Kara's Wolves

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Kara's Wolves Page 15

by Becca Jameson

  “like a woman in love.”

  Trevor coughed to avoid choking. She spoke the words too softly for a normal person to hear, but lupine ears were above average and the low mumble was definitely clear. From the look on Justin’s face and the way his eyes were bugging out of his head, he hadn’t missed the phrase either.

  “What the hell is going on here, Justin?” Trevor nearly shook with confusion.

  “I have no clue, but something’s … off. It’s as though he knows about us. And I don’t just mean our existence in her life.” Justin’s head popped up and his gaze traveled to the back of her father.

  “Shall we go to the Italian restaurant on Fifth Street?” Kara asked as they reached her parents’ car.

  “Sounds good to me,” her mother responded. Everyone nodded their acceptance.

  “Sir,” Justin began, “My—”

  “Please, call me James.”

  “Okay, James then. My truck is right over here. How about if we meet you there, give you a chance to catch up with your daughter alone.” Justin reached to kiss Kara on the cheek and turned in the direction of the car. “We’ll see you in a few minutes then.” Trevor glanced over at Kara as they walked away. “What the fuck do you suppose that was all about?”

  “I have absolutely no idea. But I imagine we’re about to find out.” Justin unlocked the doors with his key fob and they both got in. “Let’s stay right behind them. I don’t want to take any chances.”


  The drive to the restaurant was only about five minutes, but those five minutes seemed much longer to Kara. Her parents were acting very strange. Almost as though they knew something. How was that possible?

  “Justin seems very nice, honey,” her mother began, twisting to look at Kara in the back seat.

  “As does Trevor,” her father added with a sparkle in his eye she could see when he glanced at her in the rearview mirror.

  “Umm, yes. They are.” Kara sat on her hands to keep from wringing them in front of her. Her heart was beating out of her chest and she had no idea why. Something was


  “So, what are you planning to do now, dear?” Kara’s mom was all pleasant. Not at all what Kara had expected since she’d just told them two days ago she wouldn’t be returning with them this weekend.

  “Well, I’ve applied for some teaching positions here in Corvallis. And I’ll probably see about teaching gymnastics at a local gym for the summer.” Her voice was shaking and she swallowed to try and calm herself.

  “Sounds busy. Will you have time for all of it?” Kara’s mom inquired, still staring awkwardly over the back seat.

  Why the hell wouldn’t I have time for a job? It seemed as though someone had kidnapped her real parents and exchanged them for the Jetsons. Any moment she half expected George and Jane here to be spirited away in their spacecraft.

  “I’m going to need a job, of course. I can’t just hang out here without working.” Kara spoke the words slowly, as though speaking to someone mentally challenged.

  “What your mom means, honey, is we just figured you would be busy on the farm is all. Isn’t it a big job, running and maintaining a dairy farm?” Her father asked the question as though pointing out the obvious, rather than actually looking for an answer.

  “I guess, but…” What the hell was she supposed to say? She’d told them over the phone all about the dairy farm, but why would her parents expect her to be so involved in the running of it yet?

  “Don’t worry, dear. I’m sure you will figure it all out as you go along.” Her mother’s incessantly cheerful voice was beginning to sound like a recording.

  “Uh huh. I’m sure we will.” Kara stared out the window willing the vehicle to reach its destination. What made her parents think she was moving in with Justin? She sure hadn’t told them so on the phone. Seemed like it would be easier just to let them believe she was staying in her apartment for now. She’d only known Justin and Trevor for a few days.

  Finally they pulled up to the curb and got out of the car. As chilly as it was outside that afternoon, the inside of the car had seemed awfully stuffy.

  Trevor and Justin were waiting just inside and seemed to have already let the hostess know their needs as Kara came through the door. They were quickly ushered to a round table in the back by the waiting hostess who already had menus in her hand.

  “Is this okay?” the young girl inquired.

  “Perfect,” her father responded.

