Love and Punishment

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Love and Punishment Page 2

by Sorcha Mowbray

  And, to her dismay, that shape appealed far more than it should.

  For years she trained with the image of an evil, ugly man in her head. Cold, dead eyes, a permanent sneer on his lips, and maybe a scar or two. Never had she imagined anyone who could pick her up and snap her in half. A man roped with muscle earned from hard work. One who made her insides turn soft and warm with desire.

  She looked away, unable to meet his stare.

  “Is this what you want?” A voice—no his voice—low and demanding in her ear.

  The commanding tone drew her gaze up and over her shoulder until she looked into the face of the Beast. Eyes so green she got lost in the clover made her forget the question. “What?”

  “Is this what you want? To take your father’s place?” A muscle twitched in his jaw, pulsing slow and steady while he waited for her answer.

  She tucked her hand behind her back to hide the trembling his proximity started. “Yes. Please take me instead.” Her tongue darted out to wet her lips, but her mouth had dried out. “My sisters need him. He’s the only parent we have.”

  They stared at each other, drew the moment out, and let the crowd’s rumbling grow louder. Her chest rose and fell carried by each new breath dragged in, which only made matters worse. With each pull of air his intoxicating scent teased her nose and stimulated her already off-the-charts desire. Beneath her leather vest her nipples pebbled and reached out to him, and her response had nothing to do with the cool February air. Despite wearing a leather jacket, which provided plenty of protection in the temperate clime, her panties had grown wet—a damning indicator of a need she couldn’t understand, let alone explain.

  She hadn’t claimed the status of virgin for a long time, sex was a part of life, but she never had such an intense reaction to any of her lovers—and the man hadn’t even touched her yet.

  He sucked in a sharp breath, damn near inhaled her, before he spun around and stepped up to the edge of the stage. Raised arms calmed the crowd. His blond hair became a nimbus around his head. He glanced off to his right where the other mouth-watering specimen from the parking lot nodded in answer to some unasked question. Having gotten what he needed, he turned and faced the council to his left, showing off his chiseled profile.

  “If it pleases the Council….” The crowd quieted. “The Beasts accept the offer of—” He glanced at her, an eyebrow raised in question.

  “Annabel.” The dull pain where she chewed her lip helped repress the urge to say more.

  “Annabel.” He boomed her name.

  Joseph Weston looked to the remaining members of the High Council. Each nodded in turn to signal their acceptance of this arrangement. He turned to face the blond Beast, “Annabel Priestly now belongs to The Beasts. In accordance with our ways, she will leave from here with only what she has on her person. All other possessions will be left behind as she embarks upon a new life.”

  A spike of fear stabbed through her chest, and, suddenly, breathing became difficult.

  Her father wrapped his hand around her upper arm, squeezed tight, turned her around, and yanked her into his chest. To anyone watching, it would have seemed a touching moment, but in reality her father offered only a few last words. “Remember your purpose. Avenge your mother, Bel. Avenge me.”

  Abruptly pulling her from her father’s arms the imposing man who claimed her damn near dragged her from the stage. Guided by a firm hand on her upper arm, she soon found the dark Beast on her other side. Sandwiched between them, she strode to the parking lot where the blond straddled his bike and looked at her. “Annabel, do you ride?”

  Unable to muster a syllable, rooted in a tornado of mixed emotions, equal parts fear, curiosity, and lust, she nodded.

  “Take the pussy pad.”

  She blinked. Of course it wasn’t the first time she’d heard that term, but none of her father’s men had ever dared say something like that to her. Partly out of respect for him, and partly out of fear of her. She’d taken down men twice her size while training, and more than once when one of the boys had needed a reminder she wasn’t anyone’s old lady. The surge of annoyance at his offhand treatment cleared much of the lust and curiosity from her head and left her focused on her purpose. She was there for one reason.


  After slinging her leg over the back of his bike, she grabbed onto the leather jacket he’d slipped on. He turned the engine over, and the mechanical beast roared to life. “Better hang on tighter than that, baby. Unless you wanted to die tonight?”

