Sons of Justice 11: If Love Was Real (Siren Publishing LoveXtreme Forever)

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Sons of Justice 11: If Love Was Real (Siren Publishing LoveXtreme Forever) Page 4

by Dixie Lynn Dwyer

  “It wasn’t anyone’s fault but that guy’s.”

  “He’s done anyway. Out cold,” Mexa said.

  Press caressed her arms, lowered down to look into her eyes.

  “Let me look at the damage. I saw how he grabbed you. Where he grabbed you.”

  She stared at him and then looked down to her side. Slowly, she released her hold on the dress. The material was ripped, her hip scratched, and Press cursed.

  “There’s a little blood.”

  “It will be fine. It’s the dress I’m worried about. I don’t think I can go back out there with it ripped.”

  “You aren’t. You’re done for the night. Vic will pay you, double, hell triple for the evening.”

  “Oh God no, that isn’t necessary. It wasn’t his fault.”

  “I know Vic, he’ll feel responsible. If Leo wasn’t so close it could have been worse. Plus, he forcibly kissed you, groped you,” he said, and reached up and gently stroked her lower lip. “It’s swollen.”

  He snapped. She reached up, their hands touched, and he stared at her. His hand went to her arm, caressing it again.

  “You’re too beautiful to be treated in such a way.”

  She swallowed hard. The man was definitely an attractive man, but her gut clenched, and she licked her lip and then twisted her hip to look at her side.

  “I’ll take care of this. Thank Leo for me. Please, go back and enjoy the party. You’re a guest,” she said, hinting that she wasn’t. She was the help, and perhaps that would make him get her drift that she wasn’t interested.

  He ignored her and opened up the first aid kit. She saw the safety pin as he grabbed the ointment. He pressed some to the cut and used his thumb to gently caress it into her skin. She tried not to stare into his eyes, and then he leaned forward and kissed her skin.

  She grabbed onto his shoulders. “Press don’t do that,” she said in a whisper. His other hand caressed her thigh and he stared up at her.

  “We’ll take you home. Make sure you get there safely,” he said, and slowly stood up, his hand gliding up her dress slightly, making her tighten up, but then he pulled it back. It was a tease of a touch, she knew the games men played, but she also knew to follow her gut. She released his shoulder and reached for the safety pin. She needed to put some space between them, and also not accept his orders. Who was this guy? Who did he think he was?

  “No, I have my car here, and I’m not finished working. I have another two hours left.”

  “Your dress?” he questioned, stepping back.

  She pulled the tear tight and reached for the safety pins in the first aid kit and started to pin it back into place. Some of her skin showed but the dress wouldn’t fall. She could do this. “See, all better. I’ll just use the ladies room really quick. Thank you for the help.” She glanced up at Mexa before going into the bathroom. One glance over her shoulder and neither man looked happy.

  * * * *

  “I don’t think she’s interested,” Mexa said to Press.

  Press sipped his brandy as he leaned back in the chair and listened to Marianna sing. She had a stunning voice, and her piano skills were exceptional. In fact, he couldn’t decide which he liked more, her voice or the way she played. She smiled when people walked closer, and he noticed that Vic had brought out a large jar for tips for her. It was filling up quickly.

  “She’s gained my interest, Mexa, like no other has before her. A manifestation I cannot avoid, or ignore, but rather seek more of. She is special, yet here I am a man with money, power, abilities to just take her, take what I want from her, and yet she stops me. She knows I am not a good man, and it keeps her pulling away. So tell me, why is it I want to be the bad man who somehow gains the trophy of such beauty and perfection I obviously do not deserve?”

  “I do believe you’re wrong, Press. You do deserve such beauty, but she will not come easily. Will not be persuaded like others.”

  “Oh, I know that. Believe me, I can’t even believe I am contemplating my moves so much. It unnerves me, makes me angry and capable of doing something harsh, and yet, I stop myself. I want, and I wonder if the wait, the chase will make the capture all more that sweet?”

  “The choice is yours. I will do whatever you ask of me, and help to make her yours if you do so choose her to be.”