  They all took seats, somehow maneuvered into a position putting Kara between Trevor and Justin, her parents across from her.

  “So,” began her dad, “how big of a farm do you two run?” Kara had placed her hands in her lap and rubbed her palms over her team sweats to dry them. Both Justin and Trevor had a leg up against hers and she felt her face growing red and hot. The situation was surreal and even under her father’s scrutiny, she couldn’t keep herself from feeling aroused. Could he tell her two beaux were both leaning into her?

  “Relax, babe. I don’t think your father is upset by this arrangement.” Trevor reached under the table with one hand and squeezed Kara’s.

  “We have about a square mile of grazing land and employ ten men who live and work on the property.” Justin grabbed Kara’s other hand beneath the table and gently rubbed the top with his thumb. The soothing gesture should have helped slow her heart rate, if it hadn’t had the ridiculous result of arousing her instead. Right here with her parents staring at her across the table. Her cheeks burned to think they knew what was happening to her.

  “A friend of mine actually works on an adjoining property. Stephen Williams?” Her dad paused for them to take in this information. “When Kara told me about you, I thought of him. We go way back… We were roommates in college.” He looked down at his menu.

  “Fuck, do you suppose he knows?” Trevor’s brow wrinkled in confusion when Kara looked over at him.

  “How could he? He never mentioned it to me,” Kara responded silently.

  “Oh, he knows,” Justin added. “Yes, Stephen is my uncle. What a coincidence,” he continued out loud.

  “He said the same thing when I called him last night.” Her father nearly beamed. “I have to say I was relieved to have someone able to tell me what good hands Kara was in when I spoke to him. I was awfully concerned when she first told us she was staying here in Corvallis because of a man she just met.”

  “Well, I assure you, sir … James, that we … I will do everything in my power to ensure your daughter is safe and sound.” Kara could hear the odd tone in Justin’s voice and knew he was just as perplexed as she was. She’d never heard such stammering in his voice before.

  “Are you folks ready to order?” The silence was shattered by the waiter, who had no idea what a relief his arrival was to Kara at that precise moment.


  The meal had continued, filled with light conversation. Justin was sure James knew full well he and Trevor were wolves. Somehow it didn’t seem to bother him, nor did the idea of his daughter entering into a relationship with two men, both lupines. Why?

  Because he knew about them?

  As they wandered back out onto the sidewalk, Kara’s mother and father each hugged their daughter and shook hands with both Trevor and Justin, a firm handshake Justin thought contained approval. “Take care of our daughter,” he said, looking from Justin to Trevor and back again. “And call us, young lady,” he continued as he turned to Kara.

  “We will, sir.” Justin felt the incredible strangeness of the three of them standing here under the pretext of Kara simply dating Justin, when every person present knew there was more to it and none were willing to speak of the elephant on the sidewalk.

  Justin reached for Kara’s hand as her parents got in their car and pulled away from the curb, waving.

  “What the hell just happened?” Kara was trembling beneath his grip.

  “He knew. It doesn’t happen often, but every now and then someone finds out about our
kind. At some point your father must have discovered the real identity of my Uncle Stephen. He wasn’t willing to come right out and discuss it yet, but somehow Stephen must have convinced him you were in good hands.” Justin turned and took Kara’s face in his hands to place a chaste kiss on her lips.

  “But,” she mumbled as he broke away, “they seemed to know we were … a threesome also.”

  “Oh, they knew that, too.” Trevor came up behind Kara and put his hands on her hips, trapping her between him and Justin. “If he spoke long enough with Stephen there would have been no way to avoid it.”


  Kara tested the warm water in the giant tub. She’d let the steam fill the room while she stripped down and combed out her hair, and then she slid into the relaxing bath and reached for the floral bubble bath on the edge. Maybe the aroma would calm her nerves.

  She hadn’t locked the door. She hadn’t shut either man out of her life for the last week, but she was grateful neither came in to interrupt her solitude.

