Sapphire: Iron Angels, MC (Book One)

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Sapphire: Iron Angels, MC (Book One) Page 11

by Samantha McCoy

  “I’m going to do it,” Sapphire replied. Seeing Tank raise a questioning eyebrow, she elaborated. “I’m going to take over the club.”

  “Okay,” Tank’s brow furrowed.

  “What?” Sapphire asked.


  Tank moved towards the bed and threw back the covers. Sliding under the sheet, he laid back, folding his arms under his head. Sapphire could tell something was bothering him.

  Did he not want her to take the reins? But, why not? What difference did it make to him? He would be going back home soon.

  “Tell me,” Sapphire replied. “Something is wrong. Do you not think I can do the job?”

  “Oh, I think you can definitely do the job,” Tank answered. “I have no doubts about that.”

  “Then what is the problem? Why the sudden change in mood?”

  He sat there quietly for so long, Sapphire’s irritation began to grow. She hated to be ignored.

  “I...” Tank paused.

  “You what?”

  “I just thought.” He sighed. “I just thought that maybe you’d come back with me. See where this goes between us. I like you. A lot. And I think you like me, too.”

  “I do like you, Michael,” Sapphire smiled. A real smile for what felt like the first time today. “Just because I stay here, doesn’t mean we can’t see what happens between us.”

  “How?” he asked. “How do we give this a chance with us living four hours away from each other?”

  “We find a way,” she answered. “We can both travel back and forth.”

  “Long distance relationships never work.”

  “Then,” Sapphire sighed. “Then I guess we don’t.”

  Stripping out of her pants, she tossed them on the chair and made her way to the bathroom without saying another word. She needed a shower. She needed to wash away the dirt and grime of the day, both literally and figuratively.

  By the time she exited the bathroom, Tank was softly snoring. She stood there for a moment just taking in the sight of him. How could one person come to mean so much in only a matter of days? Moments earlier, she had stood under the spray and let the tears fall. Tears she would never let him see her shed.

  Feeling completely exhausted, she walked over to the bed and gently crawled in next to him. The moment her weight hit the bed, Tank rolled over and pulled her snugly against his chest. The last thing Sapphire remembered before sleep finally took over was Tank’s soft voice calling her His Angel.

  * * *

  Sapphire woke to the rays of the sun shining through the window. Turning over, she looked to where Tank had been sleeping, but his spot was empty; the sheet had long ago gone cold. Sitting up, she listened for any sound, but there was nothing.

  Sapphire climbed out of bed and after grabbing clothes from the closet, made her way down the hall to join the land of the living. Her body ached. The emotional twists and turns of yesterday had taken their toll, but she would never let it show.

  Following the smell of coffee and bacon, she entered the kitchen and nearly froze in her tracks. Tank was standing in front of the industrial stove surrounded by half a dozen Angels, each one seemed to be fawning over him and fighting for his attention. For a moment, red hot jealousy flowed through her.

  He’s mine.

  But he wasn’t. Not really.

  “Okay ladies,” Tank said. “Breakfast is served.”

  Tank placed a large platter of bacon on the counter and looked up to see Sapphire standing in the doorway.

  “Hey, baby,” he said smiling. “Just in time for breakfast. Have a seat and I’ll fix you a plate really quick.”

  A satisfying smile spread across Sapphire’s face as looks of disappointment passed over several of the women’s faces.

  “Coffee?” Tank called.

  “Yes, please.”

  Sapphire walked to the table at the back of the kitchen area which was currently occupied by all of her sisters. With each step she took, anxiety filled her. In the center of the table was her mother’s chair. Empty. Now, it would be Sapphire’s chair. The moment she sat in it, everyone would know. As she neared the table, it was almost like silence fell across the room. Nobody spoke. Nobody moved. Everyone was waiting to see where she would sit. Stepping up to her new spot, she pulled out the chair and sat. The moment her ass hit the seat, a loud cheer erupted.

  Out of the corner of her eye, she saw the look of shock on Sable’s face. Again, a feeling of satisfaction filled her.

  “After breakfast, we need to talk,” Sapphire said, glancing her direction. “Meet me in my office.”


