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Acasta gneiss
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a Research Organization (APRO)
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Akilia Island
Aldrin, Buzz
Alfvén, Hannes
blue-green, see cyanobacteria
alien abductions
Alien Autopsy
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Allen Telescope Array
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Alpha Centauri
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American Astronomical Society
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amino acids
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radio, see radio telescopes; SETI
Atlantic Ocean
of extrasolar planets
of Titan
of Triton
see also specific planets
see also prebiotic chemistry
in bioremediation
delivered by comets
in hot springs
from Mars
on Moon
as prokaryotic
symbiotic adaptation of
Bacteria subtilis
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Balfour Declaration
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base pairs
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Bell Telephone Laboratories
Berzelius, Jöns Jakob
Bessel, Friedrich Wilhelm
Beta Pictoris
Big Bang theory
Big Dipper
extremophiles and
requirements of life and
see also astrobiology; exobiology
coevolution of
coinage of term
deep, hot
Gaia hypothesis and
Biosphere, The (Vernadsky)
"black smokers"
Blumberg, Baruch
Bode, Johann
Bondi, Hermannn
Borucki, William J.
Boss, Alan P.
Bradbury, Ray
Brazel, William W. "Mack"
Britain, Stone Age in
Brown, Harold
Brown, Timothy M.
brown dwarfs
extrasolar planets vs.
Brownlee, Donald
Bruno, Giordano
Bryan, Richard
building-block molecule, as requirement for life
Burnell, Jocelyn Bell
Burroughs, Edgar Rice
Bush, George W.
Butler, R. Paul
California, University of (Berkeley)
California, University of (Santa Cruz)
California Institute of Technology
Caloris Basin
Calvin, Melvin
as building block
in comets
carbonaceous chondrites
carbon dating (radiocarbon dating)
carbon dioxide
in Earth's atmosphere
on Mars
in photosynthesis
in Venus's atmosphere
carbon monoxide
Carnegie Institution
Cassini spacecraft
Cat's Cradle (Vonnegut)
cave paintings
Challenger space shuttle
Chamberlin, Thomas Chrowder
Charbonneau, David
Chariots of the Gods? (Von Daniken)
chemical evolution (autocatalysis)
see also prebiotic chemistry
see also prebiotic chemistry
chemosynthetic bacteria
Chicago, University of
Childhood's End (Clarke)
Christensen, Phil
chromatic aberration
Civil War, U.S.
Clarke, Arthur C.
Claus, George
clays, prebiotic chemistry in
on Earth
on Mars
CNES (French space agency)
COBE (COsmic Background Explorer)
Cocconi, Giuseppe
Cold War
Coleridge, Samuel Taylor
Columbia space shuttle
Columbus Optical SETI (COSETI) Observatory
Comet 1994 S4
Comet 2001 A2
Comet Borrelly
Comet Encke
Comet Nucleus Tour (Contour)
as delivery system
Earth struck by
formation of
future missions to
ice water in
major region for
organic materials in
tails of
Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann-3
Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9
Comet Tempel 1
Comet Wild 2
Comet Wirtanen
Condon, Edward
Congress, U.S.
Pluto mission and
SETI and
see also House of Representatives, U.S.; Senate, U.S.
Conrad, Pete
Cooper, George
Copernicus, Nicholas
Corot satellite
Crab Nebula
of Jupiter's moons
of Moon
see also specific planets
creation of life
in comets
duplication of first steps in
polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and
prebiotic chemistry and
spontaneous generation and
Crookes, Sir William
Cyclops program
Darling, David
Darwin, Charles
Day the Earth Stood Still, The
Deamer, David W.
deep, hot biosphere concept
Deep Impact
Deep Space 1 (DS1)
Deep Space Network
Defense Department, U.S.
Deinococcus radiodurans
Delsemme, Armand
De Revolutionibus Orbium Coelestium (Copernicus)
Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World Systems (Galileo)
dinosaurs, extinction of
DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid)
in mitochondria
of prokaryotic cells
replication of
Doppler, Christian
Doppler effect
Doppler-Fizeau effect
Drake, David
Drake, Frank
"alien" message of
Drake equation
DuBridge, Lee
Dyson, Freeman
Dyson spheres
atmosphere of
axial tilt of
as center of the universe
circumference of
climate of
craters on
extinction events on
extrasolar planets compared with
extremophiles on
fate of
God as creator of
gravity of
in heliocentric system
intelligent life on
Jupiter compared with
life's impact on
liquid water on
Mars compared with
matter on
molten phase of
oceans of