Sapphire: Iron Angels, MC (Book One)

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Sapphire: Iron Angels, MC (Book One) Page 4

by Samantha McCoy

  “As you wish,” Sapphire called back.

  Within seconds, Sapphire was on Sledge, driving him backwards with each swing. It was like a blast of energy and strength came out of nowhere. Blow for blow Sledge tried to block her hits, but she was too fast. Every fist swung managed to hit its target.

  The quietness soon ended. Cheering erupted. The Henchmen all cheered for Sledge, with the exception of Reaper. He and the girls, including Beth, jumped on the Sapphire-wagon.

  Tank stood there, unable to move. A part of him wanted to jump in the middle and beat the shit out of Sledge for even attempting to put his hands on his woman, while the other part knew Sapphire would be pissed if he got involved. The knots in his stomach grew bigger.

  A sickening thud reached Tank’s ear and brought him back to the battle. He watched in horror as Sapphire stumbled backwards.

  “Fuck!” Sledge bellowed. “I don’t want to fight you, Sapphire.”

  “Too late,” Sapphire spat. “Now, you got your free hit. It’s the only one you will get.”

  What? She let him hit her? Who the fuck does that?

  Tank looked on as something close to craziness unfolded. Sapphire took a running leap and landed a square kick to Sledge’s midsection, and still — she never let up. It was like a switch was flipped. Quiet Sapphire Kimber turned into a beast. Tank could see Sledge was breathing hard and having a difficult time keeping up with her movements. She was fast. The fastest Tank had ever seen. Even in all his years in the military, he had never seen anyone move the way she did.

  “Finish him!” Reaper yelled.

  “Yes, sir!” Sapphire laughed.

  One punch, two, three; a hard kick to the abdomen and Sledge was bent over with his hands grabbing his stomach. Sapphire took full advantage of the moment. With a high jump and a spin, she delivered a kick to Sledge’s jaw — knocking him to the ground. Landing on the balls of her feet, Sapphire stood there with her hands on her hips.

  “You finished now?” she asked.

  The only sound to leave Sledge was a low groan. Tank would have never believed what just happened unless he had seen it with his own eyes.

  Sapphire squatted down beside Sledge and whispered something that nobody else could hear. Whatever was said, it caused Sledge’s eyes to widen and he nodded his head once.

  The group looked on as Sapphire stood and reached out a hand to their President and helped the man up from the ground. That single act spoke volumes about Sapphire’s character.

  Once Sledge was standing on his own accord, Sapphire let loose of his hand and stepped back.

  “That was fuckin’ great, kid,” Reaper laughed, throwing an arm over Sapphire’s shoulders. “It has been a long time since I’ve seen you in action. I think you’ve gotten faster over the years.”

  “Just a little bit,” Sapphire laughed.

  “ could have...warned me...” Sledge said, having a hard time breathing.

  “Where would the fun be in that?” Reaper asked. “You’re the asshole who thought you’d put a woman in her place.”

  “Yeah,” Sledge moaned.

  “There is no putting Sapphire Kimber in her place. Her place is wherever the fuck she wants it to be.”

  “Thanks...for...the info, Reaper,” Sledge groaned. “Nice...meeting you, Sapp...hire.”

  “Likewise, Sledge,” Sapphire grinned.

  “Where did you learn to fight like that?” Rachel asked, excitement pouring from her voice.

  Tank could tell the question made Sapphire nervous. He watched as she glanced quickly at Reaper who inclined his head, as if telling her it was okay to share with the group. But by the look on Sapphire’s face, she wasn’t buying it.

  “Several years ago,” Reaper began, “When Sapphire was about fourteen, she was taken by a human trafficking ring. She was sent to Thailand and sold to a fight club owner.”

  “Human trafficking?” Rachel gasped. “Oh my God!”

  “Oh no!” Beth breathed.

  “You poor thing!” Amber said, moving in to embrace Sapphire in a tight hug. “How did you get out?”

  “Reaper’s father,” Sapphire answered.

  “Oh! Wow,” Amber whispered wide-eyed.

