King's Descendants MC - BOXED SET

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King's Descendants MC - BOXED SET Page 35

by Bella Jewel

  I have no doubt some drama is going to unfold out of this, especially with Cohen. Right now, though, that’s Alarick’s problem and not mine.

  The only problem I am worried about right now, is finding Cova and making sure she gets home safe.

  God, I hope this goes well.

  I really, really need it to.

  “YOU LOOK FUCKIN’ BEAUTIFUL, sittin’ there, lookin’ like that.”

  I glance over at Alarick, who is doing a turn at driving in the truck with me so Bohdi could ride with the guys for a while. He wanted to give him the whole experience. I chose not to go on the bike, due to the fact that my butt gets numb and there is no way I can go a few hours on the back of that thing. I was happy to ride along with Bohdi, even though he didn’t say a great deal.

  I got to know a little about him, which was good.

  Now Alarick has taken over, and it’s just the two of us, following behind the massive group of bikes that makes me proud to be part of this family. Of this club.

  “Thank you,” I say softly, smiling at him. “You look pretty good handling this truck, too.”

  He chuckles. “Not a great deal of effort, really.”

  I laugh. “No, but you’re doing a great job with it.”

  “You know what would be even better?”

  I shake my head, but a sly smile stretches across my face.

  “If you get those tiny fuckin’ shorts off and play with that sweet pussy while I drive, nothin’ would turn me on more.”



  Okay, I wasn’t expecting that.

  But I’m not entirely against the idea, either.

  I mean, damn, it wouldn’t be a bad idea.

  I take the button of my shorts and slowly pop it open. Alarick glances over quickly, his eyes flashing with desire as I shimmy them down my legs. I move slight to the side and place a leg over the back of the seat, so I’m spread before him. I rub my panties, teasing, taunting, and I can see the bulge in his jeans hardening right away.



  This is good.

  I slip my fingers inside my panties and gently run them over my clit. I moan and Alarick makes a satisfied growling sound, before slowly placing his hand down onto his jeans and rubbing his cock through them.





  I slip my panties to the side, showing him my pussy, and I carefully rub, making sure to keep the seduction tactic alive. I rub up and down, moaning as I do. It feels good, incredible. Knowing he’s watching, knowing he’s turned on, it does things to me.

  “Get your cock out,” I whisper, rubbing harder.

  He does as I ask; he gets his cock out and starts stroking. Slowly at first, and I watch in satisfaction as it gets harder, redder, and god does it look good. I lick my lips and watch as his hand moves up and down, stroking over the hard length. I feel myself beginning to pulse as I watch him stroke his cock harder and harder.

  “I need to put you in my mouth,” I whimper, pulling my seatbelt out and lunging forward until my mouth is on his cock, my hand is wrapped around the base, and my other hand is rapidly stroking my clit.

  Alarick growls, low and deep, and his hips arch up, thrusting his cock further into my mouth until I’m gagging.

  That only turns us both on even more.

  I’m going to cum so damned hard.

  I moan on his cock as I find my release. My body trembles and he growls in satisfaction, before I feel him tighten beneath my tongue and then suddenly he’s spurting, strand after blissful strand of cum, into my throat. I take it all, swallowing. With one last shudder, he pulls back, and I sit back up in my seat, pushing my panties back and pulling my shorts up.

  Then I glance at him.

  “Well, damn,” I whisper. “That was something else.”

  “Fuck. You never cease to amaze me, honey. Fuckin’ wild child.”

  I grin at him.

  Well, that was a hell of a start to the trip, if I do say so myself.

  Here’s hoping the rest goes just as smoothly.



  “Here’s the plan,” I say to all the men as we stand three blocks down from Cova’s address. “We knock, ask to speak to Cova, tell her who we are and see our reaction. If it’s safe, we take her. She may not come easily, or she may, that’s goin’ to be something we have to figure out. The problem is, she may have what’s called Stockholm Syndrome, it’s a very real thing and can confuse people who have been held captive.”

