All for Allie (Shaken Series)

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All for Allie (Shaken Series) Page 4

by Bailes, J

  I shake my head, lower my eyes to my knee, and then back to her eyes, “Hell no. You are not placing a Band-Aid there. I refuse to rip my leg hair off with that damn thing.”

  She cocks her head to the side and eyes me in disbelief. “Seriously? See, a big-ass baby,” she accuses. “You can either let me put this on, or you can wait for mama bear to see it and take you to the ER for stitches. And, by the way, you hardly tolerated the sting from the alcohol; I’d hate to see how you’d react to having someone sew your knee back up. They’d have to drug you with a horse tranquilizer,” she expresses, nonchalantly.

  She drops my knee and pushes herself up off the table. Bending down, she places a kiss on my cheek. “That’s okay, though. I love you just the way you are. Just don’t make your crying a habit,” she whispers beside my ear.

  I smack her on the ass “The hell you talkin’ about, woman? I never shed a tear.”

  She flips her hair over her shoulder and walks to the steps. Swinging around the banister, she begins to make her way upstairs “Yeah, whatever makes you feel better at the end of the day, baby. I’m going to take a shower. Order some Chinese?”

  Are you kidding me? We ate dinner not even 4 hours ago and she’s wanting more food? “Chinese?” I ask.

  “Yes,” she yells downstairs.

  “Anything particular?” I wonder where in the hell she puts all of the food that she eats. She had just as much to eat at dinner as I did, and I’m still full.

  “No. Anything is fine.”

  Okay, why in the hell do women do this? We all know that ‘anything’ is never fine. I’m barely twenty and I’ve already learned this. I head into the kitchen and rummage through the cabinets until I find the take-out menu. Opening the menu, I pick out Allie’s usual. Fuck being spontaneous and trying to surprise her; it never works. At least with food it doesn’t. She’s a picky eater. And since I don’t have much time left to spend with her, I don’t want to spend tonight arguing about how I should’ve known she wouldn’t eat orange chicken, when she specifically said anything would be fine. I take my phone out and call to place my order. I order Al her usual sweet and sour chicken, lo mein noodles, spring roll, and crab Rangoon. I don’t bother ordering anything for myself, because she never eats all of hers. So if I happen to become hungry later, which I doubt, I’ll just eat her left overs.

  After I order, I head back into the living room. I listen closely and hear that the water is still running, so I decide to rearrange the living room. I push the coffee table to the side of the room, run upstairs and grab Allie’s comforter and pillows. I head back downstairs and spread them across the floor. I switch off the lights, take the matches from on top of the mantel above the fireplace, and light the candles around the living room. I hide the remote so Allie won’t turn on the television and distract us. I want to soak in these last few days I have with her. I do not want to spend our time flipping through a bunch of nothing on TV or watching some sappy-ass love story like The Vow that we’ve seen over ten times. I just want to hold her, talk with her, and simply love her.

  Just as I finish setting up, the water to her shower cuts off. I run back into the kitchen and grab two cans of diet Pepsi. As I make my way back into the living room, the doorbell sounds just as Allie is making her way down the steps. “I’ll get it,” she insists.

  “Um, no, you won’t.” She is half-naked, wearing a tight white see-through tank, no bra, and spandex shorts. There is no way in hell I’m going to let her greet anyone looking as sexy as sin. No. Fucking. Way. “I got the money. I’ll get it. You go on over and wait for me,” I demand. She stalks past me, rolling her eyes, and throws me a look of disgust. Great, so much for not arguing. I am not a controlling douche. I simply do not want to catch a charge for beating the living shit out of a delivery guy for ogling my girl. It wouldn’t be his fault; he wouldn’t be able to look away. Her beauty is hypnotizing.

  I open the door, and just as I suspected, a teenage delivery boy greets me. Based on his looks, he doesn’t get much action. I’m sure his eyes would’ve had a field day exploring Allie’s glorious body. I hand him his money through the cracked door and take the bags from his hands. I close the door and make my way over to the cover that I spread out for us. Allie sits with her arms crossed under her breasts and her eyes glaring straight through me. “If looks could kill...” I say, kneeling down and taking my place next to her. She opens her mouth to speak, but before she can let out a sound, I speak up, “Listen, I was not trying to tell you what to do, Al. You have no clue how fucking sexy you are, and I can’t handle myself when other guys devour you with their stares. It drives me absolutely nuts, babe. And I won’t apologize for guarding what’s mine,” I express.

