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Claimed Page 18

by K. H. Kate

  "Who told you that?"

  "I-I was still there." She paused, wincing when my eyes widened. "I couldn't have left you!"

  She didn't. "You mean to tell me that you could have brought him here much earlier if you weren't still there? It was your scream, wasn't it? Fuck, Emeline! I told you to save him, not me. He-he didn't wake up. You failed."

  "Don't say it like that!"

  "Get out." I couldn't see her face right now. Not when I had so much to atone. I would end up saying something that I would regret.

  "Please." I heard her whimper in my head. "Please, let me stay. I couldn't have seen you die."

  "But you saw his."

  I felt her stare for a couple of minutes until the door closed with a bang. Taking a deep breath, I looked at him. So lifeless. So...not him.

  "Master, if you leave me here to take care of these idiots, I will drag you back here to kill you myself."

  He didn't even move.

  "I'm serious. You didn't forgive me. You can't just pull a twist like that. I won't allow you." My voice rang louder in the rather silent room. "You know how I deal with death. I will destroy Heaven and Hell altogether. You don't want that kind of war in my hands."

  He didn't want to wake up?


  I wasn't moving until he did.



  I had to admit it, after five days of asking the same thing and getting no answer, Demos was officially known as the most stubborn person I had ever seen. He didn't even care that his tail most probably didn't work anymore.

  "Brother, this is pointless. All you have to do is answer our questions. I don't like this any more than you do." Eros scowled where Demos still stared at the Volkios with beady eyes. There wasn't a single twitch in his body that let me know that he was angry or afraid.

  "You called me the third piece." Allegra asked next. "What about that?"

  Say something. Why wasn't he saying something!


  "This isn't working. I say we dump him in Sparkas." Rebecca finally concluded on her own.

  "No!" Raphael said, narrowing his eyes at his brother. "It's not that simple. We have Hell to worry about."

  Time for me to shine. "Speaking of Hell...he hasn't been there in months. What to say the devil already didn't appoint someone else in his place."

  Oh, would you look at that?

  Demos smiled for the first time. "He wouldn't do that."

  "Why?" I kept the same amount of civility in my voice. "Last I two aren't friends."

  "Who do you think I am? Hell can't survive without me. It feeds from me, it lives for me. Lucifer knows that."

  Allegra scoffed. "And you still go against him?"

  "Lucifer cares about his Hell but I care about a lot more than that. You all can think of me as your enemy but I'm only looking after my kind."


  "What are you talking about?" Eros looked at him in shock.

  He dropped his hands on the table, the heavy chain stopping him from transforming into his demon form. "I saw us fall, brother. Each one of us suffering in different ways until all parts of Hell reconnected and the witches fell."

  It was starting to sound a lot like a prophecy.

  "Really?" I raised an eyebrow at how everyone seemed to be in deep thoughts. It couldn't be that bad, right? "So you took the charge to finish the witches yourself?"

  He shrugged. "Call me your savior of sorts."

  I could think of some other names which definitely didn't rhyme with the word, savior.

  "There's something else you're not telling us. You are not worried, you are not trying to escape."

  Bloody observation you have, Allegra.

  "Why would I want to go when I can see your kind fall just by being here?" I couldn't ignore his smugness anymore, it was starting to make my blood boil. "What do you think will happen when you kill me? My part of Hell won't have a ruler anymore. Any souls that were there will be unleashed in here, destroying what you people so preciously hold dear. The humans."


  I never thought of that.

  "We can't keep him here forever." Eros looked up with a look I was starting to hate. "He's getting weak and so is Hell. The things we saw that's because he is here. He didn't summon them, Hell is already starting to unleash its residents."

  "Bravo, brother." Demos clapped with a smirk.

  Damn it to the hell.

  "So what do we do?" Lorette asked, staring at all the Volkioses.

  "There's only one thing we can do now. Bring him back to Hell and chain him to his throne." Eros looked at Raphael. "Then talk to Lucifer about his punishment. If he's lucky, he'll be killed. If not..."

