Saving Her

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Saving Her Page 8

by Jessika Klide

  Aurei slides his arms around me from behind and puts his mouth on my ear. "Do you like it?"

  "I love it! It's crucial!"

  Aurei's phone rings. "I have to take this. Go. Look around." He speaks Italian into it as I wander into the bedroom. It's just as beautiful. The colors in here are a rich muted red. There is a fresco on the ceiling! I stare up at it. I'm stunned by the delicate, yet ornate design. It’s of Cupid? There are little cherubs flying around one large Angel with a bow and arrow. The arrowhead is a heart. I put my arms over my head, spin around and fall back on the bed. Bouncing, I say out loud. "Rome! The Eternal City!"

  Aurei comes in and laughs. "I half expected to find you bouncing on the bed, being bad."

  "I just might." I sit up and smile wickedly at him.

  His phone rings again and he rolls his eyes. "Go get that quick shower. Your luggage isn't here yet. There's a white robe in the closet."

  "Yes sir." I tell him as I bounce off the bed and land lightly, twirl around and slide my foot up the door casing, doing a split. I drop my arms over my head and bend over backwards to see him.

  He smiles appreciatively at me and answers his phone. "Ciao...."

  I roll up and go in without a backward glance. Naughty Thang. In the shower, I wash away the jet lag under the hot water. Coming out, I sing Halo under my breath. I roll my wet hair up in a white towel and go into the bedroom to look for my clothes or the white robe. No luggage, so white robe it is. I find it laying on the bed, waiting for me. When I slip into it, I’m astonished. It’s actually my size and not three sizes too big. Ah! Aurei must have told them my size. How sweet.

  I find him standing in the living room in front of the window. The light behind him silhouettes his perfect physique. He has taken his suit coat off and his tailored shirt tucked in his pants shows how broad his back is and how small his waist is. I tiptoe up to him and put my arms around him, giving him a big hug. "Your turn. The hot water does wonders for jet lag." I run my hands outside his pants down to his cock. It isn't soft. It's semi-hard, but stiffens instantly at my touch. I smack my lips loud and tease him. "Umm. I'm really hungry. I was thinking you might let me have your sausage right now."

  He chuckles as he lays his hands over mine, draws them back up to his abs and turns around. My hands slide around to cup his perfect ass as I tip my head back to stare up into his face. His eyes are gentle and relaxed. "You can eat my sausage later. I'm starving for real food." They crinkle when he smiles at my pouty lips. He places a soft peck on them. "They should be bringing your luggage up anytime now. There is money in the drawer in the desk for the tip. One bill will do. I'll hurry." He tells me then walks to the bathroom.

  Chapter Eighteen

  I stand at the window then pull back the curtains the rest of the way. I’m awestruck at the spectacular view. Lost in my own thoughts of the history of Rome, the Senate, the Gladiators, I almost miss the soft knock on the door.

  Ah! My luggage!

  The dancer in me twirls around and the towel holding my hair releases and slips to the floor. I bend over to get it and the robe falls open.

  Oops. That wouldn't be a good way to open the door.

  I laugh as I toss the towel onto a chair and tighten the belt on the robe, then I skip-dance to the door. When I open it, I am surprised. "Oh! Wow!"

  There is a cart lavished with a silver coffee pot, two tiny cups and a fresh bouquet of flowers. There is also a small silver pitcher of cream and sugar, and a plate of Biscotti. But the most interesting surprise is the waiter standing with it. Tall, dark and absolutely gorgeous are the only words to describe him.

  He gives me a slight head bow, "Ciao."