  “Whatever! Just give me my food,” she orders, reaching over and ripping the bags out of my hands. I sit back and watch her as she digs into her noodles. She swallows her food down as if she hasn’t eaten in days.

  “Al, you should slow down before you make yourself sick,” I suggest, but she continues to devour the noodles as if I haven’t spoken. I reach over and grab her wrist, stopping her from stuffing her mouth with a fork full of noodles. “Are you really this hungry, or are you angry because you think I overreacted to you answering the door, pretty much naked?” I ask.

  As soon as the words leave my mouth, I regret them. I can tell by the look she’s giving me she took my question completely out of context. “Excuse me?” She cocks her head to the side, and her brown eyes are so wide they look as if they’re close to protruding from their sockets. I’m debating if I should repeat what I said or come up with something else, but we both know she heard me the first time. “Wyatt, are you trying to tell me something? Are you insinuating I’m fat, that I don’t need to be eating right now?”

  Why in the hell would she think that? I’ve never once given her a reason to believe I think she’s fat; she’s far from it. “Fuck no! I just meant that we ate a big dinner and I’m still full, and you’re much smaller than me. I just assumed you would be too. I’m sorry,” I explain.

  Some of the tension releases from her shoulders, but not all of it. I scoot closer to her, take her food away from her hands, and place it onto the floor beside of us. “Now you listen to me, dammit. You are the most beautiful woman I’ve ever laid eyes on, Allie Grace. There isn’t a single flaw I can point out about you. I fucking love everything about you. I love your mood swings.” She attempts to cut me off, but I place a kiss onto her lips and silence her. “I love the way you throw your hair up into a messy knot, put on some sweats and slippers and not care what anyone thinks. I love the way you worry about me over the slightest incidents, like a small leg wound. I love the way you rub your eyes when you wake up in the mornings, the way you bite your lip when you’re nervous, the way you try to hide the way I affect you. And, I love the way you love me,” I express passionately. I hate when she tries to turn my concerns into accusations. Everything about her is perfect, and I want her to know that. I never want her to question how I see her or feel about her.

  Her eyes water as I tell her only a few things I love about her. I could make a list from New York to California with the things I love about her. A tear escapes her eye, but I use my thumb to swipe it away before it can roll down the side of her face.

  “You understand me, baby. Do you comprehend how strong my love is for you?”

  Her arms wrap around my neck and her mouth crashes against mine. “Yes,” she responds against my lips. I wrap my arms around her waist and pick her up to position her onto my lap. I pull one of my hands up and tangle it into the back of her hair, pulling her face into mine even deeper, deepening our kiss. “I love you too, Wyatt. Everything,” she breathes.

  Although I’m a man, it’s hard to fight back tears that threaten my eyes as I think about leaving her in just a few short days. Until then, I’ll kiss her until I go breathless and my lips turn blue, and even then, I’d try my damnedest to continue.


  OUCH! WHAT THE fuck is that? The rays from the sun prevent me from opening my eyes to see what’s piercing my side, but whatever it is, it fucking hurts. “Wyatt, get up!” Lucille whispers, poking my side again.

  “Shit! I’m trying. Just give me second.” I rub my eyes and attempt to stand.

  “Don’t you dare use that tone or language with me. Get. Up.”

  Whatever it is that she’s poking me with feels like it’s a deadly weapon, like sharpened steel. As I stand to my feet, I force one eye open, and I’m greeted by a metal fire poker front and center, pointing directly at the tip of my nose. I focus on not stumbling, because if I do, I’m a goner.

  “What have I told you two about sleeping together?” she asks.

  “We didn’t- Ouch!” She jabs the poker into my shoulder.

  “Yes, you did. Now, I’ve been lenient with the two of you since she’s turned eighteen, but I will not be disrespected under my own roof.” The way she’s acting, you’d think we were caught in action.

  “It was harmless, Lucille. Nothing happened. As you can see, we’re both fully dressed,” I assure.

  She uses the poker and points at Allie, who is halfway uncovered. “Wrong. I hardly call what she has on completely clothed, Wyatt.”

