The First Queen (Futanari Erotica Fairy Tales Book 8)

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The First Queen (Futanari Erotica Fairy Tales Book 8) Page 3

by Julie Law

  “What are you doing here?” Hatshepsut questioned, emboldened by the gentleness the goddesses were displaying.

  The two divine women exchanged looks. “Bastet didn’t explain what she came here to do yesterday, but it was simply the first step of the road that will make you pharaoh.”

  Hatshepsut blushed when thinking about what happened with Bastet. She knew it was the goddesses’ presence that was affecting her so – she had never blushed too easily before.

  Hathor started caressing her face. “Bastet did what she did for a reason”.

  “Although she didn’t need to do it as she did,” Satet interrupted, moving forward and pressing against Hatshepsut’s back. “But I suppose we should have expected something like that from her – she’s a war goddess and a cat, fickly creatures in all matters.”

  “That might be,” Hathor interrupted with a look directed at her companion. “But what she did was necessary, even if she was too forceful due to the fact you did not believe in us.” The goddess finished with a delicate caress to Hatshepsut’s face.

  “And the fact she makes love like she does war.” Satet continued, ignoring Hathor’s warning gaze. “As if she was conquering instead of trying to please her lovers – you saw that last night.”

  Hatshepsut nodded, not saying anything, not daring to talk about the cat goddess least she invoke her wrath.

  Hathor sighed and grabbed Hatshepsut’s face, planting a kiss on her lips. “What she did was necessary, child. The pharaoh is our representative on this realm, and as such there are some side effects to his divine essence. In this case it meant your womb was saturated by your husband’s energies, and you wouldn’t be able to conceive otherwise, only he could impregnate you.”

  Satet laid a kiss beneath Hatshepsut’s ear, letting her tongue taste the woman’s skin. “Bastet cleansed those energies with her seed last night, which means now you could lay with a man and give him a child.”

  “But that is not what is going to happen.” Hathor continued. “And that is why we are here. For a conception to normally occur you need a male and a female – it’s about the soul you see; only the union of man and woman can usually create a new soul.”

  “I don’t understand.” Hatshepsut replied, looking confused from one goddess to another. “What does that have to do with anything?”

  The goddesses exchanged looks once again. “Isis is the one who gives the power to the pharaoh, the one who in the end choses him or her. In this case, and to show her support for you, she will come to you and from your union a child will be born.” Hathor said.

  Hatshepsut opened her mouth and closed it without saying anything, her mind busy processing Hathor’s words. Isis wanted to have a child with her?

  Satet knew of her doubts, and pressed her body harder against Hatshepsut’s back, letting her hands glide beneath the woman’s tunic, touching her, making her shiver. “Don’t worry about it,” She said against the queen’s ear. “You’ll be our chosen in this earth, and your child will be revered by your people.”

  Hatshepsut tried, but her thoughts got the better of her. How could she not think about what Hathor and Satet told her?

  Hathor sighed and leaned forward, kissing Hatshepsut, interrupting her thoughts.

  The queen shivered as she felt her nipples hardening, goose bump appearing on her skin. Hathor’s tongue dueled with hers and, together with Satet’s presence at her back, proved to be too much. She forgot about all her worries, letting herself be taken by pleasure.

  The goddesses’ hands roved over her body, slowly undressing her. Hatshepsut shivered again, this time from the chill, making Hathor and Satet press their bodies against her, warming her.

  Hatshepsut didn’t care that she had never loved another woman, much less two; she just knew she needed them, to feel their hands and mouths upon her.

  Hathor and Satet knew this and they had mercy on her. They laid the human queen on the bed, letting their gazes rove over her body, making her feel wanted and desired.

  Hatshepsut knew she wasn’t as stunning as the goddesses above her, but their eyes made her feel beautiful.

  The goddesses moved at the same time, leaning down and letting their hands move over Hatshepsut’s body, touching her face, her neck and collarbone, her breasts and then moving down.

  The queen let them, moaning as their skin touched hers, spreading her legs and showing them the wetness between her thighs.

  Satet smirked and she cupped the queen’s mound, making her arch from the bed, her breaths bouncing with the motion, drawing Hathor’s gaze.

