by Dan Jurafsky
ganache, 130, 141
Gargantua and Pantagruel (Rabelais), 136
garos, garum, 53, 128
Gay Pride parade, 116
Geenberg, Katherine Rose, 165
General History of the Things of New Spain (Sahagún), 80
genetics, in smell perception, 98
Genghis Khan, 152
Gerbet, Claude, 141
Germany, culinary contributions from, 19–20, 49, 70, 87, 122, 124
gin, 56
Glasse, Hannah, 46, 47, 196
gnocchi, 136
Golden Gate Bakery, 90
Google Ngram corpus, 33–34, 105, 141, 193, 196
Gopnik, Adam, 102
Grace Countess Granville’s Receipt Book, 145
“grammar of cuisine” theory, 177–78, 180–85
grapes, for wine, 71–73
Great American Music Hall, 28–29
Greece, ancient, 53, 71–72, 74, 78, 122, 132, 134, 136, 146, 160, 172, 177
Green Goddess Dressing, recipe for, 126
green sauce, 124–27
Grice, H. Paul, 18–19, 110, 189, 192
group cooking, 187–88
gruel, 134
Guangdong province, 51–52
Guangxi province, 50
Guide Culinaire, Le (Escoffier), 31
guild of limonadiers, 150
guinea fowl, 85–87, 91, 199
gula melaka, 181
gunpowder, 151, 153
Gutíerrez de Santa Clara, Pedro, 44
Hale, Sarah Josepha, 88
ham, 127
Hardly Strictly Bluegrass, 107
Harris, Emmy Lou, 107
Harun al-Rashid, 39
in Chinese cooking, 183
marketing appeal to, 5, 109–10, 114, 115, 118
toasting to, 65–67, 70–72, 74, 77
Heinz, 60–61
Hellman, Warren, 107, 116
Henry IV, Part I (Shakespeare), 86
Henry VII, King of England, 69
Henry VIII, King of England, 46
herbs, in beverages, 74, 76–77
Hermogenes, 160
Herodotus, 172
heung (smells good), 97
Hilton, Chris, 50
hiphop culture, 77
hippocras, 171
Histoire de la Nature des Oyseaux, L’ (Belon), 87
Histories (Herodotus), 172
History of Medicine (Uyn al-nb; Ibn Ab Uaybi’a), 151
hlaf-dige, 118
hlaf-weard, 118
Hmong-Mien, 50
Hokkien language, 54–55, 195
in Asian trade, 56, 62
culinary contributions from, 123, 124
Homer, 72
Hong Kong, 97
hops, 64, 69
hors d’oeuvres, 25–26, 28
Huang Hsing-tsung, 195
Humphry Slocombe, 144, 171
Ibn Ab Uaybi’a, 151
Ibn Bakhtawayh, 151
Ibn Hayyan, 173
Ibn Shahriyar, Buzurg, 40
ice, in cooling, 148, 149, 151
ice cream, 3, 155, 176, 185, 189
evolving technology of, 144–58
fad for unusual flavors in, 144–45, 171, 184
recipes for, 145–46
sound symbolism in names of, 162–64, 163, 167
ice creameries, 144–45
icehouses, 148
Idrisi, Muhammad al-, 134–35
Illinois language, 90
imitation foods, 19, 59, 196
independent self, 116
India, 78, 151–52
trade with, 38, 40, 57, 61, 83–84
India Pale Ale, 65
Indo-Europeans, 71–72, 74
Indonesia, 55, 57
Industrial Revolution, 62
information theory, 13
interdependent self, 116
Internet, 8, 10, 13
recipes on, 182
restaurant reviews on, 92–106
see also specific sites
isicia, 127
Islam, spread of, 38–42, 48, 130–32, 146
issue de table, 24
Italy, culinary contributions from, 33, 34, 35, 42, 65, 89, 123, 124–25, 131, 136, 139, 142, 153–55, 178–79
itria, 134
Jakobson, Roman, 161
Japan, culinary contributions from, 36, 45–46, 48, 49, 51, 63, 179
Java, 56–57, 62
Jerome, Saint, 74–75
Jesperson, Otto, 161
Jesuits, 45–46
Jewish Cookery Book (Levy), 140–41
Jewish Manual, A (Montefiore), 47
Jewish recipes for fish, 46–48
