Dying to Date

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Dying to Date Page 1

by Victoria Davies

  Even the undead need a little dating help...

  Vampire socialite Melissa Redgrave has the worst luck with men. Frustrated, she decides what she needs is a little help...from New York’s biggest supernatural dating agency. Except that sometimes, a vampire doesn’t always find her match.

  Until she does. And he’s delicious enough to bite.

  Tarian Drake keeps his necromancy background quiet. After all, the ability to control the dead isn’t exactly welcomed in the supernatural community. When he runs into the beautiful Melissa, she tempts him in a way that has never happened before. She’s his perfect match in every way.

  But just as they are about to take their relationship to the next level, his family decides to make a stand—by kidnapping his new girlfriend. Now, if he ever hopes to date again, he’s going to have to get control of his family and free the girl. Oh, and stop a war.

  Table of Contents


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  About the Author

  Discover the Fated Match series… Love at Stake

  Discover more paranormal romance titles from Entangled… Sex and the Single Vamp

  Take It Like a Vamp

  Hunter of Her Heart

  Bad Mouth

  Don’t Bite the Bridesmaid

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons, living or dead, is coincidental.

  Copyright © 2015 by Victoria Davies. All rights reserved, including the right to reproduce, distribute, or transmit in any form or by any means. For information regarding subsidiary rights, please contact the Publisher.

  Entangled Publishing, LLC

  2614 South Timberline Road

  Suite 109

  Fort Collins, CO 80525

  Visit our website at www.entangledpublishing.com.

  Covet is an imprint of Entangled Publishing, LLC.

  Edited by Candace Havens

  Cover design by Louisa Maggio

  Cover art by iStock

  ISBN 978-1-63375-314-3

  Manufactured in the United States of America

  First Edition June 2015

  For my family that put up with me constantly huddling over a keyboard while I wrote this book. I am forever grateful for your love and support.

  Chapter One

  There comes a time in every immortal’s life when you wonder if the universe is screwing with you.

  Today was that day.

  “Not a single decent match in all of New York City?” Melissa asked in disbelief.

  Abbey shook her head. “I ran the search twice. Maybe we need to expand your dating criteria?”

  “You know how long I’ve waited to use this dating agency,” she said. “And now you’re telling me I’m the only vampire within the city limits who breaks your fancy matching algorithm?”

  “It’s not that you have no matches,” Abbey tried. “Just nothing higher than the recommended 75 percent cut off.”

  Looked like the bad luck that had been following her for decades had struck again.

  Melissa collapsed back in her chair and rubbed the bridge of her nose. Fated Match was the premier dating agency for supernaturals on the east coast. She had come to them because, like many of her kind, she was ready to settle down and find her mate, that one perfect person meant to spend eternity by her side.

  Except she apparently didn’t have one.

  “You know the match rating is just a guideline. I can set you up with one of the lower pairings if you want. There was a nice warlock who matched you at 67 percent.”

  She looked across the untidy desk at her friend. Abbey had only come into her life because of her quest to use this agency. Her father had been skeptical about the possibilities of matchmaking, but he’d quickly changed his tune when he’d fallen head over heels for the woman in front of her now. Who knew this little human would be able to tame her ancient sire?

  Since that fateful meeting she’d seen the two of them together time and again, seen the unconditional love shining out of their eyes, and she wanted that for herself.

  “My match with Lucian was in the forties,” Abbey reminded her. “According to the algorithm we should never have gotten together. Sometimes you can’t put all your trust in the system.”

  Abbey’s romance may have broken all the rules, but Melissa knew she wouldn’t have the same luck. Her life as a vampire had been one long list of poor decisions.

  “What do you recommend?” she asked with a sigh.

  “Well, we’ve got you on the silver package right now. Access to the internet database, personal interviews with yours truly, and three handpicked blind dates. We could up you to our gold membership. That adds five more pre-selected dates, an extended three years of access, and boosts your profile to the top of the search page. It’ll stream more traffic toward you.”

  “Fine,” she said, handing over her credit card. “Though I have to say, those last few ‘handpicked’ dates left a lot to be desired.”

  “I swear I thought the merman was a good candidate.”

  “He lived in the freaking Hudson, Abbey. How would that work?”

  Her friend sighed. “He said he’d gotten his legs and was trying to build a life on land.”

  “For a few hours a day. He had to keep his gills wet.”

  “So he fudged his application. I’ll do better next time. We’re running a big campaign right now to bring in more members. Maybe your mate just hasn’t signed up yet.”

  “Or maybe he’s on the other side of the world.”

  Or maybe she just didn’t have one.

  “My boss is thinking about opening another office on the west coast. Once it’s up and running, you’ll have access to supernaturals across the entire country.”

  And in the meantime she’d continue on as she had these past decades, running her charities, enjoying the occasional one-night stand, and envying her friends their happy endings.

  “There’s got to be one man in this damned city who’s worth dating.”

  “What about humans?” Abbey offered.

