All Blues

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All Blues Page 10

by Marie Wathen

  Before sucking down my drink, I mumble agreeably, “Yeah.”

  Finally, we have the same opinion on the one and only thing that she has said all night that actually makes sense. Because, even though I want Angel for myself, it is the most ridiculous notion, simply because I can’t offer her a life that she deserves. And since I’ll never be worthy of her, I will do everything in my power to stop Angel from being with the man who is even more undeserving.

  “Good,” Lourdes trills, covering cold fingers over my hand lying on top of the table and squeezing it encouragingly. Sliding my eyes over to hers, I see true contentment for the first time all night. “I’m glad we agree that she must go. Now!”

  Chapter Fourteen

  Lifting a hand, I knock on the wooden door and then move to push it through my dark hair, but quickly remember that it is styled perfectly for today. My sweet, normally calm cousin would flip her lid if I mess up one strand. She’s not exactly Bridezilla, but I’m not taking any chances on her special day. Instead, I drop it to my stark white tie and lean slightly to the right to check it in the hallway mirror. I brush my hands down my lapel, staring at my reflection. It’s fine, I assure myself. Freaking out won’t help anyone.

  “She is on the verge of tears,” Tabatha, one of Britny’s bridesmaids tells me when she jerks open the door with a scowl on her face and a joint in one hand. Her eyes drop from mine, burning a blazing path down the length of me in tailored Armani suit. Shaking out of her eye-fucking daze, she says, “Damn, Blues, you look scrumptious in all white. Wait in the front room, and I’ll drag her out of the bathroom.” She whips around frantically, disappearing into the next room, filled with practically the entire wedding party, which has a sound level of a two acre chicken coop during a monsoon. Swallowing hard, I nod to myself absentmindedly, and then stroll over to the window. Immediately, my eyes begin searching through the crowd below, intently.

  Moments ago, while I was playfully giving Hartley a stern brotherly talk during the pre-wedding celebration, I spotted Decks striding down the back stairs proudly with Angel hanging on his arm. Abruptly and without excusing myself, I broke off from our conversation and began walking toward her. Impulsively, I feel pulled toward her and must force myself to breathe normally. Without a possibility of stopping even if I wanted to, which I absolutely do not, I cut through the mass of people mingling together.

  The woman that I met several months ago and had sex with once, yet imprinted something deeper into my soul than just a physical indulgence, could not be more beautiful than she is today. Her hair is pulled into the sexiest up-do with long wisps of curls fluttering softly around her flawless face caused by the light breeze moving through the enchanted backyard of Nelson’s estate. The off-white, figure-hugging dress spills off her shoulders and plunges seductively low in the front and deep in the back. That heart shaped ass is the highlight of the seductive-wear and my palms itch to cup it, and then wrap my hands over her hips, pulling her against my growing erection. Her sun kissed skin looks vibrant and creamy, radiating even more with the fiery candelabras decorating the space. The tops of her luscious mounds peek out appetizingly and her perky nipples, hard like diamonds, look as though they could cut steel. Hitting just above mid-thigh, the length of her dress is almost indecent on her long, tone legs. My cock jerks and the head throbs remembering how it feels being nestled against her heavenly pussy. On a mission, I continue to advance toward her while my mind slips back to that unexpected night in May.

  After my guests leave, I return to my bedroom and rest on my bed, the very spot where I experienced the best fuck of my life, and I recall every second of being inside of Angel. Something primal inside me, that was dormant prior to Angel, ignited a need…for her, and only her. Desire flared deep within me, but it wasn’t the only thing that I felt. Most of the women that I’ve been with usually want something from me. Angel gave herself over to me fully and never asked for anything in return, except for me to fuck her hard. Growing more turned on by the second as I recount each of our sexy positions, I stroke my dick and imagine that it is Angel’s sweet smelling pussy riding me instead.

