Space Fun Box Set

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Space Fun Box Set Page 11

by Tom Harem

  "Well, I hadn't thought of that before... but," she said and looked at me from the top to bottom, "I'm kidding. It's okay. We'll get somewhere. This planet can't just be desert, I think."

  "I've had more doubts about that," I replied, "maybe we shouldn't talk too much right now. We don't have much water and my throat is dry again."

  "You're right. Well, let's see if we can find a place where we can spend the night. I don't think we can solve this in half a day."

  We kept walking. There was nothing there. Just sand and more sand. The rocks had been left behind, the suns dazzled us with gray beams on our faces, and the bottom of our throats was shut. We were almost dehydrated. My vision became hazy and everything around me began to come together, as if I was high and nothing made much sense. A few more hours went by. Nothing new happened. It was all the same. An eternal boring repetition.

  "Look, is it just me, or are the mountains right there?" Emma said, after a few hours, the light's fading.

  "It does look that way. You think it's a mirage?" I asked her.

  "Well, we don't know if we don't risk it, do we?" She answered me, her hand trembling at on the trigger, her eyes red and swollen...

  The sand stopped and gave way to a black dirt field that flanked the light brown mountains all over the place. There were several breaches that allowed access to tunnels inside the mountains. Howls and laughter flowed across them. I could barely stand, or keep my eyes open, or even open my mouth. I was totally devastated, and my knees were shaking. Emma was in the same condition. We'd been walking for hours and we only had a few more drops of water left.

  "It's a good place to rest tonight."

  "One of us should stay awake, right?"

  "Well, good luck with that. I need to sleep," she said, entering one of the tunnels, with the gun at chest level.

  "What if someone shows up? What the hell am I supposed to do?" I asked her. Damn it. What had I gotten myself into?

  "You scream. You fire your gun. Protect yourself."

  "Isn't that supposed to be your job?" I asked her, carrying our backpacks with my hands. My shoulders already had the strap lines embedded in the skin.

  "Yes, but not while I'm asleep," she said.

  It pissed me off how reckless she was, even when facing death. Which was strange to someone who had previously shown fear of that planet. It was like now that it wasn't a surprise, it didn't scare her anymore. Or maybe she was scared to death but was great at hiding it, which wouldn't surprise me at all.

  In the end, we decided to stay in a wide area that connected several tunnels. It wasn't exactly the safest place, but it was the only place where there was space for both.

  Emma was already asleep when I started listening to some noises. First just a few whistles that I assumed were wild animals and then several people' steps approaching. I tried to wake her up, but nothing worked. Not shaking her, not slapping her in the face, nothing. She was an extremely heavy sleeper. I had to solve that problem on my own. I covered her with one of the blankets we had in our backpacks and blanketed her whole body, even half her face. Then I hid behind a boulder beside a corner and waited for whoever they were to come closer.

  The best thing would be if they didn't see her and kept walking but with the luck I had had up until then I didn't think that would happen. I had already killed three people and now there I was, with my hand on the trigger once again, moments away from firing again. I didn't feel good about it, but I had to do it. It wasn't like I had a choice, like they were just going to let me go. Three men popped up at the entrance to one of the tunnels. They all had a brown cloak, probably animal skin, a pair of knickers made of the same material and nothing else. Despite the cold weather at night, they were half-naked. All of them had several scars and cuts on the chest and legs and a gun attached to a secure clip on their panties. Each one of them had a knife in their hand, sharp enough to slit someone's neck in one attempt. They laughed wildly, spitting on the floor, saliva dripping down their stiff beards, yellow eyes popping out in the dark night.

  They were just about to leave, when one of them stopped and looked at the blue mantle that covered Emma.

  "Look, look! Is that what it looks like? A girl? Here and alone, sleeping?"

  "Yes, it does, it does. We're going to have a lot of fun." Another replied, walking towards her. The man's back was misshapen, and he humped, walking almost with his hands touching the ground like a monkey.

