The Yankee Comandante

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The Yankee Comandante Page 28

by Michael Sallah

———. “Cuba Cancels US Tour by Morgan.” March 4, 1959.

  ———. “Cuban Army Discloses Arrest of Major Morgan, Ex-Toledoan.” October 22, 1960.

  ———. “Ex-Toledoan Reported in Cuban Prison.” November 16, 1960.

  ———. “Ex-Toledoan to Tell Cuba Story in City.” February 27, 1959.

  ———. “Leader of Castro’s Jungle Fighters Wants to Return Home to Toledo.” January 5, 1959.

  ———. “Morgan Buried in Cuban Crypt, Fugitive Wife Stays in Hiding.” March 13, 1961.

  ———. “Morgan of Toledo Fights to Retain His Citizenship.” September 6, 1959.

  ———. “Morgan’s Widow Seized in Cuba.” March 18, 1961.

  ———. “Toledoan’s Death in Cuba Detailed.” August 2, 1963.

  ———. “William Morgan.” June 20, 1963.

  Toledo Times. “Toledoan Held in Solitary, Havana Hears.” November 17, 1960.

  ———. “Morgan Killed As Anti-Red, His Note Says.” March 17, 1961.

  ———. “Quitting US Rights, Toledo Man Confirms.” September 25, 1959.

  Velazquez, Jose Sergio. “Llevado W. Morgan a Juicio.” El Mundo, March 10, 1961.



