Saving Her

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Saving Her Page 11

by Jessika Klide

  "No. I should have. Then I could have kissed her hand."

  "Be careful. She's feisty."


  I go to the bathroom and find the robe, slip into it, then go to the bedroom doorway where I lean on it and watch the cousins. Aurei has his back to me, and doesn't know I'm there, but Antonio sees me and I wave. His smile broadens but he doesn't let on I'm standing there listening.

  Aurei is telling him. "I think I'll treat her to real Italian Pizza tonight. Make reservations for us at Michael's here. I had intended to take her shopping today. Her clothes are not warm enough, but the day is gone. We'll have to do that tomorrow."

  "I'll have Angelo take you around tonight in the car, and give you his professional tour of The Eternal City by the spectacular lights."

  "Perfect! Call the Clubs. We will go dancing later in the week."

  "Really?" Antonio says surprised. "This I must see!"

  Aurei chuckles. "She's a dancer too, like Nonna."

  "Oh?" Antonio looks surprised.

  "Well, not exactly like Nonna, but she is a graceful, gifted dancer in her own right."

  "Ah!" Antonio nods. "Is that all?"

  "Yes. For now. I'll go into the office on Thursday to check in on everything. Tell Mia."

  "Yes, boss."

  "Thanks, Antonio. It's good to be back. I've missed you."

  "It's good to have you home, Maximus." Antonio leans around Aurei and tells me. "Nice to meet you, Siri."

  I walk forward, meeting him halfway and offer my hand. "Nice to meet you too, Antonio. I apologize for the mistaken identity earlier. I hope I did not offend you. I couldn't believe how handsome the waiters were."

  He flirts as he cuts his eyes at Aurei. "I could not resist helping such a beautiful lady. The pleasure was mine." He takes my offered hand. I grip his hard and pump it like a true Southern Cowgirl. "Ah." He smiles at Aurei. "No kisses from the feisty bitch." We crack up laughing. He pats Aurei on the back as he goes by, heading for the door. He bends over, picks up my bra, tosses it to Aurei and tells him. "Answer your phone, Maximus. Ciao."

  I walk over to Aurei and grab a hand full of his ass. "Maximus. The name suits you."

  He chuckles and takes off his towel then twists it.

  "Oh snap!" I squeal and run to the bedroom. I hear it 'crack' behind me as I dive onto the bed. Grabbing a pillow and twisting to defend myself, Aurei dives on the bed next to me and when he lands, the bed springs like a mini trampoline. I jump to my feet easily with the momentum and tower over him, then giggling like mad, I raise the pillow over my head.

  "Oh snap!" He says as I deliver the first blow of the pillow fight. He grabs his pillow and puts it over his head. He peeks out between blows as I pummel him while I bounce on the bed. I squeal when he grabs my foot and snatches hard, pulling it out from under me. I sail over backwards and he pounces on me.

  "Oh snap!" I giggle. He straddles me, sitting on my chest and takes the pillow out of my hands. His smile beams as he raises the pillow high over his head and threatens me with it. The view I have is breathtaking. His massive chest and back resembles that of an archangel spreading his wings. "Oh my Fucking Golden God! You are gorgeous! A fucking fine feast!"

  He drops his arms and the pillow falls on my face softly. I hear him laughing out loud, and feel his body shaking with it. The sound is contagious and I laugh hard too. As he removes the pillow, I crinkle my nose and stick my tongue out at him. He laughs as he rolls off me onto his back. We lay side by side, staring up at the ceiling, laughing and giggling. When we catch our breath, I ask him. "What's so fucking funny?"

  "Your descriptive phrases." He chuckles. "A fucking fine feast! Where do you come up with shit like that?"

  "That one just popped into my head when I saw you that first day." I laugh with him.

  "You are certainly unique, Wild Thang."

  The room phone rings and we both turn to stare at it like it's a big monster that just walked in. "I have to get that." He tells me.

  "I know."

  He crawls over to it and answers. When he hangs up, he tells me. "That was confirmation on our dinner reservation. We have about an hour and half to kill. Let's go take a quick shower and get ready to eat."

  "It’s still my turn to bathe you." I grab at his ass as he gets up and he slaps my hand away. "Should I call you Maximus while I'm in Rome?" I ponder out loud while I follow him in. "You know, like everyone else. Because when in Rome and all that." I poke fun at him.

