Wilder Than the Rest: MacLarens of Fire Mountain

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Wilder Than the Rest: MacLarens of Fire Mountain Page 10

by Shirleen Davies

  She had just begun to raise her arm to his when she sensed rather than saw someone come up behind her. Two strong hands rested lightly on her waist as an all too familiar voice wafted over her.

  “Eva, my dear, I’ve been looking everywhere for you.” Lee leaned down to place a kiss on her cheek.

  The impact of his breath fanning across her neck and the soft feel of his lips against her skin slammed into Eva. She hadn’t been this close to him in four years. Four long years, and the way her body responded to him hadn’t changed a whit. She closed her eyes to calm the staccato of her heart, but made no move to put distance between them.

  Lee stepped back and extended his hand to the tall, ruddy-skinned man who stood next to her.

  “Lee Hatcher,” he said noting the man’s frown and the slight pause before he accepted Lee’s hand.

  “Captain Jock Flannigan.” Flannigan’s eyes shifted from Lee to rest on Eva.

  “Perhaps you would care to accompany us to the table? We’ve just recently come to the West Coast and I’m sure Miss Gagnon would enjoy getting to know you better.” Lee’s suggestion was genuine, although he was particularly interested in learning more about the captain and his shipping business.

  “Thank you, Mr. Hatcher. I would also enjoy getting to know Miss Gagnon.”

  Eva remained silent as the two men conversed, listening as Lee’s deep, smooth voice floated over her. Her chest tightened and she worked to control the rapid breathing which had followed him resting his hands on her waist, arousing every part of her body—a touch that was incredibly familiar, painfully so. She swallowed hard, trying to control the grinding ache being this close to him caused.

  “Shall we, Eva?” Lee whispered close to her ear, placing her hand through his arm as he started forward.

  She had yet to fully look at the one man capable of sending her emotions reeling. She walked beside him, allowing her reaction to move from surprise to anger—fury directed at Lee as well as their boss, Noah Dodd. There was nothing she could do about it tonight, not here at this formal ball with the social elite of San Francisco all around them. No, she would wait, determine the best approach, and make her displeasure known. Her resolve restored, Eva glanced up at the man who would be her partner for this one brief period of time and promised that, no matter what else happened, she’d come out of this with her reputation intact and her heart in one piece.

  Chapter Twelve

  Pierce watched Mollie’s eyes widen as her infectious laughter filled the air at something Gerald Black said. She stood on the other side of Viola Black, creating a distance that allowed her to converse while focusing on the festivities around them. He shifted away from her as his eyes swept the room, identifying people Eva and Chaz had described while listening to personal conversations between the guests in groups close to theirs.

  One strikingly beautiful woman behind him introduced herself to another gentleman and Pierce realized he recognized her name from the list. She stood next to Thomas Traxton, her animated conversation catching the man’s attention. His wife, Virginia, was nowhere in sight.

  “Excuse me a moment. There’s someone I’d like to meet. Keep track of my wife, would you, Gerald?”

  “Of course, Pierce,” Gerald replied and stepped closer to the two women. “He certainly is a restless sort.”

  “You have no idea,” Mollie replied as her eyes followed him. He stopped next to an impeccably dressed gentleman with thinning hair and a full mustache, whom she didn’t recognize. She watched as he introduced himself then turned to face a tall, slender woman with whitish-blonde hair.

  To say that the woman was lovely would be a gross understatement. Her crimson dress dropped low in the front, to just within propriety. A dazzling combination of rubies and diamonds adorned her neck, ears, and wrists. She appeared to be bored, shifting from one foot to the other and trying to act interested in the story the man next to her was telling.

  “Hello, Thomas. I’d hoped to see you here.” Pierce moved slightly so that he reached across the woman to shake the man’s hand.

  “MacLaren.” Thomas’s greeting was less than enthusiastic.

  “Perhaps you’d be kind enough to introduce me to this lovely lady?” Pierce could see the strained look on Traxton’s face and enjoyed any discomfort he might be causing the man.

  Traxton narrowed his eyes on Pierce before he shook off whatever bothered him and made the introduction.

