Dark Desire (Dark Series - book 2)

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Dark Desire (Dark Series - book 2) Page 2

by Christine Feehan




  sinews. It


  for a moment


  her mind, there was the impression of grief, and then


  lost contact. Shea would never forget their faces, their eyes, and the smell of their sweat. One of them, the taller of the two, couldn’t take his eyes from her. “Who are you? “She stared at them, wide-eyed, innocent, totally harmless. Shea knew she looked young and helpless, too small to give them trouble. “Jeff Smith, “the tall one said gruffly. His eyes devoured her. “This is my partner, Don Wallace. We need you to come with us and answer a few questions.” “Am I wanted for something? I’m a doctor, gentlemen. I can’t just pick up and go, I’m due in surgery in an hour. Perhaps you could arrange to ask your questions when my shift is over.” Wallace grinned at her. He thought he looked charming. Shea thought he looked like a shark “We can’t do that, Doc. It isn’t only our questions, there’s an entire committee looking to talk with you. “He laughed softly, a film of perspiration on his forehead. He enjoyed inflicting pain, and Shea was altogether too cool, too haughty. Shea made certain her desk was solidly between her and the men. Taking great care to move slowly and appear unconcerned, she glanced down at her computer, typed in the command to destroy her data, and hit the enter key. Then she picked up her mother’s diary, and slipped it into her purse. She accomplished everything easily, naturally. “Are you certain you have the right person?” “Shea O’Halloran, your mother was Margaret ‘Maggie’ O’Halloran from Ireland?” Jeff Smith recited. “You were born in Romania, your father is unknown?” There was a taunting note in his voice.

  She turned the full power of her emerald eyes on the man, watched coolly as he squirmed uneasily, as he became consumed with desire for her. Smith was far more susceptible than his partner was. “Is that supposed to upset me, Mr. Smith? I am who I am. My father has nothing to do with it.”

  “No? “Wallace stepped closer to the desk “Don’t you need blood? Crave it? Don’t you drink it? “His eyes glowed with hatred. Shea burst out laughing. Her laughter was soft, sexy, a melody to listen to forever. “Drink blood? Is this some kind of joke? I don’t have time for this nonsense.” Smith licked his lips. “You don’t drink blood?” His voice held a hopeful note. Wallace looked at him sharply. “Don’t look into her eyes, “he snarled. “You should know that by now.” Shea ‘s eyebrows shot up. She laughed again softly, inviting Smith to join her. “I occasionally require a transfusion. It isn’t uncommon. Haven’t you ever heard of hemophilia? Gentlemen, you are wasting my time. “Her voice dropped even lower, a soft seduction of musical notes. “You really should leave.” Smith scratched his head. “Maybe we’ve got the wrong woman. Look at her. She’s a doctor. She’s nothing like the others. They’re tall and strong and have dark hair. She’s delicate, petite, a redhead. And she goes out in the sunlight.” “Shut up,” Wallace snapped. “She’s one of them. We should have gagged her. She’s turning you with her voice. “His eyes slid over her, making her flesh crawl. “She’ll talk “He grinned evilly. “Now I’ve scared you. It’s about time. You’ll cooperate, 0’Halloran, the hard way or the easy way. Actually, I prefer the hard way.” “I’ll bet you do. Just what do you want from me?” “Proof that you’re a vampire.” Wallace hissed. “You’ve got to be kidding. Vampires don’t exist. There’s no such thing,” she goaded, needing information and willing to acquire it from any source, even if it meant prompting men as sick as these two. “No? I’ve met several.” Wallace grinned his evil grin again. “Perhaps a friend or two of yours.” He threw several photographs onto the desk, his eyes daring her to look at them. His excitement was palpable. Keeping her face blank, Shea picked up the pictures. Her stomach lurched, bile rose, but her training didn’t let her down. The photographs were numbered, eight of them in all. Each of the victims was blindfolded, gagged, manacled, all in various stages of torment. Don Wallace was a butcher. She touched a fingertip to the one tagged with a number two, experiencing a sudden, unexpected wrench. A boy no more than eighteen. Quickly, before tears could well up, she flipped through the rest of the photographs. Number seven was a man with a mane of jet-black hair