  He chuckles. "Call me whatever you like." He turns the water on.

  "Which do you prefer though?"

  "Whatever you prefer."

  "I really like Maximus. It suits you. You are Maximus deliciousness."

  He chuckles as he steps in the shower. "Come on. The water is warm." He holds out his hand to me and I climb in with him. He slides the curtain behind me, embracing me. Only the tip of his cock, and the tip of my tits touch, but the instant electricity that shoots through us makes him drop his arms to embrace me and makes me slide mine to his ass. He kisses me deeply and fully, then he releases me and hands me the soap. I spin him around and push him to the wall.

  "But Aurelius suits you too. Golden God and all that." I rub the soap all over his back, then lather him up. When it is rich and thick, I start my massage. "I can't decide."

  "Ah!" He moans as he puts one arm against the wall, and lays his head on it.

  I start at the base of his neck and work my way down his back. "Does that feel good? Don't answer. I know it does. I get a massage once a week in Vegas." The density of his muscle mass tells me how strong he is. I dig my thumbs in and fan them outward along the contour line of his muscles.

  He moans for me. "Umm hmm."

  "I can feel some tension knots that need to be worked out." I move to the arm that is hanging limp. I knead it between my hands, rolling it like dough.

  "Ah. Wow! That feels really good."

  "It feels really good to me too. I absofuckinglutely love touching your body." I move to the other arm and he shifts for me. I repeat the massage technique down it too.


  I slide between him and the wall. I reach behind him and push the tips of my fingers in the small of his back and work them. He arches it and leans on the wall. I slide them down his ass and massage his perfect fucking muscle. "Umm! That is one fine gluteus, Maximus!"

  He chuckles. "Cute."

  "Yes. It is." I agree.

  He chuckles again. Ah! That sound! I work his whole back and ass over good, then I move behind him again. I slide my hand down the crack of his ass and between his legs to cup his balls. I reach around the front with the other and take a hold of his cock. He moans and it hardens for me. He doesn't stop me, so I continue. He has one helluva active libido! We may very well be perfect for each other. I think of Scarlet and Paul. I'm sure they have tried by now to fuck each other’s brains out too. They are probably zombies today. I smile at the thought. I could think of worse things to be.

  I stroke his cock and his sack at the same time. Sometimes with the same rhythm. Sometimes with the opposite rhythm. Sometimes only one. I stroke him with finesse. He moans for me as I bring him up, then let him hang, over and over. When he puts both hands on the wall, I know he is willing to let me have my way. Now for the good stuff. I run my hand to the base of his cock and pinch it off, stifling the blood flow. His cock hardens and the veins bulge. I place the heel of my palm on his anus as I strum the skin behind the balls. First soft and gentle then with more and more applied pressure. When I have him pushing against me, I release the pinch on his cock and stroke him very lightly to the tip. I run my hand around and around the head, along his ridge until he lifts his head and groans loud. Then I stroke his cock with firm pressure down and hard pressure up. Then very fast, light strokes. Then firm pressure down and hard pressure up. I alternate until he hangs his head to watch. He is about to blow. I turn him to face me. Dropping down, I slide his cock between my tits. I squeeze them tight and pum
p him. Then I let go, reach one hand to his ass and one between his legs. I pull him to me to grind. "Fuck my tits, Aurei." His hands squeeze my soapy tits together and he moves his cock between them for me. He fucks them and his eyes bore into mine telling me, 'I’m his Every Thang.' I wait, watching. Right when he closes his eyes to cum, I insert my finger into his anus and find his prostrate. His eyes fly open. He makes a low rumbling sound. Like a bear! I feel him pulsating as his cum shoots my neck and face. When he is finished, he slumps against the wall, then slides down to sit on the floor next to me. "Siri. Oh Siri. My little Sex Pot Goddess."

  I smile at him very pleased with myself. "Maximus Aurelius, you have marked me again. I am def yours." I stand up and kiss the top of his head, then turn the water on. He opens one eye to watch me. I quickly bathe myself, then take the shower nozzle off the head and help him stand. I rinse away all the soap from his satisfied body, then I grab a towel from the rack on the wall. "Come here, Baby. Let me dry you too. You can take a nap while I blow dry my hair." I put his arms on my shoulders as I take the towel to him. He smiles at me and I see a truly peaceful face.

