The Swingers' Club Boxed Set: All eight cuckoldry and swinging stories in one volume

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The Swingers' Club Boxed Set: All eight cuckoldry and swinging stories in one volume Page 15

by Sadie Somerton

  As she spoke, she realized how readily she had adapted to this place. It really did feel like another home to her.

  “Some nights,” she went on, “I just come and chat with friends here in the bar. There’s never any pressure to seek anyone out or join in. I really love that relaxed vibe about the place.”

  “And other nights?”

  The spark in Kaitlin’s eyes. Something about it really drew Christina in.

  “Other nights? If I come here and there’s that spark with someone, then I’ll do a Hell of a lot more than just sit here with a champagne cocktail. On nights like those I’ll just be in the mood for giving myself up to whatever happens.”

  “And tonight?”

  Christina smiled, reassessing this couple. They may be new here, but there was nothing first-time about Kaitlin’s manner. Had she set out to seduce Christina from that first moment of eye contact? How funny to have the tables turned like this.

  “Nights like tonight,” Christina said, “I just go with the flow. I’m horny, and I’m so damned wet already.” She had their full attention now, both of them hooked. “Nights like this I might end up in the blackout room, where it’s so dark you really can see nothing, even when your eyes have adjusted. You can’t tell whose dick is in your hand or your ass, or whose lips are clamped around your nipple, sucking you hard. That soft mouth you’re kissing could be a woman’s, but you just can’t be sure. Or maybe I’ll end up in the play room, a big room full of beds, soft furniture, cushions, where people go for fun; where the person you go in with might not be the person you end up with; where couples become threesomes and then more.”

  “Sounds like our kind of place,” said Kaitlin.

  Just then, Christina sensed new arrivals and she glanced back. Selena stood there, Martin at her shoulder. They made a spectacular couple. Selena was tall, emphasized by a long, slender neck. She had cropped auburn hair that framed a face made all the more striking by her angular cheekbones and piercing aquamarine eyes. Her hour-glass figure was stuffed into one of her favorite black corsets, her breasts pushed up and together like an offering.

  Martin was very much a background kind of guy, always the one to melt into the shadows as all eyes were drawn first of all to Selena. That really was an injustice, though, for in any other setting Martin was the kind of guy you would pick out immediately: broad-shouldered, tall; strong face, dark tousled hair and darker eyes – it was the eyes more than anything which drew you and then held you; the eyes that spoke of his inner strengths. While Selena was a fine diamond, Martin was a rock, and it made for a stunning combination: they were two of Christina’s very favorite people. That he looked so hot in that pale blue-gray linen suit really was just a bonus.

  Now, Selena came over to the bar and stepped into Christina’s embrace.

  Bodies pressing, that kiss on Christina’s cheek, those long arms around her... every single sensation was so erotic this evening!

  Then Selena pulled away, moved along the bar and hugged the newcomers. “You must be Kaitlin and Nicholas,” she said. “So sorry we weren’t here when you arrived. Did you find us okay? Has anyone given you the tour? I bet Christina can’t wait to show you around, but she might just have to share.”

  Oh, Christina could almost hear Selena’s thought processes out loud! Selena had taken one look at this couple and decided she wanted to help ease them into the ways of the club, exactly as Christina had done. Maybe that was why she had grown close to Selena so quickly: they had very similar tastes, similar turn-ons and triggers, and in situations like this they so easily became a double act.

  And Martin, bless him, he knew the cues, too. Right now, he’d just casually slipped behind the bar and started shaking cocktails. In many ways, his relationship with Selena was similar to Christina and Adam: he wanted nothing more than to make his wife happy, and what’s more, he found her explorations and adventures a massive turn-on. He and Adam really were cut from the same cloth.

  “You think we should show our new guests the play room?” asked Selena, winking at Christina and moving a hand down to her friend’s hip to draw her in close.


  Their fun was interrupted by a heavy banging on the front door, before they’d even moved away from the bar.

  Immediately that struck Christina as odd: regulars used the numberpad to get in, while for others there was a fairly obvious buzzer. You only bang on a door like that to make a point.

  She glanced at Selena, who suddenly looked more tense than Christina had ever seen her before.

  Martin had come around the bar already, and now was striding out to where the open bar doorway opened into a small entrance lobby.

  He opened the door, and immediately stepped backwards into the lobby, as two dark-suited men pushed inside.

  Martin had his hands up – at first Christina thought someone must have pulled a gun, but no, thank God, he was just trying to calm things down. What was this? Some kind of a raid? But it couldn’t be: Christina had gone through the local legislation and regulations with Selena and Martin only a few weeks before, and everything had been in order.

  At her side, Selena was tense, like a schoolkid about to leap into the thick of a fight.

  “What is it?” Christina whispered. “Who are those guys?”

  “I don’t know,” said Selena, “but I can guess. You see... things haven’t been easy.”

  The club.

  Christina knew things were tight. That evening a few weeks before had given her some insight, when a night that had promised yet more fun and exploration had turned into one spent poring over legislation and accounts records.

  “We’re struggling a bit,” Martin had confessed then. “We never really expected this thing to take off the way it has.”