  "In shifts. He goes first. You check the other entrance; I'll check this one. Then we'll switch." The other, who seemed to be the boss by the way the rest obeyed him, said.

  The man took off her cloak and drooled to the ground. His hand grasped her arm and not even that woke her up. Damn it. I had to act. It was time to do it, even if it turned out badly. I leapt to the side, my hand trembling, aiming the gun at the man who had touched her.

  "Don't move or I'll shoot," I told him.

  The three of them looked at me and started laughing. They saw me as a joke. I couldn't let them bully me like that. I fired once near the men's feet and the laughter stopped, their echo running across the mountains for a few more seconds.

  "Looks like we got a hero here. And you know what we do to heroes, don't you?" Their boss asked.

  "We kill them, burn them and eat the tender meat." The man who was near Emma answered him.

  They began to approach me, locking me in a siege that I had no chance of escaping from. Behind me there were only rocks. I shot once and hit one of them in the shoulder. He laughed and kept walking. It was like bullets didn't even have an effect on them even if they were still human. There was blood coming out of the wound hole, but he enjoyed the pain. I fired again. This time four shots. I wasn't even aiming anymore. I just wanted to push them away. Three of them hit the mountains behind them, the casings dropping to the ground. The remaining bullet hit the boss's belly. He stopped and removed it from the body with his own fingers.

  "Ahhhhh. It's been a long time since I've felt this alive. Be gentle with him. Don't kill him right away." The man said, as they walked towards me...

  "Emma, Emma, wake the fuck up." I screamed. There were only two bullets in the magazine left. I had to hit two of them in the head and fight the man that remained. It was the only way. My fingers were shaking. Before I even pulled the trigger, they stopped. Their heads sprang out of the body, rolling to my feet, as blood gushed out of their necks. Seconds later, their bodies also tumbled to the ground.

  "Who are you?" A female voice asked.

  Chapter XXII

  She had grey hair stuck in a ponytail, the body also covered with the same animal cloak as the men but with a pair of shorts on the lower side and a sword in her right hand.

  "We don't want any trouble. We're just here to rescue someone." I told her.

  "Let me guess, Veronica?" She asked me, and I swear that I saw her smiling during a fraction of a second.

  "Yeah, how do you know?" I asked her, "Wait, that's you, right?"

  "Yeah. I thought no one would ever come. A princess like me and no one comes?"

  "No one wanted to come to this planet." I explained to her, "Do you have water, please?"

  "Yes, here," she said and handed me a brown bottle with crystal clear water inside, "For someone who came to save me, it looks more like the other way around."

  "She is the one who knows how to fight," I said and pointed to Emma.

  I walked up to her and dumped part of the water on her face. In less than five seconds, she'd already woken up and put a knife to my neck.

  "What are you doing?" She asked, pulling the knife away as soon as she realized it was me.

  "We don't have to look for the princess. She came to us." I told her and I glanced at the princess and the bodies.

  "What the hell happened here? Why didn't you call me?" Emma asked.

  "Didn't I call you? I screamed and fired five bullets and you never woke up."

  "Oops, I should have warned you that once I fall asleep it'
s hard to wake up again," she said and laughed, "well, the princess is already here and very much alive. Take us to where you sleep. We'll spend the night there, and tomorrow we'll be on our way."

  "It won't be as easy as you think," Vitoria said, "Getting here is easy. Going out… not so much,"

  "Don't we just have to go the same route all the way back?" I asked her.

  She yawned before answering me, "Obviously not. There's always someone lurking. They didn't attack you in the desert because they wanted you to come here. Don't think they're going to let us out. Especially not with the noise you made. By now, all the groups should be on their way here." She explained it to us.

  "So, what do we do?" I asked.

  "Well, follow me," she said and began to walk, "the best thing you can do is rest and eat something. They're not going to follow us where we're going. We'll talk about how to get out of here tomorrow. You just brought those guns? You guys are a little useless, aren't you?"