  He walks like a zombie to the bed and falls on it, making me giggle as I cover him with the sheet and go back to the bathroom to dry my hair. When I'm finished, I walk to the bed and watch him sleep. His snores are soft and deep. Relaxing sounds. Like a fan you get used to hearing.

  I cover him with a blanket and he tells me in his sleep. "You are perfect for me."

  I whisper. "We are perfect for each other."

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  I take my clothes off the bed, grab my MacBook Pro, and walk into the living room. After I’m dressed, I sit at the table in front of the balcony doors and open my computer. There is a text from Lei that she loves the song, "Try" and that she is planning a big "Welcome Home" party for me. It will be so good to return to my Vegas family. I text Cat that we arrived safe. Bart has sent an email that Beyonce's people approved a "Partition" routine and also that Pharrell Williams was thrilled that I would add "Happy" to the lineup. James sent an email about my return performance. "I'm so excited. We will make it a 'smashing' success! Work! Work! Work! Dance! Dance! Dance! Love you bunches, Babe! Let’s do this!" I look out the balcony window. I have to find a place to workout while I'm here. There is a lot of work to do between now and then.

  I quickly check in with my Facebook pages. My Siri personal page has pictures of me and Aurei walking across the lobby, taking snapshots with the fans and getting into the limo. We are both tagged and my Seary page is too. Well, I guess there is no going home to Alabama without Brutus now. It was bound to happen sooner or later. My Surreal page has a lot of hits asking where she has disappeared to and if she has left Vegas for good. It is def time to return. I post a hint of my return and a "not-secret," surprise, spectacular return performance scheduled sometime in May. To "check back often for the date and time." Immediately the "likes" begin and I smile at the screen. I truly live a life people dream of.

  When I check the time, there is an hour before we have to be downstairs to eat. I stand and stare out the window at the beautiful scenery, but I'm lost in thought about what to do about working out the kinks to "Happy" while I'm here. I'll go down to meet Franco myself and ask him if there is somewhere here in the hotel where I can dance. Yeah. That sounds like a plan. I shut the computer, and peek in on Aurei. My Golden God is fast asleep. I'll slip out and be back before he wakes. I close the bedroom door, grab my phone and sneak out.

  Pulling the room door closed quietly behind me, I turn and almost bump into a tall, long legged, extremely thin, Italian woman. "Oh, excuse me!" I tell her. "I didn't realize you were standing here."

  She looks as surprised to see me as I am to see her. "Is this the room of Maximus?"

  "Yes. It is." Her eyes narrow into slivers as she looks me up and down. I return her look as I ask. "May I help you?"

  "I want to speak to Maximus."

  "He is unavailable at the moment."

  "Who are you?"

  Excuse me? The hairs on my neck bristle. Who the fuck are you, rude ass? "I'm the girl staying with him and you're the girl who isn't. May I help you with something?"

  She looks at the door. I know she is thinking of knocking on it. "Maximus and I are old friends. My name is Elena. I heard he was in town. I wanted to say Ciao."

  "I'll be happy to tell him you stopped by." I stand blocking the door.

  She looks surprised at my posturing. "I will leave him a message at the front desk." She tells me, obviously not believing me.

  "Perfect." I tell her. "I'm going down to see Franco. We'll go together." I gesture for her to return back the way she came, and I wait for her to do so. She looks past me one more time to the door, then turns and walks back to the elevator. I watch her gait as I follow her. She walks like a giraffe.

  While we stand waiting for it to arrive, I decide to make small talk with her. You never know what you will learn when people talk about the mundane things. "Are you are a runway model?"

  "Si. I was a very successful model." She smiles down on me, then looks back at the polished doors. Her reflected expression is smug.

  "You walk like a runway model." Like a giraffe.

  "Thank you."

  "Umm hmm." I step forward and push the button for the lobby "Was? You must be too old now. Yes?" I see her glaring at me in the doors.

  When I step back, she says with a smile like a hyena. "I didn't catch your name."

  "Siri." I say, then add with emphasis. "Wright. How long have you known Maximus?"

