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The Complete Naughty Bundle: Older Man Younger Woman

Page 7

by Violet Theron

  “It’s okay,” I answer and sigh.

  Kenny scraps his plate clean with his fork and looks up. “What’s wrong?”

  I stare at him for a second and collect my thoughts. “Say if you were with a girl, like, for a night-”

  “You mean, ‘with her’ with her?” Kenny throws air quotes in the air. A child would know what he means.

  I shake my head impatiently. “Yeah, you were with a girl for a night, and then she avoids you for weeks afterward. What does that mean?”

  Kenny chortles and slaps me on the shoulder. “Ryan, you dog. Who’s the lucky lady?”

  I bat his hand away impatiently. “Tell me, what does that mean?”

  He straightens his face and thinks for a moment. “It depends. Was the sex good?”

  “I mean, it was good for me. But we didn’t have sex.” Kenny raises an eyebrow at me. “I mean, she went down on me.”

  Kenny whistles. “Maybe she is embarrassed and wants to forget the whole thing.”

  My heart sinks. He watches my face for a second. “Well, maybe not. Maybe she wants you to chase her, especially when she might have shown her hand a little too much the first time around.” He winks. “You know, girls like gifts. Send her flowers and stuff. See what happens. If you want to see that piece of ass again.”

  I let out a long breath. That will be difficult since we live together. Maybe I can leave flowers in her room? I feel ridiculous. Maybe I should have a talk with Jordan. Just to clear the air, you know. We are both adults and we should just let this slide. We can both admit that we made a mistake and now we can just go back to being roommates. Friendly, platonic roommates. I bite my lower lip as I think about her shapely breasts and hot little mouth. I didn’t even get a chance to get a peek at her pussy. I bet it’s pretty and pink and my cock twitches at the thought. This is going to be hard. Pun intended.


  I haven’t seen Jordan in days. She usually leaves for classes before I even wake up and returns after I have long gone to bed. One morning, I set an early alarm on purpose to try to catch her on her way out.

  She is busy adjusting her book bag when I basically ambush her in the living room.

  “Oh, hey.” She looks down at the hardwood floor.

  “Can we talk?” I ask nervously. I have this whole speech prepared about how I am sorry, how I know that I understand if she never wants to talk or see me again, and how I want to make it up to her and be a good roommate.

  “What about?” She looks up for a second and then lowers her thick lashes again. Her fingers clenching the edges of her book bag. She is wearing a gray, form-fitting turtleneck. Even though it covers every inch of her soft, delicious skin, it shows off her voluptuous figure. My heart races.

  “I mean, about what happened, you know? I want to clear the air.”

  She nods quickly and still avoids eye contact with me. “Sure, I’m late for class. Do you have time tonight?”

  I smile with gratitude. “Yes, of course I’m free. We’ll talk tonight.”

  She whizzes past me and slams the door on her way out. I catch a whiff of her lilac perfume and swallow. I hate how uncomfortable I’ve made her feel. She’s an adult, an ugly voice says in my head, she knew what she was doing. But I like her. She’s a really cool girl. It hurts me to think I’ve been such a pig and now it’s just going to be awkward and weird between us.

  I am still thinking about Jordan when one of my employees taps me on the shoulder, while I’m taking inventory in the storage room. “Boss, some lady is here to see you.”

  I whip my head around. “Who?”

  He shrugs. “Dunno. She’s out front. A red-haired woman.”

  My heart leaps. It’s Jordan. She’s here to talk to me. Maybe she realizes what I was trying to say this morning and wants to tell me that she feels the same way about me. I know that we just met but I really like her. I think she’s really cool and sexy and I want to get to know her better. I know that it would be hard being roommates and all, but I just can’t get her out of my mind.

  I walk to the front of the store while wiping my hands clean. A familiar face greets me. Her red hair aflame and a bright smile on her lips. “Hi, Ryan.”



  “What are you doing here?” My tone is less than polite.

  Rachel flashes a winsome smile. “I want to talk to you.”

  “I don’t know what you still want to talk to me about,” I snap. “I already signed the divorce papers.”