  It was the first time that I masturbated to that unforgettable memory, and it has been the reason for my nightly fulfillment since. The desires that I am consumed by are heady. But what happened between us that night turned me into her captive in ways far beyond the bedroom. She was supple and gave herself to me so willingly, more than any woman before, but there was something deep in her eyes that revealed to me that she is more than she appears.

  My fantasies aren’t just to fuck her anymore. I want to make her mine.

  Just five feet from reaching her standing with her date at the center of Nelson’s backyard, I was pulled out of my sex-starved dazing when I overheard Decks introducing Angel as his girlfriend, and she didn’t deny it. Instantly, sadness burned my excited heart into ash. Astonished that she could have fallen for his playboy charms, I twisted around and escaped up here to the bridal suite before I could make a fool of myself.

  Now, as the sunlight melds into the horizon, I spot Angel, looking ethereal and smiling like she took top prize at auction. From the intimate look passing between them and the way that his hands are gripping the sides of Angel’s face, Decks must have kissed her in front of everyone, claiming her as his. What Lourdes said about her being a hustler filters into my head, but I dismiss that malarkey, not believing for one second that she is that person.

  “All better,” a chirpy voice claims from behind me. Glancing over my shoulder, I see my cousin, smiling as she swishes toward me in one of the biggest wedding gowns that I have ever seen.

  “Damn,” I remark, smiling as I turn around to face her. “Am I going to be able to get close enough to offer my arm?”

  Bobbing her head wildly, Britny giggle-snorts and then gasps at the unladylike sound. Clearly my sweet and innocent baby cousin is baked. “There’s a silky hooped handle thingy-majigger underneath for me to carry it, so that the train doesn’t drag.” She giggles more, thrust her fist into the air and pumps. “Choo-choo, let’s get this overpriced gown on the tracks. I have a hot man waiting for me down there.” She points out the window and then spins around and gestures at the train on her dress. “Pick that up for me, will ya?” I do as she orders, slipping the white satin ribbon over her delicate wrist, and then offer her an elbow.

  “You are beautiful,” I say honestly as we descend the stairs, leading toward the backyard where her dream wedding awaits.

  She smiles, glancing sideways, and then pausing to stare directly at me, she asks, “But not the most beautiful woman that you have ever seen?”

  “Of course.”

  Her eyes grow big, as she resumes walking, and she states, “You are never allowed to lie to me, Eth.”

  “I’m sure that I don’t know what you’re talking about, Brit,” I tease back, watching the last of her bridesmaids fall into their assigned position followed by the ring bearer and flower girls.

  “Is she here?”

  Rolling my eyes, I promise, “You have my guarantee that Lourdes will not mess up your perfect day.”

  “Not Lourdes,” she grunts, shaking her head and then narrowing her eyes forward on to the pathway leading toward the man who will love her for the rest of her life. “The look in your eyes tells me that there is a woman here tonight who has stolen you from me.” I glance down at her and she smiles, still staring straight ahead. “I’ll find her,” she promises. “And when I do, I will tell her that I don’t care who she is, where she comes from or what she does for a living. As long as she takes you away from that horrible troll of a woman that you are with, I already love her for saving my favorite guy.” Before I can dispute her assessment, the music changes to the bridal march, the guests rise and I guide her down the aisle toward her destiny.

  During the reception, I’ve maintained a decent distance from Angel and Decks. However, from what I’ve witnessed, she is definitely playing a part. Her acting skills are exe
mplary, but I see her. The spark in her eyes isn’t from Decks, or for being in his arms. Something else is going on and I’m not exactly sure of what it is, but discovering it is now my mission. Playing it cool, I stroll toward where she sits, draping one arm over the back of her barstool casually while she swirls a cool glass of whiskey in her other hand, outstretched on the bar top. Decks speaks with Nelson and Camille and seeing it as the perfect opportunity, I join in. The instant she hears my voice, Angel’s whole body coils up, and she begs the bartender for another drink. I maintain a casual exterior while inside I am ready to explode when Angel’s hand stretches out and snakes its way up Decks’ arm.

