Constance Sherwood: An Autobiography of the Sixteenth Century

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Constance Sherwood: An Autobiography of the Sixteenth Century Page 23

by Georgiana Fullerton

whichgazed on the sad removal of the sole parent both had left! How hertears did flow silently like a stream from a deep fount, and his withwild bursts of grief, like the gushings of a torrent over rocks! Hishead fell on her shoulder, and as she threw her arms round him, hertears wetted his hair. Methought then that in the pensive tendernessof her downcast face there was somewhat of motherly as well as ofwifely affection. She put her arm in his, and led him from the room;and I remained alone for a short time entertaining myself with sadthoughts anent these two young noble creatures, who at so early an agehad become acquainted with so much sorrow, and hoping that thedarkness which did beset the morning of their lives might prove but asthe clouds which at times deface the sky before a brilliant sunshinedoth take possession of it, and dislodge these deceitful harbingers,which do but heighten in the end by contrast the resplendency they didthreaten to obscure.


  After I had been musing a little while, Mistress Bess ran into theroom, and cried to some one behind her:

  "Nan's friend is here, and she is mine too, for we all played in agarden with her when I was little. Prithee, come and see her." Thenturning to me, but yet holding the handle of the door, she said: "Willis so unmannerly, I be ashamed of him. He will not so much as showhimself."

  "Then, prithee, come alone," I answered. Upon which she came and saton my knee, with her arm round my neck, and whispered in mine ear:

  "Moll is very sick to-day; will you not see her, Mistress Sherwood?"

  "Yea, if so be I have license," I answered; and she, taking me by thehand, offered to lead me up the stairs to the room where she lay. I,following her, came to the door of the chamber, but would not entertill Bess fetched the nurse, who was the same had been at SherwoodHall, and who, knowing my name, was glad to see me, and with a curtseyinvited me in. White as a lily was the little face resting on apillow, with its blue eyes half shut, and a store of golden hair aboutit, which minded me of the glories round angels' heads in my mother'smissal.

  "Sweet lamb!" quoth the nurse, as I stooped to kiss the pale forehead."She be too good for this world. Ofttimes she doth babble in her sleepof heaven, and angels, and saints, and a wreath of white roseswherewith a bright lady will crown her."

  "Kiss my lips," the sick child softly whispered, as I bent over herbed. Which when I did, she asked, "What is your name? I mind yourface." When I answered, "Constance Sherwood," she smiled, as ifremembering where we had met. "I heard my grandam calling me lastnight," she said; "I be going to her soon." Then a fit of pain cameon, and I had to leave her. She did go from this world a few daysafter; and the nurse then told me her last words had been "Jesu!Mary!"

  That day I did converse again alone with my Lady Surrey after dinner,and walked in the garden; and when we came in, before I left, she gaveme a purse with some gold pieces in it, which the earl her husbandwilled to bestow on Catholics in prison for their faith. For she saidhe had so tender and compassionate a spirit, that if he did but hearof one in distress he would never rest until he had relieved him; andout of the affection he had for Mr. Martin, who was one while histutor, he was favorably inclined toward Catholics, albeit himselfresolved to conform to the queen's religion. When Mistress Ward camefor me, the countess would have her shown into her chamber, and wouldnot be contented without she ordered her coach to carry us back toHolborn, that we might take with us the clothes and cordials which shedid bestow upon us for our poor clients. She begged Mrs. Ward'sprayers for his grace, that he might soon be set at liberty; for shesaid in a pretty manner, "It must needs be that Almighty God takesmost heed of the prayers of such as visit him in his afflictionin the person of poor prisoners; and she hoped one day to be free todo so herself." Then she questioned of the wants of those MistressWard had at that time knowledge of; and when she heard in what soreplight they stood, it did move her to so great compassion, that shedeclared it would be now one of her chiefest cares and pleasures inlife to provide conveniences for them. And she besought Mistress Wardto be a good friend to her with mine aunt, and procure her to permitof my frequent visits to Howard House, as the Charter House is nowoften called: which would be the greatest good she could do her; andthat she would be most glad also if she herself would likewise favorher sometimes with her company; which, "if it be not for mine ownsake, Mistress Ward," she sweetly said, "let it be for his sake who,in the person of his afflicted priests, doth need assistance."