  “Please, Ryan.” She presses a soft hand on my arm. I notice the tears in her eyes and I soften. “I really want to talk to you.”

  I check the time and I still have time before I need to meet Jordan. “Let’s get a cup of coffee.”

  We go to a cafe near the hardware store and sit down in the empty back room. After we order our beverages, Rachel sits quietly and plays with the hemline of her dress with her fingers.

  “So why are you here?” I ask straight out of the gate. I don’t want to waste time with Rachel. Our marriage is over. Period. I’ve been hurt and angry, but I’ve accepted it. I want to get home so I can talk to Jordan. My thoughts drift, and I think about Jordan’s laugh when she hears a joke on the sitcom and the splash of cute freckles over her face.

  Rachel stares down at her steaming cup of coffee, then suddenly, she bursts into tears. Panicking, I reach for a stack of paper napkins and shove them under her nose.

  She is covering her face and crying. I can barely make out what she’s trying to say through her blubbering.

  She tells me she has given up a great career at the university and her marriage to follow her lover across the world. At first, he asked her to hide their relationship because he was waiting for a promotion. When the promotion didn’t come, he decided to take another position at a university in Europe. However, he wanted his children to come with him and didn’t want to go through a custody battle before their move. So Rachel bit her tongue and arranged everything on her own and moved to be in the same city as him, hoping that soon he would divorce his wife and then they could be together.

  “It took me forever to realize it,” she says between sobs, “he is never going to leave her. He’s been stringing me along this whole time.” She looks up and pleads with her eyes. “I found out that not only is he’s not planning to get divorced, he has also been sleeping with his new Swedish lab assistant! I’ve been such an idiot. You’ve been so good to me and I threw it all away.” She clasps my hands.

  Slowly, I withdraw my hands from hers. Her touch repulses me. It is only poetic justice for her to be cheated on by the man she cheated on me with. But it gives me little satisfaction. I realize that I don’t really care what happens to Rachel. The only person I care about is Jordan. Even though I just met her, I know that I want to give us a shot, give myself a shot. And I’m going to tell her that tonight. Sure, she may laugh and move out immediately, but I know I’m making the right choice.

  “Oh, Ryan.” Tears well up in her eyes again. “Please forgive me. I’m so sorry. You’ve always wanted kids, right? Let’s try for a baby!” she grabs on my sleeves and almost screams out.

  I inch back from her in disgust and finally, I see her for who she really is. Lying, manipulative, and conceited bitch. She used me when it was convenient for her and tossed me away like a used tissue. When she can’t get what she wants elsewhere, she comes crawling back and dangles the prospect of children in front of me. I would have loved to have kids with her when we were still married, but she wouldn’t even think of it. At that time, she was already planning her exit with her lover. I want children but not under these terms and definitely not with her.

  She sickens me.

  I tell her it’s over and I pay for our drinks. When I stand up to leave, Rachel grabs me by the arm and pulls me close. She plants a long, desperate kiss on my mouth. Her touch and taste are nothing like what I remembered. They are the antics of a selfish and manipulative woman.

sp; The loud crashing of cups and mugs rings in my ears. After a long second, I finally pull myself away from Rachel’s claws. I look up only to see Jordan standing in front of me, with her hands covering her face.

  “Jordan!” I reach out with my hand but she ducks away in her barista uniform. I curse under my breath. I didn’t know that she works here, or I wouldn’t have brought Rachel here. Jordan runs away while frantically wiping her face.

  Rachel seizes me as I try to chase after Jordan. “Who is she?” Her voice is shrill.

  “Look.” I point an angry finger at her. “It’s over between us, okay? It has been for a long time. You have no one to blame but yourself.” I dodge away from her clutches and run out of the cafe. I hear Rachel’s voice but I don’t look back.

  I need to explain everything to Jordan. I thought we could just be roommates. I thought we could forget what happened between us. I thought that’s what Jordan wanted. But once I saw the upset look on her face, I knew that I was wrong. More importantly, I realize now that she wants me as much as I want her. Seeing me kissed by Rachel right in front of her must have felt like a stab in the heart. I run toward my house. I’m not sure if I’ll find her there, but I need to find her and explain.