  “Georgiana, I’d like you to meet a friend of mine, Pierce MacLaren. Pierce, this is one of Virginia’s dearest friends, Georgiana Grayson.”

  The woman’s eyes swung to Pierce and her expression changed in an instant, giving him her full attention as the other conversation faded into the background. She held up a hand for Pierce to accept and he didn’t disappoint. In one fluid movement, he lifted her hand to his lips and lightly touched her skin.

  “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Miss Grayson.”

  “Thank you, Mr. MacLaren.” She pulled her hand free. “It is Mrs. Grayson, however.”

  Pierce looked at the others in the group and, judging none suitable as her husband, turned a questioning look at the woman.

  “My husband passed away several months ago,” she replied to his unspoken question.

  “I’m sorry to hear that, Mrs. Grayson.” He kept his eyes locked on hers, already certain he’d made a favorable impression.

  “I’d be grateful if you would call me Georgiana, or Georgie, it’s what my friends call me.” Her soft voice and sparkling eyes conveyed more to Pierce than just the offer to be another of her friends.

  He marveled at how quickly an innocent introduction could transform into an imminent invitation. Pierce wasn’t a conceited man, yet over the years, he’d learned that women found him attractive. It was a benefit and a curse. Tonight, he’d use it to his advantage.

  Mollie watched the interaction from several feet away, somewhat jealous that he’d made the first contact and more than ready to do her part, gathering information from the men on her list. She didn’t wish to pull out the small piece of paper in front of the others and was relieved when one name popped into her head. “Gerald, would you please point out Lloyd Johnson?”

  Gerald cast an odd look her way before letting his eyes gaze around the room. “Ah, yes. There he is in the corner, speaking with an elderly woman, his mother, I believe. Do you see?” He indicated a debonair gentleman about twenty feet away. “Would you like an introduction?”

  “That would be marvelous.” Mollie gathered her skirts as he took her arm and escorted her across the room.

  “Lloyd, how are you this evening?” Gerald asked as he came to a stop.

  “Quite well, Gerald. And you?” Johnson replied while his eyes focused on Mollie.

  “No complaints. I’d like to introduce you to Viola’s good friend, Mrs. Mollie MacLaren.”

  Johnson made a slight bow. “Mrs. MacLaren, it’s a pleasure. I’ve just offered to get a glass of punch for my mother. May I interest you in something?”

  “Punch would be wonderful, Mr. Johnson. Thank you.”

  Gerald Black said his goodbyes and left to rejoin his wife, still somewhat perplexed at Mollie’s request for an introduction.

  Johnson returned within minutes, holding two glasses. He handed one to his mother, who looked over her shoulder at Mollie, then turned backed to the other women.

  “Excuse me, Mother.” He made a slight bow to the women before rejoining Mollie. “Are you here tonight with your husband, Mrs. MacLaren?” Lloyd asked as he handed Mollie her punch.

  “Yes. He’s right over there talking with the tall woman in the red dress.”

  “Ah, yes. Georgiana Grayson.”

  “You know her then?” Mollie asked as she sipped the punch.

  “I’ve known the Graysons for many years. Her husband passed away recently after an accident on one of his ships.” He shrugged. “Given her background, I’m sure her current life is quite a change.”

  “Her bac

  “Excuse me, of course you wouldn’t know. Her husband, Walter, was partners with Jock Flannigan, the tall man with reddish hair pulled back in a queue.” He motioned across the room and Mollie noted the man who stood next to Eva. “The Graysons used to be quite the social couple. I doubt there was an event the two did not attend. Before his accident, Walter did something quite unusual, which few people know about even though he made no provision that it be kept secret. He drew up legal documents to make her a partner in the company, taking over his half interest. Jock handles the day-to-day operations, but it’s my understanding that Georgiana does play some small role.”

  “That does seem unusual. What business is Georgiana in?”

  “The company handles shipping up and down the West Coast. It has been in business for several decades and has quite a colorful past. Grayson and Flannigan bought it from the original owners several years ago and expanded the operation. It’s quite profitable from what I understand.”