  When we reached home, we hid what we had brought under our mantles,and then in Mistress Ward's chamber, where Muriel followed us. Whenthe door was shut we displayed these jewelled stores before herpleased eyes, which did beam with joy at the sight.

  "Ah, Muriel," cried Mistress Ward, "we have found an Esther in apalace; and I pray to God there may be other such in this town we kennot of, who in secret do yet bear affection to the ancient faith."

  Muriel said in her slow way: "We must needs go to the Clink to-morrow;for there is there a priest whose flesh has fallen off his feet byreason of his long stay in a pestered and infected dungeon. Mr. Ropertold my father of him, and he says the gaoler will let us in if he bereasonably dealt with."

  "We will essay your ointment, Mistress Sherwood," said Mistress Ward,"if so be you can make it in time."

  "I care not if I sit up all night," I cried, "if any one will buy methe herbs I have need of for the compounding thereof." Which Murielsaid she would prevail on one of the servants to do.

  The bell did then ring for supper; and when we were all seated, Katewas urgent with me for to tell her how my Lady Surrey was dressed;which I declared to her as follows: "She had on a brown juste au corpsembroidered, with puffed sleeves, and petticoat braided of a deepernuance; and on her head a lace cap, and a lace handkerchief on herbosom."

  "And, prithee, what jewels had she on, sweet coz?"

  "A long double chain of gold and a brooch of pearls," I answered.

  "And his grace of Norfolk is once more removed to the Tower," said Mr.Congleton sorrowfully. "'Tis like to kill him soon, and so save hermajesty's ministers the pains to bring him to the block. Hisphysician, Dr. Rhuenbeck, says he is afflicted with the dropsy."

  Polly said she had been to visit the Countess of Northumberland, whowas so grievously afflicted at her husband's death, that it was fearedshe would fall sick of grief if she had not company to divert her fromher sad thoughts.

  "Which I warrant none could effect so well as thee, wench," her fathersaid; "for, beshrew me, if thou wouldst not make a man laugh on hisway to the scaffold with thy mad talk. And was the poor lady of bettercheer for thy company?"

  "Yea, for mine," Polly answered; "or else for M. de la Motte's, whocame in to pay his devoirs to her, for the first time, I take it,since her lord's death. And after his first speech, which caused herto weep a little, he did carry on so brisk a discourse as I nevernoticed any but a Frenchman able to do. And she was not the worstpleased with it that the cunning gentleman did interweave it withanecdotes of the queen's majesty; which, albeit he related them withgravity, did carry somewhat of ridicule in them. Such as of hergrace's dancing on Sunday before last at Lord Northampton's wedding,and calling him to witness her paces, so that he might letmonsieur know how high and disposedly she danced; so that he would nothave had cause to complain, in case he had married her, that she was aboiteuse, as had been maliciously reported of her by the friends ofthe Queen of Scots. And also how, some days since, she had flamed outin great choler when he went to visit her at Hampton Court; and toldhim, so loud that all her ladies and officers could hear herdiscourse, that Lord North had let her know the queen-mother and theDuke of Guise had dressed up a buffoon in an English fashion, andcalled him a Milor du Nord; and that two female dwarfs had beenlikewise dressed up in that queen's chamber, and invited to mimic her,the queen of England, with great derision and mockery. 'I did assureher,' M. de la Motte said, 'with my hand on my heart, and such anaggrieved visage, that she must needs have accepted my words as true,that Milor North had mistaken the whole intent of what he hadwitnessed, from his
great ignorance of the French tongue, which didrender him a bad interpreter between princes; for that thequeen-mother did never cease to praise her English majesty's beauty toher son, and all her good qualities, which greatly appeased her grace,who desired to be excused if she, likewise out of ignorance of theFrench language, had said aught unbecoming touching the queen-mother.''Tis a rare dish of fun, fit to set before a king, to hear thisMonsieur Ambassador speak of the queen when none are present but suchas make an idol of her, as some do."

  "For my part," said her father, when she paused in her speech, "Imislike men with double visages and double tongues; and

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