All of this was hot. The fact that Declan was holding him up against the wall was really hot. He hadn’t known Declan would be able to do that.

  Apparently, Declan had hidden depths.

  Ash opened his mouth to beg, but Declan beat him to it, shifting his grip on Ash’s ass and pushing his hips forward, the head of his cock slipping inside Ash’s body as though it was made just for him.

  He cried out, banging his head against the wall as he screwed his eyes shut. Stars burst behind his eyelids as Declan’s cock filled him, pushing in as far as it could go, leaving Ash stretched tight around him.

  He felt so damned good.

  All Ash could focus on right now was the blood rushing in his ears and the way Declan was panting against his neck, hot breath making goosebumps come up all over his skin. He grunted, rocking his hips, trying to encourage Declan to keep going.

  Now that he’d had his first taste, he wanted more. The thought filled his mind, pushing out all other thoughts. He wanted Declan to fuck him until he came, and nothing else.

  “I need a second,” Declan gritted out, surprising Ash enough to make him stop squirming.


  Declan was really into this, too.

  That was…

  Good. Hot.

  Definitely a positive sign.

  Ash took a moment to catch his breath, nodding so Declan could see he understood. His chest was heaving, his thighs tense as he gripped Declan’s waist firmly.

  This was good. This was everything he’d imagined it’d be and more, Declan so perfect inside him that it was almost enough to make him believe in soulmates.

  If people did have soulmates, Declan was his. Ash knew that. He’d known for years.

  He’d just never expected the chance to test the theory.

  Ash whimpered as Declan shifted inside him. He would have been embarrassed by that with anyone else, but he didn't have to be with Declan.

  It was a nice change.

  “You okay?” Declan asked. He was a lot more vocal than last time, and Ash was into that. He’d been afraid that Declan would need to be coaxed into communication.

  Now, he was the one having trouble speaking.

  “You have a great cock,” Ash blurted out. He didn't mind Declan knowing that he thought so, but it wasn't the most romantic thing he could have said.

  Declan blushed all the way down his neck, his skin getting hot to the touch as blood rushed to the surface.

  “Yeah?” he asked, obviously not entirely convinced.

  “I wouldn’t lie to you about something like that,” Ash said. His legs were already cramping up from the way he had them wrapped around Declan’s waist, but Declan didn’t seem to be struggling yet.

  He was fitter than he looked.

  Ash opened his mouth to say so, but Declan chose that moment to rock his hips forward, and all that came out was a cry of pleasure, Ash’s brain short-circuiting. Declan’s cock was stretching him to his limits, every movement setting Ash’s nerve endings on fire, leaving him feeling as though he was about to burst with need.

  He gasped as Declan moved again, shifting deep inside him, his cock touching every sensitive spot he’d known about and then some.

  All Ash could think about was all the places Declan was touching him, the weight and heat of his body as he pressed Ash against the wall, the way he felt inside him, thick and hot and perfect. The sound of his panting, right against Ash’s ear, soft, hitched breaths, tiny moans and gasps and all the happy, needy sounds Ash had always imagined Declan would make.

  He knew Declan better than anyone. He knew how he sounded when he was enjoying himself, when he was struggling, when he was satisfied. Hearing it all now felt so good, in a way he’d never experienced before.

  Ash had never had a partner he’d particularly liked as a person. His standards had always been set at someone he could tolerate and get off with.

  Declan was different. Declan had always been different.

  Ash let his head fall back against the wall with a thump, the sound echoing in his ears as Declan drove deeper inside him, tiny grunts off effort escaping him as he sped up, pinned Ash’s hips in place against the wall, shortened his strokes.

  Ash’s breath caught with every thrust, hot pulses of pleasure hitting him with each one, the familiar pressure of an orgasm building in his gut.

  He was so glad Declan was good at this.

  “Close,” Declan warned, the low, gravelly sound of his voice making Ash’s toes curl. He nodded his understanding, too far gone to speak, blood rushing in his ears.

  The thought of Declan coming inside him was enough to put him on edge. How long had he wanted this?

  How many times had he gotten off thinking about it?

  Declan pressed his fore
head to Ash’s shoulder, groaning with the effort of rocking his hips into him, thrusts deeper and harder now than ever before, filling Ash up over and over again, faster, harder, more.

  Ash bit down on his lip, listening to the sound of Declan’s breathing, feeling how close he was, how desperately he wanted to come.

  Declan surged forward all of a sudden, pressing his full weight against Ash, driving his cock as far inside him as he could go, a loud, low moan coming from the depths of his belly as he came, his hips jerking as his orgasm washed over him.

  Ash’s eyes rolled back in his head, the feeling of Declan coming inside him the last thing he needed to fall tumbling over the edge himself. For a moment, the whole world went silent, his ears ringing with the rush of blood as he rocked against Declan’s stomach, coming all over him.

  That was a good feeling, too. Like marking Declan out as his own.

  He wanted Declan to be his so badly.

  Ash whimpered again as Declan pulled out of him, biting down on his lip as he lowered his legs to take his own weight.

  He wasn’t sure how long he could hold it, but Declan definitely couldn’t anymore.

  Declan leaned against him, the wall behind them the only thing really holding them up. His chest heaved with every breath, but then, Ash wasn’t faring much better.

  Declan definitely got points for athletic sex.

  “I really hope we’re gonna do that again,” Ash said after a moment. There was no point in pretending he hadn’t enjoyed it.

  Declan grunted, moving a hand to Ash’s waist and stroking circles into the bare skin there with his thumb.

  Ash was learning quickly that Declan was clingy after sex, and a total sweetheart about it.

  That was nice. He’d been with a lot of guys who just rolled over and fell asleep.

  As he was thinking that, Declan dipped his head to catch Ash’s lips, humming softly as he pressed their mouths together. It was a clumsy, lazy kiss, but it made Ash’s heart swell all the same.

  He could have gotten used to clumsy, lazy kisses with Declan.

  He knew that Declan needed to take it slow, that he wasn’t sure of himself yet, but it was hard not to imagine a future with him. It was what Ash had always wanted.


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