  “What if there is someone else there with her?” Cohen asks. “Do we take him out?”

  “We take them out without causing harm. We’re just there to get her, in and out. You’ve got a drug syringe each, use it if you need. We’re likely going to have to use it on Cova to avoid too much stress. She doesn’t know who we are and may not give us a chance to explain, to her we may be overwhelming and terrifying, which is why we just need to get this done.”

  Everyone nods.

  “We’ll go down, pray this goes to fuckin’ plan, and get the hell out of here. No colors are being worn because we don’t want anyone tracin’ her back to us. We just want to take her and be done with it.”

  Everyone nods again.

  Then we all turn and walk toward the large house where Cova is apparently being kept. It’s a mansion, huge in its appearance. Surrounded by acres of perfectly manicured lawns. Whoever owns this joint, is fucking well to do, no doubt about it. Well, they have to be if they could pay to take someone from their lives and keep them as fuck knows what, slaves most likely.”

  We reach the front gate, and thankfully it’s open. The large property is fully fenced and no doubt to get in most often, you’d have to press the security buzzer and be allowed in.

  The gates creak and start to close, and I usher everyone in quickly. Someone must have just left; we can only hope Cova wasn’t with whoever that was. We walk up the driveway, about twenty of us in total, and when we reach the massive front porch, I walk up to the door, gun in the back of my jeans, ready to use if need be.

  I fucking hope not.

  But, I can’t be certain that this is going to go well.

  I press the doorbell.

  A moment later the front door opens and a beautiful woman is standing, her eyes a little glassy, her appearance almost perfection. Blond hair, beautiful blue eyes, full lips, a body that most women would kill for, and skin as soft as a baby’s. She stares at me, and I can see fear flash across her pretty face. It doesn’t take me long to figure out this girl isn’t here because she wants to be. She’s drugged out, without a doubt, on some sort of fucking sedative.

  Is that how these fuckers keep these girls here?

  Feed them full of drugs.

  “I’m lookin’ for the owner of this house,” I say to the girl. “You want to tell me where he is?”

  The girl looks past me at all of the bikers, and then her eyes meet mine again. “I’m not allowed to bother him ...”

  “In this case, you’re going to want to take that risk. I know what he’s doin’ here, I know who he is, and I’m goin’ to put an end to whatever sick and twisted little world he’s got runnin’ here.”

  The girl’s eyes widen just a touch. “You’re here to save us?”



  Fuck me.

  “Just how many ‘us’ are there?”

  She glances around and then whispers, “Two.”

  “Any chance the other girls name is Cova?”

  “I don’t know her real name, he calls her Candy. I’m Jazelle, but that’s not my real name either.”

  “What is your real name, honey?”


  What an interesting name.

  “Well, Merleigh, I’m here to get you both out of here. You want to tell me where Cova, ah, Candy is?”

  “She’s working in the kitchen. I’ll get her ...”

  She turn
s and walks off, and I usher the men forward and we all step into the large house. I turn toward them and murmur, “Changed my mind, get me that motherfucker and bring him to me. I’m curious to see what sort of fuckin’ monster buys girls.”

  Cohen, Kendric, and Bodhi branch out in one direction, Samson, Mykel and a few other members branch out in another direction. I wait at the door with the rest of the club, and a few moments later, Merleigh returns with Cova. I know it’s Cova the moment I see her. She’s fucking beautiful up close, so similar to Briella it’s uncanny. She looks like she’s in good condition, clean and healthy, which makes me think these two are having a better go at things than some of the girls that are sold.

  “Cova, I know you don’t know who I am, but my name is Alarick and I’m a friend of your family ...”

  Cova narrows her glassy eyes, and then looks around before saying in a low voice, “I don’t have any family.”

  “You do, you have a sister. A sister who has been looking for you. I’m here to take you home.”

  She looks shocked, pulling back and staring at me in horror. “I’m not going anywhere with you.”