  “So wait,” Diesel piped in. “You were kidnapped, taken to a fight club, and actually taught how to fight?”

  “Not really,” Sapphire replied. “I was taken to be sold as a sex slave. I learned to fight by watching the guys in the club and mimicking their movements.”

  “The group kidnapped young girls. They would keep them in cages in a warehouse,” Reaper explained. “And then later, have auctions to sell them to the highest bidder. What they didn’t count on was Sapphire learning the moves of the fighters.”

  “Damn. I mean, shit happens, but still,” Sledge shrugged. “But hey, next time you’re mine.”

  “Anytime you’re ready,” Sapphire laughed.

  “Okay, so they put a fourteen-year-old child against grown men?” Diesel asked, confused.

  “Yes,” Reaper replied. “There were girls in there as young as ten. Sapphire was just as strong-willed back then as she is now.”

  “I was,” she chuckled. “So, I spent hours watching the fighters practice. I would stand in my cage and follow every move. One day, the leader of the group came downstairs and noticed me. As punishment, I guess, he had one of the men get me out of the cage and toss me into a ring with a trained fighter and I won. Fourteen years old and I beat a grown man over three times my size. After that, I became a regular. Fight after fight. They just kept continuing.”

  “How long were you held there?” Beth asked.

  “About a year.”

  “A year!” Several voices said at once.

  “The club bounced around Thailand, making it hard to be tracked,” she explained.

  “Oh my!” Amber said, hugging her again.

  Tank stood there, speechless.

  How could he not have known any of this?

  He listened as Sapphire and Reaper told the story of her escape and how she literally ran into Reaper’s father and the rescue team sent in to find her. He listened as she explained using every skill her captors taught her to break free of the prison they had kept her in. Tank listened to every word and his heart broke. Stephanie ‘Sapphire’ Kimber was just as broken as he was. Tank could tell. The emotion of the past moved clearly across her face. She was reliving that time all over again. He wanted to make her stop the story, but if she wanted to tell it, who was he to stop her?

  “And you’re the future president of the Iron Angels?” Sledge finally joined in the conversation. “Next in line for the crown, so to speak.”

  “No,” Sapphire said quickly, maybe a little too quickly.

  “Aren’t you the oldest?” Sledge asked.

  “Yes,” she replied. “But I’ve already denounced my place as President. I don’t want anything to do with the MC life.”

  Nothing to do with the MC life?

  Tank loved his brothers. The guys and the club, even if he wasn’t a member, were a huge part of his life. He couldn’t imagine not being a part of this every day. This was family.

  Did she not have this type of relationship with her mother’s club?

  Tank had a lot of questions, but now wasn’t the time to voice them. In due time, he would have his answers and if he played his cards right, he would have Sapphire Kimber, too.

  Chapter Seven


  This was not how she thought this morning would start. A confrontation with the President of another MC was never a good way to start the day. Her mother would be blowing up her phone later, she was sure of it. She could just hear her now.

  Seriously Sapphire! You’re not even there twenty-four hours and you’re making waves already? Get a damn grip, girl!

  Sledge’s question about taking over the Iron Angels filled her with mixed emotions. She knew she was the best option for the future of the club, but at the same time, she wanted nothing to do
with it. She wanted her own life. She wanted to worry about only herself and her family — husband and kids. There was no way she could bring children into the club life and politics. After what happened to her, how could she possibly chance something like that happening to her child? There was just simply no way.

  “Then who will take over?” Sledge asked.

  “One of my other sisters.”

  “Sap,” Reaper said. “You know you are the only person who can lead that group.”

  “No, I’m not,” she argued. “Piper, is more than capable.”

  “Why?” Reaper asked. “Because she’s a cop? That means nothing, Sapphire. She doesn’t have the leadership or willpower that you do. She’s a fuckin’ hot-head with a gun.”

  “Oh my Lord,” Sapphire groaned. “You sound like my mother.”

  “Good!” Reaper sighed in frustration. “Your mother is a smart woman. You should listen to her.”

  Sapphire couldn’t help but roll her eyes. She was sure she probably looked like a pouty teenager, but she was tired of having this argument with people. Nobody understood. They just didn’t get it.

