Nanny for the Billionaire

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Nanny for the Billionaire Page 7

by Jenna Brandt

  As the adults trailed after him down the hall, Roger focused his attention on Celeste again. “Did you do all that in his room?”

  “I did,” she said with a smile. “I figured Marcus needed his room to feel like home.”

  “How did you do it?”

  “I asked him if he had a way to get into his old place. He had a key and note for his old babysitter that his mother kept in his backpack. We used it to get into the apartment.”

  “How was it?” Roger probed, part of him worried and not really wanting to hear the answer.

  “The apartment was well-maintained, but it was odd, Roger, Marcus only existed in his room. What’s worse, there was a lock on the outside of the door. He told me she basically kept him restricted there and she had ‘friends’ over all the time.”

  Roger should have been better about making sure the boy was well taken care of, rather than just throwing money at Brianna to fix the problem. He could see that he had handled the situation all wrong. Marcus wasn’t a problem; he was Roger’s son and deserved better than what he got for the first four years of his life. Roger wasn’t going to make that mistake for the rest of it. He was going to take care of Marcus, not just financially, but in all the ways that mattered.

  “I should have cared more about what happened to him, Celeste. I could kick myself for not making an effort to be in his life and checking on him.”

  “She didn’t hurt him as far as I could tell, and I think she did love him in her own way. I just think she didn’t know how to fit him into her life.”

  “We both had that problem. Neither of us wanted to give up our lifestyle for him.” Stopping her for a moment before they entered the kitchen, Roger turned Celeste towards him. “From this moment on, I’m putting Marcus first. I’m going to be a real father to him.”

  He could see warmth—and dare he hope, admiration—reflected back in her eyes. It made his heart swell with pride.

  “You don’t know how glad I am to hear that. You’re really lucky, Roger. Marcus is a wonderful little boy, and you are so blessed to have him as your son.”

  “I hungry,” Marcus yelled from the kitchen. “Can we eat?”

  They made their way inside and took seats around the table. Roger said a quick prayer over the food before they all dove into the feast.

  The meal passed by with enjoyable conversation about their day. Roger joked about how it was to suffer through a first full day of work while Celeste and Marcus gave a recount of their trip to Central Park. By the end of the meal, everyone was full and happy.

  They spent the next hour watching a Disney animated movie before it was time for Marcus to get ready for bed. Celeste helped him get into his PJs while Roger read off titles of books for his bedtime story. Marcus finally settled on one about dinosaurs.

  “I’ll let you two have some time alone,” Celeste offered as she made her way towards the exit.

  “No, stay, Celeste,” Marcus said, patting the edge of the bed. “Dad can read to both of us.”

  Celeste nodded and took the designated spot while Roger sat on the other side.

  He softly read the book to Marcus, changing his voice to fit each character and using various expressions to dramatize the reading. By the end of it, Marcus was fast asleep.

  Roger and Celeste quietly slipped from the room, making sure to turn on the nightlight on their way out of Marcus’ room. They made their way towards the end of the hallway and stopped just outside of Celeste’s temporary room.

  “Thank you for all you did today. I can’t imagine anyone doing a better job,” Roger said, leaning against the edge of the doorframe.

  “It was no problem. I enjoy taking care of Marcus.”

  “You make all of this seem so easy. I have no idea how you manage it,” he praised.

  She pushed her hair behind her ear as she shrugged. “I’ve always liked kids. There was even a time when I thought about starting my own daycare.”

  “I could see that,” Roger said with an appreciative smile. “I’m beginning to think you can do anything you set your mind to.”

  Roger’s high praise made Celeste’s heart fill with warmth. She glanced through her eyelashes and could see he was staring at her with a look she would have sworn was filled with desire.

  He leaned towards her and whispered, causing his breath to tickle the edge of her cheek. “I have to admit, coming home to find you cooking in my kitchen was one of the most captivating things I’ve ever seen. I could get used to it.”