  After a few minutes she began to relax. Thoughts of the last time she’d been in this tub began to surface. Her nipples hardened and she reached to rub her palms over their sensitive surfaces. She couldn’t remember a single time in the last few days she’d actually been in the tub alone. It seemed huge without the men with her. Lonely.

  Kara lowered her hand down to graze over her clit, eliciting a moan, which echoed in the bathroom. Immediately she jerked her hand away and reached for the shampoo.

  Undoubtedly Justin and Trevor knew exactly what she was doing with herself right now.

  And since when do you lay in the tub masturbating, girl?

  A soft chuckle filled Kara’s thoughts, ending just as quickly as it began. She looked around the room and prayed Justin and Trevor were indeed not listening to her, as unlikely as it was.

  Kara rushed through the motions of bathing and leapt out of the water to dry off. She combed through her curls and wrapped the towel around herself to head back to the bedroom.

  An exhale of relief flooded her when she saw no one was in the room. They’d left her in peace to get ready. Over the course of the week, she had gradually brought more and more clothes and personal possessions over to the farm. Sometime soon she supposed she would need to move the rest. Her lease would be up in a few weeks anyway, and she didn’t presume she was going to be heading out on her own under the circumstances.

  Quickly selecting a light skirt and blouse, Kara dropped the towel and got dressed. A quick dab of makeup and blow-dry had her as ready as she was going to get.

  Kara grabbed one of her bags still filled with clothes she’d brought over and repacked for the few days she would be spending at Justin’s parents’ house. She was nervous about meeting the family, and even more apprehensive about staying with people she didn’t even know. As much as she had been reassured everything was going to be just great, she hoped the current nightmare, of being stalked by some lunatic wolf, would come to a quick end.

  Kara headed to the family room to find Justin and Trevor waiting for her. She smiled and paused.

  Both rushed to her side. Justin leaned in to nuzzle her neck. “You smell delicious.” Kara shivered at the slight contact and giggled like a girl. “Amazing what a bath will do.”

  “Shall we get going? It’s almost four.” Justin reached for her hand and gave a slight tug. Trevor took her bag from her.

  She let him pull her along, Trevor following so close she could smell his usual musk.

  They must have showered while she was in the bath, because both men had the same clean smell of soap and their own personal scent that never ceased to arouse her.

  They climbed quietly into the cab, warm from sitting in the sun, and Kara was glad she had chosen the loose skirt and blouse.

  “God, I’m always hot lately.” Kara fanned herself.

  “That is a fact.” She glanced at Trevor to see him staring at her longingly.

  Trapped between them, a flush warmed her face at the lustful gaze and meaning behind Trevor’s words.

  Both men shut their doors and Justin started the truck while Kara settled back into the seat.

  “I’ll let her run for a minute.” Justin turned to reach for Kara’s hand.

  On her other side, Trevor gently laid his hand on her thigh and began to lightly rub.

  The smoldering gaze she was looking into, combined with the calculated touch inching up her leg, sent a rush of heat to her sex, making her squeeze her legs together in response.

  “Don’t,” Justin softly admonished. “Don’t close yourself off from us. We like your legs open, ready, willing.” His breath rushed over her face as he spoke into her mouth.

  She could almost taste the mint of his toothpaste without even making contact with his lips.

  While Justin’s mouth lowered until their lips were touching, Trevor inched his fingers up to her thong and tugged, forcing her to lift her hips so he could pull it off.

  Kara gasped against Justin’s mouth. “You can’t… I mean I can’t…” She could hear Trevor chuckle behind her. “I can. You will,” he said while Justin resumed his now urgent kiss, reaching into the recesses of her mouth with his demanding tongue.

  Both men grasped a thigh and began to pull her legs apart. Her full skirt ended above her knees, but now they shoved it up around her waist. Kara gasped when the cool air from the vent hit her pussy, now wide open. They didn’t finish tugging on her legs until they each had one in their lap. She could easily do the splits in any position and that was currently working to their advantage.