  "Ciao," I answer, smiling at him. He smiles a sexy smile back. I like Italian men. We stare at each other, then I gather myself and open the door wide, gesturing him to bring the cart in. His smile turns into a grin and he pushes the cart past me. He rolls it to the coffee table and sets about transferring the items. As he bends over, I watch his perfect ass. His ass is just as 'to die for' as Aurei's. Nice. Tight. Full. Firm. When he stands, he catches my eyes traveling from his ass to his face and he smirks. My eyes stop at his mouth. His lips are full and inviting. I watch as they spread across his teeth. Umm. He bends down to push the cart away, and I watch his ass leaving. At the door, I remember my manners. "Oh. Excuse me. Wait. The tip. Just a sec." He stops and waits by the door. I hurry to the desk, pull the drawer open and take the first bill off the top of a wad of cash. I walk to him, grinning. He grins back and I look into his eyes. Goodness gracious. What seductive eyes. They are like caramel. Yum! I offer the money to him but he refuses. He opens the door, and pushes the cart out. He's very handsome! I watch, practically gawking. Second best looking man I've ever seen. He reaches back in and as he pulls the door closed he tells me in perfect English. "Tell Maximus to call me." The door closes on his "Ciao."

  Holy Fuck! I giggle, then I start to laugh. That guy was in the wrong room! Shit! I run to the bathroom and snatch the door open. Aurei is pulling a shirt over his head. "What's wrong?" He asks with a frown.

  "Nothing." I giggle again then start to laugh at loud. "You're never going to believe what just happened. There was a knock on the door." I giggle again at the thought then the giggles grow and I can’t stop giggling at the thought.

  "Your luggage arrived?" He asks, chuckling at my silly giggles. I shake my head. He takes my hand as he passes me. "Show me, Silly Thang." I follow after him.

  When we are in the living room, I start talking. "There was a knock on the door and I thought it was the luggage, but when I opened it, there was this really handsome man outside with a cart of coffee. I thought he was room service." I giggle but keep talking. "Anyway, I was surprised by the coffee, but more surprised at how handsome he was."

  Aurei stops by the coffee table and looks at me with a smirk. "How handsome?"

  "He was a good looking, son of a bitch. An Italian stallion!"

  He wraps me in his arms. "Should I be jealous?"

  "What? No! I was only appreciating his gorgeous gifts."

  "So what was so funny about a handsome man and a cart of coffee?"

  "Well, I assumed he was the waiter. I gestured for him to wheel the cart in and he did. He even set it up for me." I giggle and lay my head on Aurei's chest, then I look back into his eyes. "He acted like he knew what he was doing, but he obviously wasn't the help. He was wearing an expensive suit now that I think about it."

  Aurei smirks and lets me go. "What did he look like?" He reaches for the coffee pot and pours us both a cup.

  "Tall, dark, and gorgeous." I giggle. "He had eyes like caramel and his lips were, like your lips, heart shaped and yummy."

  "And the funny part?" He rolls his eyes as he adds cream and entirely too much sugar to the little cup.

  "When he left, he said with perfect English." I lower my voice and try to imitate a very deep voice. "Tell Maximus to call me." I bust out laughing again.

  "What's so funny about that?"

  "Aurei! The poor guy had the wrong room!"

  He laughs as he hands me my cup. "Real authentic Italian Cappuccino, My Lady."

  I sip it. "Umm. This is good."

  "Do you like it?"

  "Yes. It's strong, but delicious!"

  There is a knock at the door. Aurei gets up to answer it. It's my luggage. He pulls a bill from his pants pocket and tips the bellhop. I frown, watching him. He is dressed in distressed jeans, converse sneakers and a simple pull over black t-shirt that says Helicopter Pilots Do It Collectively. "Hey!" I say as he rolls the bags past me. "Hey! You're dressed."

  "Affirmative." I follow him into the bedroom to the closet. He lays my luggage down and starts to unzip one. I stare past him into a big walk-in closet. His clothes line one whole side. "How did your clothes get in here?"

  "The Italian Stallion."

  "What?" I crinkle my nose at him and he laughs at me.

  "The good looking, son of a bitch...with lips like mine..
.. That was my cousin, Antonio."

  "What? Wow! You're related? Well, that explains the gorgeousness. His ass is 'to die for' too." Aurei starts unpacking and hanging my clothes up. "You don't have to do that for me."

  "I've seen your closet. I'll hang them up for you."

  "I've seen your closet too. It's way too neat, and organized. I meant to ask you. Are you OCD?"

  He chuckles. "No, but an officer learns to be neat, clean and organized, and I like things neat, clean, and organized." He looks at me and smirks. "I'll do this. You, Sweet Thang, bring me my cup, please. Cappuccino is best hot and it's getting cold in there."