  “My office,” Sapphire repeated.

  “I have some things to do this morning.”

  “That’s fine,” Sapphire smiled. “They can be done after we talk.”


  “But nothing. My office. After breakfast.”

  Sable closed her mouth firmly and gave a curt nod.

  “Here you go, beautiful,” Tank said, setting her breakfast and coffee in front of her.

  “Thank you,” she smiled.

  “You’re welcome.”

  Tank walked over to the table where the rest of the Henchmen were sitting and took the seat next to Reaper. Sapphire wanted him to sit with her, but that would mean they were together. And at this point, that wasn’t the case. Sapphire’s life would be here and his was in Dallas.

  Chapter Eighteen


  The entire time Tank was making breakfast, several of the Angels had gathered around him in the kitchen. Apparently, none of the men around here knew how to cook, which wasn’t really saying much because only three of the Angels were married.

  The moment Sapphire walked into the room, Tank knew. The calmness seemed to leave and anxiety filled its place. It was well-known around the club that Sapphire didn’t want to take over. Everyone was worried about who would be stepping into Pope’s position. Piper and Scarlet were both no-go’s and nobody wanted Sable, that was their worst fear. If Sable took over, the club would dismantle. Everything the Iron Angels stood for rode on Sapphire’s shoulders. Tank knew she had made her decision, but it wasn’t his place to tell.

  So as Sapphire walked to her seat, nerves had filled his gut. But, the moment she sat in the leader’s chair and the clubhouse erupted in cheers — it was gone. Sapphire was where she was supposed to be. While a part of him hated that he would lose her, another part was proud of her.

  “Care to share?” Reaper asked from the seat next to him.

  Taking a deep breath, Tank said, “Nah, man. Not really.”

  “You know, just because she has decided to take over the club, doesn’t mean things have to end here.”

  “Yeah it does,” Tank said putting a fork full of eggs into his mouth.

  “No,” Reaper replied. “No, it doesn’t. Honestly, what do you have holding you to Dallas, man?”

  “My club. The Henchmen.”

  “A club that can run itself and a group of men that will definitely be okay without you.”

  “Geez, thanks.”

  “Nah, brother,” Reaper laughed. “Don’t take it like that. You are a valuable part of the team, but you never pledged. You are free to come and go. Not to mention, if we really needed you, you’d only be a phone call away.”

  Tank sat there eating his breakfast and contemplating everything Reaper had said. Could he just pick up and move here? Is that what he wanted? No, he hadn’t pledged to the Henchmen, but they were still his brothers.

  Towards the end of the meal as everyone began to file out of the kitchen, they each made a stop by Sapphire’s table. After a small exchange of words, each person would leave the room. One by one this continued until the only people left were Sapphire, her sisters, and the Henchmen.

  “That was interesting,” Sledge mumbled.

  “Why you say that?” Tank asked.

  “I’ve never seen a club do that,” Sledge answered. “Like each made it a point t
o welcome her to the President seat.”

  “Kind of like giving her their approval,” Tank thought out loud.

  “Exactly,” Sledge nodded.

  “I just want to take a moment and thank you all,” Sapphire announced, standing. “The help you have given has not gone unnoticed. On behave of all of my Angels, from the bottom of our hearts, your support and help has meant the world to us.”

  “We are two groups with the same agenda,” Sledge replied, also standing. “And we are family. We will continue to help fight each other’s battles. That’s what we do.”

  After a quick nod from Sapphire, the acknowledgements were over.

  “Now, if everyone will excuse me, I have a club to figure out how to run.” Sapphire gathered her empty plate and coffee cup and discarded them.

  “You’ll do great,” Sledge replied. “And if you ever need anything, just reach out. I’ll help as much as I can.”


  “No problem, Prez.”

  “Oh stop,” Sapphire chuckled.

  “Get used to the title, kid. It’s yours.”

  “Right,” Sapphire sighed.

  Gathering in the living room, Tank looked around. Henchmen and Angels interwoven. It was kind of funny really. Devils and Angels. Yin and Yang.