Jews, 36, 40, 65, 107, 117, 122, 132, 148
culinary contributions of, 46–48, 73–74, 128, 130, 135, 140, 182, 194, 204
John of Caput, 37
julep, as term, 157
junk foods:
craving for, 102, 108, 118
linguistics in marketing of, 107–16
Kalm, Pehr, 124
Kam tribe, 50–51
Kanz Al-Fawa’id Fi Tanwi’ Al Mawa’id, or The Treasury of Useful Advice for the Composition of a Varied Table, 40–41
Katz, Joshua, 90
kasuzuke (Japanese dish), 52
Kelis, 103
kecap, 55
ketchup, 47, 57, 59–63, 79, 130, 143, 159, 184, 185, 188, 189, 196
and Chinese economic history, 61–62
linguistic roots of, 1–2, 49–50, 54–55, 57, 60–61
plate of, for dinner, 114
recipes for, 59–60
U.S. production of, 60–61
kettle corn, 107
Khosrau I Anushirvan, Shahanshah of Persia, 36–39, 37, 131
Kitb al-Tabkh (Book of Cookery, The; al-Warrq), 39, 131, 173
Kitb al-Tabkh (Book of Dishes, The; al-Baghdadi), 131
Kitab al-Wusla, 125
Klein, Sarah, 117
Klink, Richard, 162
Köhler, Wolfgang, 166
Korea, food vocabulary of, 103
Kurlansky, Mark, 188
lactic acid, 50
Ladies’ Home Journal, The, 89
Ladurée pastry shop, 141
La Fontaine, Jean de, 38
Lakoff, Robin, 11
change in, 31–33, 95
cuisine compared to, 177–78, 181
evolutionary origin of, 169–70
pronunciation in, 90, 161–62, 165, 181
Language Log, 163
La Oaxaqueña, 82
Laos, 50, 51
Larousse Gastronomique, 31, 33, 138–39
lasagne, as term, 134, 135
La Taqueria, 92
Latin, 43, 71, 120, 122, 123, 126, 127, 132, 148
Laudan, Rachel, 143
lauznaj, 3, 131–34, 137, 143, 172, 173
recipe for, 131
La Varenne, François Pierre de, 25, 42, 137–38, 146
leavening, 117, 208
Lee, Jennifer 8., 179
Lehrer, Adrienne, 100
lemonade, 144, 156, 157, 158
recipes for, 150–51, 156
lemons, 30, 43, 57, 149–50
etymology of word, 206
Lent, 42, 135, 189
Leskovec, Jure, 93
Lévi-Strauss, Claude, 183
Levitt, Steven, 16
Levy, Esther, 140
Lewis, Edna, 91
libations, 72–73, 77
Liberman, Mark, 18, 163
Libro de Cozina (de Nola), 174
Lime Syrup (Sharbat-e ablimu), recipe for, 148–49
Lincoln, Abraham, 88
“linguistic fillers,” 15–17, 20
Linneaus, Carl, 87
liquid nitrogen, 151
Liuqiu Guo Shi Lue (Account of the Ryukyu Islands; Zhao Huang), 54
Livre Fort Excellent de Cuysine Tres-Utile et Profitable, 24
Llibre del Coch (
Master Robert), 43
Lloyd, Martha, 60
locavores, 9–10
Locke, John, 160
Lockyer, Charles, 57–59, 58, 61, 196
lohusa erbet, 150
Louis XIV, King of France, 138
love, use of term, 95
Macao, 89–90
macaroni, 3, 7, 8, 204
linguistic history of, 130–43
Macaroni, The (Dawe), 142
macaroni and cheese, 143
macaronic French, 7–8, 20, 143, 191
macaronic verse, 7, 136, 204
Macaroni Journal, 135
Macaronis, 141–42, 142
macarons, 3, 8, 130, 138–39, 138, 141, 143, 188
macaroons, 3, 159, 184–85, 189, 205
linguistic history of, 130–43
recipes for, 137, 138, 140–41
Maclay, William, 176
Mad Men, 114
Magia Naturalis (Della Porta), 154
Mahabharata, 152
main course, as term, 34
Maison des Soeurs Macarons bakery, 138
Maison Reglée, La (Audiger), 150
makaria, 134, 136
malic acid, 157
Malin, Joseph, 48
maluma/takete (bouba/kiki) experiment, 166–69, 168, 207
manchet, 121