  “It was nothing,” she whispered back, feeling her breath hitch in her throat as her eyes met his.

  The room started to spin around her, and she couldn’t help but wonder what it would feel like if he leaned just a tiny bit closer and kissed her. His lips looked inviting, like he knew how to use them in all the ways that would make her knees quiver.

  “Don’t be so dismissive of what you contribute. You’ve managed to turn my life upside down in just a matter of days.” He reached out and let his hand touch the side of her arm. “I can only imagine what you’ll do if you stay with us even longer.”

  A shot of electricity raced along her arm where his hand touched her exposed skin. The prickly sensation was quickly followed by a searing heat she couldn’t explain.

  Without thinking, she stepped back to create distance. “I need to get some sleep, Roger. Marcus and I have an early morning planned.”

  Roger’s brows came together in confusion before he quickly masked it and gave her a nod. “Of course,” he said, pushing off the doorframe.

  “Goodnight, Roger.”

  “Goodnight, Celeste, I’ll see you in the morning before I take off for work.”

  She was tempted to watch him walk down the hallway but thought better of it. Better to stop whatever was brewing between them before it had a chance to ruin everything. The last thing she needed was the complication of feelings.

  Celeste headed to the writing desk and chair that was in the corner of the room. She sat down, ready to read her Bible and pray to God for guidance, but try as she might, she couldn’t push Roger from her mind.

  Was she getting too close to Roger? She thought he was simply a friend, but if she was honest with herself, there was attraction simmering just below the surface. There was also the added element of Marcus. She was already getting attached to the boy. Could she keep her heart from falling for him? For either of them?

  She silently sent up a prayer asking for God to help her in her situation. Afterward, she made her way over to the dresser where she changed into her PJs before slipping into bed.

  She tried to think about anything besides Roger as she drifted off to sleep, but his charming smile and mesmerizing eyes were the last things she thought of before slumber claimed her.


  Roger double-checked to make sure that everything he needed for the wedding was in his suitcase. The last thing he wanted to do was disappoint Bryce if he didn’t get it right for his best friend’s big day.

  Once he was sure he had everything he could possibly need, he closed the luggage. His next stop was Marcus’ room.

  “How are you doing, Buddy?” Roger asked, using the nickname he started using over the last week.

  “Good, Dad,” he said, turning and giving a thumb’s up. “Celeste help me.”

  Gratitude raced through Roger. Leave it to Celeste to put Marcus as a priority, even though she had her own items to worry about—a byproduct of them both being in the bridal party as the best man and maid of honor.

  “Okay, make sure you’re ready to go. We’re leaving in fifteen minutes,” Roger warned Marcus before making his way further down the hall.

  He stopped outside Celeste’s room and glanced inside. She was just zipping up her suitcase as he asked, “How are you doing?”

  “I’m ready,” she replied, turning her attention to Roger.

  Celeste looked good in her dark green top and blue jeans. Even in the most casual of clothes, she looked breathtaking. Roger pushed the
thought from his mind, trying his best to focus on the task of getting to the private airport on time.

  As she struggled to pull her bag off the bed, Roger rushed forward and said, “Here, let me help you with that.”

  “Don’t you have staff for that?” she teased, but let him take the luggage without further protest.

  “I do, but I’m trying out this new thing you showed me called doing things for myself.”

  “How are you liking it?”

  “Not as bad as I thought it would be, but I’ll have you know, you’re never going to get me to give up my weekly hair appointment.”

  “Oh, I wouldn’t dream of it,” she taunted with a roll of her eyes. Reaching out, she touched the edge of his blond tips and smirked. “Heaven forbid you don’t get your weekly cut and blow dry.”

  “Hey, can I help it that I like to be fashionable and trendy? Besides, considering the intricacy of my cut, I have to trust my hairstylist,” he defended, though he knew it sounded vain even to his own ears.

