Kara's Wolves

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Kara's Wolves Page 18

by Becca Jameson

  A piercing scream tore through the air. Kara. God almighty. Trevor ran through the living room and down the hall. Fear climbed up his spine. If anything happened to her…

  When he came to a stop in front of the room he’d shared with her just an hour ago, he found the door locked. “Kara?”

  Silence met him, but he could still smell her. His mate.

  Adrenaline pumping, Trevor stood back and then rammed the door, shattering the frame as the wood buckled and fell into the room.

  Nothing. The window stood wide open, the curtain fluttering in the breeze.

  Trevor could hear Nancy and Tessa screaming behind him, but he wasted no time.

  He ran for the open window, shifting midair and bounding through it toward the ground.

  He couldn’t be more than a few seconds behind them. Where were they?


  Justin had taken off at a run with Stephen on his heels. They’d moved at a breakneck pace to reach the farmhouse in attempt to catch the roving wolves trespassing on his property.

  Anger pressed Justin on faster and faster. He paused every now and then to raise his snout into the air, but found no trace of scent indicating any other shifters were in the area. After circling the property in a spiral, the two stopped to catch their breath.

  “No one’s here, man. They must’ve left. We better swing back to your dad’s place and check in.” Stephen turned away to get started.

  “Wait,” Justin cleared his head to listen. “Fuck! Trevor? Where are you? What happened?”

  Trevor was screaming at Justin through their connection. The bond was even tighter since they had mated. Justin could not only “hear” what Trevor was communicating, but also feel his fear, his anxiety. In fact, he’d sensed it a moment before Trevor had spoken.

  “He’s got her.”

  Justin began running as fast as possible even before Trevor finished his thought.


  Kara had bolted upright from a deep sleep. What time was it? A glance at the window told her it was morning. Her skin crawled. The hair on her arms stood on end.

  Something wasn’t right. It was eerily quiet. She grabbed Justin’s T-shirt and pulled it over her head.

  A shuffling noise yanked Kara’s gaze toward the dark shadows on the far side of the room. Suddenly, a man she’d never seen before materialized into view. He was wearing only jeans, his short spiky black hair poking up at all angles from his head in a manner suggesting it was his style rather than causing her to believe he’d just risen from bed.

  Dark evil eyes penetrated her. They seemed almost hypnotizing.

  Kara screamed as loud as she could and backed away from the stranger. This must be Barry.

  She was far too small to outsmart him though. Rough fingers reached out to rasp against Kara’s bare arm and yank her into his embrace. He quickly covered her mouth with his vile hand and then stuffed a cloth of some sort between her open lips just as she was attempting to bite him. Panic filled her. She began kicking and wriggling to free herself from his clutches. To no avail. He was way too large.

  An angry snarl followed. “Stop this instant,” he demanded. “You will obey me now instead of those loathsome creatures you’ve been cavorting with. Do you understand?” He didn’t wait for a response, but snatched her up and jumped through the window.

  Where was everyone? There was no way they would have willingly left her alone in the house. Renewed fear made her blood boil. What if he’d hurt or killed them? Had this attacker gotten to them first?

  Fear shook her to the bone. No. She should never let an attacker take her to another location.

  Kara, you’re strong. Fight.

  Struggling with all her might, she kicked at and started slamming her head into her attacker’s face. He had such a tight grip on her and she was no match for someone his size.

  “Kara. It’s Trevor. I’m right behind you.” Trevor’s voice reached into her panicked mind.


  “If you can get free of his clutches, I can take him out. I’m in wolf form. I don’t have a weapon. I don’t want to hurt you.”

  The madman was still running toward the tree line with Kara in his clutches. Think, Kara… A moment later, Kara twisted her body and slammed her knee into his groin.

  Nasty breath flew into her face as her attacker paused before losing his grip on her just enough to allow her to scramble from his clutches.

  The moment she hit the ground, falling hard on her butt, she caught the blur of motion that could only be Trevor flying through the air over her to pounce into the jackass holding his balls.

  She expected to watch the huge blond wolf who was now a part of her slam into the human and maul him to death. But at the last second, where only a moment ago stood a man running with her in his arms, a gray wolf appeared, and now a snarling fight ensued making her scramble backward for her life. “Trevor,” she screamed. Fear for his safety made her blood boil anew.

  “Kara, get back.” Justin’s voice mingled with Kara’s thoughts for a moment before she realized he was speaking to her. She looked around frantically and saw him standing several yards away, a rifle aimed at the duo battling on the ground like two lion cubs.

  “Trevor,” Justin continued, “give me a shot here, man. I don’t want to have to nurse your sorry ass if you don’t get out of the way long enough for me to shoot this bastard.” Kara turned her gaze back toward Trevor just in time to see him let go of his hold on her attacker and jump back. The element of surprise would be on their side she realized.