Mandarin Chinese, 54, 55, 97, 179, 195
Manischewitz, 140
Mann, Charles, 63
Manuscrito Anonimo, 174
Marcus, Hazel Rose, 116
Maria Theresa, Infanta of Spain, 138
Maritime Silk Road, 53
marked words, 105–6
of junk foods, 107–16
linguistic status clues in, 9, 110–16, 159
to the masses, 113–15
through sound symbolism, 161–67
to wealthy clientele, 110–13
see also advertising techniques
marmalade, 146–47, 157, 185, 189
recipes for, 147
Martellotti, Anna, 43
Martha Washington’s Booke of Cookery, 137
Martino, Maestro, 132–33, 136
marzipan, marzapane, 132–34, 135, 142
recipe for, 133
Mason Adam pâtisserie, 138
matzo, 48
Maven, 65, 77
“maxim of quantity,” 18
“maxim of relevance,” 18
Mayhew, Henry, 121, 156
mayonnaise, 126
McAuley, Julian, 93
McGovern, Patrick, 71
McKean, Erin, 95
meals, order of courses at, 3–4, 5, 21–34, 27, 171–80
preserved, 127
savory and sweet, 174–75, 177
meat stew, 39, 42
medicine, food as, 148, 155, 157, 176
Meleager (Sophocles), 78, 87, 91
meleagris, 87, 199
membrillo, 146
Menagier de Paris, Le, 125
Menon, Geeta, 162–63, 207
author’s linguistic study of, 10–20, 93, 112, 191
historical perspective of, 7–8, 19–20, 130, 172
linguistic status clues in, 5, 7–20, 111, 143, 159
modern, 20, 34
New York Public Library collection of, 8
origin and etymology of, 26
for Washington’s inauguration, 176
Merry Wives of Windsor, The (Shakespeare), 66
Mesopotamia, 36–41, 72–73, 148
Methodus Refrigerandi ex Vocato Sale Nitro Vinum Aquamque (Villafranca), 153
meunière, 123
Mexico, culinary contributions from, 3, 79–81, 112, 124, 182, 188
Meyers, Cindy, 138
michelada, recipe for, 64
Mill, 66
milling, 118, 123, 129
Ming dynasty, 61
mining, 35–36, 57, 62
salt, 118
Mintz, Sidney W., 177
miso, 51
Misra, Reeva, 166–67
Mitchell’s, 145
Moche, 44, 48
modernist cuisine, 184
molasses, 181–82
mole, 80–83
molecular gastronomy, 144
mole poblano de guajolote (Turkey with Puebla Mole), recipe for, 81–83, 91, 198
Mon-Khmer, 50–51
Montefiore, Judith Cohen, 47
Morat’s, 150
Morton, Eugene, 164–65
Moss, Michael, 108
mouth feel, vocabulary for, 96, 103
Mr. and Mrs. Miscellaneous, 145, 145
Mughals, 152, 157
mushrooms, in ketchup, 59–60
music, dessert association in, 103
Music Box, 28
Mutawakkil, al-, 40
Nahuatl, 79, 81
naming, sound connotation in, 159–70
nam pla, 53
narezushi, 51
Nasrallah, Nawal, 39
Native Americans, 79, 88, 90, 91
naturalism, 159
Natvrall and Artificial Directions for Health (Vaughan), 176
Neckam, Alexander, 127
negative bias, 98, 99, 104
negative differentiation, 96, 99, 100, 112–13
negative emotional words, negative sentiment words, 94–96
as expressed in stories, 98–99
Neige de Fleur D’orange, recipe for, 146
New World:
cultural sharing in, 43–44, 80–83, 88–89, 91
turkeys in, 79–83, 88–91
Ngo, Mary Kim, 166–67
97 Orchard: An Edible History of Five Immigrant Families (Ziegleman), 20
Ninkasi, 73
Noah hypothesis, 71–72
Nola, Roberto de, 174
noodles, 134–35
Normans, 118–19, 126, 132, 142, 152, 174
Nostradamus, 135–36
nougats, 131, 143
Nouvelle Cuisine, 177
Nowru-z (Persian New Year), 130, 131
nuns, 81, 138, 188