  "A very long time. How long have you known him?"

  "Long enough."

  "Not long then." She smiles and relaxes a little.

  "A very long time ago, you say? Did you babysit him when he was a boy?" I ask smiling and blinking up at her. It's hard to tell how old she is with all the makeup on, but I'm guessing early thirties.

  She smiles, remembering something sweet. "He was young, but not a boy when I knew him." She smiles at me with the confidence of an old lover meeting a new lover. She has def hooked up with him. I smile sweetly back, poker face locked down tight and a twang of jealousy bites me. Then she frowns. "I do not know this term babysit."

  "It doesn't matter."

  I can see her wheels turning. "We did not have a baby." She clarifies for me, then asks. "Did he have a baby with someone else?"

  "No." I tell her with confidence I don't feel. Not that he knows about anyway.

  The elevator arrives and we board it. There is no one else inside. We walk to the back wall and stand side by side. She takes her phone out and text someone.

  I decide not to ask anymore questions. I don't really want to learn anymore from her. She looks at her phone and smiles. She starts talking, obviously feeling chatty now. "I was very happy to learn that Maximus had returned to Rome. I have not seen him for many years."

  "Really? How many?" I ask despite myself.

  "Ten." Shit! Aurei was 14. Surely she isn’t.... I look at the ceiling. Karma? What the fuck? "He will be happy to see me." She nods her head. "I should not have left him. Ah! But we were too young. Now we are old enough." She smiles at herself.

  "Umm." My poker face grips my face like a vice. Of all the luck. This girl is his first love! I can feel it. "Why did you leave?"

  "The summer was over. I returned to university." She smiles and looks down on me. Fuck! I knew it! She is.

  "That's a long time ago. I'm sure he is over it. Actually I'm positive he is." I give her a look that tells her I'm the girl now.

  "Are you traveling with Maximus for business or pleasure?" She asks uncertain.

  "Def. Pleasure." I grin then smirk at her. Giving her a look that says, I know something she doesn't know.

  She looks me up and down again and says very bitchy. "You are too short and plump for Maximus. He likes long legs."

  The elevator stops and a middle aged man steps in with us. He gives her a quick glance, but his eyes fall straight to
my big bosom, then they move up to appreciate my face. Italian men are such flirts! "His tastes have changed." I tell her confidently. "Perhaps he found something more delicious to enjoy." I fold my arms under my breasts and prop them up, squeezing them together. They pop up and the poor man’s tongue practically hangs out of his mouth. His eyes devour them in the reflection of the door. An outline of a hard-on presses against his slacks. I can see the envy in her eyes as she watches his reaction too. She has no tits.

  Ok Karma. You are off the hook. Thank you!

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  We ride down the rest of the way in silence. When the elevator doors open, Franco, the Concierge, is standing on the landing. He looks like he is waiting for someone else, but when he sees me, he suddenly smiles and looks relieved.

  "Ah, you must be Franco. I'm Siri Wright." I hold my hand out to him as I step off the elevator.

  "Miss Wright. It is a pleasure to meet you." He takes my hand and leads me a few steps away from the elevator doors. Elena steps out with me and follows us. The older man exits, unashamed that his cock is leading the way.

  Franco is an older man with grey hair at his temples. He is slightly overweight but moves with a lot of energy. He shakes my hand with the gentleness befitting a lady as he eyes Elena quietly towering over me. I grin, thinking of a penguin looking at a giraffe. "What brings you down to grace us with your beauty? I'm sure Maximus will not let you out of his sight for long."

  "That's very sweet of you to say. Thank you, Franco." I smile sweetly at him and turn to look at Elena as his eyes leave mine to look at her. She stands stone faced, looking down her nose at me and waits for him to speak to her, but he only looks back at me and grins, ignoring her.

  "Maximus has been staying at our hotel since he was a young boy. Carlo tells me he introduced you as 'Mio Bella Signorina.'" He is beaming at me like a proud Papa, then he bends over and says not so quietly, and I realize he is telling me this for Elena's benefit. "He has never shared his room with anyone before. You must be very special to him." He stands back up. "Therefore, you are very special to us. How may I be of service to you, Bella Signorina?" He asks with a flourish of hand movements.


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