Forbidden Love With the Marine

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Forbidden Love With the Marine Page 8

by Burke, Dez

  the black tint overshadow his eyes as every little muscle in his body went taut.

  Oh boy, Eduardo was in for it now. Ivan hadn’t stopped walking and now his fists were

  clenched at his side, huge balls of retribution.

  But it seemed Eduardo had some kind of death wish because he still kept talking. “What, tough

  guy? Still wanna be a hero for this scrawny bit of tail? Hey, all you had to say was that you’d like a piece, too. I’m sure I can let you have a go once I’m done with her. There’s no need to get your balls in a twist. Hell, she might even like it if we both do her at the same time.”

  Olivia could tell that Eduardo was beginning to get worried especially when Ivan closed in the

  space between them with such purposeful strides. Olivia saw Ivan’s right arm swing back and at the same time, watched as Eduardo’s wrist flicked, the tell-tale glint of metal showing briefly in the middle of his palm.

  “Ivan! Look out, he’s got a knife!” Olivia screamed, finally finding her voice as she saw both

  men close in on each other. A shriek of fear pierced her lips and she stared fearfully as Eduardo’s hand lunged forward in a quick, unerring strike.

  Chapter Seventeen

  The scenario played out in Ivan’s head like he’d already worked out how it was going to go

  down. He saw the gleam of the blade hidden within the asshole’s palm just a split second before

  Olivia cried out. The man’s hand shot straight for Ivan’s mid-section but Ivan parried with a

  quicksilver side-step before grabbing the wrist with the knife and twisting it until the man howled in agony. The knife clattered to the ground and Ivan kicked it out of the way while his grip tightened on the man’s hand until a sound of breaking bones could be heard.

  “You fucking bastard!” the man screamed, swinging widely at Ivan with his uninjured hand and

  missing. The first blow Ivan landed had his full weight behind it as he plowed through the man’s

  belly. The attacker doubled over with an airless grunt, his face inadvertently turning toward Ivan whose other fist crashed into the man’s jaw to a resounding crack.

  Ivan must have heard Olivia make a kind of strangled sound of shock but he wasn’t distracted

  by that. He was more intent on keeping the bastard up before he hit the ground like a bag of rocks. The handsome face was all plastered with blood but he was still conscious – barely.

  Very clinically, and with methodical swiftness, Ivan proceeded to plaster the man’s face with

  punches. Ivan’s balled fist slammed into his nose, breaking it. And then there came the two black eyes followed by teeth flying as Ivan bust a fist in the man’s mouth. He ignored the shrieking sounds of pain the man emitted as he then bent over once again.

  Big mistake, thought Ivan, bringing his knee up with all his might and smacking the man in the

  face. The wretch hit the nearby wall before sliding down to slump on the floor. His face was a mask of blood but all that did was to increase the wrath coursing through Ivan’s veins.

  The man was still breathing. Fuck that. This fucker was going to suffer until he’d be begging to

  die for what he’d wanted to do to my Olivia…

  “Ivan stop! Please! You’ll kill him. The police could be here any minute,” Olivia was calling

  out, making her way over the man’s now prostrate frame and up to Ivan who’d been about to deliver

  some kicks to the bastard’s groin and stomach.

  Ivan lifted his booted foot in preparedness when the man barely managed to lift his shaky arms.

  “Please, man! I…I’m sorry!” he forced out from his bloodied mouth, his voice tinged with utter pain.

  Olivia was seizing on his arm and pulling Ivan back with all her strength. “Ivan, let’s just go.

  Come on! You know the cops can’t find you here beating up a civilian,” Olivia begged earnestly.

  “You know what he wanted to do to you?” Ivan yelled, his fists clenching as he made to spring

  at the man coiled on the floor in anguish.

  “I know,” Olivia said deeply, while still urging him away. “It doesn’t matter. You came and

  saved me. You’re here.”