  "Oh K." I say as I spin around to get it. When I come back, he has finished. He's efficient too. He is surveying them and thinking. I hand him his cup. "So...."

  "Yes?" He takes it, and takes a sip, then hands it back to me. He turns back to my clothes and takes my Florida State Seminole National Championship "Unconquered" t-shirt down along with a pair of distressed Gucci jeans and walks out to the bed. He lays them down and looks at me with a smirk. "So?"

  "So... Antonio was in the right room."

  "Yes." He goes back in and gets my Converse sneakers.

  "So... does that mean you are Maximus?"

  "Yes." He takes his cup and smirks at me over it as he finishes it.

  "What? Get out of here! Your name is Maximus too?"

  He laughs. "That's affirmative. Maximus Aurelius Moore at your service."

  "Sweet Zeus! That's a hot fucking name! Suits you perfectly!"

  He chuckles. "My mother named me obviously." He reaches for my cup and I drink the last swallow and hand it to him. "Get dressed. We need to do a little shopping today too."

  "Yes sir," I grin at him, seeing Maximus Aurelius Moore at my service.

  "And you are to wear both a bra and panties today." He eyes me.

  "Ummhmm." I smirk. His eyebrows raise, making me giggle. "Where did you put them, Mr. Neat, Clean and Organized?" I ask, looking past him to the closet.

  "Chest of drawers, second drawer from the top, on the right." He points to a chest behind me.

  I turn to look as he walks out. "No trickery." He tells me over his shoulder.

  "I promise, no trickery." I throw on the clothes and walk out to the living room. He is sitting at the table and stands when I come in.


  "Ready." He heads to the door and I slide in next to him. I slip my fingers between his and cinch us together. "I honestly don’t think I can walk next to you without touching you."

  "That’s a good thing." He smirks as he closes the door.

  "So tell me more about Maximus."

  "After we eat. I’m starving."

  At the elevator, Aurei hits the up button. "Is the restaurant up?"

  "Yes, it’s on the sixth floor."


  "The view is spectacular. You're gonna love it."

  Chapter Nineteen

  We enter a crowded elevator and squeeze on. Aurei spins me around and hugs me tight in front of him. I feel his cock harden as soon as it touches me. I start to put my hands back there to hold it, but he slides his fingers between mine and holds my hands in front. He leans down and whispers in my ear. "If you start that, we won't eat. We will go right back to the room. I'm always hungry for you, but I'm hungry for food right now. Behave. We need to eat."

  "Yes sir." I answer and squeeze his hands. "I’m hungry for both too." I turn my face to his and kiss him on the cheek.

  On the top floor, the elevator opens and everyone steps out. Most people walk to the hostess to put their name on the waiting list, but we walk to the entrance. A man walks over to us. "Maximus. It's good to see you."

  "You too, Carlo." They shake hands.

  "This way." He leads us through the restaurant to a table in the middle of the windows.

  "Wow!" I exclaim. "This is ... spectacular!"

  Carlo smiles at me and pulls a chair out for me to sit. I do and he pushes it in under me as he talks. "The hotel overlooks the seven hills of ancient Rome." My eyes run along every detail taking in everything. He says to Aurei. "I understand you are staying in the hotel for the week."

  "Yes, we are. Maybe longer." Aurei slides his open hand across the table and I automatically lay mine in it. My eyes turn to him as he closes his hand and he strokes me. His tender touch sends goosebumps up my arm. "Carlo, I want you to make sure Siri has whatever she wants or needs while we are here."

  "Si, bella signorina." Carlo says and nods.

  "Mio bella Signorina." Aurei says. "She is MY beautiful Lady." My eyes soften at the sweet words. "Siri, this is Carlo, the Hotel Manager. Carlo, this is Siri Wright."

  I look up into Carlo's face with the same sweet expression. "It's nice to meet you, Carlo." I hold out my hand to shake. He raises his eyebrows then quickly recovers as he takes my hand and shakes it. "Is this your first visit to Rome?" He asks me.

  "Yes. I'm so excited too." I beam at him.

  "If you need anything, either myself or Franco will assist you."