  Abbes, Johnny, 171, 177

  Amado Consuegra, Edmundo, viii, 21, 150

  imprisonment of, 214

  meets Morgan in Miami, 5, 11–13

  and Morgan’s promotion, 69

  trial of, 226, 227, 229

  Artola Ordaz, Lázaro, viii

  defends rebel camp, 46, 47

  meeting with Castro, 140–41

  and Morgan’s promotion, 69

  supports Menoyo, 79

  takes Manicaragua, 106–7, 107–8

  tests Morgan, 28–30

  works with Castro forces, 100, 101

  Ashley, Thomas “Lud,” 223, 224


  Barquin, Ramon, 116

  Bartone, Dominick, xi

  meetings with Morgan, 131–33, 144, 145, 146

  plot against Castro, 157

  Batista y Zaldívar, Fulgencio, x, 2, 9, 145

  American weapons of, 16–17

  attacks on rebels, 33–34, 88

  coup of, 15

  fear of revolution, 20

  flight of, 109–10, 111, 112, 116

  plot against Castro, 157–59

  presence in countryside, 38

  reaction to rebel victories, 107, 108

  sends army to Escambray, 69

  war on peasants, 58, 59

  Benítez, Manuel, x, 144–45, 146

  report to FBI, 151, 152

  Besase, Anthony, 10

  Betancourt, Francisco, 166, 174

  Bethel, Ellen May “Terri,” xi, 8

  divorces Morgan, 75

  Blanco Navarro, Renaldo, 151

  Bonsal, Philip, xii, 165

  Brown, Sherrod, 241


  Caíñas Milanés, Arturo, 158, 168

  Camacho Santos, Regino, viii, 43–45

  devises assault rifle, 69

  Cárdenas, Nicholas, 89

  Cárdenas Avila, Anastasio, viii, 94, 95

  Carreras Zayas, Jesús, viii, 35, 36

  arrest of, 199–201, 210

  attack on Topes de Collantes, 100

  Castro’s opinion of, 133–34

  defends rebel camp, 46–47

  execution of, 230

  Guevara’s attack on, 97

  meets with Guevara, 122

  opinion of Morgan, 69

  opposition to Communism, 196, 197

  and rival rebel group, 82–83, 85–86

  supports Menoyo, 79

  trial of, 226, 227, 229

  Carro, Luis, 225, 226–27

  Casanova, José, 104

  Casillas Lumpuy, Joaquín, 108

  Castellon, Jorge, 122, 123

  Castro Cisneros, Manolo, 226

  Castro Ruz, Fidel, ix–x, 2, 82, 83, 84

  arrest of Carreras, 200–201

  in Cienguegos, 117, 118–19

  control of military, 145

  feelings about America, 126, 135

  Guevara joins, 84–85

  and harbor explosions, 192–95

  letter to Che, 121

  meeting with Fleites, 133–34

  meeting with Morgan and Menoyo, 140–41, 142, 146–47

  on mob casinos, 132

  and Morgan’s remains, 239, 240

  names provisional president, 117

  national address of, 184–85

  opinion of Trujillo, 136

  photo of, 122

  plot against, 145–47, 165–67, 168–70, 171–74, 175–77

  against Second Front, 125

  in Sierra Maestra mountains, 16, 28

  ties with Soviet Union, 2, 196, 203, 206

  Castro Ruz, Raúl, x, 84, 124

  feelings about America, 126

  meeting with Second Front, 126–27

  in Santiago de Cuba, 123

  and Second Front’s trip, 137, 138, 139

  Chao Flores, Antonio, viii, 2, 149

  brings Morgan to Cuba, 18, 19, 21, 23

  meets Morgan in Miami, 5, 11–13

  Chomón Mediavilla, Faure, x

  ambassador to Moscow, 196

  fight with Menoyo, 38–39

  meeting with Menoyo, 78–79

  Cienfuegos Gorriarán, Camilo, 98

  attack on Topes de Collantes, 101

  at Camp Columbia, 116

  goes to Havana, 113

  plot against Castro, 169

  takes Yaguajay, 107

  Cisneros Castro, Manuel, 149, 208

  Corcho, Perez, 104


  Ariguanabo River, 186, 188

  beginning of revolution in, 4, 9, 11, 15–16

  earlier revolutions in, 18

  Escambray mountains, 25, 28, 61

  feelings about America in, 126

  harbor explosions in, 191–95

  Havana, 20–21

  interim government in, 113

  La Cabaña prison, 1, 212

  map of, vii

  mob interests in, 132–33

  Nuevo Mundo, 66–67

  planned invasion of, 151, 157–59

  popularity of revolution in, 131

  rebel attack on Trinidad, 93–95

  rebel control of Havana, 115–16

  rebels take Manicaragua, 106–7

  surrender of Caibarién, 107

  surrender of Cienfuegos, 110–11, 112–13

  treatment of prisoners in, 236

  Cuban Winchester (rifle), 69

  Cubela, Rolando, 79, 113

  dispute with Castro, 117–18

  Cushing, Cardinal Richard, 224


  Díaz Lanz, Pedro, 139, 140