  He sipped from his brandy, and in his mind–his intricate, complex, crazy off beat mind—he began to fantasize about the chase. Created an idea in his head that would become more complex, more outrageous as time went on, but he needed to be smart this time. He needed an escape plan. A way out if things began to crumble. This time, he would not be left alone, with blood on his hands, anger in his heart and a body laying on the floor ended by his own hands. This time, he would do all the right things, say all the right words, and plan everything accordingly. Marianna would be his. A trophy, a companion, an obedient lover, and all he wanted her to be until he got his fill. Patience, he needed to be patient and make her come to him.

  Chapter Three

  “Come on, Marianna, you have to go,” Avana said to her. Marianna yawned, held the phone to her ear and cuddled on the pillow on her couch. Her voice was all husky and raw, she was so tired from working two nights in a row singing, first at that guy Vic’s place, and then at Dom’s last night.

  “I know I promised that I would meet you all there, but I’m so damn tired. Can’t you hear my voice? I sound terrible.”

  “Actually, it sounds kind of cool, all sexy and husky. Bet you’ll land yourself a few cowboys with that voice.”

  “Ha, ha, ha, very funny.”

  “What? You suddenly decided not to date?”

  “My dating days are over for a while. Men are pigs,” she said, and then heard Tiana laughing.

  “And what’s with the two of you suddenly feeling so frisky and ready to flirt?” she asked, realizing she was on speaker phone.

  “Avana has got the hots for Frankie,” Tiana said.

  “What?” Marianna asked.

  “I do not,” Avana said.

  “Sis, I’ve seen you staring at his ass. Plus, he uses you to show moves on,” Tiana stated.

  “We took two classes, what are you talking about?” Avana asked.

  “In two you had him all riled up and interested in you.”

  “Did not, and I don’t want to get involved with anyone.”

  “Says the woman who is trying to get me to go tonight?” Marianna asked.

  “Delia and Meg are expecting us to meet them there. We need to start planning the weekend getaway trip,” Avana said to her.

  “Oh yeah, could we maybe limit the cost of this thing? I’ve got a budget you know,” Marianna said, but then thought about all the tips she got at Vic’s that night. It was insane, the money in the thousands. It was more than her pay for the night, and also an indication that those men had money.

  “Like we don’t? We just need to keep the other ladies on board with the price limit. It should be fine. So how about we pick you up in an hour?” Avana asked.

  Marianna looked at her watch.

  “Fine, see you in an hour.” She ended the call and then set her alarm on her phone for fifteen minutes. Just a little longer of a nap and she should be good to go.

  An hour and twenty later, and she was walking into the Filling Station with Avana and Tiana, wearing a short black sheer dress, that had spaghetti straps, and a thin, string belt along the middle that tied at her waist. She wore her hair up in a cute, yet classy style, had on a pair of stud diamond earrings, her black cowgirl boots and several necklaces in different lengths that covered a bit of the deep V in the dress that accentuated her cleavage. She knew she looked good, but damn did her throat feel a little sore. She would be smart to rest it and not talk too much.

  It didn’t take long for the drinks to start coming, the cowboys to start flirting, and the good time started. She was really enjoying herself, maybe a bit too much as her and her friends got hysterical over each story they were telling.
  “Damn woman, that voice is fucking incredible,” some cowboy said to her, placing his arm around her waist and hoisting her close. She was feeling a little tipsy, and tried blowing him off. She pressed his hand away.

  “Excuse me,” she said, and shoved away from him. He grabbed her wrist, chuckling with his friends.

  “Oh no, no way am I letting you go. Another hour and you’ll be good for the taking,” he said, and slugged a sip from his beer.

  “I won’t be here in another hour, and you won’t be taking nothing,” she said, and pulled her hand free. She lost her balance, and as his buddy went to grab her, she slapped his hand away and a strong arm wrapped around her from behind.

  “Is there a problem over here?”