  “Enough!” she shouted. “I am not going to lead the Angels. I want something different. I want a life. I want a family. A husband. Children. I cannot and will not bring that into the club world. It’s too dangerous.”

  “Stephanie,” Reaper sighed, pulling her against his chest. “Just because you were taken, doesn’t mean your child would be. Things are much different now compared to how they were back then.”

  “Are they, Zander?” she asked. “Do you still fight to stop human trafficking, drugs, guns?”

  “We do,” he admitted. “But, I can speak for this entire group — we would never allow anything to happen to you or your children. Ever, Steph.”

  Sapphire sighed against Reaper’s chest. She loved him like a brother, but she knew he would never understand. He couldn’t because he didn’t know the full extent of what happened to her the year she was held in the fight prison. Nobody knew except her mother and sisters. Sapphire would forever wear the evidence on her skin. The scars would always be there to remind her of how ugly the MC world really was.

  “Just think about it, okay?” Reaper whispered in her ear.


  “Alright,” Diesel announced, bring the attention to himself and away from Sapphire. “Let’s get out of here so Sapphire and Rachel can get busy.”

  “But Sapphire never ate breakfast,” Rachel reminded.

  “It’s okay, I’ll eat later,” Sapphire chimed in.

  “Not a chance,” Tank said. She had almost forgotten he was there.

  He probably thinks I’m nuts!

  How many women walk into Henchmen territory and end up in a brawl with the President of the club? None. Only Stephanie fuckin’ Kimber!

  Way to go! Nut job!

  Glancing in his direction, Sapphire wished she could tell what he was thinking. She would give her right tit to know what was swirling through his mind right now.

  “I think he likes you,” Reaper whispered in her ear as he walked past her, towards his wife.

  Looking back towards the man of topic, Sapphire tried to study him. Tried to figure him out.

  Did he like her? Nah, Reaper had to be wrong.

  The idea that a guy like Tank could actually be into her kind of excited her and scared the shit out of her at the same time.

  Even if, for some crazy reason, Tank did like her, she could never have a relationship with him. He was about the club and she wanted nothing to do with that life. They would never work.

  “I’ll go heat you up something, if you want to get started on Rachel’s therapy,” Tank said as he walked past her and into the house.

  “Okay,” she mumbled to herself.

  “That was the craziest shit I have ever seen!” Rachel exclaimed as Sapphire neared.

  “I’m really sorry,” Sapphire replied. “I never in a million years thought that was how this day would start.”

  “For one, don’t you dare apologize,” Rachel retorted. “Sledge was out of line. He should have been reprimanding Weasel, not you. Second, you have got to teach me those moves. I would love to be able to kick ass like that!”

  Shaking her head, Sapphire knelt down in front of Rachel. “Let’s get you out of this damn chair first.”

  “Definitely!” Rachel smiled.

  For the next fifteen minutes, Sapphire and Rachel went through therapeutic exercises until they were interrupted by Tank.

  “Here,” he said handing Sapphire a sandwich filled with egg, cheese, and loaded down with bacon.

  “Thank you,” Sapphire mumbled, taking a bite.

  “You’re welcome. I have to head back to the bar and get things set up for tonight. You ladies try to have a good day.”

  “Will do!” Rachel smiled as Tank leaned down to place a kiss on her cheek.

  Not sure why, but the scene caused little snakes of green envy to flow through Sapphire. She knew there was nothing between Rachel and Tank, but just the thought of his lips on another woman made her want to punch something, or someone.

  Get a fucking grip! He can kiss whoever he likes.

  No matter how many times she told herself that, the feeling never changed. She didn’t like it. At all.

  “You okay?” Rachel asked.

  “What?” Sapphire answered, shaking her head. “Oh, yeah. I’m fine.”

  “You looked upset for a minute.”

  “Nah, I was just thinking.”


  “Nothing important. Okay, let’s get back to therapy. If you are going to be kicking ass later, we need to get your strength back up.”