  I looked at Demos to figure out his emotions but to my dismay, there was nothing there. Why wasn't he afraid? It was starting to irk me too much. Maybe that's why I couldn't leave even when they all did.

  "Any personal questions?" He offered.

  "Why didn't Zedkiel wake up yet?"

  "He's dead." He had the gull to laugh. "Because I killed him."

  No, I refused to believe that. "Emie did her thing, he should have been on his feet right now but he isn't. What was it? Was there anything in your claws or your venom or something-"

  "Ask my Queen then." He tasked, brushing off invisible lint from his shirt.

  He was asking for another round of butchering right now. My shadows visibly hissed. "She's my wife, my beloved. How dare you?"

  "Oh, Darkness, I almost pity you. I'll give you time to cherish her, to think that you have her forever but when the time comes? I will rise as the King of Hell and she will rise right alongside me as my Queen."

  I'd love to see him try.

  Something changed that day.

  If I thought Lex had broken me into nothing before I was wrong. This-the distance finally nailed us in a coffin. He refused to see me and I went along with it. Because for once, he was right. I should have chosen Zedkiel. I could have saved him.

  I could but I didn't.

  And now he was suffering for it.

  "Those creatures don't even know how to choke someone to death. Have you seen my neck? There are bones spurting out from everywhere!" 5132 complained, holding an ice pack on her neck. I wanted to sympathize with her, I really did but there were much bigger things to worry about. Like why Allegra called today and the woman in the room named Shayla.

  "We have to elect a new Clan Leader. We can't just avoid this matter forever." Allegra finally spoke up after two weeks of feeling like hell and purging every creature from here. The loss was greater than we thought. We barely had members to match a clan now.

  "It's too soon." I whispered. "Lex still didn't lose hope."

  "But you did." She observed with a sharp look.

  "What choice do I have? Every other creature I brought back to life was instant. It's been two weeks, Allegra. He's still the same."

  "But he didn't decompose either." 5132 offered with a smile. "Maybe he's comatose."

  "I want this to be true but I don't know what to think anymore." I didn't want any part of this. The guilt, the accusation. Lex didn't exactly tell everyone what I did but I could still feel his resentment from our bond. Surprisingly that's the only way we communicated now. Him asking how things were going and me asking if Zed woke up.

  We both lied, of course.

  I didn't tell him that Hell was this close to killing us all. He didn't say anything about slowly losing his mind.

  "Still, I need candidates.”

  Shayla looked at us with an awkward smile. "I will take whatever you chose, Allegra."

  "I wasn't there for long so I don't know but Lex once said he was the only successor Zed could ever think of." It's funny how ridiculous that sounded at the time. He was just being himself but now...

  "He's a Darkness. It's not possible." Allegra sighed, playing with her hair. She didn't want to admit it but I could see it took her a lot just to
pretend that everything was alright. Why were we getting punished for something we didn't do?

  "I know."

  5132 stood up, a frown on her face. "Well, this is getting depressing for the eighth time today. There's only so far I can take before my Reaper side decides this is it. It's time for my meds so I'll get to that. Call me if you all need me."

  "What about you, Shayla?" Allegra asked suddenly. "You have been with him since he left for Greece. That's a long time to consider. You know everything there's to know about the Clan, don't you?"

  "I do but I don't want to impose when he didn't give us any order."

  I wanted Zed to still be the leader but... "We have to think of the people too, Shayla. Someone has to take over anyway. You or anyone else."

  She looked hesitant only for a second before she nodded. "If you all think I am capable of leading the clan, then I accept the offer."

  "I will like that." Allegra sounded relieved. "You should let everyone know."

  “Ok, thank you. Thank you so much for believing in me.”

  I watched her leave with a prep in her step when I heard him. "Zach wants to take your place. I swear I see him more than I see you."

