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Envy Page 6

by K. T Fisher

  “And of course the club whores.” Lauren adds to Maci’s explanation.

  “Yeah.” Maci laughs. “The women who have always clung to the men around here and are so desperate to get their claws into them they will do just about anything, including abandoning their children.”

  I stare at Maci, shocked at her outburst. The last time I spoke to her she did seem like an open book with no filter, but I didn’t expect that.

  “Are you ok?” Lauren immediately turn towards her. I sit back and smile, See, she is perfect for her role in the club.

  “Don’t mind me.” Maci shrugs it off. “My mother was a club whore. Not for the Kings, another club in central London and she always left me with anyone available so she could try and trap any biker available.”

  “I’m sorry.” I frown.

  “Don’t be.” Maci smiles. “I grew up and managed to escape her, she wanted me to be just like her but like many club brats, I didn’t like being away from a club so when I heard about The Kings of Rebellion, I asked to join. Like mother like daughter.”

  “No, not at all.” Lauren snaps. “You’re not at all like that, I can already tell.” I really feel for Maci, she’s really young and I wouldn’t say she’s hit her twenties yet. I’m glad she chose to be a bunny and not a whore, she wouldn’t do well in that group.

  “Like I was telling Natasha the other day as horrible as it sounds, I can now breathe that Dyson isn’t here anymore. She was always pushing the bunnies to do more and become more of a club whore and that isn’t me. I saw what it did to my mother and I hate her, I don’t want to become her.”

  “That’s awful!” Lauren frowns. “Hearing that, I’m glad Dyson isn’t here any longer too.”

  Maci looks up at Lauren, really studying her and then breaks out in a smile. “The girls around here said you were nice, I was a little afraid to talk to you but I can see they were right.”

  “Thank you.” Lauren answers, looking a little honoured.

  Well done girl.

  “No problem.” Maci smiles back and I see her eyes shine through her tears. In that moment we all strike a bond and I know why. Even if I hadn’t had heard Maci’s story from her hard past, I would recognise it from the look in her eyes and the way she observes everything. Yes she’s young, but her troubled life has made her mature faster and for good reason.

  “I was so shocked when I came here.” Maci laughs. “I’m treated so well here and because I’m not a club whore, I get respect. Something my mother never had.”

  I never heard of the term of bunny before Dyson was killed by the Devils and that’s probably because when Lauren and I were new here. Dyson ran things within the whores and from what Maci has told us, Dyson didn’t want the divide. Most probably because she wanted the respect the young bunnies had.

  “Yeah, we were shocked at that when we arrived too.” I laugh, remembering how hard it was to adjust at first.

  “So why the Kings?” Lauren asks.

  Maci bites on her bottom lip and I almost see a cloud cover her. She shuts herself off from us and by the look Lauren quickly flashed me, she knew it too.

  “I just heard they were a good club.” She answers and decide to leave it there. She obviously doesn’t want to answer that question and it leaves me wondering why.

  Today I’m home alone. Well, it’s not my home because this isn’t technically my home, even though Grim insists that it is, bless him.

  Lauren has left in a nervous blur for her first day at the magazine, she doesn’t have to work in the office building all week which Lauren loves, but she has to make sure she has been in at least twice a week. You can’t argue with that. Grim wanted to go with her, so he followed her on his bike and told me he had business to deal with right after so I’ve got the house to myself until Lauren comes home.

  I think this is the first time and I plan to take advantage. My hair is in a scruffy knot on the top of my head, I did used to have short hair but I wanted to change my look since the Devils and decided to keep it long as it grew. I have on my baggy black cotton bottoms on with a simple white vest top as I google the building Drew told me Franky thought was the perfect place for us. I still needed to thank Franky but he seems so busy lately that I haven’t seen him. Maybe I should get his phone number so I can ring or at least send a text message.

  The building looks fucking amazing and as I stare at it on Laurens computer screen my eyes bug out and my mouth hangs open.

