Mele's Ghostly Halloween Caper: Plus Sami's Story by J.D. Winters and Dakota Kahn (Destiny Bay Cozies Mysteries Book 6)

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Mele's Ghostly Halloween Caper: Plus Sami's Story by J.D. Winters and Dakota Kahn (Destiny Bay Cozies Mysteries Book 6) Page 3

by J. D. Winters

  “Who is that?” someone nearby asked aloud.

  “The snake charmer,” Sonja guessed. “Wow. That’s too cool.” She smiled at me. “Great, isn’t it?”

  I nodded. “I think it wins best costume by a mile.”

  “I agree. Say, have you seen any of my roommates?”

  I looked at her. She was now wearing a belted trench coat and a man’s hat. Sort of minimal as costumes went—especially after seeing that stunning green thing.

  “No, I was just watching Deb’s father and his fiancé.” I gestured in their direction. “I suppose you’ve met her?”

  “Sure. Such a delight.” She managed to make that simple phrase sound so sarcastic, I had to laugh.

  “I guess you’re not a fan.”

  “Of him? Absolutely. Of her, no way.”

  I grinned. A lot of women felt that way about Carlton. He was what you could call a ladies man, I suppose. “So you like Carlton?” I asked.

  She looked at me strangely. “You could say that,” she said enigmatically. “But right now I need to find the others.”

  I glanced over the edge toward where the snake charmer was headed, to the oohs and aahs of everyone she passed. “Oh, isn’t that your blond friend by the refreshment table?”

  “Ah. Katers.” Sonja nodded. “I’ve got to talk to her. See you later.”

  “Alligator,” I whispered under my breath as she disappeared. For some reason, I was always doing that. Sometimes I even added, “After awhile, Crocodile.” Just to show you how ridiculous I can be. I watched her dive into the crowd, then looked back at the dais. It looked like the happy pair was busy, so I took the opportunity to visit the refreshment table again myself.

  By the time I got there, neither Sonja nor Katers were anywhere to be seen. But the food display was abundant. Maids were coming from the kitchen bringing out new delightful morsels all the time and I put a few things on a paper plate—a stuffed mushroom, a savory empanada, a tiny cheese-filled croissant, and a melon ball—and balanced it carefully as I made my way back through the crowd. I didn’t see anyone I knew and pretty soon I found myself in a side room where I found a chair and sat down to devour my bounty.

  It was all so good. I let out a happy sigh once I’d tasted the little croissant.


  I looked up, popping the last little bit of the cheesy delight into my mouth at the same time, and saw Jill charging at me, dragging Jagger along.

  “Oh, you ate it!” she cried, looking bereft.

  I swallowed and started to choke.

  “See, that’s what you get for being so selfish!” she cried.

  “Jill what the heck are you talking about?” I forced out in a strangled voice.

  Jagger grabbed her as though he was afraid she was going to go for my throat. “She’s dying to try one of those croissant things,” he said. “We’ve been stalking the appetizer table, but every time we show up, someone has just eaten the last one.”

  I looked at my best friend and sighed. “They’ll make more,” I said hopefully.

  “They keep bringing out more, but like I say, every time, we miss the tray.”

  “I’ve been watching those since we first got here,” Jill lamented. “I’ve got to get the recipe. But first, I need to taste them. Once I do, maybe I can deconstruct. But first, I need to get one.” She gave me a mock glare. “And you just grabbed one and scarfed it up!”

  “I’m sorry,” I told her sincerely. “If I’d known, I would have saved a fat little corner for you.”

  “Gee thanks.”

  “You stay here with Mele,” Jagger suggested. “I’ll go see if they’ve put any more out.”

  “Oh, thanks Jagg,” she said with a heart-felt sigh. She flopped down in a chair and stretched back. “Ahhh. I’ve been on my feet all day and they are beginning to let me know that enough is enough.”

  “That’s the trouble with feet,” I mused. “Always the first to complain. The little traitors.”

  Jill grinned at me. “Hey, did you see the lady in green?”

  “The snake charmer? Quite something, isn’t it?”