  Ivan’s eyes closed briefly and he tried to collect his thoughts. Fought to summon all he

  considered holy to keep him from smashing the bastard’s skull in right then. Simply finish him off, just like that. Toad didn’t even deserve to live…

  He suddenly became conscious of Olivia’s soft yet strong touch on him. He could sense her

  distress as her delicate fingers squeezed on his bulky arm. He drew in a ragged breath and slowly

  backed away from the body writhing on the ground.

  “You come near my girl again and nothing in this world will be able to save you,” Ivan snarled.

  “I’ll fucking kill you, you hear me?”

  “I hear you,” the man groaned, spitting out blood while clutching to his broken fingers. “I

  swear. I hear you loud and clear.”

  “Good,” Ivan gritted out. Turning sharply, he grabbed Olivia by the elbow and herded her out

  into the main street amidst the groans of suffering following them from the wretch still on his back on the ground.

  Chapter Eighteen

  Ivan’s whole body was still shaking with fury as he stood in front of the sink, scrubbing at his

  battered fists. He almost couldn’t see straight, rage swimming in his vision and making everything go black for a second.

  I should have killed him! Ivan thought, mindless to the pain in his hands as he rinsed off all

  traces of blood. He glanced up in the mirror and saw Olivia approach hesitantly.

  “Let me see that. Can I help?” she asked in a timid voice that would have softened him if he

  wasn’t already past that point. Snatching a hand towel and wiping off, he brushed past her hovering frame.

  “You, Olivia Kirkland, will be more harm than help in any given situation,” Ivan snapped,

  shoving open the medicine cabinet and thumping down everything he would need unto the shelf

  below. “You shouldn’t even be trusted to be out on your own for one freaking night.”

  Dragging in air, Ivan kept his back to her as he folded his fists and tried to regain his cool. How he’d managed to drive them back to his place without tanking the Jeep was beyond him. He felt her

  come up beside him and take his large hands firmly in hers. He watched her face as she stared down at his bruised, raw knuckles. He saw tears glisten at the base of her lids, and he bit down a curse.

  “I don’t know what would have happened if you didn’t show up tonight,” she breathed out with


  At last, the tight cinch around his chest loosened and he sighed deeply, pulling her into his arms and resting his lips in her deliciously scented dark hair. “I told you I’ll always protect you, little dove.”

  “Yes…but how did you know where to find me? And when did you get back?” she asked

  curiously, drawing back to stare up at his face with wide eyes.

  “I got back into the United States a few hours ago.” He paused, and knew he looked unwilling

  to answer the other question. At last, he continued, “And about knowing where to find you…well,

  let’s just say – I’ve actually followed you a couple of times.”

  “What?” she gasped with a disbelieving smile.

  “Yeah,” he said defensively. “After that night we first spent together…I guess I was still

  worried for your safety – that or just being a love-sick fool and couldn’t stay away from you. You wouldn’t have noticed but I tailed you and your friends once or twice to make sure you were okay

  especially since you weren’t answering any of my calls. So when I got back today and couldn’t seem to find you, I knew you might be at that particular club
so I went there looking for you. I was just in time to see you leave and then followed you outside. It was your scream that led me to where that

  bastard had you trapped.”

  “Oh Ivan,” Olivia sighed, placing her head on his bare chest and sighing with deep happiness.

  Ivan didn’t hesitate and embraced her right back.

  “Come on,” he finally said, reluctantly turning her loose. “Let’s see to these scrapes and then

  we can talk, okay?”

  Chapter Nineteen

  Olivia didn’t want to talk. She wanted to make love. Hot, passionate, make-up reunion sex. But

  first she helped Ivan dress and place light bandages around his knuckles. He changed into a fresh shirt and they sat on the living room couch while he made her tell him all she’d been up to since he was gone.

  “What do you think?” she groaned in remembered agony. “I’ve hardly slept a wink for weeks,

  wondering what happened to you. Everyone thought I was going insane.”