  This thing... the swingers’ club.

  “We just started it for a bit of fun,” Selena had continued, picking up Martin’s explanation in that way of theirs. “Us, a few friends. It was just a social thing. But it’s kept on growing and the books never seem to balance, and we’re always looking over our shoulders...”

  Christina had been in a similar position with her own business, so she recognized their concerns. Only a couple of years ago she’d moved from a junior designer with a chain to setting up her own interior design consultancy. She’d landed a couple of high-profile clients, which led to full-color spreads in the glossies and before she knew it something that had started as no more than a toe in the water had taken off. Even now, it often felt like something imposed on her rather than something she was in love with. She totally got that sense of suddenly being in deep, in foreign waters that she had never anticipated.

  And so they had spent the night trying to make sense of Martin’s somewhat erratic book-keeping, and checking to make sure the club wasn’t doing anything obviously illegal.

  By some time early the next morning Selena and Martin had been a little more reassured. “I’ll get Adam to have his people have a look, too,” Christina had assured them. “He’ll make sure everything is in good shape. He knows how much you guys mean to me.”

  Finally, the three had fallen into bed and straight to sleep, and when Christina had told Adam they had laughed together about the glamorous, sex-filled lives of those who ran swingers’ clubs.


  Now, Christina tailed Selena out towards the lobby, and the two came to stand in the bar doorway.

  The guys in the suits eyed them up, their expressions unreadable. It must have looked very odd, Christina supposed. Martin in his casual suit; Christina in charcoal pencil skirt, and a cream blouse unbuttoned to reveal the first generous swell of cleavage. And Selena, in basque, tiny thong and not much else, bar make-up. Beyond – those guys’ eyes just did not know where to come to rest – the hot couple at the bar, Kaitlin twisting on her bar stool so she could see what was happening, her long, fishnet-stockinged legs leading the eye up to only one place. Sylvester was standing now and showing just what a giant of a man he really was... and
behind him, his two companions on the sofa, oblivious to everything apart from each other’s half-naked bodies.

  “It’s okay,” Martin said to the two men. One had a swarthy Italian look, with a hooked nose that had clearly been broken several times; the other was tall and skinny, pale as Christina’s blouse, with nervous eyes that kept jumping about all over the place. “It’s just cashflow,” Martin went on. “We’ll take care of it.”

  “That’s what you told Mr Gianopoulos before,” said the Italian-looking guy. “Now he’s a very patient man, but when he calls me and my young colleague into play that’s a surefire sign that the good man’s patience has worn thin.”

  “What’s going on?” Christina whispered to Selena.

  “Guy who invested in us, way back,” Selena replied, her words a soft murmur in Christina’s ear.

  The Italian guy fixed his look on Selena now. “You going to tell your man here to be sensible?” he asked. He put his hands on his hips, then, nudging his jacket to reveal a shoulder holster.

  For once, Selena seemed to have lost her words.

  Christina glanced at her friend, then around the small gathering. The tension had abruptly notched up when the Italian guy did that thing with his jacket.

  “So what do we do?” said Martin, his voice steady and calm. “What does Mr Gianopoulos want?”

  “He wants his investment back.”

  “And if it would take us a little time to free up those assets?”

  The guy shrugged, as if he was in the park chatting about the kids’ football. “Well, then Mr G was very clear on that. He said we were to leave you in no doubt as to our sincerity.”

  Sometimes such simple words came so heavy with meaning.

  Christina knew exactly how people like this Mr G made their sincerity clear. She was also aware that Sylvester had moved to stand at her shoulder. This could get messy. Very messy.

  They needed some way out of this impasse.

  And so she reached for her blouse, moved her hand up so she could trail her fingers down that deliciously soft skin to her cleavage. When she found a button, she released it with a deft flick of the fingers. Now, the cream lace of her bra was visible, and suddenly she was very aware of her own breasts: of their fullness, of the pressure of bra and blouse against them, of her nipples – trapped against her bra as they became hard.

  “Could you be persuaded just to accept our good will?” Christina asked. Both guys stood transfixed as she found another button, and released it.

  “We’re not easily swayed,” said the Italian-looking guy.

  Christina turned and put a hand to Selena’s cheek, drawing her friend in to her kiss.

  Her friend’s touch was nervous, uncertain, and Christina had to coax her, seducing her with her soft lips, with the gentle pressing of her tongue.

  She ran a hand up Selena’s side, fingers tap-tap-tapping across the corset’s ribbing. The bra cup was made from the softest silk, a coarser tracery of lace running across it. Christina eased it down until a nipple popped free, hardening at her touch, then stiff as she flicked at it with hard finger-nails.

  “But swaying you might be a possibility?” said Christina, batting her eyes at the two men, giving them her innocent hooker look.

  She ducked her head and pressed her red lips against her friend’s breast, then extended her tongue and started to flick rapidly at that exposed nipple. And all the time, her look was locked on the two men. Unless they were packing more than just those shoulder holsters, the two were clearly very pleased to see this action unfolding before them.

