The Magellan Apocalypse: Map Runners

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The Magellan Apocalypse: Map Runners Page 16

by Arthur Byrne

  “How long have you been with him?”

  “About seven years. I’m not entirely sure; it’s hard to keep track sometimes.”

  “I’ve been out there, too. For a while I had some friends, but they died.”

  “I’m sorry.”


  “So there’s only four of you left now?”

  “Those are my new friends. I was alone for a few years.”

  “It sucks.”

  “It really does.”

  “Do you like being with Bhat?”

  “Not really. I thought there would be safety in numbers, but two of my good friends just got killed a few days ago by...”

  There was an uncomfortable moment when he realized that Sasha or her friends were the ones.

  “Yes, that was me. I’m sorry you lost your friends.”

  “May I ask what happened?”

  “There were five of them, and they came after me.”

  Christopher looked down at the table. “I guess it’s a good thing you got them, then.”

  “Why do you say that?”

  “If they caught you, well, you’re awfully pretty. My friends weren’t good people.”

  “The wild changes people.”

  “It sure does.”

  “Do you know about Admiral Fletcher?”

  “I’ve heard of him. Bhat says he’s worse than the Navereen.”

  “He’s just a military man doing his job. He hasn’t stopped fighting since the attack. Do you think he’s worse than the Navereen?”

  “I don’t know, but I doubt he’s worse than Bhat.”

  “You seem like a decent guy, Christopher.”

  “You too.”

  “Scavenging is a dangerous business, wouldn’t you agree?”

  “It sure usually get killed. I don’t know anyone who’s been captured before. I sort of feel lucky. Why didn’t you just wait until we were all dead?”

  “That was my plan, but then I remembered what it was like before the attack. I knew Bhat back then. I used to buy him coffee. I thought he was cute. Everyone left on this ship used to be on the same team. I didn’t kill you all because I wanted to see if any of you wanted to try to do something about our situation.”

  His eyes seemed to light up. He leaned forward in his chair and said, “Like what?”

  “We need to take back the ship.”


  “I’m not a military genius...”

  “You could have fooled me,” he said looking around. “You got all of us without firing a shot.”

  “You’re right, maybe I am,” she said with a laugh and then continued, “but I know I’m not as smart as Admiral Fletcher. He’s been at a standstill with the Navereen for years. He needs more men.”

  “If we got rid of the Navereen, maybe we could fix things up. I’m a really good mechanic. I’d love to start repairs, and have you seen the repair bot fleet?”

  “No, I haven’t. What’s it like?”

  “There are thousands of them, maybe tens of thousands, I don’t know, but I saw one repair a hole ripped in the outer hull of the fore section. I think it was a micro-meteor that punched through the shield and hit the hull. It tore up a huge section, maybe seven meters across.”

  “And the bot fixed it?”

  “Yes, it had all sorts of tools and stuff built into it. I watched for an hour as it closed the hole up. What was cool was that after the hole was closed it did finishing work like polishing the seam, so you couldn’t tell what had happened. It was almost like it took pride in its work.”

  “I know a robot like that. I call him Jeff.”

  “So you think we could do it? Repair the Magellan? She’s in pretty bad shape.”

  “This is the way I look at it. I’m 36, so I’ve probably got another 150 years left. That’s a long time to spend digging through wrecked stuff. Why not try to fix it?”

  “Huh, I never thought about it that way. I’m forty and for the last ten years figured I had a few weeks left to live. Maybe you’re right; if we did get them off the ship, we could try. It’s better than nothing.”

  “What do you think about joining the admiral in his fight?”

  “If he’ll take me, I’m in.”

  She stood up and said, “Good choice, Christopher. We’re going to talk to everyone. I’d appreciate you keeping our talk private. I mean everything, understand?”

  Christopher stood up and saluted, “Yes, ma’am.”

  She returned the salute. “I’m going to ask you to return to your room. I’m sorry I can’t let you out quite yet, but...”

  “I understand, ma’am, I’m ready to take back the ship whenever you need me.”

  “Thank you, Sergeant.”

  Ronnie and PJ escorted Christopher back to his room and returned.

  Sasha said, “I thought that went well.”

  PJ said, “Yeah, that was great.”

  Nash said, “I was especially impressed with how you got him to do your bidding using your feminine wiles. Shall I go get more apples?”

  With a shrug she said, “I think so. Maybe I’m losing my touch?”

  Ronnie said, “Nah, you’re plenty fit. I’m sure the next guy will want to get in your knickers.”

  “Awe, thanks Ronnie...but I do think more fresh fruit would be a good idea.”

  “I was thinking, I should probably check in at the old three seven. I’ll load up on produce and be back before dinner.”

  PJ asked, “Would you mind letting Misila know I’m okay?”

  “No problem. I’ll hurry. I need the exercise.”


  Winded didn’t begin to describe how Nash felt when he made it back to the gate. He hadn’t realized how much he had slacked off of the training of late.

  After three hard pounds on the door, he yelled, “It’s Nash.”

  The door popped open almost the instant he got the words out of his mouth.

  The two city guards seemed really happy to see him. “Good to see you...your honor.”