  A man only gets a few chances at happiness in his entire life, and I’m not about to let this one get away.

  Chapter 5

  The front door is open and I enter cautiously as I catch my breath from running.

  “Jordan?” I call out as I walk through the hallway toward her room. I hear angry grunts and heavy things being dropped on the ground. A decorative pillow flies through her bedroom door and lands by my foot. I bend down and pick it up.

  “Jordan?” I peer into the doorway. “Can we talk?” I see Jordan pulling books off her bookshelf and her back is turned toward me. Her clothes and things are everywhere so that her room is a complete mess.

  “Was that your ex-wife?” she mutters and gazes down at her feet, with her back still turned toward me.

  I nod but then I realize that she can’t see me. “Yeah,” I answer. “But it’s not what you think-” I protest.

  “What do I think?” She turns and looks at me square in the eye. Her gray eyes are dry now and defiant. Even when she is angry, she is beautiful.

  “I’m not back with her. I wanted to tell you tonight that-” I stop short and realize that I don’t know how to put it into words. That I fell in love with her at first sight? That I think she’s the most wonderful woman I’ve ever met? That I want to be with her even though I’m old enough to be her dad? She would think I’m crazy.

  She raises her eyebrows as she waits. I stammer but can’t put words together. I watch silently as she walks over to me and takes the pillow from my hands. She stops right in front of me and looks up. Gosh, she’s pretty.

  “What did you want to tell me?” She fixes her stunning gray eyes on me. My face feels hot and I remain immobile. “Are you with her?” I shake my head dumbly. “Are you with anyone else?” I shake my head again.

  “Jordan,” I finally choke out, “I want you. I’ve wanted you since I first lay eyes on you. You’re the prettiest and coolest girl I know. I know I’m twice your age but I want to let you know my feelings. It’s over between me and Rachel. It was over a long time ago. I only want you.”

  She lowers her head and rests her forehead on my chest. She mutters into the folds of my shirt, “I really like you, too.”

  I smile and plant a quick kiss on her mouth. Afterward we are apart, her little tongue darts out as she relishes the remaining of my taste on her lips. Her face is flushed and her eyes are bright. Gosh, she’s sexy.

  “I thought I could forget what happened. I thought it didn’t mean anything to you, but-” She looks up again and rests her hands on my chest, then she raises herself on her tippy toes. I can feel her warm breath on my ear. “But I just can’t forget about your big, juicy cock.”

  With those words, she grazes her soft lips across mine agonizingly slow. I immediately grab her by the arms and plow into her mouth. My tongue tastes the depth of her mouth and she moans softly.

  We retreat to her bed and she is already tearing at my belt. I nip at the tender skin of her neck and growl as she frees my cock. She spits into her hands and runs them along the length of my shaft with confidence.

  I close my eyes and throw my head back. Just like last time, her hands are magical. Then I remember what happened last time, how she pleasured me without asking anything in return. I don’t want to be that guy, the one who just takes and leaves. I want to please her. I also want to fuck her until she just can’t live without my big juicy cock.

  I wrap my arms around her tiny waist tightly and kiss her deeply again. Carefully, I lower her small body onto the bed and remove her underwear from under her skirt. Her fresh virginal scent reaches my nose and I inhale deeply. I lower my head and see her little pink pussy opening up to me. Gosh, she is wet. Her juices have soaked through her panties and are dripping on the bedding. I stick out my big tongue and give it a long, slow lick. From her tight little asshole all the way across her pussy. Jordan gives out a small, sexy whimper.

  Slowly and deliberately, I circle the hard little nub at the top of her pussy. Flicking back and forth before I stick my tongue into her tight hot cunt. She tastes amazing. I lick, suck, and nip all over. Jordan is crying out at first until her cries get quieter and quieter. Then suddenly, like a rolling thunder is going through it, her body convulses and her moans get louder. With a few more strokes of my deft tongue, I finish her and milk the last shakes of her orgasm. I look up and see her staring silently at the ceiling. Her chest is rising and falling as if she has just run a race. Her beautiful skin is covered in a thin layer of perspiration and she is positively glowing. I want to burn the image of her afterglow in my mind and take it to my grave.