  The love goddess leaned down and let her tongue taste Hatshepsut’s nipple, her eyes fixed on the human’s, watching as the lust overwhelmed her. She felt one of the woman’s hands latch onto her hair, keeping her prisoner against the breast.

  She smiled and put a hand on Hatshepsut’s stomach, gently rubbing, soothing the other woman.

  Satet remained still for a few moments, watching them, before she let her fingers run over Hatshepsut’s curls, dipping her hand between the human’s thighs.

  Hatshepsut moaned and arched once again, thrusting against Satet’s hand. The fertility goddess teased her, her digits moving over the queen’s nether lips, tracing them and making the human whimper with need.

  Meanwhile, Hathor bit Hatshepsut’s nipple, turning the woman’s whimpers into moans, her hand playing with the queen’s other breast.

  The pleasure became too much to bear and Hatshepsut moaned louder than before, almost shaking with it. Hathor’s mouth and hands made her breasts feel on fire, while sweat gathered between the mounds. Satet’s touch was just as good, especially once the goddess stopped playing and pressed two fingers against the queen’s opening, slowly penetrating her.

  Hatshepsut came with a shout, her body tensed like a bowstring, her pussy grasping at Satet’s fingers. She trembled and tried to speak, but the two goddesses didn’t give her a chance, continuing their motions, trying to prolong her pleasure, making feel aftershock after aftershock, until she floundered in the bed, exhausted.

  The two goddesses smiled at one another, and leaned down, poising their bodies against the human’s. They took turns kissing Hatshepsut, until the woman regained her strength and clutched at them.

  “This isn’t over yet,” Satet whispered with one hand on the queen’s thigh. “Our task will take the rest of the night.”

  “What is your task exactly?” Hatshepsut questioned. She didn’t particularly care about it at the moment, but knew later she would regret not asking.

  “Think about us like farmers preparing a field for being planted.” Hathor replied, putting one hand over Hatshepsut’s womb. “As we told you before, usually two females can’t conceive together, even if they have the necessary equipment. As goddesses we can bypass that little obstacle, but it requires a little something.”

  “That’s what you’re doing?” Hatshepsut asked, looking right into Hathor’s eyes. “You’re preparing my womb to be capable of receiving Isis’s child?”

  “Yes.” Satet confirmed, pressing a kiss against Hatshepsut’s cheek.

  The other woman nodded and turned to the goddess, kissing her on the lips, her body sinking into the mattress as Satet climbed on top of her.

  The goddess’s kiss was harsh, almost suffocating Hatshepsut with her want.

  Hatshepsut could only kiss back, holding unto Satet, her hands moving over the goddess’s body, stopping to cup her buttocks. The other female moaned at that touch, breathing deeply, their chests brushing against one another.

  Hathor looked from the side, until she couldn’t resist anymore and pushed against them, making them roll over the bed, Hatshepsut ending on top of Satet. Hathor smiled at the sight and leaned forward, pressing against the queen’s back, her hips against the dark haired woman’s buttocks.

  Hatshepsut moaned again, imprisoned between two goddesses and desiring them more than anything.

  They didn’t disappoint and made Hatshepsut lay agains
t the bed, Hathor slipping between her legs, using her mouth on the queen’s sex. She kissed the curls above Hatshepsut’s pussy, letting her tongue trail to the queen’s nether lips, tasting them, and kissing, her tongue tracing those wet lips.

  Hatshepsut moaned again and again, moving her legs and putting them atop the goddess’s shoulders, imprisoning the other female.

  While it happened, Satet claimed her mouth, silencing her cries of pleasure.

  It didn’t take long for Hatshepsut to reach her peak once again, Satet swallowing her cries.

  The goddesses exchanged places then, and Hathor kissed the queen, letting her taste her own pleasure, while Satet feasted on the human’s cunt.

  It happened again and again, the goddesses tasting her in turn, until Hatshepsut thought she would go crazy with pleasure. That was when Hathor climbed her body and spread her legs, offering herself to the human queen, letting her gaze at her sex.