  She tilted her head way up and locked gazes with Slova. Holy God the man looked lethal. His dark green eyes squinted, a scowl on his well-trimmed bearded face as he stared at the multiple men in front of her. She held onto his forearm, thick, hard, muscular with lines of definition sticking out against his skin. His belly was hard with ridges pressed against her back, his crotch in perfect position against her ass. Her body heated up, the attraction instant, intense, and she was shocked but a bit buzzed so she didn’t pull away.

  “No problem, we’re having some fun with our new, sexy friend,” the one guy said and took another slug of beer.

  “I’m not your friend,” she said, her voice hurting as she spoke.

  “You heard her, now leave her alone,” he said to them.

  “Leave her alone? We were with her first. You hear that sexy voice of hers? We saw her first,” he said, and motioned with his head to the four guys with him.

  Then she heard the second deep voice come from next to Slova, who held her snuggly around the waist, making her feel protected.

  “Get sidetracked from getting those beers?”

  She looked to the left and saw Cast. Holy crap her entire body heated up. These men were definitely effective in presence alone. Cast with that military haircut, the chiseled face of stone, his hard body and the way his muscles were bulging from the navy blue button-down shirt he wore. The top button was undone, and she could see the strand of chain more than likely from his dog tags on him. Her nipples hardened.

  “I think we’re going to move to a better side of the bar. You know, away from the trash,” Slova said, and at first she was afraid they were talking about her, but next thing she knew, Slova was walking her away from those guys as Cast told her friends to move to the other side and they did, smiling and laughing, definitely drunk.

  When they got to the other side of the bar, the men made room for them, and who was there but Flame and Yani. The two older, seasoned men looked her over and she felt like they thought she was immature or something. However, as she pressed Slova’s hand away from her waist, he had a different plan.

  “What are you drinking doll?” he asked and lifted her up with one arm, and placed her onto the stool. She gasped, then held onto him as her ass hit the stool. She crossed her legs.

  “She’s drinking sex on the beach,” Tina said, and the girls were all smiling until a few other men from SOJ came over.

  “We got her. Make sure they’re okay,” Flame stated.

  She turned to look at him. “What do you think you’re doing?” she asked him. He stared at her. His eyes swept over her body, then Slova handed her a drink, and then bottles of beers to his buddies.

  “To finally making an acquaintance,” he said, and tapped his bottle to her glass. The others followed, all four sets of eyes upon her, and suddenly her buzz was gone and she was feeling things she should not be feeling.

  She took a sip of her drink in hopes of gaining some courage here. The four six foot plus men surrounded her. Slova took the stool on her right and Flame was on her left as she faced away from the bar and toward Yani and Cast. Slova’s hand caressed her hair then moved it off her shoulder. She looked up toward him.

  “How was your job the other night?” Flame asked her, causing her to look away from Slova, who definitely had an ability to effect a woman without saying a word.

  “My job?” she asked, and took another sip of her drink. These things were going down way too smoothly.

  “The singing and piano thing for a private party? You were all dressed up,” he asked, and eyed her over again. She swallowed hard and thought about the guy that grabbed her and how she injured her side, and of course that guy Press, who definitely was trouble.

  “Something happen?” Yani asked.

  “It was…eventful, I suppose. Last night was better but long. I didn’t even want to come out tonight,” she said, her voice sounding even hoarser. Cast licked his lips.

  “Why not?” Flame asked, and reached over and caressed her knee. Her heartrate went up several notches and she wiggled on the seat a little. Slova trailing a thumb along her collarbone and she shivered with arousal.

  “Tired,” she whispered, that voice of hers making her sound sexy, and she knew it. Oh boy.

  “Is that why your voice sounds so hoarse? From singing two nights in a row?” Yani asked her.

  She felt Flame’s palm slid over her knee and down her calf then back up again, and it felt incredible. She needed to gain some control here though. This wasn’t good. She didn’t want a situation. She certainly didn’t want a ménage or whatever. Her cheeks heated up instantly and she swallowed hard. “Listen, I’m not interested in being your entertainment tonight,” she said to them. Slova slid his palm along her shoulder, down her arm to her hand. He lifted her hand to his mouth and held her gaze and kissed her knuckles.