  “Listen, you’ll do fine. One piece of advice,” Sledge offered. “Lead with your heart. Your head will give great advice, but always follow your heart. That’s where your greatest courage comes from. When you make a decision that will affect your entire club, lead with your heart.”

  “Got it,” Sapphire replied. Placing a hand on Sledge’s upper arm, she gave it a squeeze. “Thanks, again.”

  “We are going to start heading home,” Sledge said. “Call if you need me.”

  “Will do,” Sapphire smiled. “Thanks again.”

  “Anytime.” Turning to the group gathered around the room, Sledge called for the Henchmen to head out. “You coming?” Sledge asked Tank when he noticed he wasn’t leaving with the others.

  “Not today,” Tank answered. “I’ll be back in a few days.”

  Tank could tell Sledge wanted to argue. The look on his face was saying that he didn’t like the idea of leaving a man behind, but Tank wasn’t ready to leave Sapphire just yet. There was too much that needed to be explored between them.

  “I’ll leave a few guys here, just in case,” Sledge offered.

  “That’s okay,” Tank replied. “Y’all go home. I’ll be fine.”

  “Of course he will,” Diesel chimed in. “He’s surrounded by women.”

  Tank laughed as Sledge and Reaper shot Diesel a dirty look.

  “What?” Diesel asked. “He is. Don’t give me that look just for stating the obvious.”

  “Y’all be careful,” Tank said, shaking his head.

  “What?” Diesel asked again. “I miss something?”

  “Apparently,” Reaper mumbled.

  “Like what?” Diesel asked challengingly.

  “Like a lot, asshole,” Sledge answered. “Guy gets married and all of a sudden, he notices nothing around him.”

  “Right,” Reaper said. “Lawt, help us all.”

  The entire group erupted in laughter at Reaper’s overdramatics. Since meeting Amber and settling down, the man had completely changed. He was more carefree, laidback, and enjoyable to be around; whereas before, Reaper was the definition of Grim.

  “Let us know when you make it home, please,” Sapphire said. “I better get to work.”

  “Will do,” Sledge replied.

  “Um, where do you think you’re going?” Sapphire called. All heads turned towards Sable exiting out the door.

  “I...,” she stuttered. “I have to get to work.”

  “I told you to meet me in my office after breakfast,” Sapphire replied. “That order has not changed.”


  “But, now,” Sapphire said, her voice laced with steel.

  The remaining people watched as Sable turned and headed down the hallway with Sapphire following closely behind.

  “Wonder what that’s all about?” Sledge asked.

  “Trust me, you don’t want to know,” Tank mumbled.

  “Yes, I do,” Sledge retorted. “Spill.”



  “When did we turn into a bunch of gossiping school girls?”

  “About two minutes ago. Quit trying to change the subject. Spill it.”

  “Sable was being ugly to Tank yesterday and said some things she shouldn’t have. I accidently told Sapphire about it.” Tank sighed, and inwardly rolled his eyes at Scarlet’s babbling. Did the woman ever know when to keep her mouth shut? “Now, Sable has to answer for the things she said.”

  “Scarlet, hush,” Tank groaned. “Do you not have that internal voice that tells you when you keep your mouth shut?”

  “What did she say?” Reaper asked, ignoring Tank’s outburst.

  “She told Tank about what happened to Sapphire when she was kidnapped,” Scarlet answered, also ignoring Tank.

  “Are you serious?” Reaper demanded angrily. That one sentence from Scarlet completely changed his demeanor. He was no longer the carefree guy cracking jokes. This Reaper — looked ready to kill.

  “Yep,” Scarlet answered oblivious of the change in the man standing before her.

  Tank watched as Reaper turned and barreled down the hallway. He was tempted to follow, but stood in place. The only other sound that was heard was the sound of a door slamming down the hallway.

  “What did I say?” Scarlet asked nervously.

  “Filter, Scarlet,” Tank sighed. “You need a damn filter.”

  “Wha...” Whatever she was going to say never reached his ears as the sound of broken glass and screams reached the group.

  Tank, Sledge, and Diesel, along with a couple of Angels raced down the hall. Pushing open the door, they all came to an abrupt stop.