  With a snort, she leaned forward to wrap her arms around him. He chuckled, sending a low vibration through her breasts pressed against his back. With her face tucked against him and his hair tickling her face she found herself tossed back into the tempest of anger and lust. How could a man smell so damn good? Leather, fresh air, and something spicy. The combined scents challenged her ability to resist the urge to lick him and see if he tasted as good as he smelled.

  They took off, which forced her to focus on staying close to him while the wind rushed through her hair and the sun slipped below the horizon. With limited power resources, the Epsilon landscape no longer glowed. Nights offered a lot of danger with the utter darkness that swallowed the landscape. Not to mention the nocturnal activities of the inhabitants. Once upon a time San Diego—and the world, really—lived in a civilized and organized manner. Now life was chaotic. Primal.

  But she could be called a survivor. No, she was more than that. She’d not only survive, she’d triumph.


  Liam glanced over at Nate before they led Annabel inside The Beasts’ compound. The former school had become the de facto home for all the Beasts. At one time, many of them had lived around the territory, but under his and Nate’s leadership, they’d become more of a family and less of a gang.

  Their sense of family, the need to protect everyone, only made the question of Bel more difficult. What were they supposed to do with her? His dick knew what it wanted to do, and a glance at Nate told him he likely had similar ideas in mind. But, besides fucking her silly, what were they supposed to do with the daughter of the devil? Could they trust her? Shit, she had loyalty in spades. Too bad it lay with her father. Finding a woman with the combination of guts, loyalty, and beauty Bel—he liked how her name rolled off his tongue—possessed was something neither he nor Nate had ever let themselves consider.

  They entered the main hall followed by the rest of the club. The results of the meeting sank in, evidenced by the quiet buzz that zipped among the members.

  “Bel, cop a squat over there.” Liam pointed at the couch he and Nate usually occupied when hanging with everyone then drew him aside. “Didn’t see that coming.”

  “No way, man. But, damn”—Nate glanced over his shoulder at the beauty sitting alone and looking a little lost—“who could say no to having her?”

  “Can’t imagine. But now that we have her, what do we do with her?” He pitched his voice slightly louder to rise above the music blasting through the speakers mounted on the walls.

  “Dude, if you have to ask that, we’ve been alone too long.” Nate grinned and winked.

  Shit, Liam loved his playful side. Despite his brooding dark looks, Nate was really a good-natured guy. At least until you pushed him into a corner. Then he turned into a nasty beast. He could be brutal as anyone. Liam wrapped his hand around the back of Nate’s neck and hauled him close. “Hey man, there’s nothing wrong with what we’ve got. I love the way you feel wrapped around my cock.”

  “And I love the way you feel buried balls deep in my ass. But, it’s been a while since we bothered with a woman. They tend to complicate things.” He shrugged and leaned in.

  Nate didn’t often let his vulnerability show. They were guys; it wasn’t like they sat around and talked about their feelings. But despite a lot of things going unsaid, they both knew how they felt. From the first time they’d reached for each other physically there had also been an emo
tional connection. “I know man. But we’ve weathered that before. No reason we can’t survive it again and grab a little pleasure along the way. I think we need to agree; Bel is with one of us at all times. At least until we can figure out why she’s here.”

  “Agreed.” Nate cast a glance around the room. “We better signal the party is on, or these guys are going to sit around all night.”

  Their people sprawled on couches or stood in small clumps, talking but not really partying. Time to get things moving. They’d earned it. Liam grinned and pressed his lips to Nate’s. No time like the present to get things moving and make sure Bel knew she’d gotten a package deal. He twisted his head slightly and demanded entrance. Nate’s firm lips parted, and he swept in to plunder and taste the man who owned him, heart and soul. Nate groaned and pressed closer as the kiss roughened, deepened. Liam sometimes let him take control, but tonight he needed to master his dark one. Needed him to know he was owned. Tongues dueled, tasted, and twined until the need to breathe took precedence. They pulled apart to get lost for a moment in each other’s eyes. Their ever-present connection stretched between them, a live wire shooting sparks and jolts.