  Directorio, 107, 113, 121

  agreement with Guevara, 96

  Chomón leader of, 78–79

  control of police precinct, 113

  dispute with Castro, 117–18

  See also Second Front

  Dominguez, Rueben, 226

  Dorticós Torrado, Osvaldo, 193, 224


  Eastland, James, 183

  Echemendia, Faustino, 24–26

  Edgerton, Darlene, 7, 8

  Eisenhower, Dwight D., 195

  Emmick, Frank, xii, 188, 238

  Encinosa, Escipion, 218, 219

  Errion, Thomas, 155, 156, 159

  Escambray mountains (Cuba), 25

  importance of, 28

  La Mata de Café, 61

downers in, 97–98

  Nuevo Mundo, 66

  rebel victories in, 107–8


  Fernandez-Rubio, Pelayo, 227

  Ferrando, Augusto, xi, 144

  plot against Castro, 155, 157, 158

  Fleites Diaz, Armando, viii, 37, 39–40

  meeting with Castro, 133–34

  meeting with Castro and Guevara, 126, 127

  meets Olga, 56

  opinion of Morgan, 69

  opposition to Communism, 196, 197

  supports Menoyo, 79

  warns Menoyo, 220


  Galíndez Suárez, Jesús, 177

  Gonzalez, Hiram, 223

  Gonzalez, Reinol, 24

  Goodwin, Jim, 238

  Goodwin, Olga. See Morgan, Olga

  Guevara de la Serna, Ernesto “Che,” x, 2, 83–86

  attack with Menoyo, 100–102

  feelings about America, 126

  goes to Havana, 113, 121

  and harbor explosions, 193

  meeting with Menoyo, 96–99

  meeting with Second Front, 127

  meets Menoyo at La Cabaña, 122–23

  on mob casinos, 132

  orders trials, 123, 124

  takes La Cabaña, 116

  victories of, 107


  Hall, Lee, 225

  Havana (Cuba), 20–21

  Ariguanabo River, 186, 188

  harbor explosions in, 191–95

  La Cabaña prison, 1, 212

  military control of, 113

  rebel control of, 115–16

  See also Cuba

  Hernandez, Ventura, 91, 92, 93

  Hernández Tellaheche, Arturo, 158

  rebels capture, 168, 169

  High, Robert King, 135

  Hoover, J. Edgar, xii

  arrest of spy, 145

  and Morgan case, 2, 178

  Huguet, Rafael, viii, 139, 205–6


  Ibarra Luis Florez, Fernando, 225, 226


  Juárez, Benito, 15


  Kaptur, Marcy, 239

  Kennedy, John, 195


  La Cabaña (military prison), 1, 212

  La Mata de Café, 61

  Lansky, Meyer, 132, 144

  Leclerc, Jacques-Philippe, 32

  Léon, Francisco, 92

  Lopez, Elio, 197, 198

  Lorenzo Vega, Ramiro, viii–ix, 26

  attack on Topes de Collantes, 104

  injury of, 40, 41, 42

  Luciano, “Lucky,” 132

  Lüning, Heinz, 145


  Machado, Gerardo, 18

  Marin, Mario, 226, 227

  Marti, José, 18

  Martinez, Angelito, 203

  Martinez Fernandez, Ramon, 227

  Matthews, Herbert, 48

  McKniff, John Joseph, 230, 231, 232

  Menoyo, Carlos, 32, 33

  Menoyo, Eloy Gutiérrez, viii, 32–34

  accepts Morgan in group, 27, 28, 29, 30–31, 32

  air attack on, 88

  attack at Escandel, 70, 71–73

  attack on Cumanayagua, 102–3

  attack on Topes de Collantes, 100–102, 103–5

  attack on Trinidad garrison, 88–89, 93–95

  battle at plantation, 61–63

  battle in mountains, 35–37

  concerns about Che and Castro, 124–25

  defends rebel camp, 45–48

  flees to Miami, 220

  goes to Havana, 113, 115–16, 121

  and harbor explosions, 193, 194

  meetings with Guevara, 96–99, 122–23

  meeting with Chomón, 78–79

  meeting with Raúl Castro, 126–27

  meets Olga, 56

  and Morgan’s arrest, 211–12

  moves rebels, 40–41

  opposition to Communism, 196

  photos of, 122, 180

  plans trip to US, 135, 137

  plot against Castro, 140–41, 151, 166, 168, 169–70, 172, 173–74

  promotes Morgan, 69–70

  relationship with Chomón, 38–39, 78–79

  strategy against battalion, 83

  trains rebels, 43, 44, 56, 69

  Menoyo, José, 32

  Mestre Gutiérrez, Ramón, 158, 168, 169

  Miret Prieto, Pedro, 207

  Morgan, Alexander, xii, 238

  arrest of son, 210

  relationship with son, 6

  Morgan, Ann Marie, 8, 74, 75

  Morgan, Billy, 74, 76

  Morgan, Carroll, 7

  Morgan, Loretta, xii, 75, 138

  arrest of son, 209–10, 223–24

  call from son, 129–30

  meets Olga, 238

  relationship with son, 6, 7

  Morgan, Olga, 3, 100

  after Morgan’s death, 235–39, 241

  arrest and arraignment of, 207–9, 210, 211, 212–14

  births of daughters, 178, 180–81, 202