  Nash didn’t know what they were playing at, but he didn’t care. He wanted to hit the showers.

  The master-at-arms came down and stood at attention.

  “At ease! What’s going on?”

  “Nothing, sir, all’s well. All mappers are present and accounted for, and how are you, sir? You’ve been running. Navereen?”

  “No, PT, I was getting soft.”

  “Anything else, sir?”

  “No,” Nash said suspiciously and then said, “Wait, how’s the commander doing?”

  “Mr. Block is much better.”


  The master-at-arms saluted. Nash returned the salute and decided he didn’t care what sort of game they were all playing. He was going to get a shower.

  Two people from accounting greeted him in the halls. He didn’t know their names. A third person saw him coming, turned, and ran away. The locker room was empty. He got undressed and took a long shower. He came out and found Fiel standing by his locker.

  “How’s your brother?”

  “He’s doing much better, thanks. He told me what you said.”

  “I meant it. I was wrong, and I probably need to apologize to you, too.”

  “No need, sir.”

  “Okay, that’s it. What’s going on?”

  “Nothing, we’ve recalled all the mappers. Everyone is awaiting your orders.”

  “Fiel, we’ve never gotten along. You’re smart, a helluva soldier, and probably nice looking on your days off...if you took any. Why is everyone messing with me?”

  “Tong didn’t tell you?”

  “He was the weirdest of them all.”

  “My apologies, sir, I assumed...”

  “You call me sir one more time and we’re gonna tussle.”

  She almost said sir again, stopped, and said, “Fristion Nash, the town held a meeting, everyone was there...well except you, PJ, and Ronnie, and there was a vote.”

sort of vote?”

  “My brother spoke and told everyone he had decided not to run in the election, but he would be happy to help with the details if needed.”

  “There was much discussion after that. Questions, comments, and the like, then out of the blue someone yelled, ‘I nominate Nash to be governor of Cargo Bay 37.’”

  “It was seconded, and then Frank asked, ‘All in favor of Fristion Nash to be the governor of Cargo Bay 37 say Aye.’ and it was done. Nobody said nay.”

  Nash just shook his head. “You miss one meeting and this happens.”

  “That’s why I called you ‘sir’. Would you prefer ‘governor’?”

  “I would prefer ‘Nash’.”

  Fiel looked uncomfortable with the thought.

  “Wait a minute, you said nobody voted no?”


  “Not even you?”

  “Not even me.”

  “What would you prefer, ‘sir’ or ‘governor’?”

  “I’d prefer ‘sir’.”

  “And what is your position, Fiel?”

  “Well, I don’t really have a position. Nobody does until you...”

  “There’s a lot going on that you don’t know about. Normally, I’d put up an epic fight against this random act of election, but today it just might be for the best.”

  Nash paused, as it seemed like Fiel might want to say something. She didn’t move.

  “Fiel, I’d like you to be my chief of staff.”

  “Sir, I’m really not qualified. It should be someone who’s...”

  “I’d like your brother to be head of accounting. Do you think he would do that?”

  “He would love it.”

  “And what do you say?”

  “I really think...”

  “I said you were smart, but that’s only because I was understating the matter, so it wouldn’t go to your head. I need your help. Will you help me?”

  “I’m at your service, sir.”

  “Where’s Holly?”

  “I can find her.”

  “Okay, before you do that, could you send Frank over?”


  Nash looked down and realized he was still wearing only a towel. “I guess I’ll need to put on pants if I want to govern.”

  “It would lend an air of credibility to the office.”

  “Speaking of office, do I have one?”

  “I believe Frank planned on giving you his.”

  “Nonsense, he loves that office. Do we have any space to make me a new office?”


  “May I use yours in the interim?.”

  “Of course. Shall I have Frank come to your office?”

  “Give me ten minutes to get dressed. After that, find Holly and get two guards to go to ag and bring back five dozen oranges and five dozen apples.”

  “Right way, sir.”

  Nash would never have run for office, and if it hadn’t been for the last few days, he wouldn’t have believed in fate. Too much had happened at just the right time, and now the bleak existence of floating through space seemed almost enjoyable.

  Nash shaved while he considered the meaning of life. He had a clean face before finding any answers.

  He put on his pants, a clean shirt, and for some strange reason decided he should put on the one tie he owned.

  The door to Fiel’s office was closed. He wasn’t sure if he should knock, so he did. No answer, but it was open.

  All around him were signs he’d chosen the right woman for the job. The office was spotless, well organized, and her desk looked like work might be getting done even when she wasn’t there.

  Frank came up behind him and said, “You wanted to see me, sir.”

  “How are you feeling?”

  “I can honestly say happy. It’s been a long time.”

  “I’d like to ask you something.”

  “Anything, sir.”

  “I’d like to ask you two things. One, please go back to calling me Nash. If your military upbringing won’t let you use such a familiar term in public, so be it, but the rest of the time, Nash, okay?”

  “I can do that. What was the second thing...Nash?”

  “I don’t know what it’s called, but don’t governors have someone on their staff that is the numbers and accounting guy.”

  “It’s the comptroller.”