  Melissa glanced at her friend. She might love her dearly but she didn’t have her father’s restraint. Dating a human with all that lovely warm blood would be one long exercise in resisting temptation, and she had never been big on self-denial. No, she needed an immortal that could handle her superior strength, not to mention the occasional bouts of bloodlust.

  “I don’t think so,” she replied, not wanting to offend.

  “Well, let’s look at your profile preferences.” Abbey’s fingers flew over the keyboard of the ancient desktop computer perched on the side of her desk. Though the matchmaker had managed to nab one of the most powerful vampires in the city, she was still cooped up in a tiny office that sported only one small window and an ugly metal filing cabinet.

  Melissa knew she’d get claustrophobic working in there every day, but Abbey seemed to love it. Lord knew Lucian had the money to ensure the mortal never worked another day in her life, but Abbey refused to leave. She liked having a hand in bringing people together.

  If only she could work her tal
ents on me, Melissa mused.

  “I think we should open up your were-creature options,” Abbey said, focusing on her screen. “Right now you’ll only consider predatory species. I know a really nice were-mouse I could set you up with.”

  Melissa arched a brow. Vampires were predators by nature. She wanted similar instincts in a mate. Then again, beggars couldn’t be choosers, and for the first time in her life, it seemed she’d fallen into that category.

  “Fine,” she said. “All weres welcome. Maybe I’ll meet that one special were-squirrel that changes my opinion forever.”

  “Done,” Abbey said with a few clicks of her mouse. “Now the only other restrictions you have are on what we call the death races.”

  “Vampires,” she clarified. Despite her fangs, she’d never been a fan of dating her own species. When you dealt with immortals centuries old, you tended to uncover master manipulators and ancient beings whose sanity was beginning to wear. “I keep telling you, any age gap of more than a century causes issues.”

  Abbey leveled her with an annoyed stare. “You know your father is several hundred years older than I am.”

  It was true Lucian cornered the market on ancient beings in New York. Hell, he’d been old as dirt when he’d first come into her life. She still remembered looking across the tavern as a young child and seeing him prowl toward her and her mother. Though not a drop of blood related them, Lucian had been the only father she’d ever known, and when an accident had nearly killed her, he’d saved her the only way he could.

  Hence her current penchant for drinking blood and avoiding the sun.

  Melissa waved her hand. “Lucian doesn’t count. You guys broke all the other rules anyway. Age was the least of your worries.”

  Shaking her head, Abbey turned back to the computer. “I know you don’t like dating vamps, but there are other beings in the category. It covers demons, ghouls, phantoms, and necromancers.”

  “Demons are even more vicious than my people are,” she said, ticking off the types on her fingers. “Ghouls tend to be messy with their food. Carcasses in bed, severed fingers in the coffee pots. Such a drag in the mornings. As for phantoms, they are literally incorporeal. I’m not quite ready to swear off sex in order to have a meaningful relationship.”

  “That just leaves necromancers. All the fun of a human with the durability and lifespan of an immortal.”

  “Abbey.” The single word was a reproof.

  The other woman sighed. “I know.”

  “I’m surprised their kind is even allowed to join Fated Match.”

  “I know there are issues between the necromancer and the vamp population, but that still leaves the rest of the supernatural world for them to date in. They need help finding their mates just as much as any other species.”

  “Certainly no member of a death race would go near them. Not with the trouble they’ve caused in the past, and their ability to control the dead. I’m not taking a chance on a man who could make me hop up and down on one foot with the snap of his fingers.” She looked away. “Besides, you know as well as I do, Lucian has been dealing with uprisings in the necromancer community for weeks.”

  Abbey sighed. “It’s probably just as well. With them banned from major cities, you’d be looking at a long distance relationship anyway.” Her fingers tapped against the keys before she shook her head. “Sorry, but it looks like there’s no way to open up your match possibilities any more than they already are.”

  “Perfect.” She tilted her head back. Vampires spent hundreds of years alone, searching for their mates. She had barely passed her first century. Even if Abbey could find decent pairings, the odds of finding a long-term companion were slim.

  “Don’t give up hope. We have mixers a few times a month. I’ll put you on the guest list for the next one.”

  “Thanks.” She pushed from her seat. “We’re still on for dinner Thursday with Lucian, correct?”

  “We’ll be there,” Abbey agreed. “Lucian wants to talk to you about beefing up security. You know he’s worried about the necromancer situation.”

  She rolled her eyes. “I’m not having bodyguards tail my every move. I work on several human charities. How would I explain my new vampire shadows?”

  “You’re Lucian’s heir,” Abbey pointed out. “Not to mention you’re always in the spotlight. I saw you on the cover of the Magical Times last month. If the necromancers were serious about striking out at the vamp community, you’d be a good target.”

  Melissa opened her mouth, letting her fangs lengthen. “They may have their freaky abilities, but I’m not exactly powerless.”

  “Just be careful is all I’m saying.”

  She smiled, retracting her fangs. “I know. Don’t worry, I’ll hash it out with Lucian.”