  “Are you ready to go home?” Decks asks Angel, placing his chin over her bare shoulder causing her to laugh. I feel all the oxygen in my body revolt against keeping me alive another moment if I let her leave here without holding her in my arms at least once tonight.

  “I believe Angel owes me a dance first,” I insist, not really asking his permission.

  Her grey eyes slide around, finding me standing directly behind her with my famous, ‘can’t turn me down with this smile,’ edging across my lips. She holds her breath, and the slightest bit of movement in her head lets me know that she wants to return to my arms just as badly.

  I escort her into the ballroom, draw her warm body against mine and then tell her, “My god you are stunning.”

  Without looking at me, she breathes, “Thank you.” Her vanilla scent wafts around us as we move across the dance floor and I tip my face forward slightly to inhale more of it. Sensing the action, she trembles the tiniest bit and my dick begins to swell. Just this amount of contact has me reacting like a horny teenager.

  After mulling the words over in my head a moment, I finally confess, “I spotted you before the wedding. I’ve never been so captivated by a single thing before. I had to force my smile and direct my eyes forward.” I feel her heart pounding through the thin material of her dress and my tuxedo shirt. “I almost couldn’t escort Britny down the aisle properly. One glance at you before handing her over, and I wouldn’t have been able to keep it together.”

  Her eyes lift from staring at my neck to dart around the room. “Don’t say that. You know that isn’t how things are between us, Mr. Sloane.”

  “Angel, for fucks sake, call me Blues.” After growling out that demand, I explain, “I can’t stand to hear that name coming from your perfect mouth.” She pierces me with an unusual glare. Lustful thoughts aren’t filling her eyes. Instead, I see agitation. Interesting. Again I note that something about the word perfect sets her off.

  Hoping to soothe over whatever just happened between us, I lower my lips, brushing lightly against her warm cheek and ask, “What happened back there doll?”

  Pulling back a little, I note that she once again refuses to make eye contact with me when she claims, “I’m not sure what you mean.”

  I can’t help the chuckle that rumbles out of my chest with her playing coy. It’s sexy as hell, but one way or another, I will figure her out. Her breath exhales softly past her luminous lips and then she runs the tip of her tongue over them. There is no doubt that she is completely turned on, too. “I believe I just witnessed an angel become the devil right before my eyes.”

  Schooling her desires, she states, “Decks and I are together now, and I just can’t keep my hands off of him.” I’m not buying one ounce of the bullshit that she is trying to sell me.

  Testing the theory that she wants only him, I move my hands up the middle of her delicate back and say, “Even more than with Rad, I damn sure don’t see you with Decks.” She responds to my words and my possessive hold by pressing her large breasts against my chest, and I feel her nipples scrapping through my shirt as we continue to dance. Securely holding her, I slow our pace and moan breathlessly against her ear, “Fuck...” Closing my eyes, I push away thoughts of tasting her luminescent skin.

  Ignoring the heady feeling growing between us, she shifts our conversation back to the original topic by claiming, “I was thinking the same thing about you and Lourdes. I don’t get it.”

  Talking about Decks with her makes me envious, but I’m certain that what they share isn’t as serious as she is making it out to be. However, with her bringing Lourdes’ name into our conversation, I quickly become pissed off. Instead of reacting though, I evaluate the odd inflection in her tone and flash of something strange in her eyes. Could she be jealous? Hoping to soothe her, I offer, “Not everything is as it appears.”

  “I figured as much with you screwing my brains out the first night we met.”

  There are a million things that I want to confess to her, how much I need her, want her, and can’t stomach seeing her with a piece of shit like Hillary Kennedy. Tenderly placing my hand under her chin, I lift her face, forcing her gaze up and her stunning eyes hold me in a stare so intense that it feels magical, and a lot like damnation–one that I accept willingly as my cross to bear. “I didn’t lie to you that night, Angel. I needed you.”