  “Our entertainment?” he asked, then kissed them again.

  Her heart felt as if it could pound out of her chest. Could they see it? What they were doing to her? She was a virgin, never let a man close enough to her because of what her mom went through, and the abusive relationship with her dad. She worked from the time she was twelve years old. Her mom hammering into her head that men couldn’t be trusted. That all they wanted was sex, and to own a woman, use her up and then toss her away. It was only recently she decided she was lonely and went on a date or two. One worse than the next. It was pretty obvious her destiny lay being alone. So why was she even sitting here with these four older, much older men?

  She downed her drink. Flame took the glass from her hand.

  “Not entertainment, sweetie,” Slova said, and licked his lips.

  Another drink was placed into her hand, and more beers passed around. She exhaled.

  “What is it you’re interested in?” she asked, and took another sip from the new drink.

  “Keeping you out of trouble,” Slova said and winked. He was teasing her. She smirked and chuckled, even that sounded sexy and hoarse.

  “I try to stay clear of trouble. So be honest, what are you interested in?” she asked, and took another sip of her drink.

  “Talking to you. Getting to know more about you. So how long have you been singing and playing the piano?” Cast asked her. He took a slug from his bottle of Bud. She saw the veins, the chords of muscles in his forearm. That thick military watch that hugged his wrist, the man was big, sexy, and those dark eyes, they ate her up and made her pussy swell with need. Holy crap. She liked them. This wasn’t good at all.

  “I think this is a waste of time,” she said, and Flame gripped her knee and she looked at him.

  He shook his head at her. “Stay. Talk to us. Hell, ask us questions, we don’t mind,” he said, and she thought about that a moment. They were willing to answer questions for her?

  “How long have you been in the military and part of Sons of Justice?”

  His eyes squinted. “A long time in the military. Entered at nineteen, got more than twenty years in the service and five in SOJ,” he told her, and she felt the tightness in her throat. He had to be about forty then. The others added the years they were in the military, and of course the same five years in SOJ.

  As they talked some more she found out that they had been living
in Florida for several months, working a specific case for the military when they were called in to assist Talia’s brother, who Flame and them knew for years.

  She continued to drink, and so did all of them but Flame. “It’s really nice of you to move out here for the time being to help your friends and SOJ while Talia is recovering. Where are you heading next?” she asked, realizing that they wouldn’t be staying around Repose. That this was temporary. Was that a good thing or a bad thing? Her mind was a little fuzzy from the alcohol and she was so tired, she was feeling it already. But the more they talked, the more comfortable she got with them, and the more they touched her.

  As the night went on, she started to lean against Slova, her eyes feeling heavy, but she didn’t want to stop talking to them. Then her friends were getting rides home and she knew she needed to get going, too.

  “I should head out with Meg and Delia. They’re my last ride,” she said, and went to move, but Flame stopped her by pulling her stool closer and between his legs, where he sat on the stool next to her. She gasped.

  “We’ll give you a ride home. I’m the designated driver.”

  “I know you’re friends with Talia’s men, and SOJ and all, but I don’t really know you, and well, I’m feeling a little drunk,” she said, and then chuckled. He gave a small smile.

  “We don’t take advantage of women. Trust us to get you home,” he said to her and brought her hand to his mouth and kissed her knuckles. She was in a daze, hell she was falling for the four men, and so they continued to laugh, to talk and to drink, and then it was all a blur.

  * * * *

  Flame stared at Marianna as she laid in her bed, wearing only her black lace bra and matching lace thong panties, with Cast pressed up behind her wearing boxers, his hand cupping her large breast on one side and Slova wearing jeans only, his palm over her ass and her thigh over his thighs and hip. She looked so damn sexy and gorgeous. Last night was crazy. They were all pretty much buzzed, and she was more than tipsy, except for him, who made sure things didn’t get too crazy. Their combination make out session was hot, but the poor woman was exhausted, then stripping and climbing into bed with Cast and Slova. Yani walked out of the bathroom and looked at the sight on the bed, then at Flame.


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