  "I can't kill her, can I?" Emma asked me, loud enough for Vitoria to hear.

  "Emma! No. Not her. Ignore her comments. We're just here to save her and then Amelia will take her home."

  "Who's Amelia? Aren't you alone?" Vitoria asked us.

  "We have three more members on a ship in the desert. Shit happened and they had to stay and repair the ship. By the time we get there, it should be ready. Then we’ll take you home and you won't have to deal with us anymore," I replied.

  "What if I want to join you? What do I need to do? I can fight, I'm beautiful and I have money."

  "And why would you want to join us?" I asked her.

  "Obviously, I don't want to go home. I don't want to be a princess. I want new adventures, I want to be able to explore space, you know?" She said, with the same sparkle in my eyes I had when I joined the crew.

  Damn it. I couldn't criticize her. I understood her. I had been through the same thing as her, except for the fact that I wasn't a prince, not even close. However, she was not what I expected. She was more of a warrior than a princess except for the spoiled part.

  She led us through several tunnels until we reached the entrance to a cave. There were more than a dozen cavemen piled up at the entrance and there was something there that reeked of rot.

  "Why here?" Emma asked her, already with the gun by her leg.

  "For some reason, they don't go into the cave. I think it's like a sacred place for them. All I know is I've been here for a week and I haven't had a problem."

  "And you feed on what?" I asked him.

  "There are questions you don't want answered," she replied and entered the cave.

  It was beautiful. A cascade of pure water filled a lake whose beauty was only supplanted by the moon and its reflection in the water. The cave had no roof. Vitoria had set a fire in one corner and there were burnt bodies on the other side. I wasn't sure, but I could have sworn that some of them had bites on their legs and arms.

  "I'm going to light the fire. You can sleep wherever you want. No one will bother us," she said.

  She walked away and left me alone with Emma.

  "This went better than I expected," she told me.

  "To you, I'm sure it did. You didn't have to deal with three men who wanted to eat me alive."

  "Oops, sorry. But you're alive and that's all that matters, isn't it?" She said and winked at me, "When we get out of here, I promise I'll make it up to you."


  "You know how," she answered and licked her dry lips.

  We ended up lying together, glued to each other, using human heat to warm us, since the fire of the bonfire was not enough to ignore the cold and the gusts of wind that sailed through those mountains.

  "May I join you?" Vitoria said, timidly, looking at the ground, "I haven't slept in a while without shivering from the cold..."

  "Sure, join in." I told her.

  “You have yet to tell me If I can join you…” She said, pouting.

  “I don’t make the rules. You’ll have to talk to Amelia. Let’s rest now and tomorrow we’ll talk about it,” I said as she laid next to me.

  I stood between them. Emma's ass rubbing against my dick on one side and the princess's big tits leaning against my back on the other. Things may have been dangerous and scary, but my luck seemed to be changing. Tomorrow was a new day.

  Chapter XXIII

  I woke up with Victoria shaking me up.

  "You better wake up," she said, her hair covering her face.

  It was already morning. A few rays of sunshine slipped between the mountain cracks. Only when I finally opened my eyes did I notice that Victoria was without her upper clothes and had huge tits. Even Emma had her eyes on the princess, as she walked close to her collection of knives in a corner and began polishing them.

  "Do you want to get out of here now?" I asked her, "wouldn't it be better if we waited until night?"

  "No. Not here. We were lucky no one came. But luck might run out," she said, sliding her finger over the tip of the knife.

  "We kill whoever comes along. What's the difficulty?" Emma asked and pulled a knife out of her back, "This time they won't catch me asleep.”

  "You have no idea what you're saying," Victoria told her, "the people here... They're not normal. I've never seen people like that. They like it when you hurt them. I don’t think some of them are human. Not anymore," she said.

  "We already have something in common then," Emma replied, blinking at her, "Don't worry about us. Do you still have bullets?" She asked me.