  Hatshepsut didn’t even think about it – she didn’t care she had never done something like it, that she had never even wondered about being with a woman. She reached forward and ran her tongue over the goddess’s slit, tasting her, smelling her, her hands moving to Hathor’s buttocks and pulling the goddess tighter against her mouth.

  Satet’s fingers pushed in and out of the queen’s pussy while the woman pleasured Hathor, its wet fleshy sounds coloring their lovemaking.

  Hathor put her hands on Hatshepsut’s hair, and tightened her grip when she felt her own climax near, jerkily thrusting her hips against the human’s mouth.

  Hatshepsut licked the honey from Hathor’s sex and the taste of it felt almost as good as her own pleasure.

  Afterwards it was Satet’s time to feel the pleasure of Hatshepsut’s tongue, the goddess of fertility shouting out loud with every caress of the queen’s tongue.

  The three of them made love all night long, and when dawn came, the two goddesses left Hatshepsut, kissing her goodbye and leaving her sleeping in her bed, lost in dreams of pleasure and joy.

  Chapter 4

  Hatshepsut woke with the twilight, the sun fading away in her windows.

  Torches illuminated her palace.

  She got up in a daze, her body moving almost automatically. She didn’t dress herself, simply started walking. There was a presence in her palace, a voice in her mind, calling for her.

  Hatshepsut knew whose voice she was hearing.

  She left her room, uncaring of her nakedness, knowing no one would cross her path.

  Her feet took her towards the baths, her body thrumming with the goddess’s voice. She felt like she was pulled towards the other woman. She entered the baths and faced Isis, goddess of magic.

  Like all goddesses Hatshepsut had met, she was beautiful.

  She was paler than Hatshepsut herself, or the goddesses that visited her before, skin almost white. Like Hathor and Satet she was naked, but wore no headdress, nothing adorner her head. Her curly, almost golden hair, was kept long, creating an almost halo around the goddess’s face.

  Blue eyes looked back at Hatshepsut, evaluating her just as intricately as she did Isis.

  The goddess also had two giant wings flowing out of her back, their feathers an spectacle of blue, green and gold, spread out while Isis sat in the edge of the small pool.

  It wasn’t the wings that most drew the queen’s gaze however, it was the giant cock that Isis sported, the biggest prick the human female had ever seen in her life.

  Isis had her legs spread open, not ashamed to show her sex. She smiled at Hatshepsut and gestured for the woman to approach. “You have nothing to fear from me.”

  Hatshepsut moved towards the other female, strutting a little, wanting the goddess to look at her with lust in her eyes. From Isis’s smile while Hatshepsut approached, the goddess knew what she was doing, but didn’t stop her.

  Hatshepsut entered the water slowly, almost gliding until she faced the goddess of magic. She let her eyes feast on Isis body, seeing breasts heaving with every breath the goddess took, toned muscles and soft skin.

  She climbed into Isis’s lap without the goddess having to prompt her, imprisoning the hard cock between their bodies, her pussy rubbing against it.

  Isis smirked, reaching out and caressing the queen’s face. “I take it you’re not against this.”

  Hatshepsut shook her head from side to side. There was something completely desirable about Isis and she wasn’t about to pass up the chance to enjoy her. At that moment she didn’t even care about the objective of their encounter, she didn’t care about being pharaoh.

  She just wanted Isis’s cock inside of her.

  They didn’t exchange words.

  Hatshepsut started moving up and down, stroking Isis’s cock with her pussy, wet lips rubbing against that hard shaft.

  Isis didn’t move at first, content in watching the human woman’s motions, but eventually she reached forward and kissed Hatshepsut, her mouth claiming the other woman.

  Hatshepsut moaned and kissed back, her arms circling Isis and brushing against the feathers on the goddess’s wings. She paused at the sensation, and gazed once against at the wings, before focusing on Isis’s lips, tasting them. The queen kept moving up and down, her body rubbing along Isis’s body, breasts against breasts, and her pussy against the goddess’s cock.

  Their motions reached a crescendo, and when the human queen moved down she found the hard prick pressing against her entrance. Hatshepsut focused on Isis’s eyes, seeing that emerald gaze looking back at her.

