My Alien's Obsession

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My Alien's Obsession Page 7

by Stasia Black

  I do not have to think about it long. “A few others have touched me, in the passing of currency, once on the street. I did not like it.”

  Her finger begins to move again. “But my touch, you like?”

  My breath hitches. “Yes. I like it very much.” I dare a glance over at her. “But it is my tongue that remains the most sensitive of all my sense organs.”

  Her gaze is zeroed in on my mouth.

  “And what does this feel like?” she whispers.

  I do not move a muscle as she leans up and into me. When her lips brush against mine, I want to roar in satisfaction.

  I want to press her back against the bed cloths and mate her immediately.

  I want her fat with my kit and yet still reaching for me every hour of every day.

  “Shit.” She suddenly pulls back, but only a small bit. “What am I doing? You’re an alien and I’m— I’m—”

  “You are Juliet and I am Shak. That is all that matters.”

  I dare to move into her again, kissing and swiping my tongue along the fragrant seam of her lips. But I only push forwards when she opens for me.

  And then it is her who moans.

  Her arms move around my neck and her fingers dig into the human hair on my head as she draws me down into her, kissing me harder.

  I can taste the aftermath of her fear and panic still on her lips, but also her intoxicating female arousal. She is moistening for me. I taste it on her lips and in the air.

  It is like nothing I have ever scented before.

  I am immediately hard and my male parts have descended. They are uncomfortable in my pants, but I fear releasing myself might scare Juliet.

  And there are more important things to be seen to.

  Her scent is driving me mad. It has teased me occasionally the times I have been around Juliet before but now it is so thick in the air and the knowledge that it is me that causes it—

  I cannot stand it anymore.

  I flip Juliet so that her back is on the bed and then I lift up the clothing that has teasingly brushed her knees all night. She is exposed to me except for a small thin triangle of cloth.

  I wait to see if she will push me away but she does not. Her hands stay in my hair and I drop my head to her fragrant sex.

  Knowing this will be my first taste, I cannot help but torture us both a minute longer with anticipation.

  I spread her legs wide and then lick up her inner thigh, pausing at the apex of her legs where the material barrier begins. I linger there, lathing at her skin with my tongue.

  Her legs begin to tremble on both sides of my head.

  “Please,” she begs, her hands urging my head as if to move me where she wants, but I turn my head and nip at her fingertips.

  She groans but pulls her hands back.

  I lick her through the damp cloth and my hips immediately jut forward against the bed. I’ve never felt the mating need more strongly. My male parts are descended fully and are thick with need.

  “Juliet,” I rasp as I drag down the strip of cloth separating me from my destiny.

  And expose the most beautiful, soft petaled sex. I did not imagine it would be like— But I cannot stand it any longer. Her scent is driving me mad.

  I lick up her center.

  Her scent and flavor explode on my tongue, lighting up every nerve ending in my body up, both human and Draci.

  I grasp her hips to hold her in place. I must have more. I must taste every inch of her, inside and out.

  And her femaleness is so intricate. And soft. Incredibly soft. So different from the Draci. Her moist folds are so silky and supple and fragrant as I explore her.

  When I come to her center, I thrust my tongue deep inside, burying my face in her sex.

  She likes that, I can tell from her unguarded moans. She is not hiding herself from me. She has spread herself wide open in every way.

  I will reward her trust.

  I continue my explorations, paying close attention to her responses. When I get to the top of her slit, her breathing quickens and her moans become higher-pitched.

  What did I do to increase her pleasure like that? I swirl my tongue in a similar pattern and again she moans.

  As I swish my tongue back and forth, I feel it. A soft nub of flesh hidden beneath her folds. A secret button to release her pleasure.

  I suckle her there and more of her juices flood my mouth.

  And then something incredible happens.

  I can suddenly see her, through tasting her. I can feel everything she is feeling. In bright flashes, I feel her pleasure and adrenaline and excitement and confusion.

  I am making her feel so good and it scares her. She cannot remember the last time she felt this good, if ever. For some reason, she also feels guilt right now. Guilt for feeling so good, as if she does not deserve it.

  Why is she feeling that? Is it because she does not know Robbie is dead? Does she still feel loyalty to him? In all our discussions earlier, my killing him did not come up. I do not want her to feel guilt. I only want her pleasure to rise higher and higher. I want to obliterate any other thought.

  So I redouble my efforts on her pleasure button and also lift a hand to explore inside her channel. She clenches around the finger I stick inside her.

  And now in her taste, I sense a desperation. A desperation to be filled.

  By the ancients, I want that, too.

  My need is becoming painful. But her cries continue to crescendo. I must know where they lead. I insert another finger and her body is so hot, so hot and wet and greedy, sucking my fingers in.

  I suckle and then release and flip just the tip of my tongue back and forth and then around her button and it is this that drives her over the edge.

  She grabs ahold of my hair again as if she cannot help herself and thrusts her hips up and into my face as she lets out a high-pitched wail of pleasure.