  True. She’s not really clothed, but she has on too many layers if you ask me.

  “Get that smile off your face,” Lucille hisses.

  “Yes ma’am,” I nod. “I’m sorry. Won’t happen again.” I lie. It’ll happen again. I know her work schedule. I’ll be sure to set my alarm prior to her shift ending, that way we won’t get caught.

  “Damn right it won’t. Go ahead up stairs and get ready for breakfast. I’m taking everyone to Betty’s. It’s a surprise for Kyle, you know, since he’s leaving soon.” Her face falls as she thinks about Kyle’s departure.

  “You want me to wake her?” I ask, gesturing to a peaceful sleeping Allie.

  “Ah no, I’ll wake her. We need to talk, privately. Go on,” she waves me off. I nod and head to the bathroom to shower.

  I stand here in the shower and soak in the steam. I let the hot water splash against my back as I try to clear my mind. All I can think about is how to approach Allie to tell her that I’m leaving in a few days. Not only am I leaving, but I’m leaving the same day as Kyle. Just the thought of telling her good-bye makes it difficult for me to breathe. I place my hand on the tile, pull my other to my chest, and hang my head. Take away my man card if you’d like, but I fucking cry. God, give me the strength to get through this, and the next four years. Give Allie an open mind and help her accept my reasons for leaving. Most importantly, I pray for the right words to come to mind as I break the news.

  I turn off the water and dry myself. I brush my teeth, and then I throw on some jeans and a blue t-shirt. I head downstairs and hear Allie, Kyle, and Lucille in what seems to be an intense conversation.

  “Allie, please. Just calm down and listen; otherwise, you’re never going to be comfortable with my leaving.” Kyle pleads.

  I decide to take a seat on the step and listen to their conversation, instead of intruding.

  “No. I don’t care. All I care about is you coming home, alive. I don’t care where you’re going, how you get there, or what’s happening while you’re away. I just want a phone call every single day. I want to know that you’re okay, nothing else matters,” she explains.

  “But you need to know that I-” Kyle begins, but Allie doesn’t let him finish.

  “No! Dammit, Kyle, I don’t want to know anything. If I know where you are, I’ll never leave the TV or computer. Every bomb that goes off, every person harmed, I’ll always think it’s you. I can’t handle it, okay?” Her voice is strangled, but then there’s complete silence. I hear sniffling, but nothing else. I assume it’s because they’re holding each other, embracing the few moments they have with one another.

  “Okay, who’s ready to get their grub on?” Lucille asks, breaking the silence.

  “Mom, did you just say grub?” Kyle laughs.

  “It’s in, right? One of the boys we had in the ER last night said he couldn’t wait to get out and get his grub on, and I assumed it was slang for eat. Did I use it correctly?” Lucille asks, seriously.

  Allie and Kyle laugh, loudly. “Yeah, Mom, you’re good,” Allie giggles. “We’re ready. I’ll go grab Wyatt.” Before Allie makes it into the living room, I meet her in the foyer. “Ready?” she asks.

  “Yup, ready to get my ‘grub’ on.” I wink. She wraps her arms around my waist and looks up to me, embarrassed.

  “You heard that?”

  I chuckle, “Yeah. You better watch out, babe. Mom’s getting her groove back.” I roll my hips into hers.

  “Eww, that’s just gross.”

  Kyle and Lucille walk past us and open the door. Allie and I follow them out to Lucille’s car. “Let’s take your Jeep,” Allie insists, nudging my side. I nod in agreement. “We’ll meet y’all there,” Allie informs, impatiently pulling me towards the Jeep. I open the door and help her into the passenger’s seat, admiring her ass as she climbs in. The thoughts that go through my head; the things I could do with that ass. They’re naughty...downright dirty. “Like what you see?” she smiles, catching me as I lick my lips.

  “You’re so fucking lucky your mom hasn’t left yet. If she were gone, I would throw your hot little ass over my shoulder and carry you up to your room. Give you a little something.”

  She uses her hand to fan herself. “Please, don’t let her stop you,” she teases, popping her shirt from her breasts, acting as if she’s cooling herself.

  “Don’t tempt me, dammit.” I shut the door, go around to the driver’s side, and climb in.