  “Holy mother fucking shit balls.” I whisper. I grab my phone and ring Drew.

  “Hey!” She sings down the phone.

  “Have you seen the building?” I ask her.

  “Yes!” She squeal. “It’s amazing right?”

  “Amazing?” I ask. “It’s perfect!”

  “I’m so glad you like it.” Drew sighs.

  “How could I not?” I laugh. The place is big, not massive but bigger than what I had in mind. It’s one large room with huge pretty white framed windows. The place even has an underground storage unit and extra space upstairs. So all in all, it has three levels and is gorgeous. Did I mention I’m not paying?

  “I know right? My dad wants to meet us in a few days actually to talk things over with us if that’s ok?” She asks.

  “No, I was just thinking that I need to thank him so that’s perfect.” I answer.

  After we get excited about what we could do with the place, we end the call and I sit alone with a huge smile on my face as I look at the computer screen. I can’t believe this is actually happening!

  A couple of hours later, I’m a sweaty mess. I decided to get off my ass and clean the house. It’s pretty much clean and tidy anyway, but I don’t want it to look like I’ve been doing nothing all day while Grim and Lauren have been out. I turn off the vacuum cleaner and store it away, out of nowhere there’s a knock on the door. I stand still and look at the door like an idiot. Another knock makes me jump.

  “I know you’re in their babe, I heard you cleaning.” I hear Devlin from the other side and I breathe a side of belief. I don’t know why I got a little scared, I’m perfectly safe now. However, try telling that to my fast beating heart. But then I remember what I’m wearing and what I look like. FUCK!

  “Tasha!” I hear him shout.

  “What do you want?” I shout through the door.

  “Open the door and see.” He demands.

  “I’m not decent.” I admit.

  “You naked?” He asks shocked and I can’t help but smile.

  “No, the opposite.” I still laugh.

  “I’m confused.” He admits. “Are you hungry?”

  At his question my stomach growls. He’s not going to go away, I could let him in a run for my room to change. When Devlin knocks loudly again I decide to open the door and fuck the consequences. When I open the door I look to the floor in embarrassment.

  “What’s the matter?” Devlin asks.

  I look up at him, eyebrows raised in question.

  “Seriously? Look at me!” I point out.

  “Tash you look fine.” He walks past me and into the kitchen. I shut the door behind him and follow as he continues talking. “It’s nice to see you natural. I don’t think you could ever not look beautiful.” His words make me stop. I can’t believe he just said that.

  “Just give me a couple minutes.” I say as I speed walk to the bathroom.

  I splash cold water on my face to freshen up, tidy my high bun and decide there’s not point changing my clothes so I give myself a fresh spray of perfume and leave to find Devlin where I left him. I find him making himself at home, getting out plates from the cupboard and reaching into the bags her bought in with him.

  “What have you got there?” I ask as I stand behind him.

  “Grim told me you were alone so I left them to it and bought you something to eat.” He simply answers. I’m speechless, I don’t think anybody has done something so sweet for me and yet, it’s so simple. I don’t have the words but by his smile he knows what
I’m thinking. He can read me so well. I watch as he takes out the Subs, muffins and cookies. My mouth waters as I follow him to the table. I haven’t had anything to eat since I had toast with Lauren this morning. I wonder how she’s getting on, I would send her a cheeky text but I don’t want to disturb her.

  “So I saw the building for the salon.” I say, deciding to break the silence.

  “What’s it look like?” He asks.

  “You haven’t seen it?” I’m shocked, I thought he would know.

  “No.” He laughs. “I left that to Drew and my dad.”

  I take a bite out of my sandwich and moan from the taste. “God this Sub is good!” I open my eyes and see Devlin gazing at me. I swallow the food and place it back down on the plate.

  “Sorry.” I laugh.

  “Don’t apologise.” He smiles, taking a big bite out of his own. How can a man eating look so sexy? Once we have finished eating, Devlin decides that he wants to get a drink and head outside.