  Had a feeling this might go badly.

  “I don’t want to have to use force, Cova. Please, you’re not going to be in any danger. We’re going to return you back to a normal life. What’s happening here ... it isn’t normal. It’s dangerous and it’s brainwashing you. You’re drugged up, and we’re going to help you.”

  She shakes her head, taking two steps back. She’s going to fucking run. “I’m not going anywhere with you. I want to stay here. This is my home. I don’t want to leave him. I’m not going. No. Get out of my house.”

  Shit, she’s in a really bad way. Stockholm Syndrome at its best. I exhale and turn, nodding toward my men, who take a step toward her. She turns and she runs, but they’re after her in seconds, grabbing her and jabbing a needle into her arm. She goes floppy in their arms in a matter of seconds. I turn to Merleigh, and say, “You’re welcome to come with us, if you want to be free of this world. We’re not goin’ to hurt you, or her. We’re here to help you.”

  She stares at me and then looks over at where Cova is being slung over a shoulder, passed out. “How do I know you’re not just another man who has paid more for us?”

  I step closer to her. “Those monsters and I are absolutely nothin’ alike. I assure you of that. I’m a good man and I’d never take a woman’s freedom away. I want to give it back to you, but you have to trust me. You have to know we won’t hurt you.”

  She looks nervous, and jittery, and I know she’s scared. She’s lived in god knows what kind of hell here, she doesn’t know what to believe right now.

  “I just want to stay with her, so I’ll go with you. I can’t live here anymore. I can’t be around this ... monster. She’s going to think differently, though. She ... doesn’t see him the way I do. She’s his little pet. When she wakes up from that, she’s going to hate you.”

  She probably will, but eventually we’ll get through to her.

  We’ll get her the help she needs and then maybe she’ll realize just what kind of misery life she’s been living in.

  Maybe, just maybe, she’ll forgive us.

  “What is going on here?”

  A thundering voice can be heard rolling down the hallway. I turn to see Cohen and Kendric holding a man that is a lot younger than I first thought. I expected an older man, easily in his fifties, what I didn’t expect was a young, thirty-something business looking man. He’s buying these girls? How fucking old was he when he brought them, seriously? Twenty? It makes no sense to me why someone his age would be doing something like this.

  “You the fucker that purchased these two girls?” I growl.

  Cohen and Kendric stop, and the man struggles but he’s little to no match for the two of them. He glances around and his eyes fall on Cova. “What have you done to her? What have you done?”

  He actually sounds concerned.

  Does this motherfucker actually like that she’s so attached to him?

  Sick fuck.

  “She’s comin’ with us. She does not fuckin’ belong to you anymore.”

  “She’s here willingly,” he growls. “She belongs to me in every way it counts. If you take her off me ...”

  “You’ll what?” I warn, walking right up to his face. “Go back to the man who sold her to you? That man is the one who gave us this address. That’s an operation a lonely fucker like you can’t even get close to touching. So, do what you need, that ain’t any of my concern. These girls are coming with me, and if you try to stop me, I will blow your fucking brains out and leave you here to rot.”

  His eyes widen just a touch, and he looks to Merleigh. “You’re leaving with these ... men?”

  She shrinks into herself; I can literally see her crouch backward. She’s scared of him, and why wouldn’t she be? He owns her. Without him she’d be dead, and she knows it. She is scared of what he could do to her and she doesn’t know anything else but him. I reach out for her and take her hand. She looks at me, shocked and a little horrified, but she grips onto my hand. In her silence, I can hear her begging me not to let her go.

  “She’s comin’ with us, too.”

  “You have no right to come in here and take what’s mine!” he roars, struggling.

  I pull out my gun and aim it at him. “I am more than happy to take out your fuckin’ kneecaps if you keep squirmin’ like that. What’s it goin’ to be?”

  “I will not let you take them,” he seethes.