  And, oh ancients, I feel it with her. I’m lifted up out of my body into a blinding white light of pleasure. I— I cannot—

  Ancients save me, I—

  I bury my face deeper into her hot, wet sex as we both ride her pleasure. It spasms outwards from the center, sending a shockwave through both of our bodies.

  My own spontaneous climax is secondary to the rush of connection with Juliet as the pleasure crests and then blossoms outward in concentric waves.

  By the time the tsunami is little more than a lapping at the shores, I am exhausted. Exhausted by pleasure.

  I roll to the side of Juliet, my head still on her thigh, my hands still clutching her hips. Occasionally I lick her sex because I am unwilling to part with the connection just quite yet.

  She is on her side as well and she bends in half so that she is curled over me, breathing heavily.

  “What was that?” she whispers once she has regained her breath. “I’ve never felt so— It’s never been so intense—”

  I give her sex one last long, lazy lick before I shift so that I’m looking her in the face. “I didn’t know,” I whisper in wonder, cradling her face with my hand. “I didn’t know I would feel you like that.”

  She blinks. “Is that… Is that normal?”

  I laugh. “I don’t know. No Draci has ever done this before.”

  She shakes her head, eyes half-mast. “I feel like I should be freaked out right now.”

  “You aren’t?”

  She shakes her head. “I sorta just want to curl up with you and fall asleep after the most intense orgasm of my life. Is that shitty?” She looks down my body. “We didn’t even take care of you.”

  I frown. “Take care of?”

  “You know… Get you off.” Obviously still seeing my confusion, her cheeks go pink but she continues. “Get you to orgasm.”

  “Oh I did,” I say confidently, happy to assuage her concerns. She must not be able to see the wet spot on my dark pants. It is mildly uncomfortable, but far less than my aroused male parts when they were erect and confined by the cloth. It will dry. “Yours tri
ggered mine.”

  “Oh.” Her eyebrows rise in surprise and then she smiles. “It did?”

  I do not think she felt or understood the full extent of my connection to her while I suckled and tasted her. That is sad that it was only a one-way sharing. Still, I am so glad for the gift of glimpsing her, body and spirit, that all I can do is lift up and kiss her.

  Her essence is not as strong when merely tasting her lips but it is still there. And I like the hungry way she devours my mouth, even though she does not have a scenting tongue.

  Still, I can see her fatigue when she finally pulls back.

  I pull her close to my side, her head on my smooth chest. “Sleep now.”

  “I— We should talk. Everything tonight was—” But her eyes are sleepy and her blinks become longer until she is fast asleep.

  Chapter Thirteen


  I wake with the dawn, so comfortable and safe-feeling that I’m positive I’m still asleep. I don’t feel safe. I never feel safe.

  Not since that night three years ago when I caught Robbie’s, aka, Butcher’s, eye in a bar I never should have been in and agreed to go on a date with him.

  I curl into the heated pillow underneath my head. Just five more minutes. Just five more minutes and then I’ll get up and face my shitty life again.

  And then I realize the pillow is moving up and down. Like…breathing. I jerk back and holy shit. It’s Shak.

  Who’s an alien.

  Who killed and then flam-bayed to a crisp the leaders of Robbie’s motorcycle gang.

  Who then went down on me in the most insane and amazing and intense oral sex I’ve ever had in my life.



  My hands fly to the sides of my head. Serious. Holy. Shit.

  I swing my legs over the edge of the bed, carefully and slowly so as not to wake Shak. I still have my skirt on but no panties.

  I pull them on quickly, along with my sandals, grab my purse and hurry on tiptoes towards the door.

  I ease the door open, wincing when it squeaks, my eyes shooting back to Shak. He sleeps on, his face peaceful. Gorgeous. Kind.

  What the hell are you doing, Juliet?

  My forehead drops to thump against the door jamb. Why the hell am I running now?

  Shak is the first good thing to happen to me in forever.

  And dear God, he’s an alien! I can’t even wrap my head around it. Maybe because he looks completely human.

  Plus, he saved my life.

  But he doesn’t know me. And I’ll only disappoint him like I do everybody else if I don’t get out now and—

  He stirs on the bed and that decides it.

  I slip out the door and close it quietly behind me.

  Chapter Fourteen


  When I wake, Juliet is not in bed beside me.

  I leap to my feet and am about to race out the door when it suddenly opens. And Juliet is there, smiling and holding a bag and two beverages.

  My racing heartbeat slows and I immediately rush over to her and enclose her in my arms.

  “I was scared to waken and find you gone,” I breathe out in a rush.

  She smiles affectionately at me as she pulls back and moves to sit down on the bed. “You always just say what you’re feeling, don’t you?”

  Her question takes me by surprise and I think about it a moment as I sit down next to her and look at the pastries she is pulling from the bag. I quickly extend my tongue and taste the aromatic sweetness of the food she has brought along with the bitter smell of the liquid.

  “To be honest, it is only with you that I’m so open. The Draci live long lives and those among the highest families and castes are known for their secrecy and cunning. They make pacts and secret alliances and their lives are full of nonstop politics and manipulation. It is a dangerous world for an honest man.”

