Their Rebel Mate [Helan Universe 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

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Their Rebel Mate [Helan Universe 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) Page 1

by Lynn Tyler

  Helan Universe 2

  Their Rebel Mate

  Chief of Communications Kerek and his mate, Ambassador Thantos, are tasked with educating humans on Helan culture. It's not an easy job considering there is a movement dedicated to making sure that no female mates with Helan males.

  Kim McManus is determined to keep as many human women from being forced to mate the Helan males as possible. So what if the Helans have made mating with them voluntary? The Helans' history of telling half-truths makes them suspicious in her book. Suspicious enough that she hijacks a television signal to plead her case.

  When she's given a chance to stay on the Helan star ship for a month to learn about their culture, she grabs it with both hands. But what happens when she ends up bonded with Thantos and Kerek, two of the very males she's been campaigning so hard against?

  Genre: Contemporary, Ménage a Trois/Quatre, Science Fiction

  Length: 48,850 words


  Helan Universe 2

  Lynn Tyler


  Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  IMPRINT: Ménage Amour


  Copyright © 2013 by Lynn Tyler

  E-book ISBN: 978-1-62242-651-5

  First E-book Publication: March 2013

  Cover design by Harris Channing

  All cover art and logo copyright © 2013 by Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  Amanda Hilton, Publisher


  To all those who make it possible for me to live my dream, thanks.


  Helan Universe 2


  Copyright © 2013

  Chapter 1

  Gods, the humidity on this planet sucked the energy right out of him. Thantos breathed in another lungful of the sticky, heavy air and lifted his long hair off the nape of his neck. He really disliked the sweat that was rolling down his spine.

  Disliked. That was ambassador speak for hated. At least that’s what Kerek, his mate, said.

  But really, this humidity was disgusting. Every inch of him was damp and drooping, including the inches currently hanging left and limp between his legs.

  Of course, he wasn’t the only thing that was limp. Even the trees were flagging. The grass had withered away to brown, straggly strands that would probably turn to dust at the slightest touch.

  The scent of exhaust was stifling and burned his nostrils.

  The house the United States Government had offered to put them up in loomed in the distance. It was a beautiful old building, the white paint seeming to shimmer in the heat.

  Kerek was in that house, waiting for him, probably not very patiently. His cock twitched in his pants, trying valiantly to rise at the thought of his mate despite the heat. But nope. The damn heat was just too much for his poor dick to overcome. It could have something to do with the fact that he hadn’t had a decent night’s sleep in weeks, too.

  He trudged up the building stairs and struggled with the door handle. The sweat dampening his palm made everything slick and slippery, and not in a good way, which sucked because usually slick and slippery was a very good thing.

  “Would you like some help, sir?”

  He swallowed an irritated sigh. It wasn’t his bodyguards’ fault that he was in a shitty mood. But he was quickly coming to understand Queen Jacy’s frustration with the security detail that had been assigned to trail her everywhere.

  “No, I’m fine, thank you.” The handle finally turned, and he heaved a sigh of relief. Once he was inside the door, the guards would leave him alone, and he could shower away the sweat and dirt of the day before snuggling up to Kerek.

  The guard nodded and turned on his heel, taking a post right outside the door, his hand on the butt of his gun, ready to kill anything that dared to come to close.

  He shook his head and sat down on the chair Kerek had placed by the door to remove his boots. How had humans survived as long as they had with their strange predilection of killing each other?

  The boots peeled off with a wet squelch. He was mildly surprised that water didn’t spill out when they finally popped off. Making a mental note to talk to King Jaron about a uniform change, he tossed the boots aside and went in search of his mate. “Kerek?”

  “Up here, talan.”

  Kerek’s rich, husky voice never failed to give him goose bumps. It reminded him of the deep, dark wine Kerek favored, the same wine that Thantos himself had developed quite a fondness for the first time he’d sampled it from his mate’s lips.

  The idea of tasting those lips again, feeling that hard body against his, and those strong hands holding him safe against the universe had him sprinting up the stairs to the second floor and skidding to a halt in front of their bedroom.

  Kerek was just stepping out of the bathroom, naked as the day he was born, and Thantos let himself fall into Kerek’s arms and bury his face in his mate’s neck.

  The spice of musk, undercut with the slightly sharp scent of male sweat and flavored with notes of the soap Kerek had just used, assaulted hi
s senses. He nuzzled close, savoring the chance to hold and be held.