  I turn the key and my engine roars. I place my foot on the brake and place my hand on the shift. “Wait, let them get ahead a little before pulling off to follow them,” she says, rubbing her petite hand along my thigh. Her eyes focus on my rising cock.

  “You really want to do this to me, now?” I ask. She raises her brows and licks her already glossy lips. My eyes follow her tongue as it travels across her bottom lip. She scoots closer to me and brings her lips to my ear. Her hand travels up the middle of my thigh, and she uses her palm to rub the length of my cock over my jeans, sending my sex hormones into a frenzy.

  “Oh, I want to do this to you...right here...right now,” she whispers seductively, nibbling the lobe of my ear.

  Fuck. Me. I toss my head back on the headrest and close my eyes. Her tongue slides up and down the side of my neck as her hand fondles my cock in the most pleasurable way. I reach out and turn the car off. I hop out of the car and run around to the passenger’s side. I sling her door open and pick her up, removing her from my Jeep. I wrap her legs around my waist and press her back against the Jeep. Allie throws her head back, and soft moans escape her as my mouth claims her neck. I run my hand up and down the outside of her leg, bring my mouth up to hers, and I nibble her lip. “See what you do to me, baby. You want it? I’ll give it to you, however you want. You just say the words and I’m yours.” I speak against her mouth and press my hardness into her.

  “We can’t. Mom will be suspicious. She’ll know we did something,” she laughs. I fucking knew it. Damn her! It is not easy getting this man down once he’s ready to play; it’s a fucking hassle. If she keeps doing this shit to me, I’m going to have a severe case of carpal tunnel syndrome. She takes my face into her hands. “I’m sorry. I really am, but you’re so easily affected by me; I can’t help but to take advantage of it. Forgive me?” she pouts.

  Ha! Has she forgotten how easily affected she is by me? “Two can play at this game, baby,” I whisper against her lips. “Now get your teasing ass in the Jeep,” I order, placing her feet onto the ground. I slap her ass as she turns to climb into her seat. She yelps from the sting I’m sure my hand left behind. We may not have had sex yet, but we’ve definitely discussed our likes and dislikes. And she may only be eighteen, but these books that she reads, they
have given her insight into what she wants. My girl likes a little ass slappin’, and I enjoy giving her a few stings every once in a while.

  We arrive to Betty’s diner about twenty minutes after Kyle and Lucille. As we make our way to the booth, Lucille gives me an ice-cold glare. Then, she looks to Allie and squints her eyes. Allie bows her head and slides into the booth, sitting directly in front of her mother. Lucille’s eyes never leave Allie. Allie never looks up, so I nudge her and nod to her mother. She keeps her head lowered and looks to me, widens her eyes, and shrugs, acting as if she doesn’t know what to tell her. I look to Lucille and clear my throat. “Sorry. I couldn’t find my keys. Left them on the vanity in the upstairs bathroom,” I say, lying through my teeth. Lucille puckers her lips and give me an ‘um hum sure’ look, but she doesn’t call my bullshit, at least not yet.

  “Well, I went ahead and ordered for y’all. Allie I got you pancakes and bacon. Wyatt, I got you the sampler,” she informs. I nod and thank her for ordering for me; all the while Allie is giggling softly next to me. I’ve never been so thankful for a sticky wooden top table in my life. Why? Well, I can tell you that if the legs that are holding this table up over our legs were to give away, no one would notice. My cock is in salute mode, harder than a brick, standing nine-inches tall. But does this stop Allie from trying her damnedest to give me blue balls? No. Her nails are gliding up and down the inside of my thigh, and each time her mother turns her attention to

  Kyle or someone else in the diner, Allie squeezes my cock tightly. My balls are tight and ready to explode. I’m trying really hard not to take her in this diner, on top of this table, right in front of her mother and her brother.

  “Oh shit!” the waitress gasps as a glass of ice-cold water douses my jeans. No better way to shrivel your dick than an unexpected, melted iceberg landing onto your lap. My boys go into survival mode, and I jump up to shake the ice off. The waitress watches me with her hand covering her mouth, and Allie is laughing uncontrollably. Here I am wanting to tell the waitress to stop staring at me and go get some fucking napkins! Then again, deep down inside, I’m thankful she helped me get my man under control.


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