  His appearance was one of the areas which Roger hadn’t changed. He liked wearing an expensive suit and insisted he could feel the difference between an off-the-rack and a custom-tailored outfit. The same went for his hair. The one time Bryce talked him into going to a mainstream hair salon, the hairdresser butchered his cut, and that ended it. As soon as his hair grew out, he was right back at the nicest and most exclusive salon in the city.

  “It’s okay, Roger. We all have our little things that make us unique. Your quirk is your hair.”

  “Quirk?” Roger asked with incredulousness. “I’ll have you know, it’s not a quirk. I spend for quality.”

  “Keep telling yourself that,” Celeste mocked playfully. She let out a laugh that caused her whole body to shake and her blonde curls to bounce around her face.

  The sight was enchanting, and Roger couldn’t take his eyes off her. Impulsively, he reached out and grabbed one of the curls and twisted it between his fingers. The gesture sobered Celeste up suddenly, and she almost looked shocked.

  Before either of them could speak about what just happened, there was a knock at the door.

  Glancing down at his watch, he said, “That’s our driver. He’s here to get our bags.”

  An hour later, they arrived at the private airport on the outskirts of the city. On the tarmac, the Boswell family jet was waiting, fueled and ready to take Celeste, Roger, and Marcus to LA for Bryce and Lana’s wedding.

  “Lookie, lookie, plane,” Marcus said with excitement as he pressed his face to the window.

  “Wow, I suspected you flew private, but I had no idea your family had their own jet,” Celeste whispered in awe as she looked out the window of the limo.

  “I didn’t think to mention it,” Roger stated with a shrug. “It’s just easier to travel this way.”

  A wry grin formed on her face as she countered, “Only someone who grew up thinking this was normal would say that. You really have no idea how the rest of us live.”

  Roger wasn’t sure what to make of Celeste’s reaction. Did it mean she disapproved, or was it simply that she wasn’t used to living like this? He didn’t want to upset her, and he found himself clamoring for an excuse.

  “I’m sorry, Celeste. I’m not sure what I did wrong, but just tell me, and I’ll fix it.”

  She shook her head. “It’s not you. I need to remind myself you’re not like the people who hire me for catering jobs or come into The Spot and treat me like dirt.”

  “Well, not anymore. I used to be a real jerk,” Roger confessed with embarrassment. “I happen to remember I made a complete fool of myself at my last birthday party. You should know, you were there.”

  “Don’t beat yourself up over that, Roger,” she said, reaching out and patting his knee with her hand. “The great thing about birthdays is you get one every year. That gives you a chance to do it differently this year.”

  “I’d like that,” Roger admitted.

  “Can I come?” Marcus asked, turning his attention to the adults. “I wanna come your birthday, Dad.”

  “Of course you can, Buddy,” Roger promised. “It wouldn’t be any fun without you there.” Then glancing over at Celeste, he added, “Or you.”

  A blush spread across her cheeks, causing her eyes to sparkle. Before she could respond, the limo came to a stop in front of the walkway that led to the jet.

  Their driver came around and opened the door, letting all of them climb out before closing it behind them. The workers loaded their luggage as they climbed the stairs to enter the jet.

  Just inside, the valet for the plane greeted them and offered them warm towels and drinks.

  “This so cool,” Marcus stated, throwing himself into one of the plush, leather recliners in the first area of the plane.

  Roger took a seat in a recliner across from his son. “Glad you like it, Marcus. What do you think, Celeste?”

  “I can’t believe how big it is in here. I’m looking down both sides, and I can’t see where the plane ends,” she said, looking back and forth.

  “You want a tour?” Roger offered.

  “Does it need one?” Celeste responded with surprise.

  “Probably,” he stated sheepishly. “The last executives we flew on here got lost between the movie room and the kitchen.”

  “Movie room?” Marcus said with glee. “That awesome!”

  “You can say that again, Marcus,” Celeste marveled. “I guess you should probably take me on that tour.”