  the man haunting her dreams! There was no denying it. No mistake. She knew every angle and plane of his face


  the well-cut mouth, the dark, expressive eyes, the long hair. Anguish welled up. For a moment she felt his pain, a sharp agony of mind and body driving out all sane thoughts until there was only room for pain, hatred, and hunger. She brushed the pad of her thumb over the tormented face lightly, almost lovingly. A caress. The pain and hatred only grew stronger. Hunger became all consuming. The emotions were so strong, so alien to her nature, she had a strange feeling that something or someone was sharing her mind. Disoriented for a moment, Shea dropped the photos onto the desk. “It was you two in Europe a few years back, the ‘vampire’ killings, wasn’t it? You murdered all those innocent people.” Shea made the accusation calmly. Don Wallace didn’t deny it. “And now I’ve got you.” “If vampires are such powerful creatures, how did you manage to kill so many of them?” Sarcasm dripped deliberately to egg him on. “Their males are very competitive.” Wallace laughed harshly. “They don’t like one another. They need women, and they don’t like to share. They turn on each other, place someone into our hands. Still, they are strong. No matter how they suffer, they never talk. Which in some ways is fine, since they can mesmerize with their voices. But you’ll talk, Doc. I’ll have all the time in the world with you. Did you know when a vampire’s in agony, it sweats blood?” “Surely I would know that if I were a vampire. I’ve never sweated blood in my life. Let’s see if I have this straight. Vampires stalk not only humans but also each other. The males betray one another to you human butchers because they need females. I thought they could just bite women and turn them into vampires.” Sarcastically she was ticking off each item on her fingers. “You want me to believe I’m one of these fictitious creatures, so powerful that my voice alone can enslave this strong man here.” Deliberately she gestured toward Jeff Smith, flashing him a gentle smile. “Gentlemen, I’m a doctor. I save lives every day. I sleep in a bed, not in a coffin. I am not the least bit strong, and I have never sucked anyone’s blood in my life.” She glanced at Don Wallace. “You, however, admittedly have tortured and mutilated men, even murdered them. And evidently you derive great pleasure from this. I don’t believe you two are cops, or officials of any law-abiding agency. I think


  are the monsters.” She turned her emerald eyes back to Jeff Smith, her voice low, seductive. “Do you really think

  I’m a

  danger to you?“ He seemed to be falling forward into her beckoning gaze. He had never wanted a woman more. He blinked, cleared his throat, and stole a slow, calculating look at Wallace. Smith had never noticed that greedy, cold look on his partner’s face before. “No, no, of course you’re not a danger to me or anyone else.” “Damn it, Jeff, let’s get her and get the hell out of here,” Wallace snarled, the need to teach her who was in charge riding him hard. Emerald eyes slid over Smith, fastened on his mesmerized gaze. She could feel his desire, and she fed it, fed his fantasies of her welcoming his attentions. She had learned at a very young age that she could get into people’s minds, manipulate their thoughts. Initially it had terrified her to wield that kind of power, but it was a useful tool in the O.K., and it was useful now, when she was threatened. “Don, why don’t they just turn human women? That would make sense. And why did the vampire just quit helping us? We left the area in a big hurry, and you never did tell me what went wrong,” Smith said suspiciously. “Are you trying to say one of these male vampires actually helped you in your campaign to kill others and that’s how you were so successful?” Shea asked, a little sneer of disbelief in her voice. “He was nasty, vengeful. He hated the kid, but he particularly despised this one here.” Smit
h tapped the photograph of the man with the long black hair. “He wanted him tortured, burned, to feel it.” “Shut up,” Wallace snapped. “Let’s get it over. She’s worth a hundred thousand dollars to the society. They want to study her.” Shea laughed softly. “If I truly was one of your mythical vampires, I should be worth far more than that to your ‘research’ committee. I think your partner is holding out on you, Mr. Smith.” The truth was there to read on Wallace’s face. When Smith turned to confront him, Shea made her move: she leapt out the window, landed on her feet like a cat, and ran for her life. She had no personal items she was concerned about, no favorite memento. Her one regret was the loss of her books.