  He let out a sigh. “It got a bit hairy, but the mission went okay. I almost got blown up when a

  grenade was thrown at me but I managed to spring out to safety. I still got hit by the impact and lost consciousness. Thankfully, the hostage had already been rescued and my other squad guys were on

  hand to help me out to the waiting helicopter. I’d been recuperating at a base hospital for the past weeks. I would have called, but I only regained consciousness a few days ago. And when I realized I was coming back soon, I decided to keep it a surprise. Well…a surprise is what I ended up getting.

  That’s for damn sure. I’m sorry for not calling. I didn’t realize you were so worried.”

  He shoved a hand over his head and blew out a breath. “Hearing you scream back there in the

  shadows and thinking I was too late to get to you…”

  Olivia felt him shudder for a moment, and she laid her head on his shoulder. “But you weren’t

  too late. I don’t think you ever could be.”

  He let out a harsh laugh. “And that was the one fear I had in all those moments when shit got

  real during the mission. I’d lost the hope of ever being seeing you again; or that I couldn’t make it back in time to prove how much I cared. The only thing that mattered was getting back home to you.

  And all I kept thinking, over and over, was “I should have told her I loved her. Now I might never get that chance.”

  Olivia’s heart sang and she was now staring right into his face. “What are you trying to tell me,

  Ivan Lance? Because from the start I’ve been getting so many mixed signals from you that it gets my head spinning. I mean, we shared the most special night two people can have and the next morning,

  you couldn’t wait to see the back of me.”

  She felt his hand tip beneath her chin as her eyes fell to hide her unbidden tears. “Hell, Liv…I

  was scared,” he said gently though his eyes looked angry at himself as he shook his head suddenly.

  “Do you even…can’t you see what you do to me? I keep wanting you like crazy yet thinking I don’t

  deserve you; that I couldn’t handle anything long-term. And there was of course the matter of having been like a big brother to you all these years. It made me feel weak knowing I couldn’t fight what was happening with you. I kept thinking I’d failed myself and your parents’ trust. Especially your Dad’s.

  Like I’d taken advantage of your vulnerable feelings for me.”

  “And now?” she asked softly, eyes drawn to his lips and their beautiful, firm curve. Why were

  they still talking and not kissing? But she still did want to hear what he had to say.

  Ivan exhaled heavily. “Now…I’ve come to the conclusion that I’m not going to do much good

  without you. I tried to fight it; tried to tell myself this was just something you’d outgrow soon enough

  – or that I’ll lose interest. Bottom line is that’s never going to happen – not in my case, at least. I’m never going to be strong enough to keep my feelings for you at bay and even if it makes me feel weak, then it’s a damned good weakness. Because I’d rather have that than be unhappy without you. I love you, Olivia.”

  Those three simple words were like the icing on the cake. That and the burning look of passion

  glowing in his eyes. Olivia’s heartstrings thrummed and she cupped his jaw, her fingers grazing over the sexy shadow of a beard there.

  “So…you think my feelings for you can be outgrown?” she asked mildly, trailing her hand down

  his broad torso to rest on waistband of his jeans. He sucked in a breath.

  “What do I have to do to prove I know exactly what I want when it comes to you, Ivan Lance?”

  He cleared his throat. “Well, I…”

  Leaning forward, Olivia cut him off with a kiss. Her lips melded tight to his in an unpracticed,

  impassioned quest, and hearing him groan deep in his throat made her belly churn even more with

  lust. Her fingers worked quickly on his jeans fastenings before shoving her hand down the elastic of his boxers. Their breaths caught at the same time when her fingers closed around his burgeoning cock.

  He said her name against their lips, and she fed him her tongue which he instantly swallowed

  whole into his mouth. That gesture made Olivia realize exactly what she wanted to do right then.

  After stroking her fingers lovingly up and down on his magnificent cock, she broke the kiss

  amidst his growls of protest. Smiling sensually, she pushed him until his back was resting against the couch. Then she got on her knees in front of him and separated his legs. Her hands skimmed up his

  ripped thighs to grasp his springing cock. Holding his hooded gaze, Olivia slicked up and down his shaft with a hand that looked tiny compared to his massive member.