  She slid that hand down again, across the ribbing of Selena’s corset to the smooth skin of her ass, cupping one buttock, squeezing and stroking it. Then she moved her hand round to the front, cupping Selena’s pussy through the silk of her thong, caressing her, pushing the heel of her hand against that softness, and pressing her fingers back along the folds of her friend’s labia, barely contained by that flimsy material.

  “We can be very persuasive.”

  “Look,” said the Italian guy. “If you think–”

  She took a step towards him and reached out.

  His dick, through those stretched-tight pants, was fat and hard, still pointing downwards because of its constraints. Christina pressed her hand against it, the shaft against her wrist and her fingers wrapped around the bulge of its head.


  She started to work her forefinger against that swollen head, and immediately she felt dampness through the fabric.

  She dropped to her knees and pressed her cheek against that hardness, peering up at him with that look once again.

  He stared at her, his expression still impossible to read. She started to rock her head, massaging him with her cheek, and now his eyes widened. When she turned and folded her lips around the bulge of his dick, he gasped.

  Those pants... they had to go.

  She reached up for his waistband, found a button and undid it. Then she pulled her head away so she could slide the zipper down.

  His pants dropped easily, once they were past that bulge, and then she was pulling at his white shorts. The base of his shaft was broad, nestling in a dark tangle of body hair. She eased the waistband of his shorts further down, studying that fat shaft as it was slowly revealed.

  Was it right that she should be so turned on right now? She didn’t know. All she knew was that she’d stopped worrying about right and wrong a long time ago.

  Shorts down to the guy’s thighs and suddenly his dick sprung clear, like an animal released from captivity.

  She took him in her hand, and his whole body twitched in response. His shaft was so fat her fingers didn’t meet around it, and she seriously wondered if she could open her mouth open wide enough for what would come next.

  She paused, and glanced around. Selena was watching her, her expression a mix of that earlier tension and something new. Martin sat on the stairs now, a smile playing across his features. And beyond Selena in the bar: Sylvester met her look, an eyebrow raised, then shrugged, turned, and walked back to the sofa to join his two guests. Others were watching, too, but it was Kaitlin and Nicholas at the bar who drew her attention.

  They stood facing Christina, Kaitlin’s back to her man, her body enfolded in his arms, her head leaning back to rest in that hollow between shoulder and neck. His head was turned towards her, as if he was breathing in her hair, and his hands were steadily exploring her body: one hand cupping a breast, the other working lower, and as Christina watched, slipping inside Kaitlin’s panties, pressing, making his lover gasp and arch her back. Such a strange, beautiful moment, and so incredibly erotic. Did they understand what was happening, or did they just think that this brutal intrusion was part of the scene, roles being played out?

  Christina returned her attention to that fat shaft, wrapping both hands around it and starting to pump.

  Now, when she looked up, the guy’s expression had changed. He was swayed. He was well and truly swayed.

  She felt a hand on her shoulder then: Selena moving past her to kneel at her side, reaching up to hook her fingers into the waistband of the other guy’s pants.

  The younger man’s dick matched his appearance, long, skinny and pale. Selena took it in her hand and started to pump hard, twisting her wrist at the end of each long sweep of her arm.

  She turned to Christina then, smiled, and leaned across to kiss her.

  Pulling away from that brief, intimate kiss, Christina lowered her head and folded her mouth around that broad shaft from one side. Following her lead, Selena repeated the action from the other side, while keeping up that steady rhythm with her right hand on the other guy.

  Jaws wide, their lips met around the shaft, and slowly they slid along its length, ending in the salty wetness of his glans. Then Selena swung away and took her guy whole and deep, until her face was pressing into his lap, while Christina twisted so she could take that swollen head into her wide mouth, pressing at its underside with the soft flesh
of her tongue. She swallowed against him, and he grunted, then she swallowed again and started to push down so she could take him whole.

  Soon, her jaw was aching, and she felt on the verge of gagging every time she took him in deeper, but finally he was pressing against the back of her throat. Now, all she had to do was swallow a little and he cried out... press a little and he would tense, gasp, and a tremor would pass through his body.

  She swallowed hard, and felt that head dip briefly into the tightness of her throat.

  Again, and he gave that grunt of his.

  Again, and she felt a throbbing pulse run through the length of his shaft, a heat, and then wetness exploding into her throat.

  She started to retch, but then managed to swallow down on that pulse of semen. Then another burst of wetness hit her throat and she swallowed again, and now that fat shaft began to subside, growing soft in her mouth.

  She looked up into the guy’s eyes once again, and held his look.

  Another swallow, and another bead of come, another softening.

  She pushed against him, so that her face lay against his belly, her chin against his balls, and another pulse came.

  Then, slowly, she pulled away, feeling that now-soft dick slipping out of her mouth, then flopping down.

  She turned.

  Selena was bobbing up and down fast on that slender dick, and now Christina twisted and arched her back so that she came up from beneath, her tongue flicking at the young guy’s balls, then pressing harder, rolling them in their sac.

  Pressing up further, she took the base of his shaft in her mouth. Now Selena was dipping up and down on the head of his dick. From Christina’s position, she could peer back along the length of the guy’s shaft and make eye contact with her friend...


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