Beyond Magic (Magical Love Book 1)

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Beyond Magic (Magical Love Book 1) Page 17

by Lizzie T. Leaf

  He picked up the phone and punched in a series of numbers. “Brian. Get with that editor and set me up a one-stop book tour. That’s right…one. And it’s to be at a small bookstore in Denver, Colorado.”

  Brian’s high-pitched argument ended when Ian snapped, “I don’t give a rat’s ass about better exposure in the major box stores in larger cities. Make it Denver. An independent bookstore. End of discussion.

  Chapter Twenty

  Anxiety the likes of which he’d never experienced ate at Ian. He rubbed a palm across his tender abdomen.

  If I were human, this would be where I reach for a bottle of antacids.

  Instead, he rested his palm on the spot that burned and let the healing energy flow and take the sour pain away.

  Why had he told Brian to set up a book signing? He cast a glance around the limousine and clenched his jaw to stop a groan of frustration. To really drive him nutters, Brian and his editor were both here. If he had been thinking straight, he would have just used magic to learn Emma’s address and shown up at her house. A sad smile flicked the corners of his mouth.

  That would solve the problem of how to tell her what I really am.

  “Don’t want to miss out on Ian Nordic’s first book signing event.” Brian arched an eyebrow and shot an evil grin, the sort he used to build Ian’s discomfort.

  Get real. You didn’t want to miss an opportunity to give me a hard time.

  He knew it would be the same if their situations were reversed.

  “That’s for sure.” Susan Brown adjusted her short skirt, showing more of her long shapely legs. Her hand brushed along Ian’s arm as she leaned toward him and smiled. “I can’t have my bestselling author start his first book tour without being here to support him.”

  Uncomfortable with the familiarity of such an intimate touch by a woman he’d only met a few hours ago, Ian leaned back into the corner of the luxury car to put more distance between them. Her toothy grin reminded him of a piranha circling its intended kill, and he refused to be on her menu.

  “This is not the start of a book tour, Susan. It’s a one shot deal. I told you and Brian that from the get-go.”

  Her smile changed to a pout. “I have no doubt that once you meet some of your fans in person, the bug will bite you and you’ll want me to set up more cities.” She twisted a strand of bleached blond hair around a red-tipped finger and batted heavily mascaraed eyes at him. “And I intend to be with you every step of the way.”

  What the hell was going on? Women didn’t act like this around him. He hadn’t come on to this woman in any way.

  The limo arrived at The Tattered Cover, saving Ian the need to respond to Susan. It probably wasn’t a good idea to tell his editor it would be a cold day in hell before she accompanied him anywhere else.

  A line of people snaked around the outside of the building.

  Who else is here tonight?

  This looked like something he’d witnessed at a London bookstore when J.K. Rowling was in for a Harry Potter signing—mobs of costumed fans queuing for a chance to see their favorite author.

  Bloody hell. Quite a few of this group wore faerie wings or carried star-tipped wands. Surely they weren’t all here for him.

  Susan pushed through the crowd like a bulldozer. Entering through the double doors behind her, Ian took in the large room and row after row of bookshelves. “Brian, I said a small bookstore. This place looks like one of those big conglomerate dealers.”

  “This is an independent bookseller well known in the publishing industry,” Susan said. “They have three stores in the Denver area, and I selected this one since it is more central and has free parking available.” She linked her arm through his and led him toward a check out desk.

  Ian glanced around at the crowd milling throughout the store and then craned his neck to catch a glimpse of the line outside.

  Really, these people can’t all be here to see me. I must have been insane when I asked Brian to set up a book signing.

  Ian swallowed several times and took a deep breath. He placed a hand over his stomach and willed the butterflies to cease. This should teach you to stop and think before reacting.

  Susan explained who they were, and the woman behind the desk paged the store manager. While they waited, the clerk’s hungry eyes never left Ian. It seemed he’d become a chick magnet, and it didn’t go unnoticed by Brian.