  The need to see Bel’s reaction drew his gaze from Nate’s to peek over his shoulder. She sat there, gaze glued on them, her chest pumped like a bellows to draw air, and her eyes glazed with lust. Sweet girl got off watching them kiss. “I think we have an audience. And she dug the show.”

  Nate chuckled. “I hope so since she’ll be seeing more of it up close and personal.” He stepped back and smiled. “I’ll get us a few beers. Why don’t you go see to our girl before some of the boys think we’ve left her alone out of disinterest?”

  “Don’t be long. I think things are about to get interesting.” He stepped past Nate and moved over to the beauty with golden-brown hair and the biggest blue eyes he’d ever seen. Unusual color, too. The turquoise reminded him of the Caribbean Sea he once saw in the video archives. She tracked each step he took until a pretty blush rose to her cheeks to match the pink of her slightly swollen lower lip. If the last few hours were any evidence, she chewed on it when her nerves kicked up. Would he find it soothing, too? Probably not. Calming wasn’t even on the list of words popping up to describe Bel. Lush, curvy, and sexy as hell. Those all described her. Calming? Nope.

  He stopped in front of her. His erection pressed against his jeans making it very clear he was raring and ready to go. Her gaze latched onto the view and never made it up to his face. “So, baby, you still sure about your decision?”

  She ripped her gaze from his crotch and swept the room around them. He knew what she would see. Some of the crew sat around drinking beer and shooting the shit. Others moved the party along more carnal paths. With various pairings engaged in everything from simple kissing to out and out fucking already. Not everyone chose to have sex in the hall, but for those who enjoyed it, the rest supplied a willing audience. He squatted in front of her. “Eyes right here.”

  She faced him while her cheeks turned redder and redder. But, she didn’t look him in the eye.

  “I take it the Disciples aren’t as open about sex as we are?”

  “I suppose they are, but I wasn’t around the clubhouse a lot. And, well, I know them. They’re practically family, and I barely even know your names.” She finally looked up at him and arched a brow.

  He grinned. “Bad on me. A formal introduction is due. I’m Liam Whelan, but you heard that earlier.” Nate appeared next to him and handed over a cold beer. The next one landed in her hand. “This is Nate Lords-Whelan.”

  “Thank you.”

  He didn’t know if she meant the beer, for sharing their names, or letting her replace her father. Maybe all three. It didn’t matter. “We can leave the main room for the moment if the sex is going to bother you. Go somewhere more private to talk.”

  “Just talk?” She looked at him suspiciously and snuck a peek at Nate’s bulge.

  “For now. Let’s see how things go.” He stood and held out a hand, which she used to lever herself up from the couch.

  In order to get to their private rooms, they had to walk past a few of the more active groups. Teal, one of the Roses who saw to The Beasts as part of their protection fees, entertained three of the guys. Bel slowed, unable to tear her gaze from the visual while she eased by the foursome. They passed that group to find two of the guys fucking. Harlon had his dick crammed into Jimmy who was pinned, spread-eagle against the wall with his hips canted back. Lost in pleasure the two never slowed their play. Again, her gaze lingered on the sexual feast and her steps slowed. Out in the passageway, they headed down a few doors to their suite of rooms. The two of them had long ago given up any pretense they were just friends. They had a main sitting room and a bedroom beyond with a huge sleeping platform built to accommodate two very large men.

  They settled on the couch with her nestled in between. Hopefully the closeness would help her start getting used to them.

  “So, Bel.” Nate lowered his lids and took a sip of beer. “What exactly did you expect would happen when you tossed yourself out there in place of your father?”

  She took a long swig of her own drink and squirmed in the seat. “Um.”

  Liam wanted to be patient, but he struggled with that particular skill. “Come on, it’ll be best if you just tell us. Then we can either confirm or dispel whatever you’ve got in your head.” He reached over and pushed a stray hair back from her face.