  Up close, the man isn’t bad looking. Not that I’m the business of judging another man’s looks, but this guy certainly doesn’t seem like he’d have any trouble getting a woman. So, why he’d buy one is simply beyond me. He’s tall, well built, has dark hair and emerald green eyes. He’s tall, dark, and handsome. He’s the kind of men women go for. Even I know that.

  “You don’t get a choice,” I say, raising a hand. “Take him and chain him up somewhere, someone will find him eventually. Mykel, take Merleigh and have her pack some things for them. We’re leaving.”

  Cohen and Kendric drag the man down the hall, quite literally bellowing about all the things he’s going to do when he gets out of this. How he’s going to hunt us down and get his girls back and how we will never fucking get away with this.

  We both know we will.

  We both know he’s not going to get into a fight he can’t win.

  He can buy other girls, I’m sure.

  The man is a sick fuck, he’ll find a way.

  “Oh, Cohen?” I call, and Cohen stops and glances back at me.

  “Rough him up. Give him a taste of what will happen to him if he comes anywhere near these girls again.”

  Cohen nods, Kendric grins, and the two of them disappear.

  He’s not going to come anywhere near them again.

  I’ll make sure of it.

  “SHE’S GOIN’ TO BE OUT for at least another hour,” I say to Briella, lying Cova on the bed.

  She flops down, completely out of it, and I hope that what we gave her doesn’t have some bad reaction to whatever drugs she was full of when we took her. I can only hope it doesn’t. Briella rushes over and stares down at the girl passed out on the bed. Her eyes water and her bottom lip trembles. “She’s just like me.”

  “She is,” I say, squeezing her shoulder. “I’ll let you watch over her, but prepare yourself for the fact that she’s likely going to try and run. The girl has some sort of weird connection to the guy we took her from. She might not understand. It would be best to cuff her until she calms down.”

  Briella looks to me. “I can’t cuff her, that would be horrible. She’s been through enough.”

  “Then you want to find another way because I’m tellin’ you, this girl doesn’t want to be here.”

  Briella frowns, and then turns as Mykel walks into the room followed by Merleigh. I hadn’t told her we picked up another girl yet, and at the sight of her, Briella’s head whips t
oward me and she gasps. “There’s another one?”

  “Yeah, he had two. This is Merleigh, she’s here willingly. Merleigh, this is my girlfriend, Briella. She’s goin’ to take care of both of you.”

  Merleigh looks at Briella and gives a small, weak smile. Briella stands and rushes over, then carefully she steps forward and wraps her arms around Merleigh. It takes the girl a few moments to respond, but when she does, she too hugs Briella. “It’s going to be okay,” I hear her whisper to Merleigh. “You’re never going to be in a monster’s hands again. We’re going to take care of you. You’re our family now.”

  She pulls back, hands on Merleigh’s shoulders, and smiles over at the girl who is now crying, soft tears rolling down her cheeks.

  Poor fucking thing.

  The life she’s lived to even end up where she was, must have been a bad one. Only to be put into something even worse.

  Has this girl ever known happiness at all?

  “I’m goin’ to leave you to it, Briella,” I say. “I’ve got other business to take care of. Key lock that door, so the girl doesn’t run when she wakes. I’ll have some food and water sent up. I’m also having their closed washed and returned.”

  Briella nods, and then walks over and reaches up, putting her hands on my cheeks. “You’re incredible. Thank you. I love you so much.”

  I run a thumb over her bottom lip. “You have no fuckin’ idea the things I’d do for you. I’d go to the ends of this earth to make you happy, Briella.”

  “Have you told King you’ve found Cova? I’m sure after all these years, he’d be happy to know Mom didn’t die for nothing.”

  “Your mom died?” Merleigh whispers.

  Briella turns to her. “Yeah, the man that sold you both, took my entire family. The only person I have left is Cova.”

  “I’m sorry,” Merleigh says.

  “I’m sorry too, but more than that, I’m relieved that you’re both safe.”

  She looks back to me and says in a soft tone, “You’ve given me my family back, Alarick. Thank you.”


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