  “Say there, old man. Are you wearing new cologne or something?” Brian gave a sly wink. “Whatever it is, you need to share the secret.”

  He wished the hell he knew. Then it hit him—his growing powers. He had to work to control his ability to affect the weather and not invade the privacy of others with his mind reading. His healing powers had also increased. He had to be careful with that, too.

  Plus, he had an almost constant raging hard-on that he attributed to his love for Emma. Now it appeared some of his grandmother’s genes had kicked in, making him irresistible to women. Once he sorted things out with Emma, it might be a good idea to use magic for their return trip home. His powers could transport both of them back to the safety of his moors.

  “This way, Mr. Nordic.” The manager forged ahead, stepping around people and gently nudging others to move aside. The whispers behind them grew as they made their way downstairs.

  “Did you hear? That’s Ian Nordic.”

  “Really? I had no idea he was so hot!”

  “Wow, I’m going to buy more of his books!”

  “Shit, I didn’t bring my camera. I want my picture taken with him.”

  The whispers became louder, then died away as they entered one of the bottom floor rooms and closed the door.

  “Mr. Nordic, did you hear me?” The store manager touched his arm and smiled. “We’ve had to put a number system in place.”

  “A number system?”

  “Yes. When our popular authors are in town, we limit the number of people who can come to the book signing.”

  Panic flooded Ian. What if Emma came and was turned away because there were too many people ahead of her? “I’m sorry, but I don’t find that agreeable.”

  Surprise registered on the woman’s face. “I’ve never had an author object. Besides, we have an occupant limitation for the building, and those in line will exceed that. ”

  He stopped his initial outburst and gave himself a moment to get composed. The last thing he wanted was to create grief for this young woman.

  Think, man. Think. You need to make it work so everyone gets in, even if you’re here all night signing books.

  “Why don’t I skip the reading you planned and just do individual signings? I’m open to staying as long as it takes.” Ian didn’t miss the face Brian made or the scowl from Susan. Too damn bad! If they didn’t like it, they could leave and have the driver pick him up later.

  “Okay.” Disappointment flitted across the manager’s face, but she quickly recovered. “We can do that. It’s really wonderful you want to meet as many of your fans as possible. I’ll give the new instructions and be right back.” Her smile reflected admiration and something else—lust.

  Better get used to it if you’ve developed the animal magnetism of Aphrodite.

  He’d seen the way every male and some females salivated after the goddess. The idea of the same thing happening to him scared Ian shitless.

  “Are you ready?” The young woman held open the door for him.

  Let the fun begin.

  If Emma didn’t show, he wasn’t sure what he’d do next. One thing he was certain about, he wasn’t leaving Denver without finding her. If magic had to be put into play, so be it.

  The introduction was short and gushing, and the line appeared endless. After thanking his fans for coming, Ian Nordic took his place at the table and started to chat with readers and sign books while he waited for the only person he wanted to see.

  “I have a surprise for you.”

  Shit. Not another of Cori’s blind dates. Emma wasn’t sure she could handle another one
, especially after the yelling match she’d just had with Faith. She’d told her sister she’d come around Labor Day Weekend, but still, the pushy bitch kept trying to get her to Charleston sooner.

  That dumbass husband of hers must have really screwed up this time if they need money so badly.

  “Whoever it is, I’m not interested. Cori, you’ve got to stop with this blind date crap.”

  “Who said anything about a blind date? Sheesh, try to do a friend a favor and she acts like you put a hit out on her.”

  The hurt look on her roommate’s face gave Emma a good case of guilt. She was difficult to live with these days. Her struggle to forget Ian McCabe had gone nowhere which made her less than pleasant at times.

  Amazing how heartache can turn a person into someone entirely different.

  None of it was Cori’s fault.

  She gave her best Girl Scout effort and pasted on a smile. “Okay. What is this wonderful surprise?”