  I couldn't help but smile. Sometimes he forgot to block his mind and I heard all of his rambling. Most of the time it ended with asking for apologies for some reason but at least it was keeping him together.

  "Don't come at me. You don't wake up and you'll find your best friend gone. What-"

  "Why are you smiling?" Allegra asked with curiosity.

  My focus broke along with the bond. "He's talking to Zed. I can hear him."

  "You two still didn't talk face to face?"

  "I can't." I really couldn't. Not after what happened. "There’s still hatred between us."

  She chuckled, brewing a potion to cleanse the manor. "What if you're wrong? You can't tell unless you two talk."

  "We hurt others when we are apart and we hurt each other when we are together. There's really no in-between." I wanted to tell her more when raw happiness filled my soul, shocking me to the bone. Why was I so happy suddenly unless...

  "I need to go."

  I heard her yell out my name but I couldn't stop. Not until I saw him myself. Running throughout the hallways, it didn't take me long to reach his room. I expected to see him happy but I didn't expect to see the two individuals looking so grim.

  "Will you forgive me?" I heard him whisper.

  As if Zed could feel me here, he looked up, staring right into my eyes. "Depends."

  Lex followed his gaze, stammering momentarily when he finally noticed me there. I hadn't seen him in days. I didn't even know how to feel. So I looked at Zed instead, ignoring my growing paranoia.

  "Zedkiel. You"

  "Looks like I am." His eyes narrowed. "I feel different. What happened?"

  Lex took over instantly. I could feel his happiness at the same time his guilt. "You died and she had to bring you back the only way she knows."

  "Figures why my first instinct was to find her. It's strange...I can't explain it."

  God, I hated to be him right now.

  "How are you feeling?" I touched his cheek and he closed his eyes for a second before opening it, the panic that I was feeling now showing in his gaze.

  "Not like a warlock definitely."

  "I am so sorry." I knew the risks, the curse that was going to come with my gift. He had no powers of his own now. He had to rely on me to channel himself. "I knew and still went through it-"

  "Because it saved his life." Lex stared at me with awe. "Anything that comes with it, we can figure it out later."

  I couldn't take this anymore. If he kept looking at me that way, I would feel like he hated me less. Then I would think he loved me and we would continue this stupid circle. Thus, I did what came to my mind. I stood up, smiling to show that everything was alright.

  "I should give you time to rest. You just woke up...maybe Allegra can check you out to see if there's any change that happened lately."

  Zed nodded, closing his eyes where Lex came up to me with a nervous grin. "Hey. I know what I said that day was fucked up but I really didn't mean it. I was just freaking out and I don't know what came over me so I-"

  "And I meant everything. I would've still chosen you."

  That's where we went wrong, didn't we?



  "The flower. Where the hell is the flower?" Lana's voice could be heard from the next room. By the way she was shouting, I guessed the whole Norcia heard her. Someone liked the color blue. It was everywhere, from the walls to the stairs and even on the house entrance.

  "You look like you just ate a lemon." Zach laughed at the face I was making.

  "It's nauseating to see Lana ramble about her engagement every five seconds. I get it, lady, it's your day but hell, we live here too. And if I see any more blue, I might have to bleach my eyes dry." I deliberately whispered so Lana couldn't hear. Only one time I had said that I didn't give a shit if she made us wear a Tux or trash and she burned almost all of my hair.

  I was still mourning it.

  I didn't need her to give me a buzzcut next.

  Zach couldn't stop laughing. "She's always cheerful. You should've seen her in high school, man. Always planning things ahead and it always has to be perfect so it isn't that surprising that she's making us work for her engagement."

  "Don't bother. I'm already happy NOT knowing her before." I spat out, earning an eye roll.

  "And Emeline still wants you." Zach let out a loud as hell gasp. "Oh wait, she doesn't. See? You care about us, big guy. Just because you say that you don't, doesn't make it a truth."

  "And Emie?" I felt a pang in my chest but I ignored it. "She still doesn't want me then?"