  “How were your classes today?” Kerek’s hands moved over his back, fingers lingering on the small of his back and dipping under the waistband of his pants before sweeping back up.

  “Long. And I have one of those satellite conferences with several eastern countries that starts at eleven tonight.”

  Kerek pulled away from him a little and dropped a chaste kiss on his forehead. He let himself be tugged into the bedroom and stood still while Kerek worked the zipper down on his shirt.

  The shirt was pushed off his shoulders and tossed across the room before Kerek went to work on his pants. Thantos let Kerek rid him of every last stitch of clothing before lying down on the bed and closing his eyes. Kerek was a little more Alpha male than he was and felt the need to protect and care for the ones he loved, and Thantos was more than willing to indulge his lover’s need.

  Truth be told, these days Thantos needed someone to care for him. There were so many decisions that he had to make as the Helan Ambassador on Earth that he relished the idea of giving up control to his lover.

  “Let me take care of you,” Kerek whispered in his ear.

  He nodded, and Kerek’s long, muscled length stretched out next to him. “I’ve missed you, Thantos. Something’s gotta give, talan.”

  Talan. Beloved. Gods, it was wonderful being Kerek’s beloved. He’d longed for a mate of his own for so long, and then five years ago, he and Kerek had met when they’d both earned places on the premier exploration star ship.

  Kerek’s breath tickled his ear as they cuddled close, his big hands stroking and petting Thantos’s body. He arched into those hands, groaning when Kerek hit all the right spots, causing shivers to rush through him.

  He needed this closeness. He’d always needed it. But he’d never thought he’d find someone to fill that need. Admitting a craving for constant physical touch was practically unheard of in their society, what with their ancestors selectively breeding them to be the ultimate male warriors.

  Of course, that insane urge to have a society of warriors was the reason why they were stuck here on Earth anyway.

  Luck had been on his side when Kerek had begun to court him. The man was seductive and romantic and needed to touch someone as much as Thantos needed the touch.

  It hadn’t taken him long to fall head over heels in love with Kerek and ask the communications officer to move into his quarters. It had been the easiest decision he’d ever made. It was also the best decision he’d ever made, hands down.

  Thoughts shattered and scattered when Kerek closed his lips over the tendon of his neck, biting and nipping gently. A breathy moan escaped him, and he didn’t even bother to try and smother it. Kerek liked knowing how much pleasure he felt. “More, talan.”

  Kerek obliged him, biting harder and moving up his neck to the sensitive spot behind his ear, sucking hard enough to draw up a bruise. Thantos would wear that love mark proudly, even though it would be hidden under his hair.

  Careful fingers skimmed up his ribs, traveling higher until they only barely brushed over the sides of his nipples. Those featherlight touches were going to drive him out of his mind, and he loved every second of it.

  Kisses began raining on his jaw and cheekbones, fluttering over his eyelids and finally settling on his lips. “Miss you so much,” he groaned into Kerek’s mouth. “All these classes I’m giving keep me away from you far too long.”

  Sharp teeth nipped at his lower lip a split second before Kerek’s tongue soothed away the small hurt. “No more talking about work. The only noises you are allowed to make are the ones that tell me exactly how much you like what I’m doing to your body.”

  Well, that worked for him. Kerek would make sure there was no room in his brain for anything other than the overwhelming pleasure anyway. “I love you,” he said instead. Technically it was still against the rules Kerek had just laid out, but he knew his mate wouldn’t punish him for the words.

  Instead…oh yes. He moaned loudly when Kerek tweaked his nipples. “I love you, too. Now hush, and let me concentrate.”

  Thantos reached up and threaded his fingers through Kerek’s heavy mass of hair, tugging him down to kiss him properly.

  He feasted on Kerek’s lips, stroking his tongue against Kerek’s when it slipped into his mouth. His mate tasted of sweet Earth chocolate, wine, and coffee, the flavors combining with Kerek’s natural, lovely flavor to make something that tasted like ambrosia. He could kiss Kerek forever, could keep him close and breathe the air Kerek had just exhaled for the rest of his life.

  Thantos spread his legs, making room for Kerek when he shifted around and lowered his upper body against Thantos’s.