  “Omigosh!” Jill cried. “I nearly fainted when I saw it. It looked so real.”

  “I know. I’m sure whoever put it together meant to make a splash. And she did.”

  “Oh yeah. She knows exactly what she’s doing. They say that she won’t talk. No one knows who she is.”

  “Has anyone asked Deb?”

  “I don’t know.” She threw out her hands. “That charmer woman--she’ll do sign language, but no talking. And the way her eyes are shadowed by the placement of the peacock feathers, it’s pretty hard to make any sort of identification. Everything’s covered. She’s got the place in a tizzy.”

  “A Great Green Mystery,” I quipped.

  And then Jagger was back.

  “Did you get any of the little croissants?” Jill asked anxiously, looking sadly at his empty hands.

  He shook his head. “No such luck. But I did talk to one of the maids, and she said she would let you into the kitchen if we meet her by the swinging doors in about ten minutes. Then you can see if there are any being prepared.”

  “My hero!” Jill said, jumping up and seemingly forgetting all about her feet. “Let’s go.” She turned back and waved at me. “As one harem girl to another, adios!”

  I frowned. “I don’t think they speak Spanish in Harem Girl Land,” I noted, but she wasn’t listening any more.

  I got rid of my paper plate and wandered back out among the revelers. The snake charmer was holding court just below the dais-Carlton and his lady friend Marilyn were gazing down as if the performance was meant mainly for them—and it might have been at that. People were standing back, as though setting aside a display area for the lady in green. She was setting herself into poses, as though providing photo opps. People called out questions, but she ignored them. She moved like a person in a trance. So strange and very exotic!

  I sidled up to Ginny Genera, said “hi”, then asked if anyone knew who this was yet.

  “I don’t think so,” Ginny told me. “And you know, that’s odd for me. I know just about everybody. But I can’t place her.”

  We stared for awhile. It was mesmerizing. And scary, just to think of what would happen to a real live person with a real live snake that looked like that. Ugh!

  Across the viewing area I saw Sonja in her trench coat with Pam, Deb’s other friend, in a princess dress. I waved and Pam waved back, but Sonja was looking somehow elated and excited, as though someone had said something especially complimentary to her, and didn’t seem to notice me at all. Oh well.

  I glanced up at Carlton again. The two lovebirds were conspiring and Marilyn was giggling, then she rose and began to make her way down the ramp. I immediately went on alert, leaving Ginny and stationing myself in a better place to begin following the woman.

  She was heading for a side walkway, moving quickly, stepping lightly. Carlton was still sitting on his throne. Uh oh. This might be exactly what I was supposed to be watching for. I took off after Marilyn.

  She didn’t turn up at the stairway that would have led her to Debbie’s bedroom. That gave me pause. Where was she going?

  I took a couple of steps in her direction and suddenly, the butler was coming around the corner again. I stopped and glared at him and he grinned back, knowing he was standing right in my way.

  “Hey,” he said. “You do turn up in the most surprising places. What’s your game, sweetheart?”

  Chapter Four

  “I’m looking for my friend,” I told him, just off the top of my head. “What are you doing prowling the halls of this beautiful house?”

  He laughed shortly. “I live here part time. Didn’t you know? I have for years. Deb’s my cousin. Carlton’s my uncle. We’re kin, and we’re close. So don’t start thinking you can get me fired or anything like that.”

  “Why would I want you fired?”

  He shrugged again, thrusting
his lower lip out and letting his vampire teeth show. “Some people are just low down and mean.”

  “You think I’m one of those people?”

  He grinned. “No sweetheart, I certainly don’t.” His gaze raked across all my uncovered places with an appreciative look. “I think you and me could make beautiful music together if you would just loosen up a little. Learn to play. Learn to sing. Live a little.”

  “I’m living plenty already, thanks just the same.”

  “No kidding? I don’t see the joy in your face.”

  “Ever think that might be because I’m looking at you?”

  “Oooh. Zinger. Good one.”

  I had to smile at his reaction, so I thought he deserved a bit of explanation. “You’re a little overbearing, you know. I like people who take me as I am and allow me to be free. I’m not so good with people who want to tell me how to act and what to think.”