  “I’d like you to be my chief comptroller.”

  “I can’t think of anything that would make me happier than I am now...except that. I gladly accept your position, but I’m not sure about chief. It implies a staff, and we don’t really need more than one.”

  “I don’t have time to explain right now, but as I told your sister—who I’ve made my chief of staff—there have been some developments. Our world is about to grow, and your position, counting and analyzing, may be the key to success.”

  Holly ran through the door and then stopped. “Sorry, sir.”

  “Holly, I can tolerate the Blocks calling me sir, but if you do that one more time I’ll chuck you into space.”

  “It’s good to have you back, Nash.” She ran up and gave him a huge hug. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to interrupt your meeting.”

  “It’s okay.”

  Fiel walked in and said, “The oranges and apples will be here shortly.”

  “Excellent. I guess this makes our first staff meeting. I’m sort of flying by the seat of my pants, but finding out I’m governor is only one of a multitude of weird things that have happened the last few days. Did I mention that PJ, Ronnie, myself, and my ninja girlfriend captured 100 scavengers alive?”

  Fiel looked impressed, Frank looked shocked, and Holly said, “So she’s your girlfriend now, is she?”

  “Yes, and we’ve got a plan that will blow your minds. First things first, Holly, I’m promoting you to Fiel’s old position, communications officer.”

  “But Fiel is much better...”

  “Fiel is my chief of staff. Frank is the chief comptroller. Oh, and we now have a second secure area. It’s a ways from here, and down one deck, but we’re going to make it secure. We’re going to figure out how to expand the growing operations. Fiel, I want you to get the best person from the ag building, give them a title, and assign them the task of putting together a needs list for building a second facility just past the duck hole. I want that list in two days.

  “Holly, your first job is to find me four, wait...” Nash had to pace. His mind was moving a mile a minute. It was like a crazy video game, and he knew time was a factor.

  He turned to Fiel and asked, “Did I hear the master-at-arms correctly, that all the other mappers are back?”


  “Holly, I want you to gather them up, their trackers, too, and have everyone back here ASAP.”

  Fiel was taking notes of everything he said.

  “Frank, our numbers are going to grow. I know we can’t handle too much growth with our current food capacity, but I want you to figure out the impact of up to 100 additional citizens. Calculate how that will affect our stores of food, and when doing the math, assume that none of them will be eating Bay food for two weeks. We’ve got the next fortnight covered.”

  “Got it. I’ll also put together projections on a per container of new ag production basis for what we will need, and if we go beyond the point of sustaining the population, how much growth we can handle.”

  “That’s exactly the sort of data I need. If I know that sort of thing, then with a combination of discovered food stuffs and growth, we should be able to keep our people fed.”

  Holly asked, “May I leave to gather everyone?”

  “Be like the wind, Holly.”

  She smiled and ran out the door.

  “Fiel, on my suit, can I have my comm go to either you or Holly?”

  “Yes, I just need to make a change in the system, and you’ll be able toggle back and forth.”

  “Perfect. Now, I need you to organize a mass skills invent
ory. Put out the word that we’re going to try to get the Magellan up and running again, and we need all hands on deck.”

  Frank and Fiel looked at each other in shock. Frank asked, “Is that even possible?”

  “Since you sent me out on my last mission I’’ve—I’ve got to give credit to Sasha, PJ, and Ronnie—gained control of the locked-down life support command center and restored air processing in the entire sector. We’ve found a map of the ship. Though it is somewhat limited in its scope, it’s still huge. And we’ve figured out that at least one robot has been trying to repair the ship for the last ten years.”

  Fiel said, “Really? There were tens of thousands of repair bots. I had assumed they were all destroyed.”

  “They might be, but what if they’re just waiting for their orders?”

  Frank said, “I can’t believe I never thought of that. I’m glad you knocked some sense into me. You’re a much better man for the job.”

  “I’m not going to lie to you; this ship is massive, and right now we have a reasonable level of control of one sector. It may well take years just to get to the main deck to find out if we’re even moving and decades to do the repairs. It may also be a fool’s errand, but I’d rather give it a try than just continue drifting through the deep black.”

  The guards arrived with the fruit. Nash said, “I want to meet with the entire guard at the main gate in thirty.”

  They saluted and left.

  “Okay, that’s all for now. Oh, and one more thing. I know you will both object, but I’m not going to be tied to this desk. When I’m not here, Fiel is in charge. I want that to be clear.”

  Fiel said, “I’ll go make the changes to your comm, sir.”

  Fiel and Frank left, and Nash sat down. It was like he had spent a lifetime watching pieces moving around a chessboard and never knew what they did or why they did it. Now, it seemed like everything was coming into focus.

  When the mappers arrived, Nash told them what was up and that he wanted two of them to act as sherpas and carry the fruit with him to what he now called the Governor’s Mansion. The other two were to focus on training the new mapping cadets, and they were to start with every detail of the deck between here and the duck hole.

  From there, he met with the guards and explained the state of the union. He didn’t know how, exactly, but they were going to institute a section-wide monitoring watch. The idea being they could use their newfound door-locking technology to capture threats before it got ugly.


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