  Ever since that day, she had taken her things from our room to go live in a guest room. Even when our eyes would meet once in a while, she'd hurry to leave the place. If that wasn't a hint that she hated me, I didn't know what it was.

  "Watching her won't bring her back, Alexei. Trust me, I've done that shit. If she feels even a little for you, fight for it."

  I thought about what he said, watching Mikhail getting ready for his engagement. This was what could've been our life. But just because I thought that my shadows, my true self was going to be the one to hurt her, I pushed her away. Then again I did fulfill the future one way or another.

  I hurt her by lying.

  "You're right. I've given her time, Zach. Not anymore." I said with confidence. Yes, I would do the right thing. I'd tell her the truth, I'd tell her just what I saw in Ivy's mind and break this thin ice that's been ruining our marriage. Before Zach could answer, Mikhail cleared his throat.

  "I'm ready." He was in a black suit, hair all spiked up courtesy of Zed. Though he looked his best, the nervous fidgeting didn't get ignored by me. My own wariness toward Emie was hard to ignore too when Zed looked at both of us.

  "It's his engagement today, I get that he's freaking out. What's your problem?"

  I clenched my jaw, giving them a tensed smile. "Nothing, master, absolutely nothing."

  "D-Don't call me that. I am not worthy of that name anymore-"

  "Bullshit. You've always been my master. Nothing changes it." And if I had to prove it to him every day I would.

  "Fine, have it your way. We're getting late anyway." Following them, I entered the hall room where the ceremony was supposed to happen. The whole manor was beautifully decorated only worsening my mood. Why for once I couldn't do right by someone?

  "There she is." Zach halted my trail of thoughts. True to him, I noticed Emie walking in a long black dress beside Lana. As if noticing my stare she looked up tensing. But to my surprise, she gave me a genuine smile before looking away.

  Zach suddenly whistled, staring at the newcomer who turned out to be Ivy with a whiskey bottle. "Well, my drinking buddy is here. Enjoy your night."

  "One of these days Valentine will kill y
ou." That's the only thing I could say.

  "He was one of these people who ruined the best day I could ever have so I'm ruining his." He winked, dancing between people to reach her. Immature. Shaking my head, I couldn't stop grinning either. Clearly, he had an agenda against the vampire.

  "Shall we?" Zed asked, bringing my attention to them.

  After that, I kind of blanked out as the ceremony went. Lana and Mikhail exchanged the rings with excitement where Zach kept hooting and throwing drinks. Just as he said, he was ruining the Volkioses day. I saw one of them even leave. I think that was Rebecca and I couldn't be happier.

  I asked her a few days ago to give me permission for our marriage but she refused.

  Her excuse couldn't even be called an excuse.

  When all the cheers ended, it was time for dancing. Before anyone could whisk my wife away, I took her wrist in mine. Her eyes met mine and the surprise written in them was clear as day.

  "Dance?" I asked quickly, holding out my other hand.

  "I need to stay with 5132-"

  "Dear sister, I'm all grown up, almost getting married." Lana smiled, shooing her sister. "You don't have to worry about me. Just have fun for one night, will you?"

  She looked back at Lana desperately who left her with me. Finally, she just gave in, placing her hand on mine.

  "You're looking deliciously beautiful," I let her know.

  "Thank you."

  "Emie." I took a deep breath. "We need to Come with me, please."

  I felt her tense up. "No."


  "Believe me, it would be better for us if we just...move on. I mean we would always share souls but at least none of us will have to wonder when the next time one of us decides to break other's heart."

  Move on!? What the hell?


  "I said no, Lex. I'm not going with you."

  "Why not? I'm tired of waiting. You said you needed time and I gave it to you. I stayed away. But how much more time do you need? A year? A century?" I argued.

  "'s just, we don't work. We don't communicate like married couples do. We did everything backward. That day in the feels like a lifetime ago and I can't even bring myself to wonder about that. You feel nothing for me and I'm finally starting to forgive you for all the things you've done. Isn't that enough?"


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