  Cori finally gave a little smile that turned into a huge grin. “Wait here.”

  She ran into Emma’s bedroom and returned with several books under her arm. “This is my surprise.”

  “You brought me my books. Wow, I’m really surprised.”

  “Bite me, and don’t be a smartass.” Cori slapped at Emma’s hand when she reached for her books. “I saw a poster when I was at the Tattered Cover this afternoon. This Ian Nordic is in town for a book signing, and we’re going.”

  “I had no idea he was coming to town.”

  “Like you’d know if the world was coming to an end the way you’ve cut yourself off from the … Sorry. Didn’t mean to be so…well, you know.”

  Yeah, she knew. She’d been like that the past few months and couldn’t seem to shake herself out of the funk. When someone did try to talk with her, she snarled at them enough that they left her alone.

  News and current events didn’t interest her either. Cori was right. If Armageddon had been scheduled to happen in the next minute, she’d be blissfully unaware.

  “How did you know I’m an Ian Nordic fan?” His books were her escape into something that resembled pleasure these days.

  “Duh. Just because I’m blond, do you think I’m a total ditz? You have his books in front of your nose when you’re sprawled on the couch, not watching television.”

  With only one television, she and Cori had always alternated picking which show to watch. Lately, she’d told her friend to have at it. None of them really interested her.

  “When do we need to leave?”

  “As in now. Get on your shoes.”

  Emma barely had time to slip her feet into the sandals she’d dropped by the door before Cori pushed her out the front door.

  The decision to walk resulted in a blister on her left foot where the leather rubbed between her toes. “You should have let me find my sneakers.”

  “Stop your whining. We’re late enough. I hope a lot of people didn’t show up.”

  They rounded the corner and Emma saw the line out the door of the bookstore. “Crap. Not only does my foot hurt like hell, now I have to stand in line to see this guy. I may like his books, but I’m not sure a peek at his smiling face is worth the pain.”

  Cori refused to take no for an answer and all but dragged Emma to the end of the line. After what seemed like hours, they were finally inside and at the top of the stairs that led to the basement, the store’s designated book signing area. Almost every woman who made the return trip up the stairs clutched her freshly signed books to her chest, an expression of bliss on her face.

  “This must be some looker.” Cori poked her in the ribs as yet another woman made her way up the steps. “That one looks like she’s just experienced an orgasm or found a new religion, the ecstasy in her eye is so intense. Do you think that will be us shortly? We’re getting closer.” Cori took another step down.

  At this rate, they’d get to his table, be told “sorry, it’s closing time,” and get booted out. “I’m ready to go home.” Emma waved her sore foot out for her friend to see.

  “We’re not leaving. Suck it up and stop being a wimp.” They edged forward another step and cleared the stairs.

  Emma caught a glimpse at the top of a blond head and her heart thudded against her ribs. It reminded her of Ian—her Ian.

  Hello, stupid. He’s not your Ian, unless you want a slut-puppy to share with everything in skirts.

  The crowd parted briefly, allowing her a full glimpse of the man seated at the table. A bleached blonde hovered over his shoulder, obscuring part of his face with her long hair, but there was no doubt who she saw. The woman might be different, but the man was Ian McCabe, and he was still into women.

  That old heat sensation spread through her at the sight of him. Pain and anger assaulted her and Emma turned, shoving people out of her way as she struggled to get up the stairs.


  His voice called her name. How did he notice her with all the women clustered around his table?

  “Emma, wait.”

  Wait was the last thing she would do. Sick with disgust over her reaction at seeing him, she had to get out of there, now. It didn’t help that Cori pulled on her arm, demanding to know what was wrong. Her friend’s concern slowed down her escape.

  “Emma.” Strong hands grabbed her shoulders as she reached the landing. “Emma, stop.” Those same hands turned her around to stare into the eyes of Ian McCabe, and her heart plunged.

  It would serve the bastard right if she threw up all over him.