  "Yes, only two. I should have brought a bigger gun or a lot more bullets. Damn, we were stupid."

  "Were we? They didn't even give me a gun except this knife,''.

  Victoria pretended not to be aware, but we both knew she was listening to us. Her eyes almost rolled when she heard that we had only given Emma a knife. It was like a warning that if even we didn't trust her, she shouldn't either.

  "I still want to join your crew," she said, ignoring the rest of the conversation.

  "What scares you so much about being a princess?" Emma asked her.

  "I'm not afraid of anything! Victoria replied and walked up to her, "I just don't want the life I saw my parents having. Always busy with something serious, without being able to rest, have fun, nothing like that. Even the people they got along with were all fake. I want more than that for myself. I just didn't expect to end up here...". She said and looked around.

  The suns were getting stronger. Neither the compass nor the clock worked there. The controls were totally messed up. The pointer of both objects was moving in circles.

  "We better take a quick shower," Emma said and undressed in front of us, "That water is clean, right?" She asked, looking at the crystal-clear waterfall.

  A thread of water flowed down from above, the water splashing over the rocks that withstood the pond. I had no idea where the water was going but the truth was that the lake only filled up to a certain point.

  "Yes, it is," Vic said, her eyes on Emma's ass, "we better have one as well..." she said, shyly, as she disguised her blushing cheeks.

  We entered the waterfall. None of us had clothes. We left them on the floor and now we stared at each other. Victoria brought her hands together, dipping them in the water and then dumping them over her. The water flowed down her breasts, running down her flat belly. I was already hard. They could see it. Vic approached me and grabbed my length. The water only made it to my knees.

  "What are you doing? I asked her.

  "What do you think I am doing? I have been here for days, in the dry season. If we're going to get out of here and we could die on the way, at least I'll make the most of it now," she told me, and her hand slid down my dick.

  I let out a low groan. She laughed and crouched. Emma said nothing. She washed her body while Vic's lips closed around my dick.

  My dick was banging against the bottom of her throat, but that didn't stop her from carrying on. Her head bobbed back and forth, the water swirling around us. All thi
s as Emma was washing herself, her hands tumbling downhill. A bubbling rose around her. Emma's chin grazed the water and tiny waves tossed the water out. No one had ever sucked me off in a waterfall on a deadly planet where I could be killed at any time. I didn't even think many people could say that happened to them. And yet, there I was. Looking into her eyes, her face upwards, and her lips sliding down my length. I was controlling my moans as best I could. They would come out of my mouth, muffled, almost like a long sigh. About a half of Vic's hair was in the water and her tits swayed, sometimes dropping into the water as if someone had thrown themselves into the waterfall.

  "Don't stop," I told her.

  She closed her hand around the base of my dick and stroked up and down, keeping her lips on the tip and her tongue spinning around. Damn it. For a princess she really knew what she was doing. Turns out, she had learned a few things on her home planet. She had curves in all the right places. I couldn't take my eyes off her. The saliva that ran down her chin and mixed with the water, her twisted eyes or even the purple and moist strands of hair that had stuck to her forehead. Her hair changed when it was wet. My father had told me about a planet where this happened to the people, but I had no idea it was hers. I didn’t ask her about it. It wasn’t the right time.

  Emma was masturbating in front of us, watching everything, without saying a word. She enjoyed the view. It was as if she had a private cinema all to herself. Her lips were already red from biting them so much. The moans were soft and short. What happened next was impossible to predict.

  Emma placed one leg on the rocks and kept the other on the ground. She had her legs wide open, her pussy on display, pink and wet, filled with fluids entangled in her thick labia.

  Vic stopped. Her lips slipped off and she stood up. We were now both looking at Emma. Her hair only reached her shoulders, but now that it was wet, she was left with a small fringe that covered half her forehead. First, she squeezed one of her tits and moaned as low as possible.

  "What are you doing?" I asked her.

  She still had her legs open, one of her feet resting on the rocks, 'Don't talk,' she replied.


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