  She pauses with one of the pastries close to her mouth. “And are you? An honest man?”

  She has caught my gaze and I do not look away as I tell her the truth. “I have been both honest and dishonest to get where I wanted to be in life. I was very concerned for many years with my status and caste. Some in my family will not respect a person if they cannot display a familiarity with manipulation.”

  Juliet gulps hard, then sips from her drink. “So you’re a master manipulator?”

  I can sense her tensing up and I remember her anxiety from yesterday, even as she was giving herself to me intimately.

  I reach out and take her hand, needing to be connected to her.

  “I do not want you to mistrust me, Juliet. I want to be as honest with you as possible. I want you to know about the Draci. I don’t want to just share the approved message they are giving to your government. I will not lie to you.” As the words leave my mouth, I realize that I must deliver on this promise.

  Which means telling Juliet the true reason that I am here. And risk losing her?

  I banish the thought. When the time comes, I will tell her all.

  I move the food to the side and scoot closer to her. “I do not lie when I tell you that meeting you has made me question all my ambitions. I have spent my life alone. Until you.”

  She does not know, cannot know about the years spent in the pits, mining ambrothicite in the years before the sun went dark, the material that would power the three Salvation Ships. I spent decades in the bitter cold under waning sunlight and endless nights, with only my burning determination to reclaim my birthright to keep me warm.

  Many Draci perished in those fields, most often by their own hand. They could not live in their dreams of the future as I did.

  I lived every day basking in the glory I was sure would one day be mine.

  But it was a foolish young man’s dream.

  It was the dream of a man who had never known the touch of the female. Who truly believed he never would.

  I see Juliet’s skepticism in her eyes and I do not know how to convince her of my most basic truth—she has changed everything.

  I take her hand and line my palm up flat against hers. “I did not know this was possible between a male and female. I did not know I would find my reason for being so long after I thought I already knew my course in life.”

  Her fingers close on mine. “Shak,” she breathes out hard. “You gotta stop saying shit like that.”

  What does she—?

  But before I can ask for clarification, her lips are on mine.

  Every time I am astounded by how plump and soft her flesh is. And when my tongue begins to explore, sweetness explodes upon my senses. Both from the sweetness of the pastry Juliet was eating and from her own essence.

  Her hands land on my chest and then immediately skim downwards. My stomach muscles flex and my male parts quickly descend and thicken. Does she know what she—?

  But before I can heave in my next breath, her delicate hand lands on my arousal.

  “By the ancients,” I swear and grab her into my arms, lifting her up until she straddles me.

  She whips her shirt off over her head. I stare for only a moment at the delicate rose pink circle that tips each teat. I have read about these and seen diagrams. Draci women do not have mammary glands or teats.

  I know they are meant for human offspring, but I cannot stand leaving a single inch of my Juliet untasted.

  So I lean down and give each teat an investigative lick.

  Juliet arches her back, her pleasure aroma scenting the air. I look up in surprise but her hands are on my head, pressing my face back against her teats.

  I lick and then suckle experimentally on the tips. Juliet groans and shifts her hips restlessly against my aroused male parts.

  Like last night, my pants quickly become too tight and restrictive. Especially with the friction as she slides her sex against me, only the fabric of my pants and her undergarments between us.

  What would it feel like, to penetrate her not with only my fingers, but with my—

  “Let me go get a
condom,” she says, pulling away from me and getting off the bed.

  I’m half-dazed by her scent so thick in the air. I cannot stop scenting the air with my tongue. But she is still walking away from me.

  “Why do you leave?” I ask, only barely restraining myself from following her.

  But no, all of this must be on her timeline. I remember her anxiety and even now, I can taste a thread of it amidst her pleasure scent.

  I will give her no cause to fear me. I would die before doing so.

  Juliet bends over and digs around in the carrying bag she brings everywhere. Then she stands back up, a smile on her face and a small foil square in her hand.

  I do not know what it is she holds, but she is smiling so I smile. Especially when she shimmies out of her skirt and stands before me, completely bare.

  Ancients beyond, I have always believed I was cursed from birth, but now I know I am blessed among all the Draci.

  Even more so when she walks back to me, hips swaying, moist sex glistening. She pauses and drops the foil square to the side table. But I cannot get a closer look at it before she drops her hands to my pants and wrestles the button open, a bit of a feat considering how tightly they are stretched at the moment.

  My arousal springs free and Juliet jumps back, eyes wide.

  “Holy shit! There’s two of them!”

  Chapter Fifteen


  Shak has two cocks.


  And they’re both massive. How did he not think to mention this little tidbit earlier?

  But he just nods at my exclamation as if it were obvious. “Yes. It is part of my Draci DNA that remains unchanged.”

  “But they look… I mean—”

  Apart from there being two of them, they look perfectly normal. I guess if I look a little closer, there’s sort of what looks like a dusting of fine golden glitter right beneath the skin, but yeah, otherwise, human.

  But there’s two of them, one on top of the other, and a huge pair of balls beneath. Jesus, how does this guy even find pants to fit…all that…in comfortably?


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