  in Brazilian embassy, 220–22

  and Castro’s address, 184, 185

  and Castro’s plan, 149, 150

  in Cienfuegos, 114, 115, 118, 119

  escapes house arrest, 215–17, 218–19

  fears for husband, 120, 121, 135, 141–42

  goes to US with Morgan, 155, 157, 163

  and harbor explosions, 191–92

  in Havana, 124, 125, 134

  and Morgan’s health, 197–98, 199

  and Ossorio, 153

  photos of, 93, 191, 204, 240

  plot against Castro, 155, 175, 176

  pregnancies of, 128–29, 190

  second arrest of, 233–34

  and Soviet advisors, 204–5

  See also Rodriguez Farinas, Olga

  Morgan, William Alexander, ix, 1–2

  arrest and imprisonment of, 207, 209–10, 213–15

  arrest of Carreras, 199–201

  arrival of Soviet advisors, 203–6

  attack at Escandel, 70, 71–73

  attack on Cumanayagua, 100, 102–3, 108

  attack on Trinidad garrison, 95

  attacks on, 179–80, 181

  Batista’s plot against, 150–51

  battle at plantation, 61–63

  births of daughters, 178, 202

  call to mother, 129–30

  and Castro’s speech, 184–85

  citizenship restored, 239

  collapse of, 197–99

  defends rebel camp, 45–48

  devises assault rifle, 69

  execution of, 230–32

  FBI’s interest in, 151–52, 160, 161

  first battle of, 36, 37

  goes to Cuba, 18, 19, 20, 21

  and harbor explosions, 192, 193, 194

  in Havana, 123, 124, 125, 126, 128, 134

  joins rebels, 22–23, 24–31, 32, 34, 39, 40

  letters to family, 74–76

  loss of citizenship, 181–83

  loyalty to rebels, 3

  marries Olga, 91–93

  meeting in Miami, 144–46, 151

  meeting with Bartone, 131–33

  meets Castro, 117, 118, 119

  meets Olga, 57, 58–60

  in Miami, 4–5, 8–9, 11–13

  notoriety of, 48, 115, 131

  in Nuevo Mundo camp, 66

  offer to kill Castro, 135–36, 137, 139–40, 143

  in Ohio, 9–11

  opposition to Communism, 196, 197

  photos of, 6, 93, 122, 126, 204

sp; plan for hatchery, 185–87, 188–89, 190

  plans trip to US, 135, 137–38

  plan with Castro, 148–51

  plot against Castro, 140–41, 146–47, 154–59, 163–67, 168–74, 175–77, 204–6

  problems in army, 7–8

  promotion of, 69–70

  questioned by Stafford, 159, 162

  in rebel camp, 41–42, 43–45

  relationship with Olga, 64–66, 67–68, 77–78, 81, 87–88, 89–90

  remains of, 239, 241

  supports Menoyo and Second Front, 79

  takes Cienfuegos, 109–11, 112–13, 114–15, 120–21

  trial of, 223, 224–29

  Morgan Rodriguez, Loretta, 180, 191, 204

  Muchado, Gerardo, 40

  Mur, Efren, 24–26


  National Front on the Escambray (SNFE). See Second Front

  Nelson, Frank, xii, 135–36, 137

  Nieves, Raúl, 101, 107


  Ortega, Domingo Gomez, ix, 109

  Ossorio Franco, Pedro, ix

  arrest of, 208–9, 214

  arrest of Carreras, 201

  spying on Morgan, 142–43, 152–53

  trial of, 226, 227, 229


  Pafradela Napoles, Roberto, 227

  Patterson, Enrique, 194, 195

  Paula, Jose, 4, 12, 13

  Pedraza Cabrera, José, 145

  Peña, Alfredo, 115–16

  Pérez, Onofre, 92, 93

  Pozo, Inocencia, 52

  Pozo, Luis del, 174


  Rangel, Charles, 239

  Raymount, Henry, 225

  Redondo Gonzales, Roger, ix, 56, 168

  concerns about Morgan, 27, 29

  hiding weapons, 32

  on Morgan’s bravery, 47

  on mountain battle, 36, 37

  photo of, 57

  and Soviet advisors, 203

  Regueira Luaces, Antonio, xi, 47

  Roa, Raúl, 165

  Roberts, Clete, 183

  Robreño Marieges, Jorge, 227

  Rodriguez, Hector, 95

  Rodriguez, Isabelle, 128

  Rodriguez, Rafael, 52

  Rodriguez, Roberto, 16

  Rodriguez, Roger, ix

  meets Morgan in Cuba, 22–23, 24, 26

  meets Morgan in Miami, 9, 11

  Rodriguez Farinas, Olga, ix

  comforts soldier, 64

  and Doña Rosa, 66–67

  fall of, 65–66

  flees to rebels, 51–55

  joins revolution, 14–17

  marries Morgan, 91–93

  meets Morgan, 57, 58–60

  parrot of, 80

  photo of, 50

  police investigation of, 49–51

  in rebel camp, 56–57

  relationship with Morgan, 64–65, 67–68, 77–78, 81, 87–88, 89–90

  See also Morgan, Olga

  Rollison, Opie, 239

  Roosevelt, Theodore, 1


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