  She looks over and grins at me. “No one has ever done that to me before.”


  “I mean, I have fooled around with guys but we’ve never gone that far.” She watches me carefully. She is definitely a virgin. The idea that anything I do with her would be her first excites and daunts me. My cock swells at the thought of her pure virgin pussy but I am wary that I would scare her off.

  I give her a slow and lingering kiss while playing with her clit with my fingers. I can feel her desire rising and I want her to come for me again. “I’ll go as far as you want,” I whisper. “I’m only here to serve you.”

  Jordan catches her breath, and she stops my hand. I blink in confusion as I watch her pulls her top and bra over her head and leans back on the headboard. Her legs are spread-eagle in front of her. “I want to go all the way with you.”

  I am transfixed by how sexy she looks on full display in front of me and I forget to speak. “I want you to fuck me,” she says again. As if I need any explanation. Without waiting for her to tell me for the third time, I crawl in between her legs and lower myself.

  The engorged head of my cock rubs against the opening of her sweet pussy. Her pussy lips are soft and pink, glistening with her overflowing wetness. I gasp as her arousal moistens the tip of my cock. I sway back and forth, teasing her pulsing sex. Jordan stifles her cries and thrashes on the bed. “Please…” she moans and begs.

  “Please what?” I take her earlobe between my teeth and bite it.

  “Please. Fuck. Me.” She squeezes out each word between clenched teeth.

  “Aye,” I answer and slowly push my eager cock into her waiting pussy. She is so hot and tight. I glide in smoothly, lubricated by her flowing juices. We both moan deeply, enjoying the incredible initial contact. My hands cover her full round ass and give each cheek a tight squeeze. I want to make sure that her first time is good. Slowly, I thrust my hips in and out until she gets used to being fully stretched by my cock. Jordan cries out with each stroke. Her whole body is humming with lust and pleasure. My teeth continue to graze against the soft skin of her neck and I suck on her skin, while my cock pulls out and then
buries deep into her luscious pussy. Jordan throws her head back and screams out my name and I feel like the freakin’ champ. I am the first man to take her and I want to be the last man to ever take her. I want her to enjoy my cock, to love it, and to become addicted to it.

  “You’re so big,” she almost sobs the words out. “It feels so good!” she cries and marvels.

  She is so tight and hot and I need to focus so I don’t finish too quickly. I gyrate my hips up and down, pleased with each of her little reactions and gasps. “You feel so amazing,” I growl into her ear and she shudders at my words. With each shudder, her pussy grips me hard and almost finishes me right then and there. I growl again and try not to lose my control. My fingers reach deeper into the sweet crevice between her ass cheeks, and my fingers stroke her asshole lovingly. Jordan takes a sharp breath and her body trembles with delight.

  I pivot my hips around at different angles until it hits her spot just right and her beautiful, smooth body convulses nonstop. Her muscles are clutching me like a vice as she contracts around my shaft. Like a force of nature, her climax rolls through her entire body and she loses herself in it for a long time, while I lose myself in her amazingly sexy body. Eventually, her body slowly stops shaking, while I feel that I am close to my end.

  Her pussy is now fully lubricated and messy with both of our juices. As she tries to recover from her orgasm, I plow into her at full speed. I am pushing in and out of her like an overactive jackhammer. My hot mouth finds her perky breast and I take her small pointy nipple into my mouth. I devour it as my cock completely disappears into her lower body. My body is finally getting what it has been desiring all night.

  I fuck her hard and fast. Her pleasure builds up again. Gosh, she is so sensitive. Soon, she screams out and her body starts to quake. As she comes for the third time tonight, I also reach my orgasm. I bury myself balls-deep in her as I empty thick jets of virile cum deep inside of her hungry pussy. Her little pink hole is sucking up every last drop of my cum. I enjoy the last few lazy pumps as I finish myself off. We collapse together in a sweaty, panting heap, completely sated.


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