  When he felt her fear, Jacques experienced the need to protect her. The urge was as strong as his desire to revenge himself. Whatever he had done, and he was the first to admit he couldn’t remember, he couldn’t possibly deserve such a horrendous punishment. Once again sleep overtook him, but it was the first time in months he had not filled her body with his pain or possessed her mind for a few seconds, ensuring that she felt his dark anger and promise of retribution. This time he hadn’t punished her. Only he had the right to put fear into her mind, into her fragile, trembling body. She had looked upon his image with a mixture of puzzlement and regret. Did she think he was dead and it was his damned soul haunting her? What went on in the head of a treacherous woman?

  Time continued endlessly. Wake when a creature strayed near. Scratch and claw at the decaying wood. Eventually the cloth over his eyes rotted until it fell away from him. He had no idea how long he had been there. It made no difference to him. Dark was dark. Isolation, isolation. His only companion was the woman in his mind. The woman who had betrayed him, forsaken him. At times he called to her, ordered her to come to him. Threatened her. Pleaded. Perverse as it was, he needed her. He was already deranged; he accepted that. But this total isolation was making him completely mad. Without her touch, he would be lost to the world, not even his will keeping him going.

  And he had a need to live: retribution. He needed her as much as he loathed and despised her. As twisted as their relationship was, he needed the moments of companionship.

  She was physically closer to him now, not an ocean away. She had been so far away from him, he could barely make it across the distance. But now she was much closer. He renewed his efforts, calling her at all hours, striving to keep her from sleep.

  When he could manage to get past the pain and hunger and simply remain quiet, a shadow in her mind, she intrigued him. She was obviously intelligent, brilliant even. Her method of thinking was like that of a machine, processing information at incredible speed. She seemed to be able to push aside all emotion; perhaps she wasn’t capable of feeling emotion. He found himself admiring her brain, her thinking patterns, the way she focused wholly on her work. She was researching a disease, seemed obsessed with finding a cure. Perhaps that was why he often found her in the dimly lit room, covered in blood, her hands buried deep within a body. She was conducting experiments. It didn’t excuse the abomination of what she was, but he could admire her single-minded purpose. She was able to put aside her need for sleep, for sustenance, for long periods. He felt her need, but she concentrated so wholly on what she was doing, she didn’t seem to recognize her body’s cries for normal care.

  There seemed to be no laughter in her life, no real closeness to anyone. That was odd to him. Jacques was unsure when that began to bother him, but he found it did. She had no one. She concentrated only on what she was doing. Of course, he would not have tolerated another male’s presence in her life; he would have sought to destroy any other that came near her. He told himself it was because whatever male came near her must be in on the conspiracy to make him suffer. He often resented wanting to talk to her, but she had an interesting mind. And she was everything to him. His Savior. His tormentor. Without her presence, without touching her mind, he would have been completely insane, and he knew it. She unwittingly shared her strange life with him, gave him something to concentrate on, a companionship of sorts. In a way it was ironic. She thought him locked underground. She thought herself safe from his vengeance. But she had created the monster, and now she was keeping him going, his strength growing with his every touch to her mind.

  He found her again a month later, perhaps a year later, he didn’t know, didn’t care. Her heart was pounding in fear. So was his. Perhaps the overwhelming intensity of her emotion woke him. The pain was excruciating, the hunger engulfing him, yet his heartbeat was frantically matching hers, and he could not find enough lung power to breathe. She feared for her life. Someone was hunting her. Perhaps the others who had helped betray him had now turned on her. He gathered himself, waited, blocking out pain and hunger as he had learned over the years to do. No one would harm her. She belonged to him. Only he could decide whether she lived or died, no one else. If he could manage to “see” the enemy through her eyes, he could destroy them. He felt his power swelling in him, his rage so intense, so potent at the idea that someone might take her from him that it astonished him.