  The sound escaping her lips was swallowed by Justin’s continued kissing. Trevor held her leg with one hand and reached across her to begin lightly touching her open sex.

  When she tried to raise her hips up to get better contact with him, she found herself held down by Justin’s arm across her stomach. Her hands were pinned beneath his arm.

  “Let us love you, hon,” Justin muttered into her mouth.

  Trevor’s fingers continued their torturous meandering, never touching anywhere for very long and never applying enough pressure to even be sure he’d been there at all.

  Kara leaned her head back against the seat, unable to keep up the pretense of kissing.

  The sensations traveling through her body were consuming her attention. A tight knot was wound up in her stomach, demanding release. She groaned and moved her head back and forth on the headrest, desperate for more contact with … anything.

  “What do you need, baby?” Trevor asked from somewhere close to her ear.

  “Mmm.” She couldn’t open her mouth.

  “That’s not good enough. Tell me what you want and I’ll gladly do it.” Trevor was going to kill her.

  “Please, touch me,” she begged into the cab, eyes still shut.

  “Here?” Justin’s voice penetrated her mind as he began to stroke her stomach with his free hand, not letting up on the tight hold he had on her. “Or here?” He moved that hand up to fondle a breast through the lacy material of her bra.

  “Oh, God.” Kara felt like she was going to implode if they didn’t relieve her soon.

  Her orgasm was hanging on the precipice and they’d barely touched her.

  “I want to see you, honey. All of you. When you come for us.” Justin began to deftly open every button of Kara’s shirt at an excruciatingly leisurely rate, making her tremble beneath his touch. Trevor’s fingers began to knead her thighs, back and forth, achingly close to her sex, but only occasionally moving to lightly caress her opening or circle her throbbing clit.

  When Justin finally finished unbuttoning her shirt he tugged the material upward, letting her trapped hands free to rise above her head.

  “Hmm.” Kara looked up to see Justin studying the situation with a smirk. “I don’t think you really need these right now.” He twisted the material of her blouse around her wrists without releasing them and used the shirt like a rope to tie her hands straight above her head to the handle on the to
p of the sliding center window.

  Kara watched this with some level of trepidation, her pussy now dripping. Cool air continued to blow on the fluids now leaking in a stream down to her ass. She shivered.

  They stretched her so tight her butt barely touched the seat and her breasts were pulled up high on her chest.

  Justin quickly divested her of her bra, popping the front clasp with knowing fingers so the lingerie fell to the side. When she glanced down, she saw her nipples standing at attention, rock hard points poking out from her chest.

  Justin resumed his hold on her waist, pinning her to the bench seat while lowering his mouth to suck one firm globe into his warmth. Simultaneously as if on cue, Trevor stroked one finger gently through the folds of Kara’s aching pussy up to the edge of her needy clit.

  “She is so wet, so hot, so sexy for us. I’m going to come in my pants seeing her bound before us like this, all horny and moaning.” Trevor dipped one finger into her core and raked it back out against her G-spot, an act he had perfected over the last week.

  Kara would have bolted off the seat if Justin hadn’t been prepared. He simply held her tighter and moved to suckle her other nipple, pinching and twisting the first one with his free hand.

  With no warning, Trevor suddenly pinched Kara’s clit between two fingers and held it tightly in his grasp. She screamed at the onslaught of sensations. Both men let go and a cool breeze blew across her body.

  “I don’t believe she managed to tell us exactly what she wants, did she?” Trevor’s teasing made Kara look him in the eye.

  “Please…” Her chest heaved with the effort to speak. Clearly he was not going to let her off the hook. “Please touch my … pussy … my clit … rub them … make me come.”

  “Gladly.” He smiled down at her and glanced at Justin, a silent message passing between them reminding Kara she was going to have to get into their heads as much as they were in hers and soon.

  Teeth grasped one tight nipple, fingers pinched the other. Three fingers plowed into her dripping tight sex while a thumb applied intense pressure to her nub.


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