  “How fascinating. I wonder what kinds of cargo they carry.” Mollie finished her punch and handed the empty glass to a passing server.

  “The company started out with government contracts to ship and deliver mail. Very lucrative contracts, I might add. They branched into other types of cargo over the years. One of the lawyers in my firm handles the legal work for the company.” He stopped and frowned at Mollie. “All this business talk must be quite boring to you, Mrs. MacLaren.”

  “Not at all, Mr. Johnson. My husband often talks business at home. I find it quite fascinating, even though I don’t understand much of it.” She gave Lloyd a modest smile.

  Their discussion was interrupted by the sound of bells calling guests to dinner.

  “It was very nice speaking with you, Mrs. MacLaren. Perhaps you’ll save me a dance later this evening.”

  “I would be happy to, Mr. Johnson,” Mollie answered before turning toward the last place she’d seen Pierce and strolling slowly in that direction.

  “Who is that woman, Lloyd?” Mrs. Johnson held her glass tight between two hands, scowling at Mollie’s back as she walked away.

  “Mrs. MacLaren, Mother. A friend of Gerald and Viola Black.”

  “What did she want?”

  Lloyd took a slow breath, becoming impatient with his mother’s constant interrogations. They’d gotten worse since his father died two years before. She questioned almost everything he did, as well as his friendships. Even though he was a good-looking man, a lawyer in his own firm, and quite well off, his mother couldn’t seem to understand that he was no longer her responsibility. Indeed, she was his. He supposed the fact that, at thirty-five, he was still single played a role in her continual interference.

  Mollie couldn’t find Pierce anywhere, or Georgiana Grayson. She wondered if he’d already gone to the dining hall, but discarded the thought quickly. No, he wouldn’t leave her alone without an escort to their table. The reception hall was emptying, which made it easier to see those who remained. She took one more turn and then heard laughter from outside.

  She walked to the double glass doors, grabbed the handle, and peered out, instantly recognizing the two people standing together—Georgiana smiling while Pierce laughed at something she’d said. The instant clinching of her heart surprised and angered Mollie. She dropped her hand from the knob, deciding it best not to interrupt them, and turned toward the direction of the dining hall.

  Mollie told herself Pierce was doing his job, getting close to someone who might have information on the activities being investigated. Her heart had an altogether different reaction. She knew it for what it was—jealousy. She’d heard of it, watched as others had experienced it. The feeling was new to her, and she didn’t like it.

  She turned at the entrance to the dining hall just in time to see Georgiana place a hand on Pierce’s arm as they walked inside. The woman gazed up at him and smiled. Mollie suspected Pierce had made an assignation with Mrs. Grayson and scolded herself for the pain that sliced through her at the thought. She steeled herself as they stopped beside her.

  “Mollie, I’d like you meet Mrs. Georgiana Grayson. Georgiana, my wife, Mollie.”

  Georgiana looked Mollie up and down before an almost feral smile tilted her lips up.

  “It’s a pleasure, Mrs. Grayson.”

  “No, dear, the pleasure is all mine,” Georgiana responded and tightened her hold on Pierce’s arm.

  Pierce felt the pressure from Georgiana’s hands, watched the scene play out between the two women, and noticed the strained faces even as each tried to hide them. He was doing his job and he believed with every fiber of his being that Mrs. Georgiana Grayson would be able to provide more information about the war chest, as Chaz had termed it.

  He’d learned during their brief conversation that the woman adamantly opposed the current president and would welcome his departure from office. If he hadn’t misread signs, she seemed to have a profound dislike of the man, almost bordering on hate. Pierce was determined to get close enough to her to learn more about the people behind the money.

  “Shall we?” He held out his other arm to Mollie and escorted both women inside.


  Supper was a magnificent affair with stunning dishes that Mollie couldn’t pronounce. She and Pierce sat at a table with Gerald and Viola Black, Harold and Lottie Goss, a gentleman who worked for Gerald, and Georgiana, who had planted herself on the other side of Pierce.