  The picture was clear. She was in a shelter of some kind, clothing and furniture overturned all around her as if there had been a fight or someone had searched her belongings. She was running through the rooms, grabbing a few things along the way. He caught glimpses of wild red hair, silky soft, vibrant. He wanted to touch that hair. To sink his fingers into its thickness. To wrap it around her neck and strangle her with it. To bury his face in it. Then the image was gone, his strength drained, and he slumped impotently in his prison, unable to reach her, to help her, to see that she was safe. That added to his torment of agony and hunger. That added to the debt she already owed him.

  He remained quiet and slowed his heart until it barely beat, only enough to allow him to think, to gather himself for one last try. If she survived, he was going to bring her to him. He would not allow any more attempts on her life. If she lived or died, it was to be his decision alone.

  Come to me, come here to me. The Carpathian Mountains. The remote, wild regions where you should be, where your home is, your people are. Come to me.

  He sent the call, filled her mind with the compulsion. It was strong. The strongest he had been able to accomplish. It was done. It was all he could do without further endangering his own life. So close to his goal, he would not take any foolish risks.

  They had found her again. And again Shea O’Halloran ran for her life. She had been more careful this time, now that she was aware she was being hunted. She had plenty of cash hidden in various locations; her truck, a four-wheel drive, had a camper shell, so she could live in it if necessary. She kept essentials | packed so all she had to do was grab a bag and run. Where this I time? Where could she go to lose them? She was driving fast, | racing from those who would dissect her like an insect, those who looked upon her as something less than human.

  She knew she had little time to live. Her strength was already wearing down. The terrible disease was taking its toll, and she was no closer to finding a cure than when she’d started. She had most likely inherited the illness from her father. The father she had never met, never knew, the father who had abandoned her mother before Shea was even born. She had read her mother’s diary so many times. The father who had stolen her mother’s love, her very life, so that she was a mere shadow, not a real person anymore. The father who didn’t care in the least for her mother or herself.

  She was already driving in the general direction of the Carpathian Mountains, her father’s birthplace. The land of superstition and myth. The rare blood disorder she suffered from could very well have originated there. Suddenly she was excited, focusing her mind completely on the data so that she pushed aside fear. This had to be the origin. So many vampire myths had begun there. She easily recalled every detail of every story she had ever read or heard. She could be on the right trail at last. The evidence had been in her mother’s diary all along. Shea was disgusted with herself for not recognizing it sooner. She had developed
such an aversion to the idea of her father or any of his family, she hadn’t stopped to consider tracking her own roots to find the answers she was seeking. Her mother’s diary. She knew every tragic entry by heart.

  I met him tonight. The moment I saw him I knew he was the one. Tall, handsome, with mesmerizing eyes. His voice is the most beautiful thing I have ever heard. He feels the same way about me. I know he does. It is wrong, of course—he is a married man—but there is no way out for us. We cannot be apart. Rand. That is his name—foreign, like him, like his accent. The Carpathian Mountains are his home. How could I have ever existed without him?

  His wife, Noelle, gave birth two months ago to a boy. I know he was bitterly disappointed. For some reason, it is important he have a female child. He is with me all the time, even though I am often alone. He is in my mind, talking to me, whispering how much he loves me. He has a strange blood disorder and cannot go out into the sun.

  He has such strange habits. When we make love, and you can’t imagine how glorious it is, he is in my mind as well as my heart and body. He says it is because I am psychic and so is he, but I know it is more. It has something to do with his need to drink my blood. There. I wrote it where I could not say it aloud. It sounds awful, terrible, but it is so erotic, the feel of his mouth on me, my blood in his body. How I love him. There is rarely a mark unless he wishes to brand me as his. His tongue heals wounds quickly. I have seen it, like a miracle. He is a miracle.

  His wife, Noelle, knows of me. He has told me she will not allow him to leave her, that she is dangerous. I know this is true because she threatened me, threatened to kill me. I was so afraid. Her eyes glowed red, and her teeth gleamed at me like an animal’s, but Rand arrived before she could hurt me. He was furious, so protective of me. I know that he tells the truth when he says he loves me; I could tell by the way he spoke to her, commanding her to leave. How she hates me!


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