  Fifteen minutes later, Roger had shown Celeste the aforementioned areas as well as the two-bedroom suites, the three bathrooms, and the conference room that doubled as a dining room.

  “This jet is bigger than most people’s houses. I can’t even imagine how much it costs to run it,” Celeste stated in awe as they rejoined Marcus in the first room. “How often do you use it?”

  “I would say we use it a few times a month for business and at least a half a dozen times per year for personal reasons.”

  “Oh, that’s not as much as I would think,” Celeste observed. “I would’ve thought it would be much higher than that.”

  “Well, that’s because we split the time up between the other three jets.”

  As soon as he saw the look of bewilderment on Celeste’s face, he wondered if he had divulged too much about his family’s assets. Though he used to like to have women fawn over him because of his money, Celeste was different. He wanted her to respect him, not think less of him because he sounded like he was trying to impress her.

  “Wait, let me get this straight, your family has four jets?”

  Roger nodded. “This one’s my favorite though. It’s why I decided to take you both on it, but I don’t want you to think I’m trying to show off.”

  Celeste tilted her head as if contemplating his statement. After a few moments, she said, “I don’t. You’ve proven you’re not like that anymore.”

  Relief flooded Roger, and he relaxed into his seat. He wasn’t sure when it happened, but Celeste’s approval had become a high priority.

  The pilot announced it was time for takeoff and the jet surged into the air. The trio enjoyed the five-hour flight watching a movie about a dog and his human best friend, and having lunch cooked by the onboard chef. Marcus fell asleep shortly after the meal, leaving Roger and Celeste to spend the remaining time playing cards and talking about her latest audition and his work.

  When they arrived in LA, the heat from the West Coast sun hit the group like a slap in the face. In New York, it was already sweater and jacket weather, but under the California sun, it was a warm eighty degrees.

  “Can you believe it’s like this all year round?” Roger asked with surprise. “I don’t know if I could ever get used to it. I love having seasons.”

  Celeste chuckled. “I don’t know, I wouldn’t mind never having to wear snow boots or a parka again. When Lana told me she could get me a part on her show, it was one of the things that was enticing about the offer. I’ve never be
en out of New York, so a little change in scenery could be appealing.”

  “Would you seriously consider it?” Roger probed, realizing the idea of Celeste moving away troubled him. He didn’t like the idea of her leaving his life.

  “Not at the moment, I still have my heart set on Broadway, but it’s always good to have options.”

  Roger didn’t want to think about Celeste moving across the country. He knew he didn’t have any right, but he wanted to object and tell her it wasn’t an option at all. Instead, he changed the subject and said, “We need to get over to the Beverly Hills Villa and check-in so we can get changed for the rehearsal dinner.”

  The trio spent the next hour and a half getting ready in their private presidential suite. As they exited the exclusive hotel, Roger couldn’t believe that Celeste could get any prettier. The royal blue cocktail dress did the trick. With her hair piled up in flawless ringlets on top of her head, she was a complete knock-out.

  “You look gorgeous,” he said, not caring that the compliment revealed how much he appreciated her beauty.

  “Thank you,” she said with a blush. Then looking at his navy-blue suit, she added, “You look pretty handsome yourself. You do too, Marcus,” she said with a small wink at the boy who was wearing khaki pants and a white polo shirt.

  Roger felt like he was on top of the world. How had it come to this, that a mere compliment from this woman could make his night complete? He felt like he was a schoolboy again and Celeste was his first crush.

  They arrived at The West Spot, the newly opened sister restaurant to the establishment that Bryce owned in Manhattan. It was just as sleek, posh, and trendy as the original. It had lines out the door almost every night, according to Bryce.

  Even though it was a Friday evening, Bryce had closed the place down for the private event. When Roger, Celeste, and Marcus arrived, the only people there were members of the wedding party.

  As they entered the building, double squeals could be heard from both Celeste and Lana. The best friends rushed forward and grasped each other in a loving embrace.


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