  Chapter Twenty One

  This wasn’t how he had planned to meet Emma again. When Ian looked up and saw her retreat out of his life once more, he had to stop her. Chasing after her as she fought her way around the people on the stairs didn’t make for a good start.

  “Let me go, Ian.”

  The chill in her voice offered him no hope. Determined to explain, he tightened his grip. She winced and looked around, everywhere but his eyes.

  “Emma, we have to talk. I understand now why you left the way you did.”

  By the Powers, that sounded trite, even to him. What could he do or say to explain all that happened and why? Unable to restrain the passion that swept through him, he leaned over and claimed her mouth. The first few seconds met with resistance, and then slowly he felt the ice in her thaw. He deepened the kiss, and she wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him closer.

  A round of applause brought them back to reality. A group of women clustered around them, and the editor who had followed close on his heels had a shell-shocked expression on her over-painted face.

  “For God’s sake, can’t you wait until you get her back to your room to get it on with your fan?” Susan Brown pushed her way through the group and glared. When her gaze lingered on Emma, the editor’s lip curled upward in a sneer. The contempt on Susan’s face did nothing to endear her to Ian. He refused to release his hold on Emma’s hand.

  “You have a book signing to finish if you can control your lust long enough. And there’s a television crew waiting to interview you,” she hissed through clenched teeth. “Though, I’m sure they have enough juicy footage from this little display that an interview isn’t necessary.”

  Susan stalked back down the steps and announced loud enough for anyone in the building to hear. “Mr. Nordic has seen an old friend and will join us shortly.” She glared up at Ian.

  “Emma, please wait for me to finish here. We have to talk. I’m nothing without you.”

  She studied him for a moment, and his heart sank.

  Finally, she gave a brief nod. “I’ll wait in the coffee café.”

  Ian watched the last fan depart up the stairs and took a deep breath. He hoped Emma waited as she promised. He hurried up the steps to find out.

  Susan waited at the top of the stairs and linked her arm through his. “What took you so long? The car is waiting to take us back to the hotel since the interview has been rescheduled.”

  “Thanks, but I’m not going back to
the hotel.” Ian untwined their linked arms. “I made other plans after I rescheduled the television interview.”

  “You what.” Susan’s mouth pinched into a thin line. “Fine. If your career isn’t important enough for you to keep interviews or discuss the things that worked and didn’t work with the signing, then maybe you need to find another career.”

  Ian watched Susan stalk out the door. Good riddance.

  He turned and scanned the tables in the small seating area by the coffee shop. No Emma. His heart sank until he focused on a larger cluster of tables closer to the magazine racks..

  Emma sat at a small table, talking with a blonde he’d noticed earlier. He approached them tentatively, his nerves in a frenzy. This was one situation his immortal powers offered no guarantee on the outcome—if he wanted her love without magic involved.

  “Thanks for waiting.”

  “I said I would, didn’t I?” She leaned back in the chair and crossed her arms.

  This was going to be an uphill battle. He wanted this woman in his life enough to fight whatever and whomever to make it so, including her stubbornness.

  “We need to talk, privately. Do you have any suggestions where we can go?”

  My hotel would be an excellent choice, but something tells me I’d better not say that.

  “Do you live close?”

  She glanced at the blonde who blushed and looked away. “Where are you staying? That’s probably more private.”

  “The Brown Palace.”

  “Good. They have a quiet bar. We’ll go there. The least you can do is buy me a drink while I listen to your next big lie.”

  Quiet. Boy was she wrong. The crowded hotel bar made conversation impossible unless one shouted. “We can go to my room.” Anxious his suggestion would meet with resistance, Ian held his breath. It was that or scream out his love for her above the roar of drunks.


  Emma leaned close and he repeated. Her response was lost in screams of laughter from a rowdy group sitting at the bar and she nodded her head. Delayed by a fan who wanted to play fifty questions about his work, they finally made it to his room.


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