  “Did you tell the girls we kissed?” He asks me with a mischievous grin. I feel my cheeks burn as I look away. I nervously laugh as I feel him looking at me.

  “Of course I did. They already knew we left together, I woke up to a phone full of texts.” I answer, still looking down at my hands as a distraction.

  “Yeah, that dance wasn’t fooling anyone was it?” He asks. Devlin’s voice sounds deep and husky.

  “No.” I breathe. The atmosphere becomes thick with what I’m assuming is lust. I love flirting with Devlin and the attention he gives me even more. He makes me feel beautiful but once he sees my hidden scars I know he won’t think the same of me. As soon as he looks at the deep scars in my most intimate areas, he will be disgusted and will want nothing more to do with me. I don’t if I should take that chance and get closer to him keep him at arm’s length so he will never see me. I can’t make up my mind.

  “You ok?” He asks. “Something went on in that head of yours.”

  “What?” I snap out of my thoughts, sitting up straight.

  “Don’t start lying Tasha, as soon as I mentioned that dance you drifted away.” Devlin explains. “You can’t fool me.”

  I lean back in my chair and look Devlin over. He really can see right through me and I can’t decide whether that’s a good thing or not. Devlin stands from his seat opposite me and takes the one beside me. He leans in close and lets his finger glide from my ear lobe to the middle of my chin.

  “That was the best night of my life.” Devlin whispers. “I know you enjoyed it too, so don’t let whatever’s going on in that head of your ruin it.”

  I smile because I just can’t help it. “I did.”

  Devlin nods, breaking into a huge smile. “I knew it.”

  I laugh and Devlin does too. Our faces still so close that when my head dips down, I bang my forehead onto his and suddenly back away but Devlin stops me. His hand is behind my head, tangled into my hair and holding me in place. Our laughter dies and we look into each other’s eyes.

  We stay like that until I dare to look down at Devlin mouth. I really want to kiss him. I look back into his dark eyes and see his now looking at mine and without thinking my tongue licks along my bottom lip. He looks up into my eyes and there’s one second where everything freezes. It’s just Devlin and me, I have no worries or fears. I’m just here. So when Devlin drops his mouth onto mine, I don’t think. I return the kiss with as much desire as Devlin is giving to me.

  His other hand joins the one already in my hair, both tangled into my messy bun as I melt into him. Devlin’s deep growl does crazy shit to me and I just wish that our chairs weren’t between us. Devlin breaks away and leans his forehead onto mine. “Fuck you drive me crazy.”

  I don’t know what to say, so I stay quiet and it seems like that’s the best because Devlin leans closer again and kisses me gently.

  “Tasha?” I hear Lauren from inside the house. My lips break away from Devlin’s at the sound of her voice as she shouts her again. Devlin’s hand grips my jaw to stop me moving too far away and as Lauren comes outside, he tugs on my bottom lip with his thumb.

  “Devlin!” Lauren asks in surprise.

  Devlin looks down and checks the time on his phone. “Shit.”

  “I didn’t know you were coming around.” Lauren carries on as she walks into the garden.

  Devlin quickly stands, not noticing Lauren anymore but looking right at me.

  “Babe, I need to go.” He leans down to me and kisses me so fucking hard, all the air is wiped out of me. “I’m taking you out soon. No questions asked.”

  Devlin gives me a naughty grin and then one quick kiss before he leaves. He gives Lauren a quick kiss on the forehead too before walking past her and letting himself out.

  “Did I interrupt?” Lauren asks.

  I hadn’t realised I staring at Devlin leaving until Lauren speaks.

  “What?” I ask.

  “You two looked pretty cosy.” She smiles.

  I look down at my hands again to hide my burning face.

  “How was your first day?” I ask.

  “Amazing.” She answers. “How was yours?”

  “I didn’t have a first day.” I point out sarcastically and when Lauren tilts her head to the side and gives me her, don’t lie to me face, I give in.