  In moments he was totally rigid with a look on his face that could scorch skin. Licking on her

  lips to wet them, Olivia held tight to the base of his cock before lapping her tongue across the

  dripping slit.

  The deep, rough sound he made when she licked his crown made Olivia’s pussy twang. She

  was sure she was wet as a sponge down there. Still staring deeply into his eyes, she flicked her

  tongue all over the carved tip, humming with appreciation at the taste of his sweet-and-salty precum.

  Slanting her head, she held his shaft just against her cheek before laying her tongue flat upon the side of his shaft and giving it one long lollipop lick from stem to crown.

  “Fuck, Olivia!” Ivan rasped, his hands grabbing both sides of her head as his hips jerked

  involuntarily. Olivia couldn’t tear her eyes from his expressive face. He looked so gorgeous when he was aroused – and then she remembered he’d said exactly the same kind of thing to her.

  Pouting sexily, she told him, “This is for all the times you drove me crazy, hot shot. I hope I can give you as much pleasure as you’ve given me.”

  “That wouldn’t be too difficult to achieve, trust me,” he replied, his head falling back for a

  moment when Olivia covered his cock with her mouth and started to suck on him. Her head bobbed

  up and down the first few inches and just reveled in the sensation of his hot, manly flesh in her mouth.

  Like satin-sheathed steel, his cock was granite hard in her mouth and growing thicker. He tasted

  divine and she couldn’t wait to pour all her love over this beautiful cock.

  It was her first ever blowjob but that would be hard to tell judging by the way she made him

  jerk and groan. Unrestrained, Olivia drooled and slurped all around his cock, getting him all nice and wet with her tongue swirling the head within. All of a sudden, Ivan seemed to finally lose it as he fisted locks of her hair and was soon yanking her up and down at his own pace. This drove her wild and she moaned and moaned, loving the way he fucked her mouth with reck
less pleasure.

  Try as she could, it was impossible to fit all of him in her mouth. But instinct showed her how

  to relax her throat muscles to take him in as much of him as possible. The feeling of him stretching her lips and making them ache was amazing. She could hear his quickened breathing, feel the urgency

  pulsing in the veins pounding against her inner jaws. Was he close?

  She wanted him to explode in her mouth. In a way, she felt like it would show him how

  invested she was in their relationship. How willing she was to share every sweet experience with


  His hands in her hair were trying to draw her away but she wouldn’t budge, working her throat

  more energetically as well as her tongue which danced around his girth wickedly.

  “Olivia…baby – you’re going to make me…oh fuck!” Ivan groaned carnally, and stopped trying

  to pull her off him but instead held her head still as his pulsating cock came in her mouth.

  There was so much of it, it was incredible. Olivia tried to swallow every bead of hot, salty

  cum but some spilled from the sides of her mouth. Hungrily, she swallowed down the load inside her mouth before lapping at every spilled drop around his cock and her hand which circled it. It was only when she’d cleaned it all up that she lovingly kissed the red, swollen crown and popped her mouth


  She rubbed her fingers sensually over her lips as she caught his amazed, awed stare, his chest

  heaving. At last, he grinned devilish as he smoothed down her hair with a loving touch. “Oh baby,

  tonight is going to be so much fun….”

  Chapter Twenty

  The night was fun – and magical, and passionate. Swept up in his arms, Olivia let him carry her into the bedroom. Her pussy throbbed at the sight of that bed upon which she’d first given the gift of her innocence to Ivan. He undressed her very, very slowly as they stood beside the neatly made bed.

  And then, knowing how she loved to feel his naked skin against hers, Ivan undressed as well.

  Olivia gazed with pride and possessiveness at his beautiful body. His every muscle rippled

  with golden vitality. There wasn’t a pinch of fat anywhere and he was totally hairless except for the tuft of dark curls at the base of his cock. Staring at that magnificent member, Olivia had to lick on her lips, still recalling the biting flavor of his delicious cum slipping down her throat earlier.


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