  Her whole body tensed, muscles rigid with something. Fear? Nerves? Could he hope for desire? “I expected to take the place of the Rose my father is accused of taking.”

  “Took.” Liam corrected her. No point in letting her live in denial of what her parent had done.

  “Fine.” She squinted at him as though he resembled a pesky older brother. “Took. I assumed I’d be passed around the clubhouse, made to serve you all in one capacity or another.” Her cheeks turned dusky with embarrassment.

  Clearly, she thought she’d be treated similar to how her father treated Penelope.

  “Okay. Well, you won’t be made to service everyone. Unless of course you’re into that.” Nate chuckled when her mouth opened and her eyebrows rose in disbelief. “What? You think Teal wasn’t enjoying herself?”

  “Teal?” She glanced over at Liam and back to Nate in confusion.

  Liam grinned. “Teal was the girl you walked past with a cock in her ass, pussy, and mouth. Pretty sure she was coming or about to around the time we strolled by.”

  “She did that willingly?”

  “Oh, honey, she was more than willing. That’s a regular occurrence with her and any combo of the guys. That’s why she’s one of the Roses who serves here at the clubhouse. Like I said”—Nate took her free hand—“we don’t force anyone to do anything they don’t want. Only willing women live and work here. And just because a woman is here doesn’t mean they have sex with anyone. We have a number of Beasts of the female type who earned the right to be one of us by simply working hard and pulling their weight in the factory.”

  She looked surprised by the news. And maybe a little disappointed they weren’t monsters.

  “But, if you were interested in exploring some pleasurable things with a couple of us, I think that could be arranged.” Nate set his beer down and started massaging her arm. Limber fingers kneaded and rubbed their way up her shoulder until they reached her neck.

  The beer she held wobbled, so Liam took it from her and set it on the table. His bro teased the tension from her muscles as she shifted to give him better access.

  “Mmmmm….” Her head dropped forward while Nate dug in. Then he pressed his lips against her flesh. Her head snapped up and her eyes opened wide in surprise.

  Liam leaned forward. “If you don’t want this, say the word, baby.”

  Her eyes slid closed when Nate gently bit down where her neck and shoulder met. No longer able to resist, Liam leaned in and tipped her face up to his. He pressed against
her soft, plump lips and slid back and forth, sweetly asking her to open. Her lips separated slightly, as if unsure she wanted to let him in.

  “That’s it, baby, open up for me,” he murmured and waited for her to comply. His body trembled with the restraint he exhibited. He fought the need to pin her against Nate and penetrate her mouth in the most wild and wicked ways.

  Her jaw relaxed, and he swept inside. A groan rumbled from him when he tasted the faint sweetness of their Beast Brew mixed with a minty freshness he suddenly craved. Her palms slid up his chest to cover his pecs, and he really wished he didn’t have so many damn layers on. He wanted her touch on his skin, searing him with her caress.

  “Damn, that’s hot.” Nate’s whispered words reminded Liam she probably needed to breathe, and his bro no doubt wanted a taste of his own. He withdrew from the sweetness of her lips, but had to rest his forehead against hers for a minute. She, too, grappled for breath while letting her fingers jab into his chest.

  “Oh,” shuddered from her on an exhale. Nate worked his magic on her breasts. Oh yeah, she enjoyed that. Her back arched, and she pressed into his touch. “I-I don’t understand. I thought you guys were—” She gasped as the sun-browned fingers slipped beneath her leather vest to cup her flesh. “Together.”

  “Yeah, you like his hands on your tits, don’t you, baby?”

  “God, yes.” She reached back and grabbed Nate’s neck, giving him total access.

  “And yes, we definitely dig each other. But it doesn’t mean we wouldn’t be interested in having a woman join us. We’re into women, too.” Hands—his hands—trembled but he still worked her vest buttons open for Nate. “Appreciate their soft curves and sweet pussies. In fact, I can’t wait to get between your thighs and taste yours.”


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