  “Hey,” Rachel said, placing a hand on Sapphire’s arm. “If you ever need or want to talk, I’m a good listener.”

  Sapphire looked at Rachel. Really looked at her for the first time. She could tell that the woman meant what she said. It wasn’t often that something like this happened to women like Sapphire. Being in the position she was, most people only wanted stuff from her; mostly a higher rank in the club. Rarely did anyone ever want to just be her friend. The offer meant a lot to her.

  “Thank you, Rachel,” Sapphire smiled. “That means a lot.”

  “Welcome,” she smiled back. “Now, finish your sandwich and let’s get to work.”

  * * *

  The day passed rather quickly. Rachel was a rock star. Everything Sapphire threw at her, she did without a complaint. The two women spent the day talking about life outside of the club and getting to know each other. Rachel shared information from her past and Sapphire could tell, that with time, they would become great friends. Rachel also shared the heartache of wanting a child, but not being able to because of her current situation. Sapphire’s heart broke for the woman, and Diesel.

  Hearing Rachel talk about the gothic looking man, Sapphire could almost feel the love that the two shared. Again, jealousy snaked through her. That was the life she wanted. A man that would love her, no matter what. Someone to face life’s struggles with. A partner.

  “Are you ladies almost finished?” Rachel and Sapphire turned to find Diesel standing in the doorway.

  “Hey, handsome!” Rachel replied. “We’re already done. Just been sitting here chit-chatting.”

  “Why don’t both of you go grab showers,” Diesel said, walking towards them. “And then we can go into town and grab something to eat at The Brickyard.”

  “Oh hell yeah!” Rachel cheered. “Let’s go!”

  “They sell food?” Sapphire asked.

  “Oh my Gawd!” Rachel exclaimed. “It has the best burgers you will ever eat. I promise! Come on, let’s go get ready.”


  “Sapphire!” Rachel yelled. “Hurry the hell up, woman! I’m hungry!”

  “I’m coming!” Sapphire yelled back.

  A quick shower, makeup, and three outfits later and she still didn’t know if that was true. She had no idea why it even mattered

  “Because Tank will be there, idiot,” she answered out loud.

  With a heavy sigh, Sapphire walked out the bedroom door and headed downstairs where Rachel and Diesel were waiting.

  “Wow! You look gorgeous,” Rachel said when Sapphire entered the living room.

  “Very beautiful,” Diesel agreed. “Tank will approve.”

  “What?” Sapphire asked, startled.

  “You mean to tell me you spent over an hour getting all dressed up just to go get a burger and beers?” Diesel laughed. “Yeah, nice try.”

  “I…I mean...” Sapphire stuttered. “Should I go change?”

  “No!” Rachel replied quickly. “You look perfect. You’ll have every guy in there tonight drooling. And Tank won’t know how to act. I love it! Lord knows he needs some excitement in his life.”

  “This is going to be great!” Diesel laughed.

  “I totally agree, husband.”

  “Let’s go,” Diesel smiled, holding the door open as Rachel and Sapphire exited the house.

  * * *

  The ride to the bar was more of the same — Rachel and Diesel giggling like school girls over Tank’s reaction to all the attention Sapphire would get tonight. For the hundredth time, Sapphire wondered if she should have just stayed at the house and had them bring her something back.

  “Come on, y’all,” Sapphire sighed. “We are all adults and you two are acting like middle schoolers.”

  “So!” Diesel said, sticking his tongue out at Sapphire.

  “Really?” she said, shaking her head. “Did you just seriously stick your tongue out at me?”

  “Yep!” Diesel replied, blowing a raspberry and sending spit everywhere.

  “Eww!” Sapphire laughed. “Nasty ass! Keep that thing in your mouth.”

  “That’s not what she says,” Diesel mumbled, causing Rachel to giggle.

  “Lord help me,” Sapphire sighed.

  Pulling in the parking lot of The Brickyard, Sapphire could tell it was a popular place. Cars, trucks, and several motorcycles lined the area. The building was huge. It looked like an old barn. Rustic red painted wood, black shutters and trim. The only light that could be seen was from the windows on the second story — Tank’s apartment.


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