  “Fine. I was innocently cleaning when Devlin bought me dinner.” I answer.

  “That was sweet.” She smiles. “And not at all what I would expect.”

  “Well I could say the same for Grim if I hadn’t seen it for myself whilst I’ve been living with you both.” I remind her.

  “True.” She nods.

  “We kissed.” I spit out.

  “Yes I saw.” Lauren giggles. “I’m happy for you.”

  “There’s no need to be.” I shake my head. “I can’t let it happen.”

  Lauren’s face falls. “What?”

  “I can’t let him near me Lauren, you know that.” I remind her.

  “Yes you can Tasha.” She pleads. “You more than anyone deserves to be happy.”

  “Are you forgetting what they did to me?” I ask. “You’ve seen the scars they have left me with.” Lauren stares at me for a few seconds and then kneels down in front of me. She reaches up and wipes the tears away that I didn’t even know were falling.

  “Yes I have and you should wear them with pride.” Lauren looks up at me. “Do not be ashamed Natasha, do you hear me?”

  “I hate them.” I cry. Lauren holds me as I fall apart in her arms.

  Riding on my bike with a hard cock is a hard thing to do, but if I don’t get back now my dad will see to it that I don’t have one to use in the first place if I don’t get to church on time. Natasha’s sweet lips made me forget all about the club meeting. Damn, I can really get caught up in that woman.

  As soon as I reach the clubs gates they are ripped open by the prospects. They know that I’m late, probably have had a questioning by my dad already. After I’ve parked up, I run inside and curse when the place is almost empty. I charge towards the door and when I enter everyone turns to look at me. My dad’s gavel is just about to bang down onto the table to signal the beginning of church.

  “Just in time son.” My dad speaks, not sounding pleased at all. I feel his eyes on me as I make my way to my seat. Dad sits at the end, right in the president’s spot. Grim sits to his right and uncle Grease to his left. I take my seat in the middle of Grim and Baby. Scrappy is straight opposite me, his seat is beside his dad, Grease. It’s the way of the club ranking, pretty simple when you think about it.

  The rooms silent, until my dad finally bangs the gavel down to start the meeting. I can see how pissed my dad is, he pretty much lets us do anything we want but one rule he does insist on is keeping on time with church and calls. I fucked up.

  “We need to discuss what went down when some of you were sent to collect Strike.” Dad announces to the packed group of bikers.

  “When we went into the house, it was chaos.” Grim tell
s everyone who is listening. “After fighting our way through the room, it was clear Strike wasn’t there. It was clear he was there just before we stormed because we got hold of his phone that he dropped on his way out.”

  “No fucking way.” Duke exclaims.

  “There were some numbers on there, all obviously burner phones because none of the numbers dialled when we tried them.” I add, and I see the disappointment on the men’s faces.

  “It was obviously Strikes because of the fucked up pictures that were stored on it.” Grim frowns. “We did get three of their members out and had them in the warehouse. Devlin managed to get one of them to squeal an address.”

  “It’s not too far away either.” My dad joins. “So I need volunteers on watch duty.” Nobody offers and we all try to avoid eye contact with the Prez, because my dad is in full President mode right now.

  “Devlin.” He announces. “I say you can do first watch with two more brothers.” He handles me my punishment for being late, so I don’t dare argue. After a couple more minutes, it’s arranged that Spliff and Duke are the ones to join me. Thankfully Duke made a full recovery about a week after he was attacked by The Devils however West hasn’t been able to ride his bike yet and nobody has voiced the worries on that situation just yet.

  “Be careful and don’t get yourselves fucking spotted.” My dad warns. “We need to get Strike, he’s onto us so stay out of sight.”

  “Yes Prez.” We all say aloud.

  “I don’t like it.” I say out loud. “Why is he always hiding out in a house?”

  “It is weird.” Scrappy agrees. “Why not a warehouse? Or an abandoned building?”


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