  Mollie tried to act unaffected when, midway through the meal, she saw that Georgiana had rested a hand on Pierce’s arm as she spoke. He made no attempt to remove it. She found herself wondering if all women, married and widowed, were as bold when pursuing married men or if Mrs. Grayson and Virginia Traxton were exceptions. The fact that they weren’t actually husband and wife helped Mollie deal with the intense dislike she felt for both women, although not by much.

  She was thankful when the dessert plates were cleared and the music began. The Mayor and his wife led off the first dance, with other couples joining them. Mollie pretended interest in the couples on the dance floor until she realized Pierce had stood and was offering his hand to Mrs. Grayson, disregarding the custom of the first dance being with your spouse. He didn’t even look at her, simply led the beautiful widow onto the floor.

  Mollie couldn’t define the incredible hurt she felt, even though the rational side of her knew it was ridiculous to feel anything for the man who was her partner, who had a vested interest in solving the case—a man who’d kissed her senseless, leaving her confused and thrilled. He was doing his job, as he should be, and it was time for Mollie to do hers.

  “Mrs. MacLaren, would you do me the honor of a dance?” Lloyd Johnson stood next to her, his hand extended, offering a warm, sincere smile.

  “I would love to, Mr. Johnson.”

  The band played a beautiful waltz and Mollie discovered Lloyd was a very good dancer. She also realized he was a very good-looking man. He was older than Pierce, not as tall or as broad across the shoulders as her partner. He had a flat stomach, unlike many of the other men who had allowed their middle to jut out beyond their belts.

  “Are you enjoying yourself tonight, Mrs. MacLaren?” Lloyd asked as he kept hold of her when a second song started.

  “Immensely, Mr. Johnson. However, I do have one request.”

  His lips turned up in a slow grin. “And what is that?”

  “I’d like you to call me Mollie.”

  “It would be my pleasure. And you must call me Lloyd.”

  She nodded up at him as they continued the dance. “Tell me what you do at the law firm, Lloyd.”

  “That’s easy. I am the majority partner, so I work on only the most difficult or highly publicized cases. In addition, I try to bring in new clients and cases.” He peered down at her. “I would love to host you for lunch some afternoon. Your husband too, of course.”

  “That would be lovely. However, I believe my husband may be finding other ways to occupy his free time.” She
glanced at Pierce who had danced within a few couples of them. If she hadn’t mistaken it, Mollie thought she’d seen him glare over Georgiana’s shoulder at Lloyd the last time they’d swirled past.

  Lloyd followed Mollie’s gaze. “I see. Well, I wouldn’t worry too much about it. Georgiana’s charms wear thin after a while.”

  “You sound as if you have experience.” Mollie’s tone was light, non-accusing.

  He laughed. “I knew her husband, Walter, for a long time. He was a good friend and confidante. That’s the main reason I didn’t handle his legal affairs. I’ll only say she has a vast appetite and has never made a distinction between single and married men. However, I have no first-hand experience with the woman.” He watched Mollie’s eyes cloud. “If I were you, I wouldn’t worry too much about it. If your husband is a smart man, and I’d wager he is, he’ll see through her mischief. Whatever happens between the two won’t last long. It’s the way of it, Mollie.”

  She bit her tongue. Mollie had no real experience at this level of society and realized the types of assignations Georgiana sought might be quite common in this world. “Why did Mr. Grayson put up with her, well, activities?”

  “The reason most men would, and the reason you might put up with your husband’s dalliances, if he has them. Walter was besotted with her.”

  Mollie fell silent, wondering if it truly was that easy or common for some men and women to ignore their vows and seek pleasure somewhere else. She chose to change the subject.

  “What do you think of our president?” Her question took Lloyd by surprise. He chuckled at her seemingly sincere interest in his response.

  “You are full of surprises, Mollie. To be honest, I’m not a fan. The man seems pleasant enough and honorable, but I believe a good number of his policies are misguided.”

  The music stopped and Lloyd escorted Mollie back to her seat.

  “If we don’t see each other again this evening, please be assured that an invitation will be sent out early next week for our meeting.” He kissed her hand before pulling out her chair.


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