  No one would have been privy to their conversation but the three of them.

  Seconds later an ear-piercing shot rang out, knocking the gray wolf to the ground in a heap of silence.

  Kara felt rather than saw Justin rushing up behind her. She couldn’t pull her gaze away from the dead wolf. Tears poured down her face and she began to sob. Her ass hurt from her fall to the ground. Warm hands gathered her up and lifted her into an embrace she would never take for granted.

  “You’re bleeding,” Justin mumbled. Kara followed his gaze to her feet.

  “I can’t even feel it.” Sure enough her heels were all scraped up from scrambling across the rugged ground. “It’s just a scratch, I’m sure.”

  “Baby.” Trevor now wrapped his naked self into the threesome and Kara looked up once again to find the two loves of her life leaning head to head snuggling her between them.

  “It’s over?”

  “Yeah, hon, it’s most definitely over. Let’s go home.” Epilogue

  Two months later, Kara awoke one morning to find herself once again alone in an empty bed for the third time that week.

  “Trevor? Justin?” Calling out to them in the morning through their bond was becoming a habit for her.

  “Yeah, babe? We’re in the barn.” Trevor reached out to her mind.

  “We’ll be back in a few. There’s breakfast in the kitchen warming on the stove,” Justin added.

  Kara dragged her lazy self out of bed and pulled a T-shirt over her head. She meandered toward the kitchen only because she was starving, not because she felt energetic.

  What the hell is the matter with me? All I do is sleep. Kara figured after all she’d been through, not to mention four years of college, studying and working out day after day, her body needed a break. She was exhausted. But this was getting ridiculous.

  Justin and Trevor came through the back door just as Kara reached the kitchen. They were both smiling broadly at her and pulled her into their signature sandwiching embrace.

  “What are you two so happy about?” Kara tried to wiggle out of their grasp. There was no way she could possibly have sex with them again without eating first. She knew that look. The hungry coy look they gave her when they wanted her body.

  For the past eight weeks she felt like she’d done nothing but have sex. She wasn’t complaining. These men were her world and they’d been right about the bond. She couldn’t get enough of them. She was insat
iable. When would the fervor let up? They’d implied it would slow down. She wouldn’t be as driven to have them twenty-four hours a day eventually, but when would that be? No one had quite answered the burning question.

  “Don’t look at me like that.” Kara scrambled free and headed toward the smell of bacon and eggs.

  “Like what, hon?” Justin followed her so closely she could feel him breathing down her neck.

  “Like you want to eat me,” she stated. “I’m so tired. And so hungry. What time is it anyway?”

  “Almost noon.” Trevor beat Kara to the stove and began filling a plate for her.

  “What?” Kara spun around to find the clock on the microwave. “How the hell could I possibly sleep so long?”


  When she swung back around, Trevor was holding out a plate of food and Justin was leaning against the counter with his arms folded across his chest. Both were grinning ear to ear.

  “Yeah, we’ve been meaning to talk to you.” Trevor ushered her over to the table and set the plate down before pulling out a chair and manhandling her gently into it.

  “What? It’s your fault. Both of you. You keep me up all hours pawing me and, and…” Kara paused while the two of them sat down across from her, still smiling their shit-eating grins.

  “Kara, you’re pregnant.” Justin spoke the foreign words.

  She stared at him for a moment. “No. No. I can’t be. I…” What? She’d been having sex day and night for two months without any protection. She’d never refilled her birth control pills after graduation. Justin and Trevor had told her oral contraception didn’t work against shapeshifters anyway. Why didn’t she think of it? Of course she was pregnant. “Pregnant? Oh my God. Seriously?” Kara stared back and forth between both men, stunned.

  “We couldn’t be more happy,” Trevor said. “And wolf pregnancies tend to make you more tired than humans. You are going to do a lot of sleeping. It’s okay. It’s perfectly normal.”

  Kara couldn’t catch her breath. “I’m going to have a baby?” As the news sunk in, she felt a smile form on her face.

  “That is generally what happens about nine months after you get pregnant, yes.” Justin laughed. “We love you so much, hon.” Justin moved around the table and lifted Kara up to hug her.

  From behind she had the warm hands of Trevor reaching around her waist to land on her now-flat belly. “Yes, we do, babe. We adore you. And you are going to be the mother of our children.”

  Kara could only choke back a sob of happiness and reach into their minds. “I love you both so much it hurts.”

  The End

  About the Author:

  Becca Jameson lives in Houston, Texas, with her husband and two kids. When she isn’t writing, she can be found reading, editing, scrapbooking, running, swimming, biking, or taxiing kids all over creation. She doesn’t sleep much…or sit down often…but she loves to be busy! To learn more about Becca Jameson, visit her blog at www.beccajameson.com or email her at [email protected]

  Document Outline


  Blurb Dedication

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Epilogue The End

  Table of Contents



  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen


  The End




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