  He looked aghast. “You think that’s me?”

  “Isn’t it?”

  “Hell no! I’m about as free and easy as anybody you could meet along the winding road of life. Just watch me.” And he began to do a little soft shoe to the tune the band was playing behind us.

  I actually laughed a little. “Okay. You convinced me. Now move aside and let me go about my wandering. Okay?”

  He frowned thoughtfully. “I’m getting strange vibes from you, harem girl. Are you by any chance a private investigator working under cover?”

  That made my eyes widen.

  At the same time, his eyes narrowed. “Are you perhaps investigating a crime?”

  “Why do you ask?” I countered. “Have there been any crimes around here lately?”

  His eyebrows rose. “Not that I know of.”

  “Good. Keep it that way.”

  I tried to get around him but he stepped in the way again and he was just too solid to shove.

  “Seriously,” he said. “Did Carlton hire you to…?”

  “If you must know, I’m looking for my boyfriend,” I told him quickly. “Lieutenant Roy McKnight. Do you know him?”

  He stared at me and slowly nodded, looking puzzled. “I’ve met him. Nice guy.”

  “Yes.” I cleared my throat and motioned for him to step aside, and to my surprise, he did so.

  “You don’t want an escort?” He looked woebegone again.

  “No sweetie.” I patted his vampire cheek. “Thanks, but I think I’d rather wander on my own.”

  “Okay.” He watched me go, but when I looked back, he was gone. That was pretty much what you would expect from a vampire.

  Meanwhile, I’d lost the trail. Which way could Marilyn have taken? I had no idea, so I really was wandering in the wilderness.

  The house was so beautiful with its alabaster walls and red tile floors and original art mounted everywhere. The moonlight lit up the patio and the stars decorated the deep blue sky. I went to the edge of the terrace and looked out at the ink black ocean. Something about it gave me chills.

  And then I heard something. It was a sound—and an echo of more sound—like….like around a swimming pool. I headed for where I knew the pool to be and sure enough, there was Marilyn, swimming nude in the moonlight. Not only that, but I slipped behind a potted palm and I was right in time to see Neptune himself—well, Carlton—drop his costume and dive in to meet her. I held my breath, hoping I was well enough hidden so they couldn’t see me. Then I turned and started to slink out. There was no way that I would be invited to join this party and I knew it. Now I could only hope to avoid being caught as a peeping Tom. Or Tomasina, as the case would be.

  At least I could be pretty sure Marilyn wouldn’t be plundering Debbie’s bedroom for the next half hour or so. So maybe I ought to focus my efforts back on the other one who seemed likely to be the thief—Wayne. Debbie’s boyfriend.

  After all, I knew Carlton and I would think his judgment would be pretty sound on something like this. If he thought Wayne was the guilty party, I might as well take that seriously. And to tell you the truth, my instincts were pointing in the same direction—right at Wayne. The snake in the grass.

  Still, I didn’t relish having to take my suspicions to Debbie. It was sure to break her heart. In fact, she probably wouldn’t react well to the charges no matter who brought them to light. It was in her own emotional interest to protect the man she loved and she would probably fight anything against him tooth and nail. At least at first. But what other option was there? If he was the guilty party, it had to be done.

  But I was getting a little ahead of myself here. After all, I didn’t have any proof of anything—just suspicions. And a strong antipathy toward the man.

  I was back in the ballroom, looking through the crowd and hoping to see Wayne dancing with Debbie. I didn’t see that, but I did find Debbie.

  “Hey,” I said, coming up behind her. “Anything to report?”

  She swung around and stared at me, looking worried. “I don’t know. I can’t find my father and Marilyn. I ran up to my bedroom just in case but there was nothing going on there and the necklace was still in place. So…” She threw her hands out and looked at me beseechingly. “What now?”

  I glanced around the area. “Do you know where Wayne is?” I asked, trying to seem casual.

  “No,” she said shortly. “I’m going to go look outside.”

  Outside—where the pool was.

  “Oh, don’t do that,” I said quickly—much too quickly. She looked at me suspiciously.