  “Great and I’ll keep working on your matches. Promise.”

  With a last wave, she left the small office.

  Melissa walked down the white hallway into the reception room of Fated Match. Outside the glass double doors lay a bustling Manhattan street. Night had fallen long ago, but the street was still full of people rushing home after a long day.

  Inside the business was a tastefully decorated waiting room. Several pink chairs lined the walls, and two women waited for their appointments. Unlike a human establishment, the coffee table in the center of the room was littered with magazines featuring fairy supermodels and warlock doctors preaching the latest health tips for a happy immortality.

  Melissa could try all the touted new herbs, but she knew the truth. A happy immortality required finding her mate—that one person born to spend lifetimes by her side.

  “How’d it go, Melissa?”

  She glanced at the white reception desk to see a familiar face.

  “Chloe,” she greeted, walking over to the witch. “I haven’t seen you in a while.”

  “Just got back from a vacation. The Bermuda Triangle is lovely this time of year.”

  Melissa eyed the other woman’s tan enviously. Sun hadn’t touched her pale skin in over a hundred years.

  “Has Abbey set you up with anyone decent?” Chloe asked.

  She shook her head. “Striking out so far.”

  “Well, don’t despair. We’re getting walk-ins all the time.”

  As if conjured by her words, the bell over the door chimed.

  Melissa turned to see the new arrival and stopped cold. The sight would have robbed her of breath if she’d had working lungs.

  The most beautiful man she’d ever seen stepped through the glass doors.

  He was tall enough to make her feel small, and given that she approached six feet, that was no simple task. Though he moved with grace, he had the body of a warrior, all fit and toned. His navy suit jacket was slung over one arm, and the light blue dress shirt underneath had been rolled up to show off his forearms. Melissa eyed the golden skin as she fought to keep from licking her lips.

  Her eyes raked over his broad chest before rising to his face. His square jaw was firm, his patrician nose perfect. Eyelashes any woman would envy shaded his bright blue gaze as auburn hair tumbled around his face. It was slightly too long, as if he’d put off getting it cut, but her fingers itched to run through the soft waves.

  As handsome as he was, however, it was the magic rolling off him that most drew Melissa. Power pulsed from him, raising the hairs on her arms.

  The man glanced around the office, his gaze sweeping over the two women in the waiting room, who were eyeing him just as hungrily as Melissa was. Finally those icy blue eyes landed on her, and electricity sizzled through her body.

  He strode forward without ever taking his gaze from her.

  Her fangs ached in her gums. Desire shot through her to pool low in her abdomen. Rarely did she ever react so quickly to a possible partner, but for this man she’d make an exception. Hell, she’d kick Abbey out of her office and do him on the desk if he’d let her.

  “Welcome to Fated Match,” Chloe said, slightly breathless herself. “Pair
ing mates together since 1704.”

  Those intense eyes flicked away from her, and Melissa mourned the loss.

  “I’m interested in your services,” he said to Chloe.

  Melissa bit back a moan as she let the deep, velvety voice roll over her. He had the sort of voice that made women think of wicked acts in tangled sheets.

  “Have you ever registered with us before?” Chloe asked.

  “First time.” He turned to her and held out a hand. “Tarian Drake. Pleasure to meet you.”

  “Melissa Redgrave,” she replied, sliding her hand into his.

  Magic snapped at her fingertips as he wrapped his hand around hers. A shiver of awareness ran down her spine. Had she ever lusted for someone this fast before? She couldn’t remember.

  “Are you a member, Ms. Redgrave?”

  “Melissa, please,” she breathed. “And yes.”

  His smile lent a boyishness to his face that was oddly endearing. “Good.”

  Taking her hand back, she cleared her throat and glanced at Chloe. “Abbey’s free.”

  “So is Vivian,” she replied, pressing a call button. “Mr. Drake, my boss will be out in a moment to handle your intake interview. She’ll be able to field all your questions about our offerings here at Fated Match.”

  “Thank you for your assistance.” His gaze flicked back to her. “Would you recommend the services here, Melissa?”

  The sound of her name on his lips lit the blood in her veins on fire.

  “They have an excellent reputation,” she replied. “It’s definitely worth your time if you’re serious about finding a mate.”

  “Very,” he said. “This agency was recommended by a friend who had success here.”

  “They have a high match rate,” she agreed.

  “Yes, I remember reading a story about your father finding his mate here, did he not?”

  She arched a brow. “You recognized me?”

  “Few in our world would not.”

  “Then you have me at a disadvantage, I’m afraid. I’ll have to learn more about you.”

  Another grin curved his lips. “I’m sure that can be arranged.”

  A click of heels in the hall signaled the arrival of the grand architect of the agency. Vivian rounded the corner in all her siren glory. For the first time, Melissa felt a twinge of jealousy when looking at the other woman. She was all generous curves and long platinum hair. Her very nature was to seduce and bewitch, and Vivian was a master of all the tricks.


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