  Averting her eyes, she sighs softly, piercing my heart with this minuscule reaction, and then she lies, “It was a mistake.” Not for me. While taking several deep breaths to keep my cool, I glance up and spot Britny. Her eyes are locked on me and Angel intently. When she spies me looking, she winks and then mouths “Oh my god, she is beautiful.”

  “I have made many mistakes in my life. You will never be counted as one of them.” Lie. The biggest mistake that I ever made was letting you go.

  She shakes her head, just as the song ends, and, without another word, she rushes away from me, straight into Decks’ arms. I continue watching as he spins her along the edge of the dance floor. She presses her cheek against his shoulder, closing her eyes to hide away from what I know she feels just as strongly as I do. There is definitely more going on between us than just some random woman showing up at a time in my life when I can’t have her. Oh doll, I will figure us out, with or without your help.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Climbing into the front passenger seat of Decks’ Escalade, idling in my driveway, I notice that he is dressed really nice for a Monday morning. Typically, he would be dressed down in jeans and a tee-shirt. Occasionally, he will wear a suit if he needs to venture down to the dealership. I assume he’s wearing his best today because he asked me to join him in opening his new storage house (his first personal project). With any luck, we can have a private meeting without nosy board members. My hope is that he’ll finally confide in me about the new project that Arch Bishop clued me in on a few weeks ago. If there is any truth in Decks venturing out on his own, I want to hear it from his mouth.

  “I just need to make a couple of stops first before we head over to the stash house,” Decks says pulling onto the parkway, heading west. He smiles and tells me, “Gotta friend moving in with me today.”

  “Really? Who in their right mind would move in with you?” I joke, and he cuts angry eyes at me. Holding up my hands, I defend, “You’re not really known as roommate material. Did you forget about Raul?”

  “Uh, no! I remember everything from my college days, jackass.”

  “Remember how he shredded every piece of clothing that you owned because he couldn’t stand living in the filth for another moment?”

  “That’s bullshit,” Decks snaps. “He told me that he was cool with my issues, and then he went all OCD on me.”

  I laugh. “Whatever. All I know is the one time that I came to your epic parties there wasn’t anywhere to sit because of all the trash strewn around your room. Plus, there were guys betting on cockroach races in your bathroom. That shit was nasty.”

  This time he laughs and demands, “They brought those bugs! By the way, your OCD puts Raul to shame. It surprises me that someone who smokes as much as you can be so obsessive.”

  “That makes no sense whatsoever,” I counter. Glancing around, I ask, “Where are we heading?”

  “First stop is Wise’s house.”

  My head jerks around, finding him s
miling like an idiot, and I’ve got a bad feeling because of it. “Why?”

  He parks in the familiar driveway and says, “To pick up my roommate.” No!

  A minute later, we are standing on Jude’s porch. Decks knocks rapidly on the door, and my attitude dives straight into the shitter. Angel greets us, and upon seeing me, her smile drops instantly, matching my disappointed frown. Decks grabs her up into a hug before kissing her forehead. This can’t be happening.

  “What are you doing here?” Angel asks me, pulling out of his arms.

  I mumble, “Decks asked me to help him move a friend. I didn’t know that it was you who’s moving in with him.”

  Decks cuts me a look that says, ‘knock it off’, before rhetorically asking, “Does it matter?”

  Yeah, asshole, it does!

  Spinning around, Angel escorts us into the Kingsley kitchen where Natalie is washing up breakfast dishes. “Hey, Decks,” Natalie greets, smiling at him. Then her eyes bug out of her head for a moment when she spots me following behind them before she pulls it together and says, “Oh, hey Ethan. I had no idea you would be here helping move Angel into Decks’ place.”

  Shaking my head slightly, hoping to encourage her to play along, I reply, “Hey Natalie.”

  A little depressed with thoughts of my girl moving into Decks place, I stop listening for a few moments. My girl? Jesus, according to Jude, she just ended her relationship with Rad and now she’s shacking up with Decks. She most certainly isn’t my girl. The idea of me and her being anything must be purged, I decide. Leave it to my best friend’s wife to pull me back to reality with her crazy laugh.


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