  “Why not?”

  I had a small panic attack as I pictured her walking in on her father in the pool.

  “Uh…because there he is, right over there.” I pointed to Wayne who was coming in our direction. “I’ll let you talk to him,” I said, trying to be breezy. “I’m going to find my aunt and Jill and see what’s shakin’.” I gave her a forced smile and made tracks.

  The snake charmer was back, and this time she’d taken over the dais for her posing performances. She looked longer and slinkier than ever, despite the fact that she was barefooted now, moving more provocatively, treading closer to the territory usually inhabited by stripper-type dancers. For me, she was beginning to lose her charm. I sort of wished she would just go away.

  I saw two of Deb’s friends in the crowd that was watching her, and I stopped to say hello. Katers was cute in a ballerina tutu and Pam looked sweet in her princess dress, her black hair tied back.

  “Where’s Sonja?” I asked.

  “We don’t know,” they both answered quickly in unison.

  I stared at them for a moment, startled as they both colored up a bit, embarrassed by how they’d sounded.

  “We haven’t seen her for awhile,” Pam amended. “Actually, we’re looking for her right now. Aren’t we?”

  Katers nodded vigorously and they both smiled tentatively, then turned and left me standing there with my mouth open.

  Odd. That was all I could say about it. But I did notice as they left that Pam had on cute little silver heels. Where had I seen those before? Hmmm.

  The party was going strong. Everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves. The band was playing something very loud, with an irresistible beat and I was dancing my way across the crowded floor. Some guy I’d never seen before, dressed as a secret agent in a suit with a hat and sunglasses and looking very cool, stopped me and we danced together for a couple of minutes. Then he gave me a grin as I laughed and went on my way. That was very special. Made me feel accepted in a unique way. I liked it.

  I found Jill again. Jagger was holding on to her as though he was afraid she would fly away if he didn’t have a tether. And I could see why. She looked adorable with her cheeks red and her eyes shining. She was getting a lot of attention from every male in her immediate vicinity and she obviously liked it. Who could blame her?

  “Isn’t this the greatest party?” she yelled into my ear. That was the only way to communicate with the music that loud.

  I gave her a smile and a thumbs up, wondering how her feet w
ere now, wondering if she’d found her croissants, but conversation was impossible, so I moved on. She deserved a little time to bask in all the attention.

  I saw the butler again. His face actually lit up when he saw me.

  “Hey, where you going?” he called, catching my arm and trying to whirl me into his arms for dancing.

  “Places to go, people to see,” I called back, throwing my hands up and backing away. A flash of something close to anger burned behind his eyes but I gave him a smile and waved as I left him behind. He really wasn’t my type.

  I moved on and finally I found Bebe and Captain Stone. They were huddled together, talking seriously. I hesitated, then decided to leave them alone. I had a feeling all was not right in Bebe Loveland.

  I started hunting through the crowd and then I realized what I was looking for—Roy. I’d talked to him earlier and he’d said he would try to make it, but so far, there was no sign of him. That gave me a surge of melancholy for just a moment, but I pushed it away. I had enough to do to keep me busy—and no time to feel sorry for myself.

  But the fact remained that the only man I really wanted to dance with had not shown up. And I was supposed to be ready to catch a thief. So what was next? What should I do to earn my kibble for the night?

  Prowl the halls? Why not. I headed back up the stairs and started exploring areas of the house I’d never been to before.

  Suddenly there was a light, trailing sensation on the back of my neck, like the warm breath of someone sexy, and I whirled, only to find Dante standing right behind me.

  “You nearly gave me a heart attack,” I said accusingly, even though that wasn’t true at all. What he’d given me was a thrill, the same thrill I got every time he turned up unexpectedly, which was most of the time.

  Dante is my own private ghost. Well, he probably isn’t so private, as he is off on ghostly business somewhere else most of the time. But he’d been in my life since I was a child in Hawaii. How he’d managed to follow me to Destiny Bay, I wasn’t real clear about. But I was glad he had. He was a reminder of home and a warm sense of familiarity I clung to happily.


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