  She smiled and let herself fall, sinking into the goddess’s hard flesh.

  Isis didn’t take her eyes of Hatshepsut, seeing the human close hers in a sign of pleasure as the goddess’s cock started to fill her. Hatshepsut released a breathy moan, her breasts heaving with the motion. Isis reached out and grabbed the queen’s waist, steading her.

  Hatshepsut opened her eyes and looked back at the goddess, smiling, before she moved up once again.

  Hatshepsut moved up and down, riding Isis’s cock, until she could take the prick’s entire length inside of her. She stopped then, seated on Isis lap, resisting the urge to moan, simply clutching the other female.

  The goddess smiled and kissed Hatshepsut’s forehead, almost like a mother would, before she gripped the woman’s waist and moved her up, slowly, almost painfully so, feeling every inch of cock that became uncovered by the queen’s warmth.

  She stopped when only the tip remained inside Hatshepsut, and then she let the queen fall, gently, sheathing herself once again in the other woman.

  Isis repeated the motion again and again, gaining speed, waiting until the queen was used to the feeling of her cock to reach a furious pace. The goddess made Hatshepsut ride her cock, not caring for the queen’s screams of pleasure, or the woman’s grip on her shoulders. She just wanted to fuck Hatshepsut.

  Hatshepsut danced over Isis lap, moans constantly released from her mouth. She could feel her orgasm nearing and sped up, while the goddess tightened her grip, Isis’s cock starting to throb.

  She moved up and down one last time, and both women came, Hatshepsut’s cunt tightening around Isis’s cock, which in turn released its seed inside the queen of Egypt.

  Afterwards, Hatshepsut lay there, enjoying the pleasure of her climax; Isis’s cock was still rock hard inside of her, the goddess’s arms and wings surrounding her, almost creating a cocoon around her body. She poised her forehead against Isis’s and moaned slightly.

  The goddess replied by reaching out and kissing her, tongue sneaking past Hatshepsut’s lips.

  Their kiss soon turned heated and Hatshepsut started to ride the goddess once again, feeling the large cock moving in and out of her.

  Suddenly, Isis got to her feet, never losing her grip around Hatshepsut’s waist, moving them until they stood in the middle of the pool. The human never stopped moving, her body bouncing up and down over Isis’s cock, her breasts rubbing against the goddess’s.

  Isis started thrusting against her
then, fast, almost hurting Hatshepsut. It didn’t take them long to reach another climax, and both came, once again at the same time.

  The goddess started walking; taking them towards Hatshepsut’s quarters, the queen lying against her, legs around Isis’s waist, their sexes joining them together.

  They arrived at the queen’s quarters and Isis gently poised Hatshepsut on the bed, running a hand through her hair, caressing her face.

  “Why me?” The human woman asked, facing Isis’s green eyes. “Why did you choose me to bear your child, to be your chosen?”

  Isis sighed and laid against her, their naked bodies pressed together, Hatshepsut lying on top of one of the goddess’s wings.

  Like the human imagined, they were soft and inviting, making her wish to sleep atop them.

  “There are many reasons why you were chosen.” Isis started, her gaze focused far away. “One of them is that I genuinely believe you will be a great pharaoh. You have the qualities to rule: you’re intelligent, but limit yourself to the matters you know about, you trust your advisers’ council, you are merciful.”

  “But that is not the only reason, is it?” Hatshepsut said with a smile, leaning forward and pressing her body against Isis’s. She wanted to bask in the other woman’s warmth.

  “No,” Isis confirmed with a nod. “Another reason is that you were cheated out of the position simply because you were a woman – your father knew you were the best candidate for it, but he did not wish to go against tradition. I can tell you that infuriated more than one goddess, me included. So this is also a way to give you back your rightful place.”

  “And the choice, to join what was right, with what was pleasurable, was yours?” Hatshepsut pointed their joined bodies with a smile.

  Isis rolled and topped the other woman, smiling down at Hatshepsut and leaning down to claim her lips. “I simply used the opportunity to strengthen the faith of the peoples of Egypt, while giving you the legitimacy you needed. No one will dare deny you your throne after this.”


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