  “What the...” Sledge said.

  “A little help here would be nice,” Reaper grunted.

  “Let me go!” Sapphire demanded.

  “Guys!” Reaper yelled. “Fucking help!”

  “Help with what?” Sledge asked. “What the fuck is going on?”

  “Looks like a cat fight,” Diesel replied. “Meow. Hiss. Hiss.”

  “Diesel,” Reaper grunted again when Sapphire elbowed him in the stomach. “I will fuckin kill you.”

  “Right meow?” Diesel smiled. “It looks like you got your hands full, brother.”

  “Diesel!” Reaper roared.

  “Okay fine,” Diesel sighed. “Always ruining my fun.” Diesel sounded so dejected.

  “What the fuck is going on?” Sledge demanded again.

  “Get the fuck out of my house!” Sapphire yelled to Sable. “If you step foot back on this property, I will rip your head off through your ass.”

  “Enough!” Sledge roared, bringing everything to a stop.

  “Reaper,” Sledge commanded. “Take Sable to an empty room. Diesel go with him. Now! Sapphire, sit.”

  “This is my house Sledge,” Sapphire reminded. “You don’t get to give orders here.”

  “And you are running your house like a fuckin’ circus.”

  “Sledge,” Tank warned. “Watch it.”

  “Watch what, Tank?” Sledge replied. “Watch your girlfriend destroy her club on her first day by doing the exact thing I told her not to do?”

  “Watch how you speak to her.”

  “Or what?” Sledge taunted.

  “Or I’ll put my foot in your damn ass,” Tank replied, stepping into Sledge’s space.

  “All right,” another voice chimed in. “Everyone extinguish the fire on their tampon strings, please. And for the love of all that is holy, can someone tell me what the fuck is going on?” Piper said, coming into the room.

  “That is what I am trying to find out,” Sledge demanded.

  “Let me go,” Sapphire told Reaper. “I’m fine. For now.” She s
hot a look of death towards Sable. “Reaper, do as Sledge asked. Take Sable to the room next door.”

  “Okay,” Reaper replied, walking over to Sable and grabbing her arm. He and Diesel left the room with a very scared woman stuck between them.

  “I’m sorry,” Sledge immediately said after they exited the room. “I didn’t mean it to come off as I was trying to step on your toes. I’m just trying to figure out what’s going on.”

  “I know,” Sapphire sighed.

  “Soo...” Piper asked. “What’s going on?”

  “Well, yesterday I overheard Sable...” Scarlet started.

  “Oh for the love of God,” Tank grumbled. “Woman! Fuckin’ filter! Shut up! Your mouth is what keeps getting this shit started and what keeps it rolling downhill.”

  “Tank!” Sapphire shouted. “Don’t.”

  “Don’t?” Tank asked. “Are you kidding me? None of this would even be a damn issue if she would have kept her trap shut. Do you think I give a shit about what Sable said to me? Do you?” Tank demanded. “Because let me assure you — I don’t give two flying fucks!”

  “Michael Williams,” Sapphire said, the steel back in her voice. “Watch how you speak to me in my own home.”

  “Tank,” Sledge said. “Calm down.”

  “Calm down?” Tank asked. “Fuck that! All because of one shitty ass sister and another who would tell the family secrets, if simply asked, this place has turned into a nut show in less than twenty-four hours. What the everloving fuck is wrong with you people?”

  “If you have a problem with how things are, they you are free to leave at any time,” Sapphire shouted.

  Tank had no idea what came over him. No idea why he lost his temper other than Scarlet seemed to always be stirring shit up and for some reason, she got under his skin. In many ways, she wasn’t any different than Sable.

  “You know what?” Tank asked. “You are exactly right.” Turning, he headed out of the room.

  “Where are you going?” Sledge demanded.

  “Not my circus, not my monkeys,” Tank threw over his shoulder.

  Opening the front door, he slammed it closed as he made his way towards his bike. Fuck this shit. If this is the life Sapphire wanted, she could have this fuck show without him. This place was a zoo. No order. Just a bunch of hormonal women running around talking like pissed-off middle school girls.


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