  Oh, this was his favorite thing in the whole wide universe. Nothing could compare to the feeling of his heart pounding against Kerek’s or that single moment when their bodies’ became perfectly attuned to each other. Hearts beating in the exact same rhythm, their breathing patterns slowing or quickening to match. Knowing that his blood rushed through his veins at the same speed as Kerek’s, and that his pulse was perfectly harmonized with Kerek’s, gave him a thrill every time.

  Kerek’s hard dick, already wet tipped and pulsing, was kissing his own. A small spurt of fluid burst from his slit, and combined with Kerek’s own small explosion, it made for a silky slide of skin on velvet skin.

  “Let go,” Kerek murmured, moving his head.

  He’d forgotten the grip he’d had on his mate’s hair. Gods, he was probably pulling the beautiful black strands out by the handful. He untangled his fingers, and sure enough, a few strands of hair were wound around them, clinging to his skin as if they couldn’t stand to let go. He knew how they felt. He wanted to cling to Kerek and never let go.

  Kerek rocked his hips, rubbing them together from thigh to chest. Now that his fingers weren’t in Kerek’s hair, it fell around them, shrouding them in a fragrant, luxurious veil, hiding them from everything other than the damp, humid feel of panting breaths and the increasingly urgent sounds of his moans. It wouldn’t be long before he begged for his mate to fill him.

  His hands were pressed next to his head, the soft mattress yielding under the almost violent pressure. Kerek knew exactly how far to push Thantos, and he was already skating on the edge of an incredible release, just from his mate’s display of strength.

  “Keep them there.” Like Thantos would ever move his hands after they’d been placed there by Kerek. He nodded anyway, loving the approving look he got from Kerek.

  He shuddered when Kerek mouthed his way down his chest, pausing to suck at his nipple. Shit, he hadn’t realized until he’d been with Kerek the first time just how sensitive the little nubs actually were. It was like there was a nerve running directly from his nipple to his cock, and his erection jumped with every pull of Kerek’s hot mouth, wet mouth. “Kerek,” he said on a gasp.

  Of course, his mate wasn’t going to settle for making him come by just playing with his nipples, which was entirely possible.

  No, Kerek followed the trail of hair from his belly button down to his groin, licking and teasing every inch of skin his tongue came across.

  Harsh breaths were ripping from his lungs, causing his chest to heave with anticipation when Kerek nuzzled his nose into the crease where his hip and pelvis met. Oh fuck. Kerek only did that when he was about to do one thing and only one thing.

  Thantos flipped his hands over and gripped the sheets tightly. He was about to lose his mind because he knew exactly how talented Kerek’s tongue really was. Strong hands pushed his knees up until the soles of his feet were planted firmly and then gripped his ass, pulling his cheeks apart.

  Oh, here it came. The first swipe of Kerek’s velvety tongue against his pucker was nearly too much, and he had to clench every muscle in his body to stop himself from coming right then and there.

  “Not yet. Don’t come quite now.”

  “Then you have to give me a minute, Kerek. I need you too much.”

  Thantos closed his eyes and thought about the most disgusting, most hideous thing he could. But even an image of Jedan soldiers in full armor, complete with necklaces made from the enemies’ bones, couldn’t dampen his arousal.

  He panted through yet another urge to orgasm and yelped when a finger pushed roughly past the vulnerable ring of muscle. The sweet burn pushed him even higher, the bite of pain emphasizing the almost unbearable pleasure.

  Kerek stretched him quickly, adding another finger and scissoring them apart. He pulled them out almost roughly and replaced them with the tip of his cock.

  He relished the burn, loving the stretch and the fullness. It didn’t matter how many times Kerek took him. He was always surprised by how big his lover was.

  His hole expanded to accommodate Kerek, and he tossed his head from side to side, panting as Kerek finally bottomed out in him. Oh, that felt heavenly. A single finger traced his rim, prodding against the seal he had around Kerek’s cock.

  Every nerve in his body flared to life. Could it get any better than this?

  “Yes, talan, it’s about to get much better. I went exploring today. I found a nice little shop that sold toys.”

  Gods, why was Kerek talking to him about children’s playthings at a time like this?

  Kerek rooted around under the pillow next to them and extracted a small, slim silver rod. “I can’t wait to show you everything I bought at the…toy store. We’ll start with this one.”

  His dick was about to snap off, and Kerek was showing him toys? And what the fuck kind of toy was that? It certainly didn’t look like anything he’d played with as a boy.


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