  "Thank you. I mean, Grazie."

  "Di niente." His eyes flash genuine, then he looks at Aurei and says, "It is good to see you, Maximus."

  "You too, Carlo. We will stop and meet Franco on our way out."

  "I'll tell him to expect you."

  The waiter comes over and Aurei orders for us. "What are we having?" I ask him.

  "I ordered breakfast skewers of peppers and sausage." He grins and lets the innuendo lay.


  "These are called cornettos." I watch him as he serves us both a serving. They are croissants with jam. "With Cappuccino and water to drink."

  "Yummy." I wink at him as he takes a bite then I do the same. "This is really good. You do know I’m going to expect sausage every morning in some form or another."

  He grins that slow sexy smile and my clit thumps. I lean forward, put my forearms on the table and ask. "So, tell me about Maximus Aurelius Moore."

  "I'm named after my Italian grandfather, his name is Aurelius. I grew up as Maximus." He pauses as the waiter serves us the cappuccino. It has a flower design in the cream. Nice touch. "Until the movie Gladiator came out."

  "Oh! The Gladiator's name was Maximus."

  "Exactly. At school, in the eyes of the kids, I became the Gladiator. My name translated to challenges, which translated to fights."

  "Why didn't you just shorten it to Max?"

  "I thought about it when we transferred schools, but I knew as soon as my Italian mother showed up to the school, everyone would know Max was short for Maximus and it would start all over. So, I changed it to Aurei and when my Italian mother showed up, everyone knew it was short for Aurelius and it wasn't a big deal."

  "Makes sense. Tell me about yourself. The private chartered jet, this swag Hotel Suite and Antonio all tell me you are very loaded. Not to mention, Cat said you were too. But you don't live this lifestyle in Alabama. I would never have realized it."

  Our food arrives and we eat while he explains. "It's easy to live a simple life in Alabama, isn’t it?"

  "Yeah. It is." I agree. My Vegas life flashes before my eyes. We are a lot alike. Maybe that was a part of the instant attraction.

  "The name of my business is Maximus Enterprises. I inherited my portion of the Liotine trust fund right out of high school. I invested it well. I bought a lot of real estate, mostly rental properties. Vegas is only one location. I have properties in multiple States across the country. But I also bought land in the Dakota's and started a fracking company. Let's just say, that I've done very well with what I was given."

  "Does everyone know this?"

  "Everyone in Italy, but no one in Alabama or the Army. I've been able to keep it quiet. It's part of the complicated secrets I mentioned. My bro's and the locals know I inherited money, but they have no idea how much. And none of them know I own Maximus Enterprises. It's the parent Corporation. The other companies are structured and shielded in LLC's and land tru

  "Why did you decide to serve in the Army if you knew you were going to inherit a lot of money?"

  "I signed up in high school. I wanted to fly helicopters for as long as I can remember. I grew up watching them fly. I wasn't interested in college so it was an easy decision for me. I didn't know about the trust fund until it was too late and I was committed. My Grandfather Aurelius freaked out a little when he found out. He regretted not telling me and Ann, but my mother and father decided when we were young that it would be best if we didn't know as military brats. 'We're just regular folks.' My dad used to say all the time."

  We laugh. "How did you end up in Alabama?"

  "Every summer Ann and I were sent to Alabama to live with my dad's parents. They were 'regular folks.' I learned an awful lot from that ole man. Grandfather Moore knew a little bit about everything and a lot about most things. I worked with him in his construction business. That's how I learned about remodeling and then the real estate market. And Granny.... She was a trip! She was the cowgirl, golfer, and tennis player. She taught us about the other side of life. The fun things."

  "They sound like quite a pair."

  "Granny used to tell us that Grandfather Moore was her peanut and she was his butter." I laugh at that and he chuckles. "Only later did I really get what she meant." I laugh out loud at that. "When my dad retired from the Army, he wanted to move back home to Alabama. That's when I started spending my summers in Italy, learning about my Italian family, up close and personal."

  "Sometimes a little too personal?"

  He smirks. "It was only that one time. After that I started talking the older girls with tits into posing nude for me and one thing usually lead to another." He looks down at my tits and grins.


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